24 September, 2023

Turn words into stunning videos automatically with AI

icon Create videos with AI
Turn words into stunning videos automatically with AI.

How can you create videos quickly with no budget nor video skills? Use AI.

Pictory.AI is a a free(mium) app that lets you convert words into videos. The app is fast, easy to use and has a free version.

I tested Pictory to make this 20 second video with this recent announcement 'Biden administration expands Temporary Protected Status for nearly half a million Venezuelans' - Miami Herald

I pasted the words into the free version of Pictory. Chose a video template and Aspect ration. A few minutes later my app was ready compete with a soundtrack. I edited the video with the free iMovie app and uploaded it to YouTube.

How does AI convert words into videos? The app matches the words in your message with video clips selected from a catalog of video clips. The music soundtrack to accompany the video is chosen from a music catalog based on the 'sentiment analysis' of the words you pasted. See the step by step instructions on how to create your own video.

Create videos from words with AI

What is Temporary Protected Status (TPS)?

The Temporary Protected Status program allows the federal government to authorize immigrants from countries facing natural disasters, civil war, or other kinds of political and social disorder to legally remain and work in the U.S. for up to 18 months at a time, and to renew those protections indefinitely. That status isn’t provided to everyone who has arrived from a particular country; it’s available only to people living in the U.S. as of the date the federal government grants the TPS designation. - The Atlantic

"The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announce another series of actions to increase enforcement across the Southwest Border, accelerate processing of work authorizations, and the decision to redesignate and extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuela. The Secretary of Homeland Security decided to extend and redesignate TPS for Venezuela. due to extraordinary and temporary conditions in Venezuela that prevent individuals from safely returning." - DHS

TakeAway: Use the best free apps to reach more people. Try Pictory.



Convert words into videos for free with the AI based Pictory app.
Convert words into videos for free with the AI based Pictory app.
Convert words into videos for free with the AI based Pictory app.
Convert words into videos for free with the AI based Pictory app.
Convert words into videos for free with the AI based Pictory app.
Create videos from words with AI
Convert words into videos for free with the AI based Pictory app.
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9 Mar’ 2024

Find when something was said in a video or podcast with AI-powered

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8 Mar’ 2024

You thought President Biden’s State Of The Union was good? It’s even better in Spanish!

Listen to President Biden deliver the State Of The Union (SOTU) in Spanish with this AI generated recording. 13.1% of Americans speak Spanish at home. Many...

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6 Mar’ 2024

Disinformation Detours: Fast Fixes for Election Interference And Robocalls

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19 Feb’ 2024

President Day audio tribute to President Biden

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14 Feb’ 2024

How To Create A Rapid Response TikTok Video: STOP THE COUP 2025

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13 Feb’ 2024

Podcasts Are An Activist’s Best Friend To Reach More People

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8 Feb’ 2024

How to make a rapid response video

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6 Feb’ 2024

Trump Has No Immunity To Prosecution for Jan 6th Insurrection: Listen To AI Generated Audio Summary

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2 Feb’ 2024

Amplify your message with shared talking points

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31 Jan’ 2024

How To Monitor Hate Speech And Disinformation On Talk Radio with AI

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26 Jan’ 2024

Trump creates border chaos to help Putin invade Ukraine: AI analysis

"Trump has indicated to senators that he does not want us to solve the problem at the border. He wants to lay the blame for the border...

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24 Jan’ 2024

iMovie: An Activist’s Best Friend

Add iMovie to your toolkit. This Apple app is fast, free and easy to use! Reach more people with videos created with iMovie. It's fast, free...

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23 Jan’ 2024

How AI Generates Fake Robocalls For Voter Suppression

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20 Jan’ 2024

AI Reveals Dementia In Trump Speeches

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15 Jan’ 2024

Teach AI to Inspire: How ChatGPT Learns From Speeches by MLK Jr.

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15 Jan’ 2024

Use AI to search videos for keywords or soundbites

AI makes it easy to find what you're looking for in a video. Here's how. Say for instance, you're searching for when Trump said "Women who...

