
Case Study

DemLabs tests the best, most affordable technology to make the biggest impact for campaigns and nonprofits, no matter the budget.

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9 Dec’ 2023

Insider’s Guide To Spreading Disinformation

Struggling to find new ways to mislead people? Worried a pesky reporter will expose you? Use this INSIDER'S GUIDE adapted from research by Dr. Rand Waltzman,...

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13 Aug’ 2023

Lost in Kansas – Freedom of Speech

Kansas police raid office of the Marion County Record newspaper and seize its computers... Wait! Doesn't such press intimidation normally happen in dictatorships? Sorry, Dorothy. This is the...

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28 May’ 2023

HEALTH HAZARD: Hypocrites who ban books but not guns in schools

What kills more students? Guns or books? Why is it then that dark money groups want to ban books but not guns? Are they really concerned...