19 November, 2022

Top newsletters on organizing, progressive politics and fighting disinfo

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Top newsletters 
on organizing, progressive politics and fighting disinfo

Stay in the know with these amazing newsletters.

There's a lot happening and if you don't move fast, you may miss it (Ferris Bueller). How can you cope with people trying to overload you with nonsense (Steve Bannon)? Stay informed with these newsletters about organizing, progressive politics, fighting disinformation and more.

Understand the tricks of the dark side with these top newsletters 
on organizing, progressive politics and fighting disinfo.

The Fundamentals of Organizing

Explains the fundamentals of community organizing that cross lineage. George Goehl

Excerpt: Telling the story of our wins is not simply a function of communications, but of base-building. Our current base and our could-be base have unlimited options of how to spend their time. That is why the people we organize and want to organize have to be a primary audience for the story of how we won.

Tsunami of truth

Explains current political events in a direct, humorous style. Michael Moore

Excerpt: "The Republicans now hold the House by the smallest of margins. They have what I call an anemic majority. Weak. Incontinent. Impotent. Because they are haters, misogynists, bigots and Democracy-destroyers, they will not last, and their House will not hold.

They only got here today by the skin of their teeth thanks to Supreme Court-approved gerrymandering and voter suppression. They were so battered and beaten in this election, they had to crawl on bloodied hands and knees to barely make it across the finish line. They are in a state of shock over what has happened. They’ve already started fighting each other. A Republican-only civil war has broken out between the Trump wing and the DeSantis wing. I’ve already got my front row seat and am ready to pop the corn."

Letters from an American

Puts current issues in a broader context and explains how it relates to past events. Heather Cox Richardson

Excerpt: New candidates for Democratic leadership in the House are stepping up now that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she is stepping down. Representative Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) today launched a bid to become the Democratic leader. Emphasizing continuity from Pelosi, with whom he is close, Jeffries called for working with Republicans “where possible…to deliver results for the American people,” but noted that “the opposing party appears to have no plan to accomplish anything meaningful. If the Republican Conference continues to major in demagoguery and minor in disinformation, their bankruptcy of ideas must be aggressively exposed on an ongoing basis.”

Popular Information

Daily news and analysis that respects you as a citizen. Get in-depth information and perspective on the things that really matter. Judd Legum

Excerpt: The Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF) has spent billions creating LIV, a new golf tour. Two of LIV's eight tournaments in 2022 were held at Trump-owned golf courses, including the season-ending championship at Trump Doral in Florida. At one event, Trump participated in the pro-am tournament with two of LIV's highest-profile players — Dustin Johnson and Bryson DeChambeau — and Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the governor of PIF. PIF also funds the Aramco Team Series on the Ladies European Tour. In October 2022, the series held an event at Trump's Ferry Point Golf Course in New York. Another LIV event will reportedly be held at Trump's golf course in Virginia in May 2023. The tournaments at Trump's courses doubled as political events, with right-wing luminaries like Tucker Carlson and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) in attendance. 

Ethnic Media Services

Ethnic Media Services works to enhance the capacity of ethnic news outlets to inform and engage diverse audiences on broader public issues with the goal of building a more inclusive participatory democracy. - Sandy Close

Excerpt: Despite new laws to keep people from voting and gerrymandering election districts to take away the power of minority communities, the Republican “red wave” that pollsters predicted ahead of last week’s midterms didn’t happen.Ethnic Media Services debriefed six experts on their reactions to the election results and what should be done to prepare for the 2024 election.

Democracy Docket

Democracy Docket is the leading progressive media platform dedicated to providing information, opinion and analysis about voting rights, elections, redistricting and democracy. Marc Elias

Excerpt: On college campuses across the country, the energy for the midterm elections was palpable. After Democrats staved off the red wave last Tuesday, recognition started rolling in for young voters who overwhelmingly supported Democratic candidates across the board. According to Tufts University’s day-after estimates, 27% of those aged 18-29 cast a ballot in 2022, the second-highest youth turnout for a midterm election in the past three decades. That figure falls just short of the 31% youth turnout rate in the 2018 midterms. Among this age group in 2022, 63% chose Democratic candidates in U.S House races.

