13 August, 2022

Test your BULLSHIT METER with this Mar-a-Lago quiz

icon both sides,False flag,just kidding,manipulation,strawman,whataboutism
Learn to recognize Republican and FOX NEWS bullshit tricks

How good is your bullshit meter? Find out with this quiz.

“The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit”, said Steve Bannon. Flood the zone. Stink up the joint. “This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation.” - CNN

It helps to know what kind of bullsh*t you're dealing with as the GOP and FOX continue to flood the zone. It's time to brush up on your skills as it is getting very deep.

Learn to recognize Political Bullshit

What About-ism Used when one is charged with a harmful accusation regarding their past actions; one counters the charge by bringing up something negative about the opposing to downplay the magnitude of their own actions. It usually starts with “what about…?”, which would be followed by an issue that may be only remotely related to the original one.

What About-ism

When criticized: say that someone else is worse. It's a simple way to shrug off criticism or even responsibility for any wrongdoings.

Any grade-schooler can master the "yeah-well-you-suck-too-so-there" defense. - NPR “Not only does it help to deflect your original argument but it also throws you off balance. You’re expecting to be in a civilized argument that doesn’t use cheap tricks like that. You are playing chess and your opponent — while making a lousy move — he just punches you on the nose.” - Washington Post

Example: When asked that Putin “kills journalists that don’t agree with him,” Trump replied: “Well, I think that our country does plenty of killing, too.” - Foreign Policy Magazine

A strawman distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack. The person using the strawman pretends to attack their opponent’s stance, while in reality they are actually attacking a distorted version of that stance, which their opponent doesn’t necessarily support.


The Strawman argument is used to attribute to your opponent something they haven’t argued, and then knock down the fake argument you just made up. - Washington Post

When someone makes a strong argument that’s hard to refute, simply pretend they made a different argument, that’s easier to knock down. Oversimplify what they said, misrepresent the point of their argument, or just put words in their mouth. Spot a 'strawman' being used when there is a mismatch between someone’s stance and the stance that their opponent is attacking. - Fallacious Trump

Example: The Keep Families Together Act prohibit federal agents and officers from separating a child from a parent. Trump falsely claimed it was an 'open borders bill' - something he made up, and argued against it - PolitiFact

A false flag is a trick of blaming an opponent for something you've done.

False flag

A false flag is a trick of blaming an opponent for something you've done. - BBC

The term was first used to describe how pirates flew the flag of a friendly nation to deceive merchant ships into allowing them to draw near. Nations have often done this by staging a real or simulated attack on their own side and saying the enemy did it, as a pretext for going to war.

Example: Alex Jones claimed that the massacre of schoolchildren at Sandy Hook Elementary was a “false flag” intended to generate support for gun control, and that the families mourning their children were “crisis actors” in on the “giant hoax.” Jones has now been punished for the harm those lies caused: A Texas jury ordered him to pay nearly $50 million to the parents of one of the young victims for compounding their pain and suffering. - Washington Post

When a person tries to make you believe that both sides are equally responsible for something even though one is really, clearly, at fault.

Both side-ism

When a person tries to make you believe that both sides are equally responsible for something even though one is really, clearly, at fault. - Urban Dictionary

While whataboutism comes with an element of diversion—look at what the guy over there did—bothsidesing tries to minimize what would often be deemed objectionable by heightening actions of other groups so that they will be deemed comparably objectionable.

Example: Trump’s responded to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, saying that there were “very fine people on both sides” at the rally, language that was viewed by many as a deliberate attempt to avoid singling out white supremacist activity. - Merriam Webster

Deny responsibility for your statement by saying you were 'just kidding' and then accuse others of being “too sensitive,” and mocking them.

I was just kidding

Deny responsibility for your statement by saying you were 'just kidding' and then accuse others of being “too sensitive,” and mocking them. - Psych Central

The reality is, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim to be a serious person engaging in the serious world of politics and ideas, spread toxic poison with a megaphone that reaches millions, and then cry “just kidding” when your attempts to actually overthrow an election fail. - The Daily Beast

Example: Trump said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 Clinton emails”? When asked about it by special counsel Robert Mueller, Trump’s lawyers wrote the comment was made “in jest and sarcastically, as was apparent to any objective observer.” - CNN

First, the facts

Federal agents removed top secret documents when they searched former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida residence on Monday as part of an investigation into possible violations of the Espionage Act and other laws, according to a search warrant made public on Friday. F.B.I. agents seized 11 sets of documents in all, including some marked as “classified/TS/SCI” — shorthand for “top secret/sensitive compartmented information,” according to an inventory of the materials seized in the search. Information categorized in that fashion is meant to be viewed only in a secure government facility.

It was the latest stunning revelation from the series of investigations swirling around his efforts to retain power after his election loss, his business practices and, in this case, his handling of government material that he took with him when he left the White House. The results of the search showed that material designated as closely guarded national secrets was being held at an unsecured resort club, Mar-a-Lago, owned and occupied by a former president who has long shown a disdain for careful handling of classified information." - NY Times

Next, the BS

In response to the FBI search of former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida on Monday, Trump and his allies in Congress and right-wing media have returned to his preferred strategy for communicating in a crisis: say a whole bunch of nonsense in rapid succession. (CNN). See if you can spot the manipulation trick used in each claim. (Answers below).

