6 January, 2022

Make rapid response videos for free with iMovie

icon free,imovie,rapid response,rapid response videos,video editing
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks on the anniversary of the Jan 6th insurrection about the need to control political violence.

How do you create a rapid response videos when you have no money and hardly any video editing skills? Use iMovie.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland emphasized the need to stop political violence on the eve of the Jan 6th insurrection. The Attorney General spoke for 34 minutes with no visual aids. It's a strong, urgently needed message, but the video is too long for many people and not easily shared on social media.

Videos dominate the battle for mindshare on social media. So it's important for activists and organizers to be able to create persuasive videos. Creating rapid response videos quickly about events in the news, lets them make the most of the news cycle to get more exposure for free. This blog explains how Megan Matson, a Lincoln Project board member and DemLabs, converted the Attorney General's speech into a minute long, rapid response video.

Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General

Merrick Garland stresses the need to curb political violence on the eve of the first anniversary of the violent Jan 6 insurrection caused by Trump's attempt to overturn the election results.
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How to create rapid response videos with iMovie

iMovie is a free, versatile and easy to use application from Apple. This is how Merrick Garland's speech was converted into a short 1.2 minute video in about two hours. It was captioned in both English and Spanish.

  • The public 24 minute video was imported into iMovie along with the images to overlay and a short, free soundtrack from DJ Lazy Spoon.
  • The opening sequence is a 3 second video of the Jan 6th insurrection.
  • Next we added the logo of the Department of Justice and Merrick Garland's title as the form of a caption which is a standard iMovie feature.
  • The sound track is configured to fade out as the Attorney General begins to speak.
Create video
  • Short ten second clips from the source video were chosen along with the corresponding image to show with them.
  • The images and videos are overlaid so you can hear Merrick Garlands words as the image changes.
  • iMovie allows you to add both images and videos as overlays.
  • The ideal length on the video for social media should be about 20 seconds, but in this case the video length is 1.2 minutes as there is a lot of important information to share.
  • During the course of the video, the camera zooms into the Attorney General using a standard iMovie feature.
  • The closing credits appear as a caption.
  • The music soundtrack appears at the opening and ending of the video.
  • iMovie allows you to choose the soundtrack to play and at what volume.
  • The video was then captioned in English and also translated into Spanish.

Learn basic video editing skills for free

Videos dominate the battle for mindshare on social media. So it's important for activists and organizers to be able to create persuasive videos. Creating rapid response videos quickly about events in the news, lets them make the most of the news cycle to get more exposure for free. DemLabs is conducting free training webinars on how to create rapid response videos with iMovie. Apply for a spot here.

TakeAway: Create rapid response videos get your message to more people in the duration and language that works for them. iMovie makes it fast, easy and free.



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8 Mar’ 2022

Reach more Hispanics with online services to meet their needs. Echar una mano.

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14 Feb’ 2022

Fight voter suppression: Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase turnout.

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Where are the people you’re looking for? Ask the map.

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10 Feb’ 2022

Keep your team in formation using the same talking points

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7 Feb’ 2022

Legitimate Political Discourse isn’t mob violence

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5 Feb’ 2022

Grassroots political campaign run with military precision in Maryland

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1 Feb’ 2022

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28 Jan’ 2022

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25 Jan’ 2022

Automated voice assistants help seniors and the disabled get to vote

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22 Jan’ 2022

Canvassers help Americans without cell phone service or internet access register to vote

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15 Jan’ 2022

Political extremism spreads like cancer. Watch for these symptoms warns Lincoln Project advisor.

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13 Jan’ 2022

Geotarget voters, direct their outrage, and build contact lists the easy way.

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9 Jan’ 2022

Fight rural voter suppression with better canvassing technology

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2 Jan’ 2022

Boost door hangers with QR Codes to get more responses

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29 Dec’ 2021

Fast food franchisors ask workers if they’d like a side of COVID?

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14 Dec’ 2021

Canvass smarter: Plan walking routes with apps that companies use to deliver packages

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Que incluye BBB para ti? Free apps for better Hispanic outreach.

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COVID collateral damage map of politicians ready to sacrifice your life to get re-elected

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Let vets vote

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6 Jun’ 2021

How to make rapid response videos. Like for Voting ProChoice after the Texas abortion ban.

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4 Jun’ 2021

Activists use new digital tactics to fight environmental racism

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25 May’ 2021

Make your own fundraising video for free

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20 May’ 2021

Capitol riot coverup: cartoon edition

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15 May’ 2021

Stick to your message. Use a teleprompter.

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12 May’ 2021

Liz Cheney’s speech on protecting democracy – in five languages

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14 Apr’ 2021

Yes! You too can make a polished fundraising video for free, in hours with just a laptop.