Disinfo Matters

Looks beyond fake news to examine how manipulation of narratives, rewriting of history and altering our memories is reshaping our world. We are currently tracking the war in Ukraine. Natalia Antelava

Excerpt: Propaganda warfare is increasingly shaping narratives, policies and lives around the world. ‘Kanye drank the Kool Aid’: Connecting the dots between antisemitism and white nationalism

Tech Policy Press

Tech Policy Press is a nonprofit media and community venture intended to provoke new ideas, debate and discussion at the intersection of technology and democracy. It publishes opinion and analysis to advance a pro-democracy movement in tech and tech policy. Justin Hendrix is a Democracy Fellow at the Emerson Collective

Excerpt: One of the reasons for concern in the short term is that Musk's drastic layoffs may affect the platform's ability to counter disinformation or incitement to violence following the midterm elections next week. Eddie Perez, a board member at the OSET Institute wrote for Tech Policy Press about five ways Musk's changes at Twitter could impact the midterms. In a flurry of zany posts last week, Elon Musk tweeted that Twitter can be thought of as a “collective, cybernetic super-intelligence” because it consists of “billions of bi-directional interactions per day.” Dr. Joe Bak-Coleman, an expert on complexity and collective behavior, unpacked this claim

Authoritarian Tech

Weekly newsletter on how people in power are abusing technology. It clarifies how authoritarians muddy the conversation with biometrics, surveillance and other technologies.

Excerpt: This is not the first time that Apple has made product or system adjustments in apparent response to pressure from Beijing. In 2018, reporters at Hong Kong Free Press found that the company had implemented special rules for what kinds of words people could have engraved on an iPhone when requesting the service from inside mainland China and Hong Kong. If you wanted to name your phone after Liu Xiaobo, the Falun Gong, or even Xi Jinping, Apple’s automated system would politely inform you that these terms were “inappropriate.” 

The Insider

Informed citizens are our democracy’s best defense. The Brennan Center crafts innovative policies and fights for them in Congress and the courts. Brennan Center

Excerpt: The 2022 election is almost over, about one week after the last ballots were cast. It was a surprising and in many ways inspiring result. Despite inflation, fears of crime, and a toxic political atmosphere, voters took the issue of the health of our democracy seriously. Massive efforts by voting rights groups, election officials of both parties, and law enforcement made a big and visible difference. A few key trends will help shape politics going forward.


free national daily political column and resource site dedicated to the mission of educating and informing Democrats, allies and followers about the issues, politics and the players. A central resource that connects people to the who, what and where of Democratic events and activism. - Kimberly Scott

Excerpt: Despite the economic woes, albeit inherited, of an unpopular current president, voters chose instead to reject the Trump/MAGA brand and its associated division and political violence. According to exit polls, 58% of voters held an unfavorable view of Trump, likely disrupting what should have been a Republican red-wave victory. Trump made more than 250 primary endorsements, uplifting the candidacy of extremist, anti-abortion candidates who failed miserably in battleground races, costing the GOP control of the US Senate. Of the 37 general election Senate, House, and gubernatorial endorsements Trump made in battleground contests, only 14 prevailed on November 8 -- a dismal 38% success rate.

Other Words

Covers politics, policy, and social issues from a progressive perspective in a non-partisan manner. Articles are written by experts from the Institute for Policy Studies and a dozen or so partner non-profits, and authentic voices in local communities. - Peter Certo

Excerpt: HOW LOW-INCOME VOTERS SHAPED THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS. Americans across the spectrum voted to raise wages, expand health care, and protect abortion rights. These issues have a common thread.

Take Away: Understand the tricks of the dark side. May the 'force' be with you!



Image Credit: Star Wars by George Lucas


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20 Jan’ 2024

Biden’s Junk Fee Cuts: Your Wallet’s Best Friend

"Folks are tired of being taken advantage of and played for suckers" "Unfair fees known as junk fees – those hidden charges that companies sneak into...

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22 Dec’ 2023

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste. How to protect yours. (Podcast)

Don't let Fox News destroy your mind. This podcast explains how to protect your mind. Fox News poisons viewers’ minds. People who watch Fox News with...

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11 Dec’ 2023

What’s up with the economy? Get the *real* story.

More jobs are being created than ever before. Salaries are up. Stock market is up. Why is there a big disconnect between public perception and reality?...

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9 Dec’ 2023

Insider’s Guide To Spreading Disinformation

Struggling to find new ways to mislead people? Worried a pesky reporter will expose you? Use this INSIDER'S GUIDE adapted from research by Dr. Rand Waltzman,...

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2 Dec’ 2023

Protect kids from lead poisoning: Storytelling with a purpose

11 million Americans suffer from lead poisoning. Millions of people consume drinking water from lead pipes and the agency said tighter standards would improve IQ scores...

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19 Nov’ 2023

Te has vendido nosotros UNIVISION

Latino backlash grows over Trump’s friendly Univision interview - WaPo Why would a major Hispanic television station pander to Trump who called Mexicans 'rapists and criminals'?...

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9 Nov’ 2023

Don’t Fall For DISINFORMATION: Check The Facts With These 8 Free Tools

Use these 8 free fact checking sites to avoid getting duped by disinformation. In a confusing world flooded with misinformation, rely on the experts to avoid...

