28 February, 2022

Republican dogwhistle politics explained

icon culture war,dog whistle
“Dog whistle politics persuades people that minorities are the enemy, supported politicians who promised to curb illegal immigration and crack down on crime. This gets them to vote for policies that favor the extremely rich, such as slashing taxes for top income brackets, giving corporations more regulatory control over industry and financial markets, union busting, cutting pensions for future public employees, reducing funding for public schools, and retrenching the social welfare state. These same voters cannot link rising inequality which has impacted their lives to the policy agendas they support, which resulted in a massive transfer of wealth to the top 1% of the population since the 1980s.”

Republicans use dogwhistles to send racist messages that many can't hear.

How are dogwhistles used to persuade people to vote against their own self-interest? What are the top 20 common Republican dog whistles?

This Google Doc has the full list. Please share other Republican dogwhistles to add to this list here.

What is a political dog whistle?

A dog whistle, as in a pitch so high only a dog could hear it. When politicians say national populism, or illegals, or in the right context States’ Rights, or super predators, or tough on crime, or law and order, they don’t always mean the words they are saying. Instead, they are offering a “dog whistle” to their base. Dog whistles are code words that turn what is supposed to be a good thing into a dirty word like “welfare” and “tax cuts.” For example “Hollywood, liberal, Jews” is a placeholder for the American left.” - Fact Myth

“Just as an actual dog whistle is heard by canines but imperceptible to the human ear, political dog whistles are understood by one group of voters but missed by everyone else. Politicians use dog whistles to make promises to their supporters but hide their position from others.” - Washington Post

How dog whistles work

As explained by Lee Atwater, former Republican Party strategist:
“You can't say "nigger" – that hurts you. Backfires. 
So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. 
You're getting so abstract now, you're talking about cutting taxes. 
And all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is that blacks get hurt worse than whites. 
And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. 
But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. 
You follow me – because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger." - HandWiki

Dog Whistle politics

“Dog whistle politics persuades people that minorities are the enemy, supported politicians who promised to curb illegal immigration and crack down on crime. This gets them to vote for policies that favor the extremely rich, such as slashing taxes for top income brackets, giving corporations more regulatory control over industry and financial markets, union busting, cutting pensions for future public employees, reducing funding for public schools, and retrenching the social welfare state. These same voters cannot link rising inequality which has impacted their lives to the policy agendas they support, which resulted in a massive transfer of wealth to the top 1% of the population since the 1980s.”

Dog whistles push middle-class white Americans to vote against their self interests. “Reagan was ‘blowing a dog whistle’ when the candidate told stories about "Cadillac-driving 'welfare queens' and 'strapping young bucks' buying T-bone steaks with food stamps" while he was campaigning for the presidency. He argues that such rhetoric pushes middle-class white Americans to vote against their economic self-interest in order to punish "undeserving minorities" who, they believe, are receiving too much public assistance at their expense.” explains Ian Haney López, explains in Dog Whistle Politics.” - HandWiki

How dog whistles are used

States’ Rights refers to “the right of the state” to not follow the same rules as the Federal government. Pre-Civil War that debate was central to “the right to own slaves” and “the right for new states to be slave states.” (Fact Myth). After the Civil War, it became the right to:

  • Deny Civil Rights
  • Trample Voting Rights
  • Deny social welfare programs
  • Deny rights to poor people
  • Not expand Medicaid

Plausible deniability

“Covert dogwhistles are not bound to the regular meaning of an expression allowing the speaker to plausibly deny the covert appeal.

Newt Gingrich: “Over here you have a policy which, with Reagan and me as speaker, created millions of jobs—it’s called paychecks. Over [t]here you have the most suc- cessful food stamp president in American history, Barack Obama.” (Dogwhistle: African American are lazy)
Journalist: Are you implying that African Americans are lazy?
Newt Gingrich: I don’t have anything against African Americans. Why do you think that?

The veiled nature of covert dogwhistles sharply contrasts with the transparency that their conventional character gives to semantic presuppositions and conventional implicatures. Plausible deniability isa powerful features of covert dogwhistles. It allows the dog-whistler to reverse the accusation, for instance, by accusing the opponent of playing the race card.” - Academia

The veiled nature of covert dogwhistles sharply contrasts with the transparency that their conventional character gives to semantic presuppositions and conventional implicatures. Plausible deniability isa powerful features of covert dogwhistles. It allows the dog-whistler to reverse the accusation, for instance, by accusing the opponent of playing the race card.