  1. Trump posted a suggestion that the FBI could have planted evidence. His legal team had already been suggesting the same thing. Alina Habba, a Trump lawyer said on Fox: “I’m concerned that they may have planted something; you know, at this point, who knows?” Rand Paul (R-KY) echoed this question, wondering on Fox how we know “they won’t put things into those boxes to entrap him.” Fox host Jesse Watters said the FBI was “probably” planting evidence. - CNN
  2. Marco Rubio (R-FL) offered up a different baseless conspiracy theory about federal malfeasance, saying on Fox on Tuesday that he didn’t think they were looking for documents at all but were probably using that as an “excuse” to root around Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence for “whatever they could find.” - CNN
  3. Fox News' Brian Kilmeade clarifies that image of judge at center of Trump search warrant was a fake. “This depiction never took place & we wanted to make clear that we were showing a meme in jest," the Fox News host tweeted. - Politico
  4. Lara Trump said on Fox that the searchers were “a bunch of people unannounced breaking into your home like this and taking whatever they want for themselves.” - CNN
  5. Trump baselessly suggested former President Obama had mishandled presidential records after leaving office by, Trump claimed, keeping more than 30 million documents, many of them classified, and taking them to Chicago. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) issued a statement explaining it has “exclusive legal and physical custody” of the Obama-era records. - Letters From An American
Learn to spot and counter GOP and FOX bullshit

Snow White by FOX

Snow White is is a young princess whose beauty is defined by her inherent kindness and purity. Shortly after discovering love in a charming Prince, Snow White learned that her jealous stepmother, the Evil Queen, was determined to kill her. Snow White forcibly ran away from home to escape the Queen's wrath, but found shelter in the cottage of seven dwarfs. The evil queen poisons Snow White who falls into a coma till kissed by Prince Charming and then live happily ever after. - Disney Fandom

  • It wasn't really the evil witch that poisoned Snow White. Snow White poisoned herself and almost died in order to attract Prince Charming. (False flag)
  • Well you think that Snow White had it bad, whatabout the witch who was being called 'evil'. How do you think she felt? Does FOX ever call Snow White an albino? (Whataboutism)
  • Was the witch wrong to poison Snow White? I think it is wrong for a young princess to be living with seven dwarfs? (Strawman)

Countering False Flags

"Use humor and ridicule. George Lakoff, who studies propaganda, calls this a “truth sandwich” — a lie gets sandwiched between true statements. Research shows it effectively corrects a falsehood, because people tend to remember the beginning and end of a statement, rather than what’s in the middle.

Mr. Trump’s resistance to masks is also a target for a derisive truth sandwich: “Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus. But you sure wouldn’t know it from the president, who has run around in public without one and mocks people like me who wear them. Is it vanity or that he just doesn’t believe in science? I don’t know, but the science is undisputed: wearing masks saves lives.” - NYT

Republicans use whataboutism to spread disinfo and manipulate the public

Countering Whataboutism

"Whatabouts have an air of “truthiness” and can seem convincing at face value. The way whatabouts dominate our public discourse in an endless drumbeat of fake news and propaganda means that even well-meaning people are getting thrown off base. Many of those propagating extremist right wing views might actually be parroting something they heard on Fox News.

Whataboutism muddies an argument. A discussion about the blatant financial corruption of the administration is expanded into a general statement that all politicians steal, so it doesn't matter. Point out they're not actually addressing what you said, adding “that’s an interesting point, we can discuss that later but let’s talk about just this right now.” Keep things focused on the issue at hand. Once you are through talking about specific examples of Trump’s corruption, you can then compare it to their opinion that all politicians steal, and show that even though many politicians are corrupt, in comparison Trump displays a truly unique level of corruption." - Occupy

Fox News spreads disinformation and propaganda

Countering Strawmen

John Roberts, Fox News anchor and co-host of the afternoon show “America Reports,” admitted on air on Monday that his show was inaccurate when it claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden is trying to require Americans to sharply reduce their consumption of red meat. Roberts made the concession after CNN and other media outlets published fact check articles explaining that Biden does not have any plan to restrict red meat consumption. Roberts acknowledged that “a graphic and the script” from his Friday show “incorrectly implied” that a 2020 academic study about meat-eating and greenhouse gas emissions is “part of Biden’s plan for dealing with climate change. That is not the case.”

Roberts had falsely claimed on Friday that the study – which is not connected in any way to Biden’s actual policies – found that people need to “say goodbye to your burgers if you want to sign up to the Biden climate agenda.” As Roberts spoke on Friday, Fox aired a graphic that claimed “Biden’s climate requirements” are to “cut 90% of red meat from diet, max 4 lbs per year, one burger per month.” - CNN

Use clear and definitive language to counter strawman arguments. This makes it more difficult for your opponent to distort your stance, and makes it easier for you to correct them if they attempt to do so.