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28 Oct’ 2023

Virginia, Vote for Reproductive Rights: Don’t Fall For Republican Dirty Tricks

Virginia Republicans resort to dirty tricks and lies to overcome the backlash to their abortion ban plans. Voter suppression. Purging voters. Closing polling locations. Slander and...

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19 Oct’ 2023

Republican ABORTION BAN Playbook: Now as free app & podcast in both English and Spanish!

Banning abortions while claiming to be against bans at the same time is called 'DoubleSpeak'. Republicans are using DoubleSpeak word games to hide their plans to...

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17 Oct’ 2023

Who’s pulling the strings? Meet the Media Billionaires who shape your reality.

Media billionaires shape your reality through the news you get. Follow the money to see how media billionaires and their funders shape your reality through the...

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23 Sep’ 2023

Rupert Murdoch legacy mapped

"Rupert Murdoch’s legacy is one of deceit, destruction, and death." "Wherever his media properties exist across the globe, they disregard basic journalistic practices and pump venomous...

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11 Sep’ 2023

When Politics Trumps Science: Mapping The Deadly Cost of Ignoring COVID Experts

There have been 108 million cases of COVID in America. 1,174,850 Americans have died from it (as of 9/11/2023). Why do Republicans ignore the health experts...

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6 Sep’ 2023

Homer leads Presidential Polls: Unmasking the Fishy Side of Murdoch’s Polls

Could Homer really be leading the Presidential polls? It all depends on who's conducting the poll. A recent Wall Street Journal poll announced a 2024 matchup between Biden...

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20 Aug’ 2023

Strongman’s Playbook To Silence Critics

I'm the victim. They're persecuting me. They're coming for you next... Sound familiar? Victimization is straight from the authoritarian leader's playbook. "Ours is the age of...

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12 Aug’ 2023

How To Overthrow Democracy: Dictator’s Playbook

The MAGA playbook to overthrow democracy isn't new. Carl Schmitt wrote the playbook for Hitler. It goes like this: Stoke grievances. Get elected with the barest...

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9 Aug’ 2023

Truth Matters: Challenging Fox Affilliate’s FCC Renewal After Election Lies

‘Landmark’ Bid Filed to Take Fox Station Off the Air for Election Lies. Media and Democracy Group (MAD) asks the FCC to deny license to WTXF...

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5 Aug’ 2023

Murdoch Media Empire: Global Cancer On Democracy

The Wall Street Journal criticized the indictment of Trump for a failed coup attempt... Why would a once, highly regarded publication oppose an attack on American...

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17 Jul’ 2023

WhatsApp Truth Squad: Tackle Disinformation One Message At A Time

WhatsApp is the ideal platform to spread disinformation. AI makes it even more dangerous. Bad actors target disinfo to WhatsApp groups that only group members can...

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16 Jul’ 2023

Character Assassination: The dark art of destroying reputations

"They can't kill the truth, so they try to assassinate the character" Manipulators use character assassination. They justify it with a soothing narrative where you are...

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5 Jul’ 2023

More COVID disinfo please

Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee rules for Republican Attorney Generals and blocks Biden Administration from contacting Facebook. What does this ruling mean for you? Follow...

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4 Jun’ 2023

Top Newsletters On Protecting Democracy

American democracy is at stake and it depends on each one of us to defend it. Stay informed. This infographic features some of the best newsletters...

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23 May’ 2023

Fascists’ dirty dozen ways to silence critics

"DeSantis Opponents Arrested in Florida Protesting Abortion Ban" - Newsweek Nikki Fried, chair of the Florida Democrats, and Democrat state Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book were among 11 people...

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16 May’ 2023

Republicans copy Hungarian FASCIST PLAYBOOK

"Orbán is Giving the GOP Lessons on "Soft Fascism" at CPAC" - Hartmann Report “Hungary is actually an incubator where experiments are done on the future...

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10 May’ 2023

Watch for these sneaky tricks Republicans use to deny America’s GUN EPIDEMIC they’ve created

"Elon Musk Flirts With Conspiracy Theories About Texas Mall Shooting" - Rolling Stone Whataboutism: Abbott pointed to Chicago as proof that stringent gun laws are not...

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1 May’ 2023

DemCast amplifies progressive messages with grassroots power

How do you get your heard against an army of bots? DemCast amplifies progressive messages through a network of grassroots volunteers. It's real. Authentic messages shared...

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13 Apr’ 2023

Putin’s Puppet Pushes Propaganda

Trump indicated his support for Vladimir Putin in an interview with Tucker Carlson - Letters From An American Tucker Carlson, downplaying Russia-Ukraine conflict, urges Americans to...

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3 Apr’ 2023

I am not a crook

I am not a crook say Republicans and claim to be above the law. Nope. Democracies don't work like that. Check your knowledge. Do you know...

