16 December, 2021

Lawsuits punish domestic terrorists and conspiracists

icon Charlottesville,InfoWars,Insurrection,Jan 6th,Ku Klux Klan,OathKeepers,Proud Boys,Sandy Hook
How can terrorists and conspiracists be made to pay for their harm? Law suits that claim damages.

How can domestic terrorists and conspiracists be made to pay for the harm they cause? Law suits that claim damages.

This blog shares groups fighting violence and conspiracists along with details of recent legal actions.

Lawsuits punish domestic terrorists and conspiracists

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Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

Alex Jones liable for defamation in Sandy Hook 'hoax' case. A Connecticut judge has found Infowars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones liable for damages in lawsuits brought by parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. - ABC News.

"Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012, that left 28 people dead and 2 injured. Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adults. It was one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history." - Brittanica

Charlottesville Neo-Nazi violence

"A lawsuit by survivors of violence committed by hate groups who gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia is already financially crushing the racist groups and individual organizers. The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law uses the court system to punish racist attackers." - MSNBC

"14 individuals and 10 organizations were found liable. The jury was deadlocked on two claims of racially motivated violent conspiracy, based on the 1871 federal Ku Klux Klan Act. The jury agreed that every defendant was liable for conspiracy under Virginia state law and ordered them to pay a total of $26 million in damages to the plaintiffs." - WSWS

Washington D.C. Jan 6th insurrection

"D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine (D) sued the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers over the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, seeking to use a law written to cripple the Ku Klux Klan to seek stiff financial penalties from the far-right groups that Racine alleges were responsible for the violence." - Newsweek


The Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Right Under Law is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, formed in 1963 to secure equal justice for all through the rule of law, targeting in particular the inequities confronting African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities.

The Election Officials Legal Defense Network (EOLDN). ”Election officials face an increasing wave of state laws subjecting them to criminal penalties for performing their professional duties, while at the same time facing threats of violence to themselves and their families. These attacks on election officials must be fought and election officials need to know they are not alone. The Election Officials Legal Defense Network provides these public servants with the advice and protection they need, at no cost.”

Ku Klux Klan Act. The 14th Amendment grants citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, including formerly enslaved people. It also guaranteed citizens equal protection under the law.Title 42 of the U.S. Code, Section 1985 which allows civil action to be brought against anyone who prevents public officials from carrying out their duties through "force, intimidation or threat."

LittleSis is a free database detailing the connections between powerful people and organizations. We bring transparency to influential social networks by tracking the key relationships of politicians, business leaders, lobbyists, financiers, and their affiliated institutions. 

TakeAway: Support groups fighting domestic terrorism and conspiracists.


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4 Mar’ 2024

Selma 59th Anniversary Reminder: VOTE!

I joined the celebrations in Selma today for the 59th Anniversary of the bridge crossing. Alabama send an urgent reminder to vote. Republican voter suppression just...

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6 Feb’ 2024

Trump Has No Immunity To Prosecution for Jan 6th Insurrection: Listen To AI Generated Audio Summary

"Trump has no immunity from Jan. 6 prosecution, appeals court rules" “We cannot accept former President Trump’s claim that a President has unbounded authority to commit...

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6 Feb’ 2024

Mark Zuckerberg’s Billions vs Surge In Teenage Girls Suicides

Talk is cheap. Doing the right thing costs money. "Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologised to families who say their children had been harmed by social media......

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5 Feb’ 2024

Supreme Tax Dodger: Clarence Thomas Sued For Fraud

"Republican Hits Clarence Thomas With Lawsuit Over His Taxes" "John Anthony Castro is filing a lawsuit against Clarence Thomas, accusing the U.S. Supreme Court associate justice of failing to...

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21 Jan’ 2024

Supreme Court To Help ABORTION BOUNTY HUNTERS Track Down Women

First they overturned Roe. Now the Supreme Court is set to overturn the Chevron Doctrine to make it easier for Abortion Bounty Hunters to track down...

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20 Jan’ 2024

Biden’s Junk Fee Cuts: Your Wallet’s Best Friend

"Folks are tired of being taken advantage of and played for suckers" "Unfair fees known as junk fees – those hidden charges that companies sneak into...

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9 Jan’ 2024

Dictator’s Handbook To Attack Judges, Prosecutors And The Rule of Law

"Apparent ‘Swatting’ Incidents Target Judge and Prosecutor in Trump Election Case" "The police were called to the homes of Judge Tanya S. Chutkan and the special...

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22 Dec’ 2023

Trump’s ‘Tricky Dick’ stall tactic to delay justice at Supreme Court

Richard Nixon's nick name was 'Tricky Dick'. Richard Nixon ('Tricky Dick') was charged for the Watergate Scandal in which Republican operatives broke into the Democratic Office...