20 Republican dogwhistles

Personal Responsibility

"It’s not your conditions but rather your actions which are responsible for where you are. This is said despite Republicans passing legislation which gave away 270 million acres of land, for free, which jolted the U.S. economy, created personal opportunity, and wealth that could be passed down, creating, well, better conditions for white people."

Big Government

Code for federal assistance — such as grants, SNAP benefits, unemployment, health insurance. It is also used to describe federal protections — such as regulation and civil rights. It claims government being too big and too involved in the lives of “individuals.” 

Job Creators

Means people who own businesses that employ other people. For conservatives, this really means rich people. When 10% of the population controls 76% of the wealth, the last thing the Republicans and their rich donors  need is even the slightest, burdensome tax increase.

School Choice

Means students shouldn’t be bound to attending schools in their local neighborhoods, but rather should have the freedom to attend any school that fits their needs. School choice for Republicans is a code word for segregation and allowing discrimination. It is a code word for the privatization of public schools. Rather than federal dollars going to public schools for teaching improvements or community learning, Republicans believe those dollars are better spent in the form of a voucher, which can be used toward tuition at a private or charter school. 

The real game: Invest in cheap property in an under-served area, build a charter school on one of your properties, use public funds as vouchers to increase enrollment, purchase supplies and services from the companies of board members or donors, and hire and fire as you please with no teacher’s union involvement. Then, see your investment pay off over several years as the area is gentrified, your property values go up, and you receive 39% tax credits on your initial investment. So desegregation is now a good thing as long as we make money off it.

Activist Judges

"These are judges, usually appointed by Democratic presidents, who uphold any law passed with a Democratic majority or rule against any law passed with a Republican majority. On the contrary, judges appointed by Republicans who uphold conservative laws or strike down liberal laws are referred to by conservatives as, “originalists,” or, “defenders of the constitution.” It’s cool if we do it. Just not you."

States’ Rights/Leave it up to the states

"Means that states should be free to implement discriminatory, racist laws without the federal government intervening. Because it took executive orders, literal acts of Congress, and federal intervention to end racist laws, conservatives intellectualize their defense of these issues by invoking terms such as individual liberty, government overreach, or, unconstitutional. So in other words, “We don’t think the government should tell you that you can’t discriminate, so we’ll leave it up to the states which will turn a blind eye to protect your individual liberties, such as the right to discriminate.”

Critical Race Theory

Code to derail efforts to promote talks about racial diversity, equity and inclusion in the public schools there. Black students complained about being the victims of racism and microaggressions. By ignoring these complaints, the White parents attending school board meetings to blow the CRT dog whistle have proven to us that they believe their fears and resentments about a manufactured CRT controversy are more valid than Black students’ actual grievances. -

Illegal immigrants

Republican code words for undocumented aliens referred mainly to Latinos and especially to Mexicans. - History Network

Islamic terrorism

Used to offends millions of Islamic people in America who view massacres with the same disgust as Christians, Jews, and others in the United States. ‘Radical Islamic terrorist’ associate decent individuals and families with people who engage in crimes against humanity." - History Network

Trump uses racist dog whistles

America first

Claims that America's legal immigration system should be curtailed to those that can contribute not only economically, but have demonstrated respect for this nation's culture and rule of law. It calls for infrastructure that "reflects the architectural, engineering and aesthetic value that befits the progeny of European architecture." It states that public infrastructure "must be utilitarian as well as stunningly, classically beautiful, befitting a world power and source of freedom," specifically citing the example of the ancient Romans. - MSN

Real Americans

Code for white right-wing Christians. Treating “evangelical White Christians” as a synonym for “right-wing conservatives” does no justice to the millions of evangelical white voters on the Christian Left or those who are not political." - HandWiki

Minimum Wage 

“We aren’t going to pay you a living wage “because of socialism.” We are sending half the family to jail where they will work for even less. When we say “lazy minimum-wage workers,” we aren’t just talking about teenagers entering the workforce.” - FactMyth

Tax Cuts

“Tax Cuts.” Don’t worry, we are going to cut welfare, but we’ll also give you liberty and freedom from the welfare state. As you know, rich white people love creating jobs for poor black people. Just think about all the black people who have worked for white people in the past and how empowering it was.” - FactMyth

Moochers & Takers

Moochers and Takers. A moocher is someone on welfare. If welfare isn’t enough of a clue, let’s add in a word that sounds suspiciously like the N-Word. To this I say, “Yes, genius, poor black people took everything, that is why they have so much. It couldn’t possibly be those whose wealth increases every year, who collect interest payments and profit off debt. Let’s just keep blaming black people.” - FactMyth