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1 Apr’ 2023

Indicted Fascist’s Playbook

"The essence of authoritarianism is getting away with crime." - Ruth Ben-Ghiat "Corruption is always at the center of autocratic projects. Clouding minds with propaganda meant...

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25 Mar’ 2023


Dog whistles are coded messages that are understood by a particular group of people but not heard by most people. Learn to recognize dog whistles to understand...

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23 Mar’ 2023

They died for our freedom to read the books we want

100 year old war widow describes how her husband died fighting the Nazis to protect our freedom to read the books we want. - WPTV "I...

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22 Mar’ 2023

How to silence journalists

Florida reporter fired after calling news release on DeSantis event ‘propaganda’. - Washington Post "The news release said DeSantis, a potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate, had hosted a...

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17 Mar’ 2023

Don’t fall for Silicon Valley Bank misinfo: Check the people, money and agenda behind the claims.

"Silicon Valley Bank spent more than $73 million on donations to BLM and related organizations - falsely claimed Tucker Carlson" - Popular Info Don't fall for...

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15 Mar’ 2023

Murdoch Media Empire Culture War Machine Attacks Silicon Valley Bank

"Wall Street Journal: SVB’s board of directors “may have been distracted by diversity demands." - Time Rupert Murdoch's Fox News is being sued by Dominion Voting for...

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15 Mar’ 2023

Republican values illustrated

Your 'fair and balanced' illustrated guide to Republican values. Republicans claim to stand for justice, patriotism and the rule of law. Animal Farm shows how do...

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13 Mar’ 2023

Ban Fox News streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

Veterans Group To Pentagon: Ban Fox News On Military Bases - HuffPo "Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity have “open access to spread conspiracy theories...

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12 Mar’ 2023

How to profile a domestic extremist

What do domestic extremists have in common? Learn more about political extremism and violence with the free PIRUS app by START from the Department of Homeland...

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9 Mar’ 2023

Who’s getting richer from Fox News spreading election lies? Follow the money.

Fox News purpose is to make money. Should American democracy be sacrificed for its profits? "Fox News was willing to murder our democracy for money. The...

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6 Mar’ 2023

GOP Fascist Playbook 101: Attack LGBTQ

"Transgenderism Must Be Eradicated: Michael Knowles at CPAC" - Daily Beast ‘Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ - George Santanya. Understand...

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4 Mar’ 2023

Murdoch’s News Corp is a ‘Cancer on Democracy’

Rupert Murdoch's media empire is a "cancer on democracy," said Kevin Rudd, former Australian prime minister. - CNN Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox News for...

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3 Mar’ 2023

How Twitter monetizes hate and what you can do counter it

"Twitter stands to make millions from ads on just ten toxic reinstated accounts" - Counter Hate "Musk has reinstated tens of thousands of Twitter accounts, including...

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27 Feb’ 2023

How fascists rig elections

Hungarian Viktor Orbán has become a hero for the American right. - Rolling Stone Orbán has made Hungary a laboratory for the conversion of  a liberal democracy...

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18 Feb’ 2023

Two-faced FOX News sued for defamation by Dominion Voting Systems

"Dominion is suing Fox for defamation seeking $1.6 billion in damages ... alleging the network knowingly aired false information about its software based on competitive and...

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15 Feb’ 2023

What is an Incel?

'Incel' Violence, Misogynistic Extremism on the Rise, Secret Service Warns - NewsWeek “Incel” is often used to describe men who feel unable to obtain romantic or...

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12 Feb’ 2023

Republicans explain their plan to phase out Social Security

“All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years" - 11 Point Plan President Biden said in his State of the Union address that “some Republicans want Medicare...

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3 Feb’ 2023

Local journalists use videos to extend their reach and fight racism

Technology is an equalizer between local journalists and big media. About half or more of adults 50 and older get news from TV, but digital devices...

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2 Feb’ 2023


Who gets to tell the story matters. Minority voices are underserved as white billionaires expand their media empires. That's why it is so important to support...

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23 Jan’ 2023

Why are right wing media billionaires smearing Gigi Sohn?

Smear campaigns aren't cheap. What's driving the one against Gigi Sohn's appointment to the FCC? Billionaires have a lot of power through their own media outlets...

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11 Jan’ 2023

GOP Agenda – Illustrated Edition

Republicans unveil their extremist agenda to ban abortions, cut taxes for billionaires and ignore the truth. Follow the agenda with this free pictorial guide! The just...

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6 Jan’ 2023

Jan 6th cast : Where are they now map

Where is the Jan 6th insurrection cast now? What are they doing? Catch up with this network map. It's easy to forget people's contributions over time....

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5 Jan’ 2023

How are Zuckerberg, Trump and Kavanaugh connected?

Facebook considering whether to allow Trump to return - CNN Sometimes it is hard to trace the personal relationships that might influence a decision. That's where...