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22 Dec’ 2023

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste. How to protect yours. (Podcast)

Don't let Fox News destroy your mind. This podcast explains how to protect your mind. Fox News poisons viewers’ minds. People who watch Fox News with...

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20 Dec’ 2023

Who’s eligible to run for president?

"The Colorado Supreme Court Tells Trump No" "The Colorado courts, is that they believe Trump is barred from appearing on ballots for president in Colorado under...

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19 Dec’ 2023

Clarence Thomas Supreme Extortion Scheme

Follow the SUPREME EXTORTION SCHEME that led to billionaires buying out the Supreme Court! Thomas complained to Representative Cliff Stearns (R-FL) about his salary. He warned...

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11 Dec’ 2023

What’s up with the economy? Get the *real* story.

More jobs are being created than ever before. Salaries are up. Stock market is up. Why is there a big disconnect between public perception and reality?...

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9 Dec’ 2023

Insider’s Guide To Spreading Disinformation

Struggling to find new ways to mislead people? Worried a pesky reporter will expose you? Use this INSIDER'S GUIDE adapted from research by Dr. Rand Waltzman,...

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19 Nov’ 2023

Te has vendido nosotros UNIVISION

Latino backlash grows over Trump’s friendly Univision interview - WaPo Why would a major Hispanic television station pander to Trump who called Mexicans 'rapists and criminals'?...

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16 Nov’ 2023

Balancing the Bench: Biden’s 150 Judges Reshape the Face of Justice

Jury trials involve being judged by a group of your peers. People who can relate to your situation. Why is it that many of the courts...

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11 Nov’ 2023

REID Police Interrogation Technique: Confessions or coercion?

"Reid Technique Can Lead Suspects To Admit Crimes They Later Say They Did Not Commit" - WPR Activists such as Emergent Justice complain that some law...

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9 Nov’ 2023

Don’t Fall For DISINFORMATION: Check The Facts With These 8 Free Tools

Use these 8 free fact checking sites to avoid getting duped by disinformation. In a confusing world flooded with misinformation, rely on the experts to avoid...

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3 Nov’ 2023

Slash your taxes with these billionaire secret tricks!

Why do you have to pay more in taxes than many billionaires do? Learn their secrets! This is especially timely as Mike Johnson and MAGA Republicans...

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3 Nov’ 2023

Republican Guide To Hostage Taking

"GOP wants to hold Israel aid hostage to reward its rich donors" - MSNBC There is a method to the madness. Understand the Republican playbook for...

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30 Oct’ 2023

Mapping how Texas Republicans use abortion travel bans to prevent rape victims from getting abortions

Local Laws In Texas Prevent Travel for Abortions - NY Times How are Texas Republicans preventing women, even if they have been raped from going to...

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28 Oct’ 2023

Virginia, Vote for Reproductive Rights: Don’t Fall For Republican Dirty Tricks

Virginia Republicans resort to dirty tricks and lies to overcome the backlash to their abortion ban plans. Voter suppression. Purging voters. Closing polling locations. Slander and...

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26 Oct’ 2023

Follow the money behind Justice Clarence Thomas’ luxury motorhome

"...a sweetheart deal” that made no logical sense from a business perspective..." - NY Times "Justice Clarence Thomas’s R.V. Loan Was Forgiven... He failed to repay...

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23 Oct’ 2023

10-year Old Girl’s Trauma: Where Republican Extremism Meets Rape and Abortion Rights

Republican hypocrisy: Concern for what children can read but forcing a raped girl to travel out of state for care. 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped...

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22 Oct’ 2023

Texas Hold’Em: Follow the money Republicans make from prison labor and cruelty to refugees

"Texas Governor Greg Abbott calls a special session to consider proposals that would increase human rights violations and lead to long sentences for thousands of young Texans." -...

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21 Oct’ 2023

Track the Georgia ELECTION INTERFERENCE TRIAL with this relationship map

Coups to overthrow democracy are complex and secretive. Relationship maps make it easier to see who was involved in the coup and their role. Fani Willis'...

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19 Oct’ 2023

Republican ABORTION BAN Playbook: Now as free app & podcast in both English and Spanish!

Banning abortions while claiming to be against bans at the same time is called 'DoubleSpeak'. Republicans are using DoubleSpeak word games to hide their plans to...

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18 Oct’ 2023

Defend Freedom: Safeguard Diverse Voices

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and gives Americans the right to express themselves - History Why are law firms, foundations and billionaires pushing to deny...

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17 Oct’ 2023

Who’s pulling the strings? Meet the Media Billionaires who shape your reality.

Media billionaires shape your reality through the news you get. Follow the money to see how media billionaires and their funders shape your reality through the...