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13 Jan’ 2024

Amplify Your Message with AI Generated Audio Clips

How do you amplify a message that could help thousands of people? "Some Americans will get their student loans canceled in February as Biden accelerates his...

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6 Jan’ 2024

Use AI to convert videos into different languages: Like the Biden-Harris ad to PRESERVE DEMOCRACY

Make sure everyone gets your message, regardless of what language they speak. Use AI to convert videos into different languages. It's fast, easy and affordable. English...

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29 Dec’ 2023

How we created an AI Bot to write Obama-like speeches. Yes we can!

A select few are great communicators. Most aren't. AI can help the rest of us. We trained an AI bot to review ten of President Obama's...

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21 Dec’ 2023

Fast And Furious: AI Generated Response to Bogus MAGA Impeachment Inquiry

Use AI to create 'Fast And Furious' rapid response audio clips. It's fast and free. Plus it makes easier for people to hear your message on...

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7 Dec’ 2023

Speaking of a little man who wants to be a dictator

"The best way to beat a wannabe strongman is to reveal his weaknesses" "Trump is running for president for himself, not the public. His campaign is...

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6 Dec’ 2023

D-Day revisited under MAGA leadership: Creating punch rapid response videos

What happens when MAGA culture warriors cripple real American warriors? This 30 second video imagines what would have happened on D-Day with MAGA leaders with a...

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3 Dec’ 2023

No one is above the law including indicted frontrunners

Former Presidents do not get a lifelong ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ pass. Judge Chutkan made an very important statement about the rule of law in America. How do you...

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8 Nov’ 2023

How to frame an issue and amplify your message through supporters

How do you get your message heard when there's a lot of noise? Copy choir directors. Choose a song and have all your choir members sing...

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21 Oct’ 2023

Track the Georgia ELECTION INTERFERENCE TRIAL with this relationship map

Coups to overthrow democracy are complex and secretive. Relationship maps make it easier to see who was involved in the coup and their role. Fani Willis'...

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19 Oct’ 2023

Republican ABORTION BAN Playbook: Now as free app & podcast in both English and Spanish!

Banning abortions while claiming to be against bans at the same time is called 'DoubleSpeak'. Republicans are using DoubleSpeak word games to hide their plans to...

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27 Sep’ 2023

Campaigning on a budget? Use AI to stream your message Loud and Clear!

How do you reach and persuade more people on a tight budget? Use free AI apps to create, translate and stream your message! Rachel Levy is...

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20 Sep’ 2023

How to create a rapid response video: Stop MAGA Republicans Taking America hostage

MAGA Republicans are threatening to shutdown the Government (again). How do explain the consequences of a government shutdown so that it's easier to understand? Use a...

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19 Sep’ 2023

Protect Your Medicaid

Millions of Americans are being purged from Medicaid. Many don't even know they've been cut! Nearly 5 million Medicaid recipients have lost coverage because they were...

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17 Sep’ 2023

Virginia Audio Voter Guides in English and Spanish

There's a lot at stake in the upcoming Virginia election. Abortion Rights. Healthcare. Gun Violence. Voting rights... "Too often people often don’t vote because they don’t...

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13 Sep’ 2023

Driving Change: AI enables RIDES TO THE POLLS for low income voters

Why is it hardest for Americans in need to vote? Voter suppression. MAGA Republicans make it harder for low income families, the rural, seniors, the disabled...

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8 Sep’ 2023

How To Create Compelling Content: Your guide to persuasive YouTube and TikTok videos

Use these tips to make persuasive videos. This Politics Girl video is important. You learn about the importance of voting in Nov 7th Virginia election, and...

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2 Sep’ 2023

Virginia Votes: The App That Puts Democracy in Your Hands

Improve voter turnout by making it easier for voters to get the information they need. Voters face many hurdles to voting in Virginia: fewer polling locations,...

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25 Aug’ 2023

Visualizing Justice: Free Visual Database to Track Georgia’s RICO Indictments and Surrenders

Organized crime is meant to be confusing. That's why pros use software to analyze RICO cases. Use this free visual database from Democracy Labs to track...