  • Point out the strawman. Call out your opponent on their use of the strawman, by explaining why their argument is fallacious, and how it distorts your original stance.
  • Ignore the strawman. You can choose to ignore the distorted version of your argument that your opponent presents (i.e. the strawman), and continue to advocate for your original position.
  • Focus on your audience rather than on persuading your opponent using strawmen in a debate.
FOX News fights its own Strawmen
Source: CNN

Countering Both Side-ism

"To wiggle out of a suit over a false accusation on Tucker Carlson’s show, for instance, the network’s lawyers had to argue that the program wasn’t actually conveying sober, factual news. And now Fox News is arguing that the Trump-Powell-Giuliani lies about the election constitute a “side.” “There are two sides to every story,” reads the network’s motion. “Introducing groundless doubts about the validity of a free and fair election is among the most serious forms of demagoguery there can be in a representative democracy,” notes New York University professor Jay Rosen in an email. “Assisting in the circulation of those doubts is not what a real news organization does.” - Washington Post

  • Don’t want to feel bad about being in a coalition with white nationalists who helped elect Trump? Make up a violent “alt-left.” Both sides, you see!
  • Don’t want to own up to how a birther conspiracy theorist like Trump fans the flames of racism? Call Obama divisive. Both sides! Nailed it!
  • Don’t want to deal with the vile racism that’s found a welcoming home in today’s Republican Party? Call civil rights activists racists, too! Both sides! Whee!
  • Want to ram through healthcare legislation with no hearings? Just lie and say the Democrats did the same thing, too!
  • Want to steal a Supreme Court seat from the Democrats? Just make up a “rule” that both sides have purportedly followed. Free pass!
  • Want to gerrymander Congressional districts so badly that some states don’t even have competitive races? Just point out that Democrats have gerrymandered, too!
  • Want to make it harder for black people to vote? Just yell about how the Democrats used to harbor racists, too. - Extra News Feed

Refuse to debate those whose views are motivated not by a concern for the truth, but intended to manipulate people. Giving such views equal consideration simply because they are contrarian is harmful. - Prindle Institute

Trump uses bogus BOTH SIDE arguments to justify Nazi rally in Charlottesville
Source: VICE

Countering 'Just Kidding'

FOX claims it was 'just kidding' after being caught spreading disinfo. Brian Kilmeade, filling in for Tucker Carlson tonight, shared a clearly fake, photoshopped image of the judge involved in approving the Mar-a-Lago warrant. - Reddit

They are allowed to publish lies because they go under the name “Fox News Entertainment” instead of just “Fox News”. They admitted in court that they are an entertainment channel and not real news, therefore are not responsible for telling the truth. Fox News actually won a court case by 'persuasively' arguing that no 'reasonable viewer' takes Tucker Carlson seriously.

Counter the 'just kidding' defense by exposing the harm from the deception.

FOX claims it was just kidding after getting caught spreading disinformation.

FOX is deep (pun intended)

“Last night while subbing for Tucker Carlson, we showed you an image of Judge Bruce Reinhart w/ Ghislaine Maxwell that was sourced on screen to a meme pulled from Twitter & wasn’t real,” the post said. “This depiction never took place & we wanted to make clear that we were showing a meme in jest.”

Republicans have been heavily critical of Reinhart for signing off on the search warrant. And a barrage of online attacks have flooded right-wing message boards and social media platforms such as 4Chan since Reinhart was identified as the judge who approved the FBI’s warrant to search former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. He’s been attacked for serving as a defense attorney representing employees of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, and Reinhart is also facing a deluge of antisemitic attacks and threats online. Some of this rhetoric has also been targeted at the synagogue he belongs to." - Politico

 Learn how to spot and counter manipulation.


Answers: (1) False Flag (2) Both Side-ism / False Flag (3) Just kidding (4) Strawman (5) Whatabout-ism


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22 Oct’ 2022

Fox News character assassination playbook

How do the Murdochs manipulate public opinion with FOX to push their political agenda and get richer? Understand how billionaires manipulate the public through their media...

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7 Oct’ 2022

Facebook’s algorithm monetizes misery

"British Ruling Pins Blame on Social Media for Teenager’s Suicide" - NYT An inquest ruled that harmful online content contributed to the 14-year-old’s death. Ian Russell...

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30 Sep’ 2022

Halloween scares politicians use to trick voters

Don't fall for political scare tactics. Get the facts to make an informed decision. How do you share the facts so people can get them easily...

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25 Sep’ 2022

How to demolish extremist MAGA Republican arguments

Fight back with this three step tactic straight from their playbook: Connect. Pivot. Counterattack. How do you respond to this gem from Ted Cruz for instance?...

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2 Sep’ 2022


Don't fall for it! Learn to recognize the verbal tricks MAGA Republicans use to manipulate you. See if you can spot the tricks used in these...

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25 Aug’ 2022

Answer questions automatically with a Twitter bot

Help people get the facts with Twitter bots that respond automatically when tweeted a question. Bots interact with people in different ways - voice call, text...

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15 Aug’ 2022

Ask politicians hardball questions

Your tax dollars pay politicians' salaries. Ask hardball questions so they can't dodge giving you a straight answer. Republicans would rather not talk about their abortion...