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17 Oct’ 2023

What is Collective Punishment?

Collective punishment penalizes a whole group for the acts of an individual suspected to be part of the group, even though most of the people hurt...

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11 Oct’ 2023

How billionaires pack the courts

'My job is to call balls and strikes and not to pitch or bat' - John Roberts That's what Roberts said at his confirmation hearing. Then...

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4 Oct’ 2023

Scandal Ridden Supreme Court Justices To Determine Women’s Rights

Ban abortion pills? Abortions for rape victims? Let domestic abusers get guns? Ban no-fault divorces? Who decides what freedoms American girls and women keep and which...

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23 Sep’ 2023

Clarence Thomas: The Fundraising Face Behind Koch Brothers’ Supreme Court Takeover

"Clarence Thomas Secretly Participated in Koch Network Donor Events" Clarence is now set to rule on the Chevron Case which would benefit the Koch Brothers. The...

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23 Sep’ 2023

Rupert Murdoch legacy mapped

"Rupert Murdoch’s legacy is one of deceit, destruction, and death." "Wherever his media properties exist across the globe, they disregard basic journalistic practices and pump venomous...

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20 Sep’ 2023

Billionaire’s PAY TO PLAY Supreme Court

Your billionaire fishing buddy has a case for you to decide on in your court. Should you recuse yourself? Alito says no. "Alito has never recused...

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12 Sep’ 2023

Billionaires buyout the Supreme Court: What does this mean for you?

Billionaires measure what they get in return on their investment by measuring the RETURN ON INVESTMENT or ROI. So what do you think a billionaire gets...

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11 Sep’ 2023

When Politics Trumps Science: Mapping The Deadly Cost of Ignoring COVID Experts

There have been 108 million cases of COVID in America. 1,174,850 Americans have died from it (as of 9/11/2023). Why do Republicans ignore the health experts...

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7 Sep’ 2023

Impeaching Justice: Wisconsin GOP tries to cling to its gerrymandered seats

Cheeseheads gone bad: Republican scheme to rule forever, regardless of how people vote. Wisconsin Republicans are considering nullifying the recent election of Justice Janet Protasiewicz to...

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6 Sep’ 2023

Homer leads Presidential Polls: Unmasking the Fishy Side of Murdoch’s Polls

Could Homer really be leading the Presidential polls? It all depends on who's conducting the poll. A recent Wall Street Journal poll announced a 2024 matchup between Biden...

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1 Sep’ 2023

How to vacation for free like a Supreme Court Justice with billionaire friends

Want to vacation in luxury on private jets and mega yachts in exotic locations for free? Use this map to see how Supreme Court Justices do...

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28 Aug’ 2023

Justice for Sale: Luxury trips, tax cuts for billionaires and Supreme Court Ethics in United States vs. Moore

United States v. MOORE will decide if billionaires get more tax cuts or pay their fair share of taxes. Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have taken...

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25 Aug’ 2023

Visualizing Justice: Free Visual Database to Track Georgia’s RICO Indictments and Surrenders

Organized crime is meant to be confusing. That's why pros use software to analyze RICO cases. Use this free visual database from Democracy Labs to track...

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25 Aug’ 2023

Fulton County RICO Indictees mapped with jail records, inmate numbers, and mugshots

It's hard to keep track of all the people indicted by Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis in the RICO case. To make it easier, we created...

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21 Aug’ 2023

Lead Cable Hazards: Telco Greed Puts Children at Risk

How did corporate greed overtake concern for children's health? Consider five recent headlines about lead poisoning, dark money lobbying, the EPA and Supreme Court. And then...

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20 Aug’ 2023

Strongman’s Playbook To Silence Critics

I'm the victim. They're persecuting me. They're coming for you next... Sound familiar? Victimization is straight from the authoritarian leader's playbook. "Ours is the age of...

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18 Aug’ 2023

American Taliban Bans Abortion Pills

"Extremist Federalist Society Judges Restrict Critical Abortion Pill" How did we get here, when a small group of religious extremists can deny millions of women their...

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15 Aug’ 2023

Press PLAY To Listen To The Georgia Indictments against Trump

You're busy. Don't have time to read the Georgia indictment against Trump. Not a problem. Listen to the indictment highlights in these 11 audio summaries in...

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14 Aug’ 2023

Bankruptcy or Justice? Sackler Billionaires’ Lethal Fortune and the Oxycontin Death Toll.

"Supreme Court Pauses Opioid Settlement With Sacklers" "The Supreme Court temporarily blocked a bankruptcy deal for Purdue Pharma that would have shielded members of the billionaire...

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13 Aug’ 2023

Lost in Kansas – Freedom of Speech

Kansas police raid office of the Marion County Record newspaper and seize its computers... Wait! Doesn't such press intimidation normally happen in dictatorships? Sorry, Dorothy. This is the...