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31 Mar’ 2021

Canvassing for H.R. 1 over Facetime

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25 Mar’ 2021

Zoom fundraising goes better with a teleprompter

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21 Jan’ 2021

NAACP Atlanta Gets-Out-The-Vote with relational organizing

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3 Jan’ 2021

Managing a ZOOM event with several presenters? Use an on-screen teleprompter to keep things on track.

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27 Dec’ 2020

Relational organizing in action

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21 Dec’ 2020

Stick to your script. Use an on-screen teleprompter.

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17 Dec’ 2020

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24 Sep’ 2020

Florida early voting locations map. How to crowdsource information to help more people vote.

Information on when and where to vote improves voter turnout, but often hard to find. Organizers crowdsource early voting and dropbox locations and freely share them...

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16 Sep’ 2020

You’ve moved? Handy guide explains how to make sure you can still vote.

"Did you move this year? Do you plan to vote in the November election? If you answered yes to both of those questions, you need to...

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15 Sep’ 2020

NBA supports voting. A slam dunk!

NBA stadiums won't be empty for long. They won't be filled with cardboard cutouts either. They will be filled with voters. Vote at the three point...

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13 Sep’ 2020

Youth group launches multi-lingual, interactive video campaign on BigStage to get-out-the-vote

Multi-lingual video campaign to get out the vote Gen Z voices urge others to vote with new technology that merges a recorded video with interactive buttons....

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12 Sep’ 2020

Suppression on the Reservation makes it harder for Native Americans to vote

Barriers being placed to prevent Native Americans from Voting-by-mail Denying postal services to suppress Native American votes It's despicable when Americans are prevented from voting by...

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9 Sep’ 2020

Trying to connect with ethnic minority voters? Find the right influencer with this free app.

Work with influencers trusted by a community in your outreach to minority groups. Ethnic Media Services promotes cross cultural communications through their network hundreds of journalists,...

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7 Sep’ 2020

Voting early? Checkout these maps of dropbox and early voting locations in NC and Michigan.

Early voting has started! Find the nearest early voting location or dropbox in North Carolina and Michigan with these free maps. See how Map My Vote...

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5 Sep’ 2020

How to deliver POWERFUL messages on video

Use these five expert tips to make a bigger impact in your online presentations. They have nothing to do with the lighting or the quality of...

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3 Sep’ 2020

COVID-19 Death Counter app tracks what really matters

Ignore the distractions. Focus on COVID-19, which is killing a thousand Americans every day. Some politicians would talk about anything other than the Americans that die...

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2 Sep’ 2020

Don’t know where to vote early? Use these free apps to find out.

Voting is being made harder by choking the U.S. Postal Service. New apps help voters find early voting locations. The U.S. Postal Service is being crippled...

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31 Aug’ 2020

Expert tips on writing text messages that get attention

Peer-to-peer texting offers a personalized way to connect with voters. Texting campaigns costs much less than other forms of outreach. They get a higher read and response...

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21 Aug’ 2020

Ten tips to make anyone a ZOOM fundraising pro

Zoom is child's play with these ten tips. 1. Test the technology Navigate technical issues before they happen to improve efficiency. Technical issues come hand in...

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19 Aug’ 2020

Save money. Do good. Crowdsource texting campaigns to low income American workers.

Campaigns save money with crowdsourced texting and help low-income American workers at the same time. A win-win solution. What is crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing matches online workers with...

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18 Aug’ 2020

How do they feel about absentee ballots? Conduct surveys faster for less money with chatbots.

Conducting surveys in a pandemic the smart way. Use chatbots. How do voters feel about absentee ballots vs. voting in person? How does this vary by...

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8 Aug’ 2020

Lost your unemployment benefits? Petition your senator to #SaveThe600.

Unemployment benefits cut? Petition your senator. "The Federal $600-per-week unemployment supplement expired and millions of Americans out of work due to the pandemic are wondering how...

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7 Aug’ 2020

Miss that live virtual event? It’s your lucky day, it’s still going on.

Zoom meetings can now stay live for people who missed them. Never miss a live virtual event again. With BigStage Online, events can remain live and...

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3 Aug’ 2020

Want a fair 2020 election? Become a poll worker.

America is in the midst of a nationwide poll worker shortage. "Without enough poll workers, voting locations close and lines stretch for hours. That’s why it's...

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28 Jul’ 2020

How grieving moms use protests against police killings to recruit supporters

Ishtyme Robinson lost two children to police violence. She founded Every Case Matters, a grass-roots organization devoted to stopping genocide of all black, brown and lives....

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27 Jul’ 2020

Mapping the spread of COVID-19 near Sinclair Broadcasting stations spewing Coronavirus conspiracy theories

What responsibility does Sinclair bear when it broadcasts information that hurts public health? "Baseless conspiracy theories about the novel coronavirus and Dr. Anthony Fauci, found a...