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13 Dec’ 2022

How Google monetizes hate with YouTube Super Chats

There's money to be made in peddling hate. See how Google does it. Google's motto used to be 'Do no evil'. That's been abandoned in the...

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6 Dec’ 2022

Friends don’t let friends advertise on Twitter

Image credit MadMen "A fake tweet sparked panic at Eli Lilly and may have cost Twitter millions" - Washington Post How has Twitter become such a...

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5 Dec’ 2022

Don’t feed the Twitter trolls by buying a Tesla

Fed up with the hate speech on Twitter? Speak up with your pocket book. A car is the ultimate self-expressive benefit brand — you are what...

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4 Dec’ 2022

Republican BS Detector

Do you understand what Republicans really mean? Test yourself with this quiz. Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak disguises the nature...

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17 Nov’ 2022

Responsible local journalism counters billionaire owned mainstream media propaganda

Responsible local journalism delivers useful information from the community - not what billionaires are pitching through their media outlets. Fox News stokes a constant sense of...

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9 Nov’ 2022

Ten tips to protect your privacy on Twitter

Musk makes Twitter a platform for conspiracy theories and his tantrums. What can you do? Twitter is an ad platform that makes money selling your personal...

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2 Nov’ 2022

Test your disinfo spotting skills with this quiz after brutal attack on Paul Pelosi

Republicans use disinfo to hide their guilt in savage attack on Paul Pelosi. Test your skills with this quiz to spot their tricks. This quiz is...

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22 Oct’ 2022

Fox News character assassination playbook

How do the Murdochs manipulate public opinion with FOX to push their political agenda and get richer? Understand how billionaires manipulate the public through their media...

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7 Oct’ 2022

Facebook’s algorithm monetizes misery

"British Ruling Pins Blame on Social Media for Teenager’s Suicide" - NYT An inquest ruled that harmful online content contributed to the 14-year-old’s death. Ian Russell...

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30 Sep’ 2022

Halloween scares politicians use to trick voters

Don't fall for political scare tactics. Get the facts to make an informed decision. How do you share the facts so people can get them easily...

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25 Sep’ 2022

How to demolish extremist MAGA Republican arguments

Fight back with this three step tactic straight from their playbook: Connect. Pivot. Counterattack. How do you respond to this gem from Ted Cruz for instance?...

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2 Sep’ 2022


Don't fall for it! Learn to recognize the verbal tricks MAGA Republicans use to manipulate you. See if you can spot the tricks used in these...

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25 Aug’ 2022

Answer questions automatically with a Twitter bot

Help people get the facts with Twitter bots that respond automatically when tweeted a question. Bots interact with people in different ways - voice call, text...

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15 Aug’ 2022

Ask politicians hardball questions

Your tax dollars pay politicians' salaries. Ask hardball questions so they can't dodge giving you a straight answer. Republicans would rather not talk about their abortion...

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13 Aug’ 2022

Test your BULLSHIT METER with this Mar-a-Lago quiz

How good is your bullshit meter? Find out with this quiz. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to...

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6 Aug’ 2022

Track political Facebook ad campaigns for free with Ad Observatory

What ads are campaigns being run on Facebook? When? Where? By whom? Explore political advertising across Facebook and Instagram with the free Ad Observatory app from...

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23 Jul’ 2022

How to deal with deceptive political arguments

Push back against deceptive arguments that use false flags, strawmen and whataboutism to manipulate you. Learn how to spot bogus arguments being used to manipulate you...

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14 Jun’ 2022

Learn to spot and counter these seven right wing trolling tricks

Don't let trolls hijack conversations. "Refuse to play their game, and insist on a different one entirely—an approach that also helped counter subcultural trolling. George Lakoff suggests reframe the discussion...

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12 Jun’ 2022

Do you want Murdoch to pick the next President?

Rupert Murdoch's papers and TV channels have a record of political character assassinations and scandals across the globe. Murdoch's NEWS CORP has been called a cancer...

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4 Jun’ 2022

Counterprogramming: Distract public attention to hide your role in the Jan 6th insurrection

'Flood the zone with shit' - Steve Bannon Counterprogramming tries to distract public attention (with BS) so people don't learn about the people behind the Jan...

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30 May’ 2022

Facebook sued. Why? Follow the money.

Facebook sued for selling its users' personal data for political manipulation. Facebook is accused of stalling news about how it mis-used data while four Facebook directors...

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28 May’ 2022

Fight WhatsApp disinfo with volunteer fact checking

WhatsApp messages are encrypted, spread instantly through closed groups making it the ideal platform for spreading disinfo. People trust messages posted on their WhatsApp closed groups....