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6 Aug’ 2022

Track political Facebook ad campaigns for free with Ad Observatory

What ads are campaigns being run on Facebook? When? Where? By whom? Explore political advertising across Facebook and Instagram with the free Ad Observatory app from...

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23 Jul’ 2022

How to deal with deceptive political arguments

Push back against deceptive arguments that use false flags, strawmen and whataboutism to manipulate you. Learn how to spot bogus arguments being used to manipulate you...

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14 Jun’ 2022

Learn to spot and counter these seven right wing trolling tricks

Don't let trolls hijack conversations. "Refuse to play their game, and insist on a different one entirely—an approach that also helped counter subcultural trolling. George Lakoff suggests reframe the discussion...

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12 Jun’ 2022

Do you want Murdoch to pick the next President?

Rupert Murdoch's papers and TV channels have a record of political character assassinations and scandals across the globe. Murdoch's NEWS CORP has been called a cancer...

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4 Jun’ 2022

Counterprogramming: Distract public attention to hide your role in the Jan 6th insurrection

'Flood the zone with shit' - Steve Bannon Counterprogramming tries to distract public attention (with BS) so people don't learn about the people behind the Jan...

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30 May’ 2022

Facebook sued. Why? Follow the money.

Facebook sued for selling its users' personal data for political manipulation. Facebook is accused of stalling news about how it mis-used data while four Facebook directors...

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28 May’ 2022

Fight WhatsApp disinfo with volunteer fact checking

WhatsApp messages are encrypted, spread instantly through closed groups making it the ideal platform for spreading disinfo. People trust messages posted on their WhatsApp closed groups....

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22 May’ 2022

Fight FOX propaganda. Strengthen the FCC

FOX News spreads conspiracy theories to sell ads while attacking the FCC - the federal agency that regulates media outlets like FOX. "The FCC is currently...

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10 May’ 2022

FOX uses Russian propaganda tricks to spread disinformation

The Russians are grandmasters at propaganda. FOX has adapted Russian tricks to make money by spreading disinformation that divides Americans. How does a cable channel that...

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21 Apr’ 2022

Stand up against hate

“Hate will only win if people like me stand by and let it happen" "In response to a colleague who had called her a “groomer” in...

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15 Apr’ 2022

Facebook – Meta shareholders to vote on reducing misinformation

Facebook / Meta shareholders can vote until May 25, 10AM PDT to support Proposal 7, which compels the corporation to confront the cost of the harm...

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9 Apr’ 2022

Stop FOX streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

"As Ukrainians fight for their lives, it's time to permanently remove pro-Putin propaganda from US military bases. Stop brainwashing our troops. As the GOP has embraced...

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2 Apr’ 2022

Five practical ways to fight FOX spreading propaganda

Fox News opinion programs are the biggest source of disinformation. DDAD Defenders of Democracy Against Disinfo is a grassroots, nonprofit group. They have analyzed how Fox...

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23 Mar’ 2022

Stop paying FOX to spread Russian propaganda #UNFOXmycablebox

How do cable companies force you to pay for FOX even if you don't watch? How does FOX use your money to spread Russian propaganda? What...

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6 Mar’ 2022

DeSantistan : Crowdsourced news fights the Supreme Leader’s propaganda

How do you fight a propaganda machine? Have volunteers crowdsource the facts and make it easy for the public to see what's really going on. A...

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26 Feb’ 2022

Facebook spreads right wing disinfo ignoring its own policies

Why does Facebook spread right wing disinformation ignoring its own policies? Follow the connections. Popular Info exposed how the DC Enquirer gets so much exposure on...

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23 Feb’ 2022

Google’s lucrative hypocrisy explained

How does Google profit from advertising phony offers targeting seniors without facing any consequence? Google's code of conduct used to be 'Do no evil'. Google has...

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14 Feb’ 2022

Fight voter suppression: Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase turnout.

Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase voter turnout to counter Republican voter suppression. How can organizers: Canvass people from the voter file or any...

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7 Feb’ 2022

Legitimate Political Discourse isn’t mob violence

G.O.P. Declares Jan. 6 Attack ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’ "The Republican National Committee voted to censure Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for participating in the inquiry...

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6 Feb’ 2022

Spotify boycott grows as more artists protest their music being used to fund racism. Follow the money.

Follow the money to see how Spotify exploits musicians by paying them $0.0033 per song streamed while paying Rogan $100 million for a podcast with racism...

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4 Feb’ 2022

Fight disinformation. Demand AdTech platforms stop funding sites that spread racism and hate.

Amazon, Google and Facebook report billions in ad revenues. Right wing websites spread hate, racism and COVID conspiracy theories. What's the connection? Right wing groups use...

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2 Feb’ 2022

Twelve trusted resources on disinformation and other threats to democracy

Fighting the dark side? Trusted guide you will use. Take a trusted guide whether you're fighting Darth Vader destroying galaxies or the dark forces attacking American...

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30 Jan’ 2022

Spotify removes Neil Young over COVID misinfo protest. Follow the money to see why.