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24 Aug’ 2023

Student Loan Relief: Dive into President Biden’s SAVE Plan with Our Infographic and Audio Guide

President Biden’s SAVE plan brings relief to millions of struggling student loan borrowers. "The SAVE plan is an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan that calculates payments based...

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21 Aug’ 2023

Amplify Your Impact: Train More People With AI-powered Apps

How do you quickly train supporters across the country in different languages? Use AI. We created online training to train people on how to message the...

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19 Aug’ 2023

Debt-Free Dreams: Student Loan Forgiveness Gave Me A New Life!

How do you describe the HUGE impact of a program that's helping over 800,000 Americans? Humanize your message. It's hard to empathize with thousands of people...

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17 Aug’ 2023

Unmasking the likely Georgia Unindicted Co-Conspirators

More details emerge about the likely unindicted co-conspirators in Trump's Georgia indictment trial. Good thing that the Kumu software DemLabs is using for this relationship map...

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16 Aug’ 2023

Navigate The Legal Web: Follow Trump’s Georgia Indictments With This Relationship Map

Nineteen suspects indicted for dozens of crimes. How do you make sense of them all? Use a relationship map like this one to quickly track who...

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2 Aug’ 2023

Press PLAY for The Trump Indictment in Audio!

Trump indicted for conspiring to defraud the U.S., disenfranchise voters, and obstruct an official proceeding. Read the 45 page indictment here. But what if you're busy...

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1 Aug’ 2023

Supercharge your campaign messaging with ChatGPT and ChatBots

Get the most bang for your buck: Test and improve your campaign messaging. Words matter. Savvy marketers will test different versions of messages to see which...

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23 Jul’ 2023

Turn Words Into Voices – Amplify Your Message With AI

Make it easier for people to get your message by converting it into audio. It's easy with the Audyo AI App. 73% or an estimated 209...

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17 Jul’ 2023

WhatsApp Truth Squad: Tackle Disinformation One Message At A Time

WhatsApp is the ideal platform to spread disinformation. AI makes it even more dangerous. Bad actors target disinfo to WhatsApp groups that only group members can...

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27 Jun’ 2023

How AI Could Take Over Elections

How does TikTok know what you'd like to watch? Or Spotify know what you'd like to hear? Or Amazon what you're most likely to buy? They...

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21 Jun’ 2023

Exposing The Dark Realities of Republican Policies for Rape Victims: PODCAST

What happens to a 10-year old rape victim under Republican policies? How do you explain what this means in 30 seconds? Listen to this podcast with...

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18 Jun’ 2023

Answer questions on Zoom with real-time help from ChatGPT plug-in

You're stumped by a question on a Zoom. What do you do? Ask ChatGPT for help discreetly. Copy the answer into the BigStage Teleprompter and read...

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16 Jun’ 2023

Mapping the Republican Attack On National Security & Veterans Benefits

National security documents compromised. Military promotions held hostage. Veterans benefits cut. 'Horrifying': Intel Experts Fear The Human Costs Of Trump's Document Handling. Some of the compromised...

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11 Jun’ 2023

Use AI to improve your outreach to minority communities

Use AI to customize messages and images to better reach minority groups in their own languages. ChatGPT and other AI apps make it easy to translate...

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2 Jun’ 2023

How likely is your house to be flooded? Check this AI simulation.

How likely are you to be flooded after the Supreme Court gutted the EPA's ability to fight global warming? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects the...

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20 May’ 2023

Republican Work Requirement to get Medicaid explained with AI

"The GOP’s Work-Requirement Scam" - NY Mag The Republican Party is threatening to deliberately engineer a global financial crisis unless Joe Biden slashes aid for America’s most vulnerable....

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12 May’ 2023

How to create rapid response political videos with AI

MAGA Republicans take veterans' benefits hostage. How do you create a rapid response video to mobilize resistance? Use AI. AI levels the playing field in political...