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22 May’ 2022

Fight FOX propaganda. Strengthen the FCC

FOX News spreads conspiracy theories to sell ads while attacking the FCC - the federal agency that regulates media outlets like FOX. "The FCC is currently...

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10 May’ 2022

FOX uses Russian propaganda tricks to spread disinformation

The Russians are grandmasters at propaganda. FOX has adapted Russian tricks to make money by spreading disinformation that divides Americans. How does a cable channel that...

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15 Apr’ 2022

Facebook – Meta shareholders to vote on reducing misinformation

Facebook / Meta shareholders can vote until May 25, 10AM PDT to support Proposal 7, which compels the corporation to confront the cost of the harm...

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9 Apr’ 2022

Stop FOX streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

"As Ukrainians fight for their lives, it's time to permanently remove pro-Putin propaganda from US military bases. Stop brainwashing our troops. As the GOP has embraced...

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2 Apr’ 2022

Five practical ways to fight FOX spreading propaganda

Fox News opinion programs are the biggest source of disinformation. DDAD Defenders of Democracy Against Disinfo is a grassroots, nonprofit group. They have analyzed how Fox...

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23 Mar’ 2022

Stop paying FOX to spread Russian propaganda #UNFOXmycablebox

How do cable companies force you to pay for FOX even if you don't watch? How does FOX use your money to spread Russian propaganda? What...

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6 Mar’ 2022

DeSantistan : Crowdsourced news fights the Supreme Leader’s propaganda

How do you fight a propaganda machine? Have volunteers crowdsource the facts and make it easy for the public to see what's really going on. A...

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26 Feb’ 2022

Facebook spreads right wing disinfo ignoring its own policies

Why does Facebook spread right wing disinformation ignoring its own policies? Follow the connections. Popular Info exposed how the DC Enquirer gets so much exposure on...

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23 Feb’ 2022

Google’s lucrative hypocrisy explained

How does Google profit from advertising phony offers targeting seniors without facing any consequence? Google's code of conduct used to be 'Do no evil'. Google has...

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7 Feb’ 2022

Legitimate Political Discourse isn’t mob violence

G.O.P. Declares Jan. 6 Attack ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’ "The Republican National Committee voted to censure Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for participating in the inquiry...

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6 Feb’ 2022

Spotify boycott grows as more artists protest their music being used to fund racism. Follow the money.

Follow the money to see how Spotify exploits musicians by paying them $0.0033 per song streamed while paying Rogan $100 million for a podcast with racism...

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4 Feb’ 2022

Fight disinformation. Demand AdTech platforms stop funding sites that spread racism and hate.

Amazon, Google and Facebook report billions in ad revenues. Right wing websites spread hate, racism and COVID conspiracy theories. What's the connection? Right wing groups use...

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2 Feb’ 2022

Twelve trusted resources on disinformation and other threats to democracy

Fighting the dark side? Trusted guide you will use. Take a trusted guide whether you're fighting Darth Vader destroying galaxies or the dark forces attacking American...

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30 Jan’ 2022

Spotify removes Neil Young over COVID misinfo protest. Follow the money to see why.

"Spotify removes Neil Young following rocker’s protest over COVID-19 misinformation" - PBS “I realized I could not continue to support Spotify’s life-threatening misinformation to the music...

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21 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Insurrection Map expands with new information

The Jan 6 Committee has issued more indictments and is questioning more people as the investigation expands. The relationship map has been expanded to include this...

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20 Jan’ 2022

Describe the Jan 6th insurrection and election sabotage clearly with the right messaging frame

Use the right messaging to explain the Jan 6th insurrection and how the people behind it are now passing bills to steal our freedom to vote....

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18 Jan’ 2022

Follow the money Spotify makes streaming COVID misinfo

Over 2,000 Americans die from COVID every day. Yet, Spotify continues to stream COVID misinformation. Why? Follow the money. "Hundreds of scientists, professors and public health...

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16 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Insurrection map of the people and money behind the plot to overthrow an election

Follow the money to trace who did what in the Jan 6th insurrection and how they were funded. Get the big picture as the evidence and...

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10 Jan’ 2022

Defund the Jan 6th insurrection profiteers

How do you make money promoting a violent insurrection? Advertising. Conspiracies and disinformation thrive online. Who are the worst culprits? Who funds them? What can be...

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8 Jan’ 2022

Hate has consequences

Hate mongers pay a price when exposed. How do you find out about racists and white supremacists who would rather stay anonymous? One People's Project (OPP) monitors...

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3 Jan’ 2022

Disinformation 101

How to Spot Fake News: A Disinformation Check List Vaccination is a good defense against COVID. Inoculation works similarly and builds your resistance against being infected...

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27 Dec’ 2021

“How to make gazillions spreading misinformation with algorithms like Facebook” – Dr. Evil

Spreading misinformation is a money making scheme. Just ask Dr. Evil* His secret guide explains (along with real examples) how to make gazillions spreading spreading misinformation...