"Spotify removes Neil Young following rocker’s protest over COVID-19 misinformation" - PBS “I realized I could not continue to support Spotify’s life-threatening misinformation to the music...

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26 Jan’ 2022

Ten design tips for persuasive storytelling. BECOME A POLL WORKER case study.

Our democracy depends on ordinary people who make sure elections run smoothly and everyone's vote is counted. Make sure we have safe, fair, and efficient elections...

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21 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Insurrection Map expands with new information

The Jan 6 Committee has issued more indictments and is questioning more people as the investigation expands. The relationship map has been expanded to include this...

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20 Jan’ 2022

Describe the Jan 6th insurrection and election sabotage clearly with the right messaging frame

Use the right messaging to explain the Jan 6th insurrection and how the people behind it are now passing bills to steal our freedom to vote....

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18 Jan’ 2022

Follow the money Spotify makes streaming COVID misinfo

Over 2,000 Americans die from COVID every day. Yet, Spotify continues to stream COVID misinformation. Why? Follow the money. "Hundreds of scientists, professors and public health...

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16 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Insurrection map of the people and money behind the plot to overthrow an election

Follow the money to trace who did what in the Jan 6th insurrection and how they were funded. Get the big picture as the evidence and...

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15 Jan’ 2022

Political extremism spreads like cancer. Watch for these symptoms warns Lincoln Project advisor.

Political extremism spreads like cancer on democracy. A few malignant cells infect others till the body dies. Watch for these symptoms. Trygve Olson has trained thousands...

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10 Jan’ 2022

Defund the Jan 6th insurrection profiteers

How do you make money promoting a violent insurrection? Advertising. Conspiracies and disinformation thrive online. Who are the worst culprits? Who funds them? What can be...

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8 Jan’ 2022

Hate has consequences

Hate mongers pay a price when exposed. How do you find out about racists and white supremacists who would rather stay anonymous? One People's Project (OPP) monitors...

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3 Jan’ 2022

Disinformation 101

How to Spot Fake News: A Disinformation Check List Vaccination is a good defense against COVID. Inoculation works similarly and builds your resistance against being infected...

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27 Dec’ 2021

“How to make gazillions spreading misinformation with algorithms like Facebook” – Dr. Evil

Spreading misinformation is a money making scheme. Just ask Dr. Evil* His secret guide explains (along with real examples) how to make gazillions spreading spreading misinformation...

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23 Dec’ 2021

The FCC should hold Facebook accountable for spreading COVID misinfo

The media influences people's decision on whether to get vaccinated. Some media companies make money from COVID misinformation by selling more ads. The FCC regulates TV...

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18 Dec’ 2021

Republican obstruction prevents FCC regulation of COVID misinformation platforms

800,000 Americans dead from COVID. Republicans serve their billionaire media donors and block the FCC from enforcing its mandate to serve the 'public interest'. When do...

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16 Dec’ 2021

Lawsuits punish domestic terrorists and conspiracists

How can domestic terrorists and conspiracists be made to pay for the harm they cause? Law suits that claim damages. This blog shares groups fighting violence...

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11 Dec’ 2021

Follow the dark money funding ELECTION SABOTAGE

Election sabotage isn't cheap. Follow the dark money funding media outlets spreading disinformation and corporate politicians willing to sabotage elections for their billionaire donors. The scheme...

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30 Nov’ 2021

Billionaire owned media outlets distort news to favor the rich

Image: Succession on HBO Unemployment is at all time lows. Working families get more healthcare and money for childcare. Vaccinations save lives. But you'd never know....

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28 Nov’ 2021

Organizing? First build trust by sharing your story.

Cesar Chavez organizes farm workers Good organizers build trust before asking others for their support. How? Personal storytelling. Organizers share their own personal stories to quickly...

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26 Nov’ 2021

Project Veritas agent? Check their identity with free Google facial recognition.

'Project Veritas sting operations employ people who mask their real identities to infiltrate target organizations.' (NYT). Check to see if you're being targeted with free Google...

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23 Nov’ 2021

Use ethnic media outlets to reach minority communities

Ethnic news outlets offer relevant and accurate news coverage to their communities. They counter-balance the negative messages and racist story selection from some large corporate news...

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9 Nov’ 2021

How Google helps spread right wing disinformation

Billionaires get a tax deduction for funding sites spreading disinfo! Google promotes the sites in search rankings getting them more exposure. What gives? Follow the money....

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2 Nov’ 2021

Joel Kaplan: Zuck’s fixer and GOP operative

Facebook spreads Republican disinformation and promotes right-wing conspiracy theories. Meet Joel Kaplan, Republican operative and Zuckerberg fixer. "Kaplan is Facebook's vice president of global public policy. He...

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26 Oct’ 2021

Zuckerberg sings ‘Oops… I did it again’ in spoof of Brittany classic

Funny videos go far on social media. Spread your message with videos created with the free iMovie app. "For Zuckerberg, profit trumps free speech. Zuckerberg frequently deflects...