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9 May’ 2023

MAGA DEBT CRISIS: How we created a video for free using AI and text prompts

AI-powered apps make it fast, simple and affordable to make videos from text. How does AI make videos from text? We took the free version of...

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6 May’ 2023

Somos Votantes makes powerful videos with free app

How can organizers create powerful videos in minutes for free? Lumen5. Organizers face specific challenges in creating persuasive videos:- Rapid response: Videos have to be created...

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1 May’ 2023

ChatGPT analyzes Republican abortion policies

Use ChatGPT to understand Republican abortion policies and their War On Women. Politicians use a flood of words to disguise and hide what they really mean....

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29 Apr’ 2023

How to create political memes with AI image generators

Innovation wins. Learn how to create memes with AI image generators. It's fast, free and fun. "AI image generators convert a text input to produce striking visuals....

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27 Apr’ 2023

Use AI to generate political images and videos

RNC slams Biden in AI generated ad - Axios "The RNC video features AI-created images appearing to show President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris celebrating at...

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26 Apr’ 2023

AI converts Biden-Harris campaign video into Spanish, Tagalog and Chinese

Biden-Harris announce 2024 reelection campaign The Biden-Harris campaign video is inspiring, but it's only in English. To make it easier for the millions of Americans who...

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22 Apr’ 2023

Use ChatGPT chatbots to mobilize young voters

New Ohio voter ID requirements put out-of-state college students “between a rock and a hard place” - Ohio Capital Journal A new law changing voting ID...

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30 Jan’ 2023

Move fast to convert outrage into action and supporters

Use rapid response campaigns that leverage the headlines to recruit new supporters and donors. The news cycle moves fast. How can a grassroots group leverage what's...

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16 Jan’ 2023

If Martin Luther King came back, this is the birthday present he’d want!

Martin Luther King Jr. would want 270 votes. This blog describes how activists designed a rapid response video for MLK day to encourage people to vote....

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14 Jan’ 2023

CHAOS CAUCUS pushes America to debt default: What does this mean for you?

The CHAOS CAUCUS gets to work... creating chaos. They've taken America hostage and threaten to force a debt default unless their demands are met. What would...

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11 Jan’ 2023

How to quickly create customized videos in different languages with just a computer

How do you reach small, marginalized groups that don't speak English? There's an app for that. Timely, locally relevant work best to get your message heard...

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3 Jan’ 2023

Enhance your video with an AI generated talking head. It’s fast, easy and affordable.

Talking-head videos engage more viewers. How can groups with small budgets, few technical skills and tight deadlines create videos with talking heads? DemLabs volunteers created two...

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21 Oct’ 2022

Do-It-Yourself campaign ads pack a punch

Robin Williams (D) is a community leader in Indiana District 30 and running to unseat Mike Karickhoff (R) who's voted to ban abortions. Robin speaks truth...

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17 Oct’ 2022

Student debt relief: Apply now!

How do you share details of a program, like Student Debt Relief that'll improve the lives of millions of Americans? But do it fast, with no...

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11 Oct’ 2022


Rick Scott oversaw the biggest Medicare fraud and author of the GOP Platform to cut Medicare. He inspired INVASION OF THE MEDICARE SNATCHERS. When Scott was...

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9 Sep’ 2022

How to choose the right storytelling app

Choose the right app to tell your story by considering your audience, the message and your desired outcome. There is no one size fits all in...

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26 Aug’ 2022

How to create midterm campaign videos with the winning FREEDOM narrative

Use the winning 'freedom narrative' to mobilize the base and persuade swing voters in the midterms.  This election is a clear choice, between Americans who work...

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28 Jul’ 2022

16 best free graphics apps for activists

Tell your story better with pictures. Use free apps to design persuasive images, GIFs and videos. See how other campaigns apply these apps to inspire people...

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3 Jul’ 2022

Top ten storytelling apps

Use the right storytelling app to inform and persuade more people to take action. How do you choose which app to choose? Does your message involve...

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26 May’ 2022

Use TikTok in campaigns to reach the next generation

The revolution will not be televised - but it will be on TikTok. Did you know that TikTok captures more monthly hours from users than Facebook...