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12 Aug’ 2023

How To Overthrow Democracy: Dictator’s Playbook

The MAGA playbook to overthrow democracy isn't new. Carl Schmitt wrote the playbook for Hitler. It goes like this: Stoke grievances. Get elected with the barest...

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11 Aug’ 2023

No Room for Ethics. Supreme Court Corruption Map updated Aug 10, 2023

It seems that another Supreme Court justice ethics scandal is uncovered every day... How can you keep track of them all? Who are billionaires making gifts...

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9 Aug’ 2023

Truth Matters: Challenging Fox Affilliate’s FCC Renewal After Election Lies

‘Landmark’ Bid Filed to Take Fox Station Off the Air for Election Lies. Media and Democracy Group (MAD) asks the FCC to deny license to WTXF...

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8 Aug’ 2023

Tiny Hands, Big Guns – Mapping the American tragedy of children shooting children

"six-year-old shoots teacher  at a Virginia elementary school..." "A gun manufacturer has launched a new marketing campaign for an AR-15 designed for children weeks after a  six-year-old shot...

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6 Aug’ 2023

Wheels of Controversy – Clarence Thomas and the RV Affair

"Clarence Thomas’s $267,230 R.V. and the Friend Who Financed It" - NY Times Follow the money, questionable property deals, favors and luxury trips flowing to the...

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5 Aug’ 2023

Murdoch Media Empire: Global Cancer On Democracy

The Wall Street Journal criticized the indictment of Trump for a failed coup attempt... Why would a once, highly regarded publication oppose an attack on American...

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3 Aug’ 2023

Follow Trump Indictment: Interactive Multimedia Guide

Trying to keep track of the indictment charges, conspirators and fake electors? Keeping track of a plot of the coup to overthrow American democracy is hard....

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2 Aug’ 2023

Press PLAY for The Trump Indictment in Audio!

Trump indicted for conspiring to defraud the U.S., disenfranchise voters, and obstruct an official proceeding. Read the 45 page indictment here. But what if you're busy...

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2 Aug’ 2023

Racist Voter Suppression: Virginia Republican Scheme Explainer

Politicians choose their voters and suppress voters who don't support them. That's voter suppression. That's not how it's supposed to be. Voters in a democracy choose...

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30 Jul’ 2023

Handy Visual Guide to Trump Lawsuits

Confused by all the lawsuits against Trump? Tracking crimes is hard, especially when they are so many. What were the alleged crimes? Who's involved? What is...

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25 Jul’ 2023

Fatal Greed: Teen Workers Die as Child Labor Safety Laws Cut

Who pays the price for out-of-control corporate greed and Republicans ready to sacrifice childrens' safety for political donations? Death of 16-Year-Old at Mississippi Poultry Plant Prompts...

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22 Jul’ 2023

Above the Law? The Supreme Court Needs a Code of Ethics!

Justices aren't above the law. They need a code of conduct to restore American trust in their ethics. "Republicans have zero appetite for instituting a code...

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17 Jul’ 2023

WhatsApp Truth Squad: Tackle Disinformation One Message At A Time

WhatsApp is the ideal platform to spread disinformation. AI makes it even more dangerous. Bad actors target disinfo to WhatsApp groups that only group members can...

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16 Jul’ 2023

Character Assassination: The dark art of destroying reputations

"They can't kill the truth, so they try to assassinate the character" Manipulators use character assassination. They justify it with a soothing narrative where you are...

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16 Jul’ 2023

Privacy Betrayed: The Disturbing Reality of Weaponized Medical Records

Healthcare is a personal decision between you and your doctor. Bad things happen when politicians weaponize your private medical records. Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch (R)...

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10 Jul’ 2023

Hidden Gifts, Biased Decisions: Unmasking Billionaire Influence On Clarence Thomas

"Justice Thomas used Supreme courtroom for Horatio Alger Association ceremonies" "At Horatio Alger, Clarence Thomas moved into the inner circle, a cluster of extraordinarily wealthy, largely...

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6 Jul’ 2023

Play hardball to confirm qualified judicial nominees over racist Republican obstruction

Republicans bend the rules to stack the courts with unqualified judges. It's time for Democrats to play hardball and confirm highly qualified nominees. Mitch McConnell denied...

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5 Jul’ 2023

More COVID disinfo please

Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee rules for Republican Attorney Generals and blocks Biden Administration from contacting Facebook. What does this ruling mean for you? Follow...

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3 Jul’ 2023

Follow the money behind Supreme Court decision to allow discrimination

GOP packed Supreme Court "grants businesses that choose to sell to the public a free speech right to discriminate..." Follow the money and connections behind the...