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25 Jul’ 2020

Republicans just don’t care. How to map the millions of families they’re about to make homeless during a pandemic.

Republican senators are blocking unemployment benefits for millions of Americans devastated by the Coronavirus. This will make millions of Americans homeless and cause more deaths. How...

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23 Jul’ 2020

How to create your own campaign videos for free at home

How does a candidate with little time or money get their message heard? Stephanie Moore, a candidate for State Representative of Michigan's 60th district, met this...

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20 Jul’ 2020

Fundraise Better On ZOOM

Fundraising has moved online with many campaigns choosing ZOOM for virtual fundraisers. But guiding donors from the impulse to give to actually making the donation during...

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14 Jul’ 2020

HipHop Politics On The BigStage

COVID-19 has forced campaigns to move organizing and fundraising online. Conferencing apps are great for meetings, but lacking key features for political events where the goal...

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12 Jul’ 2020

Start a chain reaction

Savvy organizers extend their reach by having supporters text their friends. VoteForce makes relational organizing fast, easy and affordable. Here's how a slate of candidates in...

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1 Jul’ 2020

David vs Goliath in Kalamazoo

Necessity is the mother of invention. A team of Kalamazoo candidates innovate to overcome their lack of resources. BackgroundThe candidates have little funding and few technical...

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25 Jun’ 2020

Don’t mess with Texas voters

Texas has an election on July 14th with early voting starting on Monday, June 29th and ending on Friday, July 10th. For more details, voters may...

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21 Jun’ 2020

Scan this to recruit volunteers

How to recruit supporters during a pandemic: Recruiting supporters at an event is hard. Lot's of people, activity and little time. How can it be done...

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20 Jun’ 2020

Four innovations to get out the vote in Virginia

Reclaim Our Vote (ROV), a grassroots group in Virginia is innovating to get-out-the-vote (GOTV) in Virginia's primary election. Its volunteers will text 32,000 voters in three...

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17 Jun’ 2020

Let The People Speak

How do you bridge the divide between how elected officials vote and what their constituents want? Let people speak directly to power. Kalamazoo Commissioner Stephanie Moore mobilized...

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15 Jun’ 2020

Use Petitions To Harness Outrage And Build Contact Lists With Free New App

Harness the outrage through targeted petitions and also build lists of supporters. Petition drives work, but the pandemic has forced organizing online which demands innovation. Existing...

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27 May’ 2020

How To Find Ballot Drop Boxes And Early Voting Locations In Georgia

Voters in Georgia's June 9th election can return their absentee ballots at drop box without a stamp or any human contact. How do they find the...

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21 May’ 2020

Organize Workers Forced To Re-Enter COVID-19 Infected Facilities

Workers pressured back to work in dangerous conditions have a tough choice: their paycheck or their lives? How can they organize for safe working conditions and fair wages in such a...

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17 May’ 2020

COVID19 Death Sentence

Over 2 million people are imprisoned in America. Most of them are black or Hispanic and they are dying in the hundreds from the Coronavirus. Is...

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16 May’ 2020

Who’s Against Heroes?

Politicians often vote against their voters' interests. How can the public track what they're voting for and let them know when they go wrong?  In this blog you'll learn about:...

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12 May’ 2020

Musicians Power Virtual Fundraisers

Musicians and progressive campaigns are teaming to raise funds online with live streaming performances.    The Coronavirus has forced campaigns to innovate. How do you fundraise...

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6 May’ 2020

Who Lives? Who Dies?

Why do some black counties in Georgia have 20 times as many deaths as nearby white counties? What impact does voter suppression have on the healthcare provide to African...

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27 Apr’ 2020

Virus Free Voting

How can a virtual protest be organized during a pandemic? One where Congress gets to hear from real people?  A virtual protest #VirusFreeVoting is planned by Indivisible chapters...

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27 Apr’ 2020

Conduct Polls In A Pandemic? Use Chatbots.

Collecting accurate, timely information in a pandemic needs innovation. Mothers Of Hope uses chatbots to collect information from Kalamazoo residents about their Coronavirus care and census participation. The group encourages community members...

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24 Apr’ 2020

Will You Be Counted In The Census?

[caption id="attachment_2319" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Image: Lumen5[/caption] How can marginalized groups be inspired to take part in the census during a pandemic? Sharvin Lee with Michigan Voices is experimenting with difference approaches....

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22 Apr’ 2020

National Calendar Of Events Responding To The Coronavirus Pandemic

How can experts, volunteers and resources connect in a pandemic? NYC United Against Coronavirus (NYC UAC) shows how it can be done quickly and with few resources. They...