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22 May’ 2022

Fight FOX propaganda. Strengthen the FCC

FOX News spreads conspiracy theories to sell ads while attacking the FCC - the federal agency that regulates media outlets like FOX. "The FCC is currently...

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28 Apr’ 2022

YouTube Shorts: Ideal for campaigns and activists on the move

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” ― Ferris Bueller It's the same with organizing....

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9 Apr’ 2022

Stop FOX streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

"As Ukrainians fight for their lives, it's time to permanently remove pro-Putin propaganda from US military bases. Stop brainwashing our troops. As the GOP has embraced...

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5 Feb’ 2022

Grassroots political campaign run with military precision in Maryland

Sherman Hardy, a US Air Force veteran is running for office with military-style precision in Maryland. Sherman is the underdog candidate in the race for County...

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6 Jan’ 2022

Make rapid response videos for free with iMovie

How do you create a rapid response videos when you have no money and hardly any video editing skills? Use iMovie. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland...

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4 Dec’ 2021

Que incluye BBB para ti? Free apps for better Hispanic outreach.

How can information in the public interest be shared broadly when billionaires control media outlets? "Psychological-ops degrade the morale and well-being of citizens by spreading false...

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29 Nov’ 2021

Record police encounters automatically with your iPhone and Siri Shortcuts

Videos of Philando Castille, Daunte Wright and George Floyd's deaths raised public awareness of police encounters and demands for justice. Imagine you're suddenly pulled over and...

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26 Oct’ 2021

Zuckerberg sings ‘Oops… I did it again’ in spoof of Brittany classic

Funny videos go far on social media. Spread your message with videos created with the free iMovie app. "For Zuckerberg, profit trumps free speech. Zuckerberg frequently deflects...

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18 Oct’ 2021

Virginia Election: Youngkin morphs into Trump

Virginia GOP candidate Youngkin tries to distance himself from Trump. Activists create GIFs to highlight their similarities. "Trump has endorsed Youngkin. "A great gentleman. We've got...

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6 Oct’ 2021

Make Facebook Whistleblower Testimony Video Available To All Audiences

The Facebook whistleblower testimony is important for everybody to see, no matter what language they speak. Frances Haugen explains in her testimony how Facebook conceals information...

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26 Jul’ 2021

Let vets vote

New Republican voter suppression bills deny disabled vets their right to vote. How can politicians ask Americans to die for democracy, but then deny them their...

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6 Jun’ 2021

How to make rapid response videos. Like for Voting ProChoice after the Texas abortion ban.

Texas governor signs extreme six-week abortion ban that bars abortion with no exception for rape or incest. "18-year-old Paxton Smith used her valedictorian address to protest Texas’s near-total...

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4 Jun’ 2021

Activists use new digital tactics to fight environmental racism

Forests destroyed to make wood pellets for corporate profits. Black communities devastated by the pollution and flooding it causes. That's environmental racism. Community activists struggle to...

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25 May’ 2021

Make your own fundraising video for free

Fundraising videos is a chicken-and-egg challenge for grassroots groups. Can they afford to make a fundraising video? How much money will it raise? Will that even...

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20 May’ 2021

Capitol riot coverup: cartoon edition

"Trump demanded that Republicans in Congress oppose the creation of a bipartisan Commission to investigate the events of January 6." - Popular Info 175 Republicans in Congress led by...

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15 May’ 2021

Stick to your message. Use a teleprompter.

Chris Sosa is running for NY Democratic District 5 City Council. He has a vision to share and uses an on-screen teleprompter to stay on point....

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12 May’ 2021

Liz Cheney’s speech on protecting democracy – in five languages

"We’re witnessing a daylight mugging of our democracy. Thank you, Liz Cheney, for doing something vitally important and clarifying — something that only a conservative Republican...

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14 Apr’ 2021

Yes! You too can make a polished fundraising video for free, in hours with just a laptop.

Fundraising videos work. But it shouldn't cost more to make a video, than the amount you are fundraising. Use the free Lumen5 app to create compelling...