Fed up with partisan judges? Make sure you a valid VOTER ID! (Podcast)

How did the Supreme Court get so politicized? Mitch McConnell denied Merrick Garland, President Obama's nominee a confirmation hearing for over a year. McConnell said the...

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30 Jun’ 2023

SUPREME HYPOCRITE: Clarence Thomas denies others the opportunities he used to get to the Supreme Court

Thomas benefited from race-based programs before voting to deny others the same opportunities. "The Supreme Court effectively struck down affirmative action, outlawing race-conscious admissions and overturning...

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27 Jun’ 2023

Follow the money behind Supreme Court corruption – Dateline June 27, 2023

Trying to understand a scandal? Follow the money. Two new stories about Supreme Court ethics just emerged. I've added them to this FOLLOW THE MONEY relationship...

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22 Jun’ 2023

Supreme Court Fishy Business: Follow The Money

Hedge Fund Billionaire takes Supreme Court Justice on luxury fishing trip who later rules for billionaire getting him $2.4 billion. Who paid for the luxury fishing...

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21 Jun’ 2023

Exposing The Dark Realities of Republican Policies for Rape Victims: PODCAST

What happens to a 10-year old rape victim under Republican policies? How do you explain what this means in 30 seconds? Listen to this podcast with...

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17 Jun’ 2023

How Republicans gerrymander Alabama

Alabama Republicans uses racial gerrymandering to suppress Black voters. The state also has one of the highest rates of poverty in the country. What's the connection?...

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10 Jun’ 2023

Ten Worst Cases Of Espionage Against America

How does the indictment against Trump compare against other espionage cases? "Trump is charged with 31 counts of violating the Espionage Act that bars willful retention of national...

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9 Jun’ 2023

Why take Classified Documents from the White House? Follow the money.

"Was Trump selling classified intel to Saudis?" "MSNBC's Claire McCaskill isn't buying the excuse that Donald Trump kept classified documents as keepsakes from his presidency and...

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5 Jun’ 2023

Rape In America By The Numbers

Sexual assaults surge as Republicans ban abortions with no exceptions for rape nor incest. One in five women in the United States experienced completed or attempted...

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4 Jun’ 2023

Top Newsletters On Protecting Democracy

American democracy is at stake and it depends on each one of us to defend it. Stay informed. This infographic features some of the best newsletters...

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2 Jun’ 2023

Mapping The Brutal Crackdown On Dissent Against Cop City

"ATLANTA POLICE ARREST ORGANIZERS OF BAIL FUND FOR COP CITY PROTESTERS" - The Intercept "Heavily armed Atlanta Police Department SWAT team raided a house in Atlanta...

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26 May’ 2023


"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton faces impeachment" - Texas Tribune "Paxton, the state’s top lawyer and one of its most powerful and controversial Republicans, has faced criminal...

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23 May’ 2023

Fascists’ dirty dozen ways to silence critics

"DeSantis Opponents Arrested in Florida Protesting Abortion Ban" - Newsweek Nikki Fried, chair of the Florida Democrats, and Democrat state Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book were among 11 people...

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16 May’ 2023

Republicans copy Hungarian FASCIST PLAYBOOK

"Orbán is Giving the GOP Lessons on "Soft Fascism" at CPAC" - Hartmann Report “Hungary is actually an incubator where experiments are done on the future...

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10 May’ 2023

Watch for these sneaky tricks Republicans use to deny America’s GUN EPIDEMIC they’ve created

"Elon Musk Flirts With Conspiracy Theories About Texas Mall Shooting" - Rolling Stone Whataboutism: Abbott pointed to Chicago as proof that stringent gun laws are not...

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7 May’ 2023

Follow the money blocking gun safety reforms

"Texas Mall Shooting Leaves 9 Dead" - Time "Heidi and I are praying for the families of the victims of the horrific mall shooting in Allen, Texas."...

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5 May’ 2023

Lost your right to vote? Follow the money with this SUPREME COURT CORRUPTION map

Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’ - Washington Post "Conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo arranged forthe wife of Supreme...

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4 May’ 2023

Struggling with student loans? Find a grand uncle on the Supreme Court with billionaire friends!

"Clarence Thomas Had a Child in Private School. Harlan Crow Paid the Tuition." - ProPublica Crow paid for private school for a relative Thomas said he...

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2 May’ 2023

Follow the money behind the extremist, right wing judge who banned abortion pills

"Details about multimillion-dollar stock holding concealed in abortion pill judge’s financial disclosures" - CNN "The federal judge who issued a nationwide ruling blocking the approval of...

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1 May’ 2023

More SUPREME COURT CORRUPTION exposed: Follow the money with this relationship map

More Supreme Court scandals exposed. How Scalia Law School Became a Key Friend of the Court. George Mason University’s law school cultivated ties to justices, with...