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23 Dec’ 2021

The FCC should hold Facebook accountable for spreading COVID misinfo

The media influences people's decision on whether to get vaccinated. Some media companies make money from COVID misinformation by selling more ads. The FCC regulates TV...

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18 Dec’ 2021

Republican obstruction prevents FCC regulation of COVID misinformation platforms

800,000 Americans dead from COVID. Republicans serve their billionaire media donors and block the FCC from enforcing its mandate to serve the 'public interest'. When do...

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16 Dec’ 2021

Lawsuits punish domestic terrorists and conspiracists

How can domestic terrorists and conspiracists be made to pay for the harm they cause? Law suits that claim damages. This blog shares groups fighting violence...

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11 Dec’ 2021

Follow the dark money funding ELECTION SABOTAGE

Election sabotage isn't cheap. Follow the dark money funding media outlets spreading disinformation and corporate politicians willing to sabotage elections for their billionaire donors. The scheme...

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30 Nov’ 2021

Billionaire owned media outlets distort news to favor the rich

Image: Succession on HBO Unemployment is at all time lows. Working families get more healthcare and money for childcare. Vaccinations save lives. But you'd never know....

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26 Nov’ 2021

Project Veritas agent? Check their identity with free Google facial recognition.

'Project Veritas sting operations employ people who mask their real identities to infiltrate target organizations.' (NYT). Check to see if you're being targeted with free Google...

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23 Nov’ 2021

Use ethnic media outlets to reach minority communities

Ethnic news outlets offer relevant and accurate news coverage to their communities. They counter-balance the negative messages and racist story selection from some large corporate news...

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9 Nov’ 2021

How Google helps spread right wing disinformation

Billionaires get a tax deduction for funding sites spreading disinfo! Google promotes the sites in search rankings getting them more exposure. What gives? Follow the money....

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2 Nov’ 2021

Joel Kaplan: Zuck’s fixer and GOP operative

Facebook spreads Republican disinformation and promotes right-wing conspiracy theories. Meet Joel Kaplan, Republican operative and Zuckerberg fixer. "Kaplan is Facebook's vice president of global public policy. He...

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26 Oct’ 2021

Zuckerberg sings ‘Oops… I did it again’ in spoof of Brittany classic

Funny videos go far on social media. Spread your message with videos created with the free iMovie app. "For Zuckerberg, profit trumps free speech. Zuckerberg frequently deflects...

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24 Oct’ 2021

COVID collateral damage map of politicians ready to sacrifice your life to get re-elected

45 million confirmed COVID cases. Over 735,000 deaths as of 10/24/21. Yet Republican Governors and 24 Attorney Generals oppose vaccinations? Check the facts and decide whose...

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3 Oct’ 2021

FOX News advertisers fund Tucker Carlson spreading racism and COVID disinfo

Who are FOX's biggest advertisers supporting Tucker Carlson spreading racism? Which FOX directors are connected with Stanford, Georgetown and The Nature Conservancy? How do people and...

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20 Sep’ 2021

Will there be a hospital bed available if you need it?

Ambulances wait for hours to get patients into overcrowded hospitals. Even the vaccinated are denied medical treatment because hospitals are filled with COVID patients - many...

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14 Sep’ 2021

Amazon’s lethal COVID hypocrisy

Amazon Leadership Principles declare "Leaders leave things better than how they found them." At the same time Amazon sells books that cast doubt on COVID vaccinations,...

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30 Aug’ 2021

COVID conspiracy playbook revealed

Conspiracies like COVID are contagious and can be fatal. Learn to spot conspiracy symptoms and how they're spread. Conspiracies manipulate people based on their desire to...

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23 Aug’ 2021

Fight gaslighting. Replay what they said before.

Some people try to rewrite history by denying what they said. Keep them honest by replaying their own words. There's an app for that. The best...

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7 Aug’ 2021

Disinfo kills

Why do people believe fatal lies? How is disinformation cooked up? Who profits from it? What can be done? How are people still falling for disinfo...

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18 Jul’ 2021

Blood on their hands

COVID is an equal opportunity killer. It doesn't care who you voted for, or even if you voted at all. Death isn't a political issue. Should...

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28 Jun’ 2021

Capitol insurrectionists top FBI’s Most Wanted List, while Republicans deny it happened

As rioters from the Capitol Insurrection top the FBI's most wanted list, Republican's deny that the attack even took place. "On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the U.S....

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30 Mar’ 2021

Friends don’t let anti-vaxxer friends stay at risk. Conversation guide shows how to engage.

Friends don't let friends stay at risk. How do you engage with an anti-vaxxer with so much COVID disinformation? Arguing with the facts against disinformation doesn't...