Law & Order

Law and Order. Nixon, Reagan and Trump have all called for “Law and Order.” Are they trying to rally the base innocently? Did someone forget to tell them this is code for the N-word? We know they don’t mean “Law and Order” on Wall Street or K Street. On which streets do they want Law and Order? Do they mean Law and Order as it was used to give “The United States the world’s highest incarceration rate and (it) hosts more prison inmates than all other developed nations combined” - HandWiki

Trump amplifies racist dogwhistles

Supreme Court Justices

“President George W. Bush and Karl Rove used coded "dog-whistle" language in political campaigning, delivering one message to the overall electorate while at the same time delivering quite a different message to a targeted evangelical Christian political base. Bush's criticism during the 2004 presidential campaign of the U.S. Supreme Court's 1857 Dred Scott decision denying the U.S. citizenship of any African American. To most listeners the criticism seemed innocuous, Safire wrote, but "sharp-eared observers" understood the remark to be a pointed reminder that Supreme Court decisions can be reversed, and a signal that, if re-elected, Bush might nominate to the Supreme Court a justice who would overturn Roe v. Wade.” - HandWiki


“Trump released a closing ad for his campaign repeating offending lines from that speech, this time illustrated with images of prominent Jews: financier George Soros (accompanying the words “those who control the levers of power”), Fed Chair Janet Yellen (with the words “global special interests”) and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein (following the “global power structure” quote). The ad shows Hillary Clinton and says she partners “with these people who don’t have your good in mind.” - Washington Post

Shariah Law

“Claims that brown Muslim people are infiltrating our country, so be afraid, and vote for politicians who will support the right wing... We first started hearing about this alleged threat to American justice in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, says López, when the Bush administration became intent on linking the war in Iraq to hijackers who were from Saudi Arabia. It claims that new brown immigrants who are threatening the heartland," he says. "A prime example is Kansas prohibiting courts from drawing on Shariah law—it's not a threat at all. The point isn't the reality; it's the racial frame.” - The Root

Illegal Alien 

“Phrase that triggers fears about immigrants as criminals, taking advantage of welfare and disrespecting the American way of life. But somehow the concerns are always pointed at the Mexican border instead of the one we share with Canada. "It's racial rhetoric about Latinos that is now being couched in this seemingly racially neutral language, and harnessed to support fear to get people to support conservative policies." - The Root


“We aren’t going to pay you a living wage “because of socialism.” We are sending half the family to jail where they will work for even less. When we say “lazy minimum-wage workers,” we aren’t just talking about teenagers entering the workforce.” - FactMyth

Dog Whistle resources

Dog whistle database

List of dog whistles

  • Anti-crime
  • Black menace
  • Drug war
  • Save-our-automatic weapons
  • War-on-Christmas
  • Have-prayer-in-schools
  • Increase-military-spending
  • Anti-UN
  • Anti-immigration
  • Fear-of-terrorism
  • Anti-Muslim
  • Anti-China
  • Anti-feminist
  • Anti-abortion
  • Anti-LGBT
  • Anti-Obamacare

TakeAway: Help people see when they are being conned by Republican dogwhistles and culture wars into voting against their own self-interest.


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14 Apr’ 2021

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11 Apr’ 2021

Corporate political donations, voter suppression and gun control: Top political cartoons

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9 Apr’ 2021

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8 Apr’ 2021

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7 Apr’ 2021

Explaining voter suppression? Use an infographic.

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6 Apr’ 2021

Fundraising on Zoom? Add a Give Button.

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4 Apr’ 2021

Georgia Voter Suppression – Illustrated Edition

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3 Apr’ 2021

Cash cows block rural internet

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2 Apr’ 2021

Mobilizing Latinx voters? Use relational organizing with WhatsApp.

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31 Mar’ 2021

Canvassing for H.R. 1 over Facetime

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30 Mar’ 2021

Friends don’t let anti-vaxxer friends stay at risk. Conversation guide shows how to engage.

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29 Mar’ 2021

Are you being tricked into funding the spread of disinformation? Check the GDI Index.

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28 Mar’ 2021

Mass shooters, Jim Crow and racist Republicans: This week’s top political cartoons.

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25 Mar’ 2021

Zoom fundraising goes better with a teleprompter

Don't take chances with important presentations. Use a teleprompter. Fundraising online is stressful. It helps to maintain eye contact with potential donors while making your appeal....