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24 Oct’ 2021

COVID collateral damage map of politicians ready to sacrifice your life to get re-elected

45 million confirmed COVID cases. Over 735,000 deaths as of 10/24/21. Yet Republican Governors and 24 Attorney Generals oppose vaccinations? Check the facts and decide whose...

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3 Oct’ 2021

FOX News advertisers fund Tucker Carlson spreading racism and COVID disinfo

Who are FOX's biggest advertisers supporting Tucker Carlson spreading racism? Which FOX directors are connected with Stanford, Georgetown and The Nature Conservancy? How do people and...

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20 Sep’ 2021

Will there be a hospital bed available if you need it?

Ambulances wait for hours to get patients into overcrowded hospitals. Even the vaccinated are denied medical treatment because hospitals are filled with COVID patients - many...

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14 Sep’ 2021

Amazon’s lethal COVID hypocrisy

Amazon Leadership Principles declare "Leaders leave things better than how they found them." At the same time Amazon sells books that cast doubt on COVID vaccinations,...

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9 Sep’ 2021

Improvise solutions with design thinking

Floods and power blackouts in the middle of a pandemic. That's Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Every disaster is unique and demands its own...

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30 Aug’ 2021

COVID conspiracy playbook revealed

Conspiracies like COVID are contagious and can be fatal. Learn to spot conspiracy symptoms and how they're spread. Conspiracies manipulate people based on their desire to...

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23 Aug’ 2021

Fight gaslighting. Replay what they said before.

Some people try to rewrite history by denying what they said. Keep them honest by replaying their own words. There's an app for that. The best...

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7 Aug’ 2021

Disinfo kills

Why do people believe fatal lies? How is disinformation cooked up? Who profits from it? What can be done? How are people still falling for disinfo...

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18 Jul’ 2021

Blood on their hands

COVID is an equal opportunity killer. It doesn't care who you voted for, or even if you voted at all. Death isn't a political issue. Should...

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16 Jul’ 2021

Indivisible Michigan fights Republican voter suppression with relational organizing

'Michigan GOP plans “shocking” scheme to ram through voting restrictions' - Salon "Republicans state legislators in Michigan have already introduced 39 bills that restrict citizens’ voting...

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28 Jun’ 2021

Capitol insurrectionists top FBI’s Most Wanted List, while Republicans deny it happened

As rioters from the Capitol Insurrection top the FBI's most wanted list, Republican's deny that the attack even took place. "On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the U.S....

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23 Jun’ 2021

Speak truth to power, but first practice your lines.

There are few chances to speak truth to power. Make the most of them. Help your supporters make the most of their turn in the spotlight...

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22 Apr’ 2021

Make a bigger impact on Zoom with a good background and free on-screen teleprompter

Make a bigger impact on Zoom with a background to reinforce your message and a free teleprompter to stay on script. Have an important message to...

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31 Mar’ 2021

Canvassing for H.R. 1 over Facetime

How do you bring the personal appeal of in-person canvassing online? How can volunteers be more persuasive with a good script? Use FaceTime with an onscreen...

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30 Mar’ 2021

Friends don’t let anti-vaxxer friends stay at risk. Conversation guide shows how to engage.

Friends don't let friends stay at risk. How do you engage with an anti-vaxxer with so much COVID disinformation? Arguing with the facts against disinformation doesn't...

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29 Mar’ 2021

Are you being tricked into funding the spread of disinformation? Check the GDI Index.

Groups spreading disinformation siphon funds meant for legitimate advertising. Ad networks like Google and Facebook are complicit and make money when they direct ads and revenue...

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20 Mar’ 2021

Racism has consequences

Eight people including six Asian women killed in racist shooting spree with a gun bought hours earlier. This isn't a random event. Hate crimes against Asian...

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16 Mar’ 2021

Paid fellowships bring innovation to grassroots groups

How can grassroots groups learn about new ways to have a bigger impact with less money? How can college students find paid internships, learn new skills...

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11 Mar’ 2021

Think different to persuade more people

Polarized voters. People trapped in information bubbles. Corporations making billions spreading disinformation in order to sell more ads. How do you get heard when calling and...

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18 Feb’ 2021

Fighting disinfo? Coordinate a rapid response with shared talking points.

Disinfo requires a rapid, broad spread response. Get talking points to supporters for them to spread the truth and have their messages reinforce each other. A...

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16 Feb’ 2021

From Russian With Love: Disinformation Playbook

The Russians are disinformation grandmasters. Learn how to guard against them by studying how they're being used in American politics. Learn how these moves are used...

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15 Feb’ 2021

Listen to the experts. Subscribe to the Digital Politics Podcast.

Listen to weekly Digital Politics podcasts to stay abreast of innovations in political technology. Karen Jagoda has hosted the weekly Digital Politics Podcast since 2007. The podcast features...

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7 Feb’ 2021

Want to make your vote count? Learn how to draw redistricting maps.

All votes are equal. Some are just more equal than others. It all depends on how voting districts are drawn. And that's how some politicians get...

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4 Feb’ 2021

How to win friends and influence people – with free internet service

Disinformation kills. It poisons minds with COVID conspiracy theories and distrust of health experts. It is worst in poor, rural communities where people do not have...

