10 February, 2024

Fundraise the CLASSY way

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Fundraise the CLASSY way

Raise more funds with crowdfunding.

Energize your supporters choose to tap their network of friends and family members to support your cause.

The Center for Common Ground is non-partisan, Black and women-led voting rights organization that is crowdfunding to Build Data Infrastructure to engage more voters. It plans to reach out to 18 million voters of color in the Southeast in 2024.  It is raising funds to build a data infrastructure and buy addresses for each state which cost $15k each.

This blog explains how they are using the CLASSY platform to crowdfund. (Full disclosure: I am a Center For Common Ground Director)

Step-By-Step guide to build your Classy fundraising campaign

Supporters create their own account before creating their own customized donation page. This also lets the campaign organizer track how each supporter is doing in fundraising.

Supporters create their own accounts
Supporters create their own account before creating their own customized donation page. This also lets the campaign organizer track how each supporter is doing in fundraising.

Supporters create their own account before creating their own customized donation page. This also lets the campaign organizer track how each supporter is doing in fundraising.

Customize the appeal to donate
Setting up a page is fast and simple. Just add a personal appeal to donate, the amount that you are hoping to raise and your photo or logo.

A central dashboard allows you to track the amount of funds raised and which supporters are the best fundraisers.

Monitor fundraising progress
A central dashboard allows you to track the amount of funds raised and which supporters are the best fundraisers.

What is crowdfunding?

Traditional fundraising often involves preparing grant applications and fundraising events. Crowdfunding takes a different approach. It lets you tap your supporters and their networks to raise donations. Crowdfunding enables your supporters to ask their friends for donations through online appeals they personalize themselves. They can share their appeals through emails, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Clicking on the donation link leads to a donation page.

Reach more people outside of your circle, with the help of your friends. Ask your friends to reshare your social media posts. On most social media platforms, they can do this by clicking “share” or “repost” so that their followers get the chance to see your fundraiser, too. Ask your friends to create their own post that features your fundraiser. You can send them photos, video, or a suggested caption to help you spread the word, or encourage them to explain in their own words why they supported your cause. Did you know? You can add friends and family to your fundraising team as well. - GoFundMe

The Center For Common Ground

"We educate and empower voters of color in voter suppression states. Together, we can build a democracy that prioritizes the voices of ALL people."

The Center For Common Ground works in states where more than 20% of voters are people of color – Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas. Democracy works best when everyone is invited to participate in it. Unfortunately, there is a stark contrast in whose voices get prioritized in elections. The Center for Common Ground works to ensure every voter knows their voice and their votes matter.

Take Away: Raise donations with crowdfunding. Support Center Of Common Ground's campaign to educate and empower voters of color in voter suppression states.


Image credit: FreePik

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