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24 Mar’ 2021

The ultimate voter registration machine

How can remote, under-served communities get reliable information? How can advocacy groups promote voter registration and COVID vaccinations? And build opt-in contact lists at the same...

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23 Mar’ 2021

Conducting a survey? Use this free solution to collect more responses in less time.

Conducting a survey doesn't have to be complicated, expensive, nor time-consuming. "How can we quickly survey a community of 1,000 families in 10 city blocks to...

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21 Mar’ 2021

Racist killings and voter suppression bills: The week’s top political cartoons.

This week's top Political Cartoons cover racial killings and Republican voter suppression bills. You can view the cartoons individually or as a GIF or a one minute video....

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20 Mar’ 2021

Racism has consequences

Eight people including six Asian women killed in racist shooting spree with a gun bought hours earlier. This isn't a random event. Hate crimes against Asian...

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18 Mar’ 2021

How much will you get from the American Rescue Plan? Check this map.

Americans are feeling the benefits of public investment as they receive direct survival checks and tax credit expansions to keep food on the table and a...

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17 Mar’ 2021

Jim Crow lives here

Republican racists bills to suppress voting have been called "Jim Crow in a Suit". We mapped where Jim Crow breeds, groups like ALEC supporting, companies supporting...

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16 Mar’ 2021

Paid fellowships bring innovation to grassroots groups

How can grassroots groups learn about new ways to have a bigger impact with less money? How can college students find paid internships, learn new skills...

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15 Mar’ 2021

Fact or fiction? Find out with Checkology.

Learn to separate fact from fiction. Use the free Checkology app to determine the credibility of what you're reading. "Lack of news literacy is a threat...

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13 Mar’ 2021

Jim Crow. Cat-In-The-Hat. COVID Stimulus Bill. The week’s top political cartoons.

‘Jim Crow in a suit and tie’: Outrage over Georgia’s new bills to restrict voting access. Bills would reduce weekend voting , end automatic registration, and...

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12 Mar’ 2021

Black Owned Media Matters

Media outlets serving immigrant and communities of color are under threat and deprived of resources needed to sustain their vital role. "Communities of color and immigrants...

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11 Mar’ 2021

Think different to persuade more people

Polarized voters. People trapped in information bubbles. Corporations making billions spreading disinformation in order to sell more ads. How do you get heard when calling and...

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9 Mar’ 2021

Zoom event production made easy

Presenters run over their allotted time, others drift off script, struggle with audience questions... How can virtual events be kept on track and presenters on script?...

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7 Mar’ 2021

How Senator Joe Manchin’s cuts to unemployment benefits will hurt his state of West Virginia

West Virginia is already the poorest state in the country. It'll be even poorer because of Senator Manchin's cuts to benefits in the American Rescue Plan....

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6 Mar’ 2021

Unemployment insurance. Domestic terrorism. Texas. The week’s top political cartoons.

Republicans gave billions in tax cuts to the wealthy but now vote against a living wage for workers. This week's top Political Cartoons capture the hypocrisy,...

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3 Mar’ 2021

When they go low with more voting restrictions, we expand free internet access so no voter is left behind

As Republicans introduce new Jim Crow style voting restrictions, it's vital to empower more eligible citizens to vote. Free internet access enables more people to learn...

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2 Mar’ 2021

Why do poor Americans get bad water? What’s race got to do with it?

Contaminated water is a health hazard for many Black, Hispanic and Native American communities. It is even more fatal with disasters such as the recent Texas...

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27 Feb’ 2021

Minimum wage. Filibuster. Cult followers. This week’s top cartoons.

Republicans give billions in tax cuts to wealthy donors but use the filibuster to deny working Americans a living wage. They gerrymander and deny the poor...

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22 Feb’ 2021

How to FOLLOW THE MONEY driving politicians

Money is the root of all evil. Especially in politics. Learn how to trace the money behind a political decisions. Who is donating? What do they...

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21 Feb’ 2021

For The People. Mapping how H.R. 1 fights voter suppression.

"We the People deserve a responsive, accountable government that gives us all a stronger voice and puts our needs ahead of special interests. Congress must pass...

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20 Feb’ 2021

Bickering. Conspiracy theories. Beach time. This week’s top ten political cartoons.

The top ten Political Cartoons this week showcase Republican bickering, conspiracy theories and beach time. Check out these cartoons in two new formats: as a GIF on GIPHY...