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1 May’ 2023

DemCast amplifies progressive messages with grassroots power

How do you get your heard against an army of bots? DemCast amplifies progressive messages through a network of grassroots volunteers. It's real. Authentic messages shared...

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29 Apr’ 2023

Follow the money behind SUPREME COURT CORRUPTION with this relationship map

"The US Supreme Court’s alleged ethics issues are worse than you probably realize." - The Guardian Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch have both been accused of...

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18 Apr’ 2023

20 Bad Gun Laws

Black teen shot after trying to pick up brothers at wrong house - ABC7 "The Kansas City Star reported that the 16-year-old victim, identified online by family members...

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15 Apr’ 2023

Clarence Thomas: Follow the money, gifts, trips and house sales

Apps make it easier to follow Clarence Thomas' growing list of ethics violations. Luxury trips with billionaires. Private planes. Yacht trips. Dark money payments. Dubious real...

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13 Apr’ 2023

Putin’s Puppet Pushes Propaganda

Trump indicated his support for Vladimir Putin in an interview with Tucker Carlson - Letters From An American Tucker Carlson, downplaying Russia-Ukraine conflict, urges Americans to...

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12 Apr’ 2023

Harlan Crow – Clarence Thomas: Follow the money, gifts and trips.

"Clarence Thomas and Other Crow Holdings. The Supreme Court is corrupt." - Prevail Clarence Thomas’s brazen violation of ethics rules, briefly explained. By quietly accepting luxuries...

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9 Apr’ 2023

Mapping JUDICIAL OVERREACH behind abortion pill ban

"One Texas Judge Is Not the Final Decision-Maker on Medication Abortion" - The Slate "An  amicus brief from FDA law scholars  makes clear,  Congress crafted procedures by statute  for the...

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3 Apr’ 2023

I am not a crook

I am not a crook say Republicans and claim to be above the law. Nope. Democracies don't work like that. Check your knowledge. Do you know...

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2 Apr’ 2023

Follow the dark money behind Ginni Thomas

"Activist group led by Ginni Thomas received nearly $600,000 in anonymous donations" - Washington Post There are many interesting characters and lots of money changing hands...

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1 Apr’ 2023

Indicted Fascist’s Playbook

"The essence of authoritarianism is getting away with crime." - Ruth Ben-Ghiat "Corruption is always at the center of autocratic projects. Clouding minds with propaganda meant...

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25 Mar’ 2023


Dog whistles are coded messages that are understood by a particular group of people but not heard by most people. Learn to recognize dog whistles to understand...

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23 Mar’ 2023

They died for our freedom to read the books we want

100 year old war widow describes how her husband died fighting the Nazis to protect our freedom to read the books we want. - WPTV "I...

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22 Mar’ 2023

How to silence journalists

Florida reporter fired after calling news release on DeSantis event ‘propaganda’. - Washington Post "The news release said DeSantis, a potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate, had hosted a...

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17 Mar’ 2023

Don’t fall for Silicon Valley Bank misinfo: Check the people, money and agenda behind the claims.

"Silicon Valley Bank spent more than $73 million on donations to BLM and related organizations - falsely claimed Tucker Carlson" - Popular Info Don't fall for...

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16 Mar’ 2023

Republicans kidnap justice

Trump appointee in single-judge federal district in Texas could bar nationwide access to the abortifacient mifepristone. - AP How did we get here where an ultra-right...

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15 Mar’ 2023

Murdoch Media Empire Culture War Machine Attacks Silicon Valley Bank

"Wall Street Journal: SVB’s board of directors “may have been distracted by diversity demands." - Time Rupert Murdoch's Fox News is being sued by Dominion Voting for...

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15 Mar’ 2023

Republican values illustrated

Your 'fair and balanced' illustrated guide to Republican values. Republicans claim to stand for justice, patriotism and the rule of law. Animal Farm shows how do...

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14 Mar’ 2023

Norfolk Southern & Silicon Valley Bank crashes: Follow the dark money slashing safety regulations

What do the Norfolk Southern train crash spewing toxic chemcials and Silicon Valley Bank closing have in common? Follow the money. How do corporations getting regulations...

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13 Mar’ 2023

How have billionaires rigged the system to dodge taxes but get Federal bailouts first – like when Silicon Valley Bank collapses? Follow the money.

"The failure of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) shows us, once again, that unrestrained greed isn’t good." - Thom Hartmann Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) Chief Pressed...

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13 Mar’ 2023

Ban Fox News streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

Veterans Group To Pentagon: Ban Fox News On Military Bases - HuffPo "Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity have “open access to spread conspiracy theories...