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28 Jan’ 2021

Fighting disinformation? Eighteen free weapons for your arsenal.

Fighting disinformation? Use all the tools in your arsenal. Here are eighteen of the best. Disinformation basics Disinformation attacks involve these tactics according to Harmony Square:-...

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17 Jan’ 2021

Stories poisoned to spread disinformation

People love stories and sharing them with others. That's what makes stories poisoned with disinformation so dangerous. Tackle disinformation by training people to spot when they're...

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6 Jan’ 2021

Trumpland? Meet the Republicans and their corporate donors trying to overturn election results.

"Eleven Republican senators and senators-elect said that they would vote to reject President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory ... to defy the unambiguous results of the...

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14 Dec’ 2020

How YouTube spreads COVID Disinformation

290,000 Americans have already died from COVID-19, yet people protest wearing masks and are skeptical of vaccinations. How does disinformation manipulate people into risky behavior? Who...

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7 Dec’ 2020

Zoom performance anxiety? Follow these expert tips.

Perform better on Zoom with these expert tips. - How to prepare your script- Body Language- Using a teleprompter- Directing your attendees to take an action-...

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6 Dec’ 2020

Vaccinate against disinformation

Foreign interference and domestic politics use disinformation to divide, incite and manipulate. It's cheap, effective and hard to counter. Learn how to spot it and inoculate...

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2 Dec’ 2020

How to spot BS being used to manipulate public opinion

Disinformation often comes as Bullshit (BS) packaged to trick readers with impressive language, graphics and bogus logic. Spot and push back with tips from Calling Bullshit. How...

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28 Nov’ 2020

How to spot a disinformation zombie

Brad Pitt races to save virus infected zombies in World War Z. Back in the real world, disinformation is used to turn people into zombies immune...

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25 Nov’ 2020

Create online training with free, easy-to-use apps

Remote learning is urgently needed but creating training courses the traditional way is slow and expensive. How does a group with little money and few technical...

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14 Nov’ 2020

Hit the road to mobilize rural Black voters in Georgia

Rural voters decide many elections. Organizers have to deal with remote communities, poor roads and sparse internet coverage to organize and mobilize them to vote. Reclaim...

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28 Oct’ 2020

Keep ’em honest. Photograph publicly displayed poll tapes of the vote count.

"Photograph poll tapes at the polling place on election night and check the vote totals against the official vote totals to catch erroneous election results." - Scrutineers...

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26 Oct’ 2020

Don’t even think about intimidating voters. State laws and penalties.

Federal law prohibits voter intimidation. The right of each voter to cast his or her ballot free from intimidation or coercion is the foundation of a...

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3 Oct’ 2020

Take a bite out of vote counting crime: Track the poll tapes!

Image credit: DFS "POLL TAPES are printed vote results from voting machines that are transferred to a central tabulator. This process can be used to manipulate...

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1 Sep’ 2020

Train protesters to better ‘frame’ issues to cut through the lies and control the narrative.

"While this literal battle rages—with tear gassing militias on one side and kneeling protestors on the other—the rhetorical one does as well." - Race Class Narrative...

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19 Aug’ 2020

Save money. Do good. Crowdsource texting campaigns to low income American workers.

Campaigns save money with crowdsourced texting and help low-income American workers at the same time. A win-win solution. What is crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing matches online workers with...

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1 Jul’ 2020

David vs Goliath in Kalamazoo

Necessity is the mother of invention. A team of Kalamazoo candidates innovate to overcome their lack of resources. BackgroundThe candidates have little funding and few technical...

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21 Jun’ 2020

Scan this to recruit volunteers

How to recruit supporters during a pandemic: Recruiting supporters at an event is hard. Lot's of people, activity and little time. How can it be done...

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9 Jun’ 2020

Three Free Safety Apps For Protestors

Police violence and digital surveillance shouldn't be used to intimidate peaceful protestors. These free apps protect protestors exercising their First Amendment right to "assemble peaceably and...

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3 Jun’ 2020

NAACP Volunteers Use ‘Smart’ Texts To Reduce Lines At Georgia Voting Centers

Voters braving a pandemic, shouldn't have to struggle to find their closest polling location. It's easy for Georgia voters to get confused, and many end up not...

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21 May’ 2020

Organize Workers Forced To Re-Enter COVID-19 Infected Facilities

Workers pressured back to work in dangerous conditions have a tough choice: their paycheck or their lives? How can they organize for safe working conditions and fair wages in such a...

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6 May’ 2020

Who Lives? Who Dies?

Why do some black counties in Georgia have 20 times as many deaths as nearby white counties? What impact does voter suppression have on the healthcare provide to African...

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12 Apr’ 2020

Organize Gig Workers Digitally In A Pandemic

The pandemic has devastated gig workers. No unemployment insurance. No health insurance. Unsafe working conditions. How can gig workers organize to demand their rights when they...

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6 Apr’ 2020

Statewide Michigan Indivisible Rapid Response To GOP Demand That Jeopardizes Lawmaker’s Lives

Michigan Republicans insist legislators vote in-person in the middle of a pandemic! "The vote will come a day after it was announced that State Rep. Karen...