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29 Mar’ 2021

Are you being tricked into funding the spread of disinformation? Check the GDI Index.

Groups spreading disinformation siphon funds meant for legitimate advertising. Ad networks like Google and Facebook are complicit and make money when they direct ads and revenue...

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20 Mar’ 2021

Racism has consequences

Eight people including six Asian women killed in racist shooting spree with a gun bought hours earlier. This isn't a random event. Hate crimes against Asian...

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12 Mar’ 2021

Black Owned Media Matters

Media outlets serving immigrant and communities of color are under threat and deprived of resources needed to sustain their vital role. "Communities of color and immigrants...

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11 Mar’ 2021

Think different to persuade more people

Polarized voters. People trapped in information bubbles. Corporations making billions spreading disinformation in order to sell more ads. How do you get heard when calling and...

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18 Feb’ 2021

Fighting disinfo? Coordinate a rapid response with shared talking points.

Disinfo requires a rapid, broad spread response. Get talking points to supporters for them to spread the truth and have their messages reinforce each other. A...

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16 Feb’ 2021

From Russian With Love: Disinformation Playbook

The Russians are disinformation grandmasters. Learn how to guard against them by studying how they're being used in American politics. Learn how these moves are used...

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4 Feb’ 2021

How to win friends and influence people – with free internet service

Disinformation kills. It poisons minds with COVID conspiracy theories and distrust of health experts. It is worst in poor, rural communities where people do not have...

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28 Jan’ 2021

Fighting disinformation? Eighteen free weapons for your arsenal.

Fighting disinformation? Use all the tools in your arsenal. Here are eighteen of the best. Disinformation basics Disinformation attacks involve these tactics according to Harmony Square:-...

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18 Jan’ 2021

Trying to reach more people? Use non-political headlines.

What gets read? What gets skipped? It all starts with the headline. How do you get your message read by more people across the political spectrum?...

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17 Jan’ 2021

Stories poisoned to spread disinformation

People love stories and sharing them with others. That's what makes stories poisoned with disinformation so dangerous. Tackle disinformation by training people to spot when they're...

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6 Jan’ 2021

Trumpland? Meet the Republicans and their corporate donors trying to overturn election results.

"Eleven Republican senators and senators-elect said that they would vote to reject President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory ... to defy the unambiguous results of the...

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14 Dec’ 2020

How YouTube spreads COVID Disinformation

290,000 Americans have already died from COVID-19, yet people protest wearing masks and are skeptical of vaccinations. How does disinformation manipulate people into risky behavior? Who...

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6 Dec’ 2020

Vaccinate against disinformation

Foreign interference and domestic politics use disinformation to divide, incite and manipulate. It's cheap, effective and hard to counter. Learn how to spot it and inoculate...

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2 Dec’ 2020

How to spot BS being used to manipulate public opinion

Disinformation often comes as Bullshit (BS) packaged to trick readers with impressive language, graphics and bogus logic. Spot and push back with tips from Calling Bullshit. How...

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28 Nov’ 2020

How to spot a disinformation zombie

Brad Pitt races to save virus infected zombies in World War Z. Back in the real world, disinformation is used to turn people into zombies immune...

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23 Aug’ 2020

Which rural communities will be ruined by the U.S. Postal Service being crippled?

The U.S. Postal Service is the lifeblood of many rural communities. Seniors, veterans and farmers will all suffer from cutbacks. Where will the cuts hurt the...

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8 Aug’ 2020

Lost your unemployment benefits? Petition your senator to #SaveThe600.

Unemployment benefits cut? Petition your senator. "The Federal $600-per-week unemployment supplement expired and millions of Americans out of work due to the pandemic are wondering how...

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18 Jul’ 2020

Social media analysis of reaction to masked Federal agents abducting Portland protestors

"Federal agents dressed in camouflage and tactical gear have taken to the streets of Portland, unleashing tear gas, bloodying protesters and pulling some people into unmarked...

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14 Jul’ 2020

HipHop Politics On The BigStage

COVID-19 has forced campaigns to move organizing and fundraising online. Conferencing apps are great for meetings, but lacking key features for political events where the goal...

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12 Jul’ 2020

Start a chain reaction

Savvy organizers extend their reach by having supporters text their friends. VoteForce makes relational organizing fast, easy and affordable. Here's how a slate of candidates in...

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25 Jun’ 2020

Don’t mess with Texas voters

Texas has an election on July 14th with early voting starting on Monday, June 29th and ending on Friday, July 10th. For more details, voters may...

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6 Jun’ 2019

Rapid Response. Virginia Candidate Uses Current Events To Focus Attention On What Really Matters.

A gunman walked into a government office building in Virginia Beach, Virginia on Friday, May 31 and murdered 12 people. The incident quickly faded from the news as other...