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20 Apr’ 2020

Visualizing 40,000 Deaths

Big numbers make it hard to fully grasp the size of a tragedy - such as the number of American deaths from the Coronavirus.  The facts are...

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13 Apr’ 2020

Make Sure Everyone Hears Your Message – Regardless Of Their Language.

Make sure every one get to hear your message regardless of their language. One out of five American speaks a language other than English at home. Many...

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12 Apr’ 2020

Organize Gig Workers Digitally In A Pandemic

The pandemic has devastated gig workers. No unemployment insurance. No health insurance. Unsafe working conditions. How can gig workers organize to demand their rights when they...

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10 Apr’ 2020

Pandemic-Mode Voter Suppression

"Wisconsin's holding of a primary during a pandemic is just the latest example of Republicans’ naked bid to keep power at all costs." - The Guardian The story...

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5 Apr’ 2020

Teach Your Children Well – At Home With These Free Apps And Games

[caption id="attachment_2288" align="aligncenter" width="548"] Image: Inspired Teaching[/caption] Free home education apps and resources to teach their children how to cope with pandemic induced anxiety.  Resources created...

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3 Apr’ 2020

Is Coronavirus Testing Really Color Blind?

[caption id="attachment_2285" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Image: Eddie Murphy "White Like Me" on SNL[/caption] How evenly are different ethnic groups being tested for the Coronavirus? Mothers of Hope is a...

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2 Apr’ 2020

Poor People’s VA Campaign Offers Local Coronavirus Newsfeed

How does a grassroots group with little funding keep locals informed of dangers and resources during a pandemic? How can vital information be quickly collected and...

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31 Mar’ 2020

Groups Connect Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donors With Healthcare Providers.

Healthcare workers should not have to fear for lives because they lack personal protective equipment (PPE). These groups connect donors with workers to get them the equipment they need...

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30 Mar’ 2020

Vote by Mail. Leave No Voter Behind.

Voting by mail has worked well for years, but will be especially important in this pandemic. But how do voters without a computer or internet access...

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23 Mar’ 2020

Crowdsourced Infomap Helps Idaho Communities Prepare For Coronavirus

Accurate, timely information is valuable - especially while you're preparing for a pandemic. Which stores have supplies you need? Which facilities open? Which offices are open at different times?...

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17 Mar’ 2020

Coronavirus Guide. Mobile Training Delivered By Voice And Text.

Coronavirus safety training now available freely by phone. How can safety recommendations be shared with hard-to-contact groups in the middle of a pandemic? Technology designed to...

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12 Mar’ 2020

How Many Coronavirus Tests Has Your State Conducted?

"Testing is a key tool in limiting the spread of coronavirus. You need to know who has contracted the virus so those people can be isolated, and...

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9 Mar’ 2020

Coronavirus Atlas Map US Cases, Safety Tips And Official Response.

There are facts - and 'alternative facts'.  A means to find the truth is needed when alternate facts put lives at risks.   Coronavirus Atlas is a free app created...

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29 Feb’ 2020

Group Uses Personal Video Testimonials To Encourage Use Of Vote-By-Mail Ballots.

Photo by Qim Manifester on Unsplash Make your videos more persuasive with personal testimonials. Video testimonials work but collecting them has been difficult for groups with limited time, money...

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28 Feb’ 2020

Activists Use GIFs To Demand Funding For CDC To Fight Coronavirus

  Reach more people, faster and for less money with a GIF. GIFs are just seconds long but get your message heard. They play automatically and engage viewers immediately....

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27 Feb’ 2020

Drive To Get Out The Vote.

People lose their vote when it's hard for them to get to the polls. The elderly, disabled and low income voters in rural areas suffer the most.  How can...

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5 Feb’ 2020

Build Or Buy Campaign Software?

Elections have consequences. So do budget cuts. Mobilize voters on the issues that matter to them. People care when public safety is jeopardized by CDC funding cuts that limit...

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12 Jan’ 2020

Five Free Apps For Better Canvassing

Trying to find the right campaign app when you're tight on money and not tech savvy? Checkout the DemLabs site with over 110 solutions and Solution Guides like the one...

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10 Nov’ 2019

The Beginner’s Guide To Running A Low-Budget, Geo-Targeted Political Ad Campaign.

Reach voters on their phones even if you don't have their phone numbers with geo-targeting. Tips on running a smart, frugal campaign. Background "Bhuwan Pyakurel is running...

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7 Nov’ 2019

Map The Battlefield, Before You Launch Your Campaign.

Activists fight with limited resources against well funded political incumbents. They have to pick their targets strategically. Good mapping software can be the equalizer. Which incumbents...

3 creative ways people are using our zoom tools

Life hacks have turned digital. Now that virtual meetings are the norm, people are finding ways to innovate and get creative while presenting, fundraising, or performing...