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12 Mar’ 2023

How to profile a domestic extremist

What do domestic extremists have in common? Learn more about political extremism and violence with the free PIRUS app by START from the Department of Homeland...

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9 Mar’ 2023

Who’s getting richer from Fox News spreading election lies? Follow the money.

Fox News purpose is to make money. Should American democracy be sacrificed for its profits? "Fox News was willing to murder our democracy for money. The...

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6 Mar’ 2023

GOP Fascist Playbook 101: Attack LGBTQ

"Transgenderism Must Be Eradicated: Michael Knowles at CPAC" - Daily Beast ‘Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ - George Santanya. Understand...

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4 Mar’ 2023

Murdoch’s News Corp is a ‘Cancer on Democracy’

Rupert Murdoch's media empire is a "cancer on democracy," said Kevin Rudd, former Australian prime minister. - CNN Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox News for...

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3 Mar’ 2023

How Twitter monetizes hate and what you can do counter it

"Twitter stands to make millions from ads on just ten toxic reinstated accounts" - Counter Hate "Musk has reinstated tens of thousands of Twitter accounts, including...

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1 Mar’ 2023

Black Voters Matter organizes to oppose new racist Georgia voter suppression bill

Right now in Ware County, Georgia, the House GOP is voting to take over the Board of Elections and potentially remove all 3 Black members.  Similar actions...

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1 Mar’ 2023

Republicans cripple FCC to help FOX News

"Murdoch revealed Fox News Corporation's role as a wing of the Republican Party" - Letters from An American The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates media firms...

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27 Feb’ 2023

How fascists rig elections

Hungarian Viktor Orbán has become a hero for the American right. - Rolling Stone Orbán has made Hungary a laboratory for the conversion of  a liberal democracy...

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24 Feb’ 2023

GOP enables wage slavery of undocumented workers

"Meat industry’s use of child labor is more widespread than previously known" - Food Safety News Billion dollar corporations with million dollar CEOs using child labor!...

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21 Feb’ 2023

Can’t handle the truth? Ban books. Bully teachers.

What happens when education is censored, free speech denied and history whitewashed? “The memory of fascism is keen in Europe and Europeans know that book burning...

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18 Feb’ 2023

Two-faced FOX News sued for defamation by Dominion Voting Systems

"Dominion is suing Fox for defamation seeking $1.6 billion in damages ... alleging the network knowingly aired false information about its software based on competitive and...

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17 Feb’ 2023


There's a common thread between man-made environmental disasters. Greed. Follow the money to see who profits and who dies when safety standards are ignored, or weakened...

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15 Feb’ 2023

What is an Incel?

'Incel' Violence, Misogynistic Extremism on the Rise, Secret Service Warns - NewsWeek “Incel” is often used to describe men who feel unable to obtain romantic or...

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12 Feb’ 2023

Republicans explain their plan to phase out Social Security

“All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years" - 11 Point Plan President Biden said in his State of the Union address that “some Republicans want Medicare...

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10 Feb’ 2023

Judge shopping to deny access to abortion pills

"Trump judge’s ruling could ban abortion pill across the US." - Guardian "Far-right groups have asked to reverse the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, which has been...

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2 Feb’ 2023


Who gets to tell the story matters. Minority voices are underserved as white billionaires expand their media empires. That's why it is so important to support...

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31 Jan’ 2023

Follow the money corrupting American politics with these free apps

Why do Republicans keep cutting taxes for billionaires while slashing services for other Americans? Follow the money! The Republican stacked Supreme Court has made it hard...

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23 Jan’ 2023

Why are right wing media billionaires smearing Gigi Sohn?

Smear campaigns aren't cheap. What's driving the one against Gigi Sohn's appointment to the FCC? Billionaires have a lot of power through their own media outlets...

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21 Jan’ 2023

Google helps Republicans prosecute women who have abortions: How to protect your privacy and fight back!

How does Google help Republicans prosecute women who have abortions? What can you do to push back? Websites Selling Abortion Pills Are Sharing Sensitive Data With...

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12 Jan’ 2023

How do billionaires get the laws they want while screwing their workers? Follow the money.

How do billionaires get to deny their workers a living wage and health benefits while preventing them from organizing or striking? Elon Musk failed to give...

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11 Jan’ 2023

GOP Agenda – Illustrated Edition

Republicans unveil their extremist agenda to ban abortions, cut taxes for billionaires and ignore the truth. Follow the agenda with this free pictorial guide! The just...

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6 Jan’ 2023

Jan 6th cast : Where are they now map

Where is the Jan 6th insurrection cast now? What are they doing? Catch up with this network map. It's easy to forget people's contributions over time....

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5 Jan’ 2023

How are Zuckerberg, Trump and Kavanaugh connected?

Facebook considering whether to allow Trump to return - CNN Sometimes it is hard to trace the personal relationships that might influence a decision. That's where...