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19 Feb’ 2021

Make videos the easy way. Free app includes hundreds of royalty-free video clips and soundtracks.

Videos get six times more traction on Facebook! Learn how to quickly and easily create videos for free with Lumen5. We created a 25 second video...

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18 Feb’ 2021

Fighting disinfo? Coordinate a rapid response with shared talking points.

Disinfo requires a rapid, broad spread response. Get talking points to supporters for them to spread the truth and have their messages reinforce each other. A...

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15 Feb’ 2021

Listen to the experts. Subscribe to the Digital Politics Podcast.

Listen to weekly Digital Politics podcasts to stay abreast of innovations in political technology. Karen Jagoda has hosted the weekly Digital Politics Podcast since 2007. The podcast features...

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14 Feb’ 2021

Impeachment Illustrated – McConnell Edition

"He's guilty... but I'll acquit him". These Political Cartoons help understand Mitch.DeepakDemLabs Mitch McConnell acquits Trump (GIF) McConnell Acquits Trump (90 second Video) ACQUITTAL ON 5TH...

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13 Feb’ 2021

How well do you understand redistricting? Take this quiz.

Many states allow public input to make sure district maps are drawn fairly. Check your understanding with this online quiz? "Redistricting affects whether the nation’s diverse...

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11 Feb’ 2021

Reach more people. Caption and translate videos.

Reach the one in five Americans who do not speak English and others who prefer to watch videos on mute. Add captions and translations to your...

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10 Feb’ 2021

Guard against hackers. Reduce your digital footprint.

Reduce the amount of public information that hackers can find about you online to disrupt your work, harass you and steal confidential information. What can you...

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8 Feb’ 2021

Organizing resistance against Republican State Senators’ scheme to suppress Georgia voters

"Georgia Republicans have proposed a fresh round of measures to increase voter suppression and limit participation. Hiding under the guise of making sure “legal” votes count, Republican lawmakers want to eliminate...

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6 Feb’ 2021

Double-talk. Denial. Stupidity. This week’s best political cartoons.

This week's top ten political cartoons lampoon Republican double-talk, denial and stupidity. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" - Saul Alinsky “It is almost impossible to...

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2 Feb’ 2021

Fight negative media stereotypes

Media stereotypes perpetuate racism. Let’s tackle diversity and representation one photo at a time. Images influence our perception of people and issues, which over time solidify...

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16 Jan’ 2021

Political Cartoons Say It Best

No description necessary... Feeding The Fringe - Adam Zyglis Les Deplorables - R.J. Matson Butthurt Base - David Fitzsimmons Trump or the nation? - Bruce Plante...

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13 Jan’ 2021

Follow the corporate funding behind sedition and violence

"Millions of people had to be whipped into a frenzy over bogus charges of voter fraud and a critical mass of them had to be directed...

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11 Jan’ 2021

Fighting dark forces online? Focus on the tech vendors they need to spread hate.

Parler is being forced to change tech platforms after being ejected from Amazon AWS, Google Play Store and Apple App Store. How can tech firms be...

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10 Jan’ 2021

How YouTube makes money selling ads next to videos of the U.S. Capitol being attacked

A violent mob attacks the U.S. Capitol building and threatens elected officials. Who profits from video streaming the attack? Is it ethical to make money off...

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8 Jan’ 2021

Fed up of politicians inciting mob violence and sedition? Hold the companies funding their campaigns accountable.

“Armed violent protestors who support the baseless claim by outgoing president Trump that he somehow won an election that he overwhelmingly lost have stormed the U.S....

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6 Jan’ 2021

Trumpland? Meet the Republicans and their corporate donors trying to overturn election results.

"Eleven Republican senators and senators-elect said that they would vote to reject President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory ... to defy the unambiguous results of the...

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30 Dec’ 2020

Horse racing over COVID relief? Thank Mitch and Citizens United.

Horse racing is important to some. American lives matter to even more people. Why would a politician prioritize horses over people? Money, judges and voter suppression....

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28 Dec’ 2020

Redistricting: What to know now

Redistricting has been hijacked. Partisanship has increased. Political districts are supposed to be revised to to reflect population changes but instead they're being manipulated. Politicians in...

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27 Dec’ 2020

Relational organizing in action

"Relational organizing focuses on the most important tools at our disposal: our relationships and our ability to talk with one another about things that matter." -...

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22 Dec’ 2020

Voting early or using a drop box to vote in Georgia? Find your closest location with just two clicks.

