June 30, 2021

Maps Are a Change Agent’s Best Friend

By Jen Van Deusen

Nonprofits use maps to create positive change and advance their mission.

What is the issue a community is facing, where is it happening, who are the people involved, and what do on-the-ground conditions look like? These are the questions that nonprofits and mission-driven organizations working to create positive change need to understand. These are also the questions these organizations need to be able to show others to inspire them and get them onboard with their cause – whether it’s raising awareness and educating the public, inspiring citizens to take action, seeking support from donors, or  advocating for change with policymakers and elected officials.

Maps provide an effective and compelling vehicle for change agents to further their mission. Maps make complex data understandable and inspire others to take action. And they are personal – communities can use maps to see where they live, work, and play, and better understand how economic, social, and environmental concerns intersect and what issues need to be addressed.

Democracy Labs, a not-for-profit organization founded in 2017, supports citizens and other nonprofits in democracy, activism, and community organizing. Co-founded by Deepak Puri and his wife, Shareen Punian, Democracy Labs applies innovative technology to social justice, voting rights, and environmental causes.

Read more at the original article here.