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17 Mar’ 2020

Coronavirus Guide. Mobile Training Delivered By Voice And Text.

Coronavirus safety training now available freely by phone. How can safety recommendations be shared with hard-to-contact groups in the middle of a pandemic? Technology designed to...

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5 Jan’ 2020

Podcast Training Retreat For Women Changemakers

[caption id="" align="aligncenter"] Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash[/caption]   Millions listen to podcasts but not enough are hosted and produced by women. How can we fix this?...

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30 Nov’ 2019

Five Free Online Training Platforms To Training Volunteers And Organizers.

How do you train volunteers and staff the skills to be better activists and organizers? Especially when a range of skills have to be taught from...

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6 Nov’ 2019

Online Training For Activists On How To Frame Issues To Build Support.

How do you get someone with very different beliefs to support your cause? Frame the discussion to align with their existing beliefs. Framing is an effective...

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16 Sep’ 2019

New Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered App, Coaches You To Become A Better Public Speaker.

A very few of us are naturally, gifted public speakers. The rest of us need to practice. Technology can now coach activists, organizers and candidates to become better...

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12 Aug’ 2019

Group Mounts Social Media Video Campaign To Block Redevelopment Of African-American Community.

Make the Road Nevada is fighting in solidarity with Windsor Park residents as the City of North Las Vegas is proposing to sell 80% of the land of...

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12 Aug’ 2019

Mobilizing Citizens To Prevent Cuts To The Food Stamp Program. Technology For A Rapid Response.

The Trump administration is planning to cut the Food Stamp program. This would eliminate SNAP benefits for 3.1 million individuals and take free school meals away from the children in...

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29 May’ 2019

Recording a video to shine a light on injustice? Do it right for maximum impact with these expert tips.

[caption id="attachment_1345" align="aligncenter" width="760"] Photo of Leisha Evans taken by Jonathan Bachman for Reuters from Wikipedia[/caption] A powerful image can tell a full story without a single word. Organizers, however, often...

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10 May’ 2019

Virginia Candidates Create Issue-Specific Campaign Videos With Free, Innovative App.

"There is an 80% increase in the time spent on watching videos ... 45% of the people surveyed in North America said they expect to watch even more videos on...

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3 May’ 2019

Up your game with this library of free campaigning and organizing ‘how to’ guides.

Grassroots organizing changes constantly with new tactics and apps. How can the lessons learned on one campaign be quickly shared with other progressive groups? Blueprints for Change converts know-how from campaign organiziners into free...

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1 Apr’ 2019

Midwest Academy Online strategic campaign training for Organizers.

The Midwest Academy has trained over 25,000 grassroots activists. Heather Booth founded the Academy in 1973 to train leaders fighting for social, economic and racial justice. It has played a...

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18 Feb’ 2019

Enough of old, male and pale. Let’s train more campaign staff of color.

[caption id="attachment_1113" align="aligncenter" width="394"] Genny Castillo & Ashley Robinson - Co-founders, The BLUE Institute.[/caption] “Lack of minority staffers threatens to hobble 2020 Democrats. If you don't...

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31 Jan’ 2019

8 Highly Effective Training Resources for Organizers

[caption id="attachment_1086" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash[/caption] "Change requires more than righteous anger. It requires a program and organizing, which is the only way to...

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16 Oct’ 2018

See something. Say something. Especially at polling centers.

"See something - Say something". We see this at airports and on public transportation. So why not do the same while we are trying to vote?...

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11 Sep’ 2018

Micro Target Your Canvassers

Uber does it. Lyft does it. Send drivers to where there's known demand - rather than going to the same old locations as many cabs do. It's...

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1 Jun’ 2018

Is your Voter ID acceptable?

11% of voting-age U.S. citizens don't have a current government-issued photo ID. That's roughly 25 million voters in 34 states who don't have an acceptable Voter...

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23 May’ 2018

It All Starts With Training

Training new campaign volunteers is hard. They're often remote, pressed for time and difficult to schedule. Online learning platforms are affordable and offer training on demand. Campaigns struggle to train volunteers as in-person training can't...

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17 May’ 2018

Knock. Knock. Who’s there?

FedEx does it. Uber does it - optimize delivery routes with better software.How can campaigns up their game so canvassers spend less time walking and more time talking with people? The...

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13 Oct’ 2017

Is Open Source the Transformative Solution for Activism?

Organizing public rallies really is rocket science. A successful launch needs careful planning and good software. Especially when highly vocal users are involved! How well does...

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5 Oct’ 2017

Resisting? Running for office? Get trained online, you will.

Darkness is in the air. The Rebel Alliance is hopelessly outmatched. The Empire terrorizes the galaxy. The rebels train to fight back. The ‘force’ is with...

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4 Oct’ 2017

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised – It’ll be Computerized

Imagine that you have millions of supporters eager to help your cause. You only have a few weeks to get organized and hardly any existing systems...

Zoom Teleprompter for all professions, from performers to prayer leaders

All events have one thing in common these days, they take place online. Virtual meetings are the new normal, no matter the profession, and our free...