
Case Study

DemLabs tests the best, most affordable technology to make the biggest impact for campaigns and nonprofits, no matter the budget.

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9 Mar’ 2024

Find when something was said in a video or podcast with AI-powered

AI makes it easy to find what you're looking for in a video or podcast. President Biden's State Of The Union was about an hour long....

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9 Mar’ 2024

Team Unity Uses Geo-Targeting to Mobilize Black Voters In Georgia

Fight fire with fire. Republicans use mapping to gerrymander with scientific precision so they can cling to power. Grassroots groups should use the same mapping tools...

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8 Mar’ 2024

You thought President Biden’s State Of The Union was good? It’s even better in Spanish!

Listen to President Biden deliver the State Of The Union (SOTU) in Spanish with this AI generated recording. 13.1% of Americans speak Spanish at home. Many...

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7 Mar’ 2024

10 Questions To Unmask Christian Nationalists

Christian Nationalists are pushing to change America into a fascist dictatorship with Project 2025. When a candidate says she is a Christian (or any faith,) voters...

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7 Mar’ 2024

Find Your Savings: Mapping President Biden’s Credit Card Late Fee Caps

Credit card late fees capped at $8 under Biden crackdown on 'junk fees' "Most credit card late fees will be capped at $8 under the Biden administration's latest...

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6 Mar’ 2024

Disinformation Detours: Fast Fixes for Election Interference And Robocalls

Think of election interference as traffic accidents that interrupt voting. Election interference can happen anywhere at any time, just like traffic accidents. Election interference take different...

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5 Mar’ 2024

How To Cook Up Fishy Survey Results

"There is something wrong at the NY Times... their recent poll showed glaring contradictions and straight-up bias." "The poll found Trump winning the female vote by...

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4 Mar’ 2024

Meet your MAGA rep gunning to ban birth control

145 GOP Members of Congress Ask Supreme Court to Slash Access to the Abortion Pill "Republican lawmakers urged the court to declare that the 19th-century Comstock...

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4 Mar’ 2024

Selma 59th Anniversary Reminder: VOTE!

I joined the celebrations in Selma today for the 59th Anniversary of the bridge crossing. Alabama send an urgent reminder to vote. Republican voter suppression just...