You're about to vote early. Where's the closest location in your county? When is it open? How do you get there? Vote Georgia makes it easy...

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19 Dec’ 2020

See Something, Say Something. Georgia.

Voter suppression has evolved. The systems used to track and respond to it need to keep pace. How can voters be empowered to report incidents of...

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17 Dec’ 2020

GOTV Concerts organizes virtual concerts featuring Georgia musicians to get out the vote

Music can move people to action, but with COVID raging, online performances have replaced large concerts. Virtual events are tailored to local audiences. Turnout increases as...

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14 Dec’ 2020

How YouTube spreads COVID Disinformation

290,000 Americans have already died from COVID-19, yet people protest wearing masks and are skeptical of vaccinations. How does disinformation manipulate people into risky behavior? Who...

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9 Dec’ 2020

How BLUE FUTURE uses textbots to mobilize young voters in Georgia

Young voters are a key Georgia voting group with many voting for the first time! They prefer texting over calling. This demands frugal innovation so organizing...

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24 Nov’ 2020

How to design smart route plans for canvassing, campaigns and non-profits.

How do you stretch limited time, money and workers to reach the most people? The problem comes in different forms: canvassing, delivering campaign supplies or giving...

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21 Nov’ 2020

How relational organizing helps Georgia voters learn about acceptable forms of voter ID

Voter ID laws prevent or intimidate millions of eligible Americans from casting their ballot. Obtaining an ID that fulfills voting requirements is costly and confusing. It...

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20 Nov’ 2020

Fundraising through ZOOM events made easy

ZOOM makes it easy to connect, but how do you get supporters to take the next step and donate? How can they do this while still...

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18 Oct’ 2020

Combat voter suppression. Data by the people, for the people to react quickly.

Spot and combat voter suppression. Get the facts quickly to the public, journalists, influencers, lawyers and voting rights groups. Information that has been screened, provided with...

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16 Oct’ 2020

Lincoln Project: See Something, Say Something!

With just under three weeks left until the November 3rd election and early voting well underway in many states, The Lincoln Project is today beginning to...

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4 Oct’ 2020

Searching for voter suppression incidents as they happen? Use these Twitter expert tips.

Analyzing tweets it is like drinking from a fire hydrant. New apps make it easier to analyze tweets to spot instances of voter suppression as they...

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29 Aug’ 2019

Personal Data: Political Persuasion. How Consumer Data Is Sold To Campaigns To Better Target Voters.

Collecting and selling personal data to businesses is a big industry. Political campaigns are increasingly using the same data.  Campaigns rely heavily on voter files for targeting. Many are...

Don’t talk to strangers

Don't talk to strangers. Especially if they're sending you phishing emails.  Hackers trick you into opening phishing emails by pretending to be from a trusted source. This often starts with them...

What are examples of voter intimidation? The U.S. Department of Justice has explained that voter intimidation is conduct that is intended to compel prospective voters to vote against...

Where is it hardest to vote? Check these maps for answers.

Every American has an equal right to vote. Some are just more equal than others to paraphrase George Orwell. What's in common between communities where it...

Lawyers volunteer to do good

We The Action matches volunteer lawyers with nonprofit groups that need their skills. Lawyers have a unique ability to defend our nation’s values, protect our democracy,...

SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING about voting problems

Why is it easier and faster to report a traffic jam while driving than to report harassment while trying to vote? Groups making it harder for...

How Republicans persecute women

Recent headlines highlight Republican policies persecuting women Denying women control over their own bodies. The Republican packed Supreme Court will hear a case that threatens Roe v. Wade....

Who is streaming Russian propaganda into American military bases ask vets?

Republican use Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda

Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans.They must be utilized again and again, but only in appropriate situations. falsehoods were repeated often...

GOP-packed Supreme Court attacks native citizens’ rights on tribal lands

As part of its recent precedent-breaking spree, the U.S. Supreme Court turned federal Indian law on its head this week on Wednesday, June 29. In the...

Gen-Z fights for change with creative online tactics

"Abortion rights activists are too fat and ugly to get pregnant", said Matt Gaetz (R-FL). Gen-Z activist have used his comments to raise thousands of dollars...

Cash Bail jails the poor but frees the rich.

Illinois Supreme Court puts end of cash bail on hold until further notice SAFE-T Act ends cash bail The Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act, or...

Guide to digital politics: Podcast

"How to Use the Internet to Change the World - and Win Elections" is a book by Colin Delany, a veteran political consultant. Colin has worked...