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3 Jan’ 2023

How To Win Friends And Influence Supreme Court Justices

Lonely? Powerless? Read the updated version of "How To Win Friends and Influence People" for a Republican packed Supreme Court. Mingle with judges appointed for life...

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3 Jan’ 2023

Enhance your video with an AI generated talking head. It’s fast, easy and affordable.

Talking-head videos engage more viewers. How can groups with small budgets, few technical skills and tight deadlines create videos with talking heads? DemLabs volunteers created two...

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2 Jan’ 2023

Voter suppression through racist prison policies

Republican's racist prison policies prevent even those not convicted of a crime from voting. Illinois conservatives are fighting to keep CASH BAIL, a policy that frees...

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25 Dec’ 2022

Rigged bail bond system frees crypto billionaire but remands the poor to jail

A rigged bail industry releases crypto billionaire, but jails a black 82 year old grandmother for an unpaid $77 trash bill. What's behind a system that...

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20 Dec’ 2022

Can you trust Musk with your personal movement (Tesla) and private messages (Twitter) data?

A right wing billionaire with Saudi investors who knows where you went and what you said to whom? Can you trust Musk with your personal data?...

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17 Dec’ 2022

Respect the will of the people when they vote for Ballot Measures to curb mass shootings

Oregon voters pass a Ballot Measure 114 to reduce mass shootings. The gun lobby loses, but gets Measure 114 blocked by judge in a small rural...

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15 Dec’ 2022

Who texted Meadows to overturn the 2020 election? Check this map.

"Mark Meadows Exchanged Texts With 34 Members Of Congress About Plans To Overturn The 2020 Election" - Talking Points Memo So many Republicans scheming and texting...

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13 Dec’ 2022

How Google monetizes hate with YouTube Super Chats

There's money to be made in peddling hate. See how Google does it. Google's motto used to be 'Do no evil'. That's been abandoned in the...

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11 Dec’ 2022

FTX crypto exchange collapse: Follow the money

FTX went into meltdown after being hit with $5 billion in withdrawal requests." - News Cryptocurrency exchange FTX filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Nov. 11, 2022. The company’s valuation plunged from $32...

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8 Dec’ 2022

MISSING: Supreme Court Code of Ethics

Supreme Court Faces Increasing Scrutiny From Congress - NY Times Congressional Democrats are intensifying their critical focus on the Supreme Court in the wake of accusations...

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6 Dec’ 2022

Friends don’t let friends advertise on Twitter

Image credit MadMen "A fake tweet sparked panic at Eli Lilly and may have cost Twitter millions" - Washington Post How has Twitter become such a...

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5 Dec’ 2022

Don’t feed the Twitter trolls by buying a Tesla

Fed up with the hate speech on Twitter? Speak up with your pocket book. A car is the ultimate self-expressive benefit brand — you are what...

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4 Dec’ 2022

Republican BS Detector

Do you understand what Republicans really mean? Test yourself with this quiz. Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak disguises the nature...

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22 Nov’ 2022

How did evangelists infiltrate the Supreme Court to overturn Roe?

How did a handful of evangelists and wealthy donors get Roe overturned? Follow the money. Former Anti-Abortion Leader Alleges Another Supreme Court Breach. "Years before the...

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19 Nov’ 2022

Top newsletters on organizing, progressive politics and fighting disinfo

Stay in the know with these amazing newsletters. There's a lot happening and if you don't move fast, you may miss it (Ferris Bueller). How can...

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17 Nov’ 2022

Responsible local journalism counters billionaire owned mainstream media propaganda

Responsible local journalism delivers useful information from the community - not what billionaires are pitching through their media outlets. Fox News stokes a constant sense of...

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15 Nov’ 2022

Home Depot billionaire blocks President Biden’s student debt relief plan

91 year old Home Depot billionaire gets tax cuts for himself but blocks Student Debt Relief. How? Follow the money. Follow the money Share this PowerMap...

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12 Nov’ 2022

How do election recount rules apply to close races?

A few close midterm races will determine which party will control Congress. What rules apply? When does a recount take place? Who requests it? Who pays...

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9 Nov’ 2022

Ten tips to protect your privacy on Twitter

Musk makes Twitter a platform for conspiracy theories and his tantrums. What can you do? Twitter is an ad platform that makes money selling your personal...

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8 Nov’ 2022

Mapping Republican attempts to trash votes. Count every vote!

"Republicans are engaged in an aggressive effort to invalidate ballots in key states from legal voters." We mapped just a few of the dozens of lawsuits...

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2 Nov’ 2022

Test your disinfo spotting skills with this quiz after brutal attack on Paul Pelosi

Republicans use disinfo to hide their guilt in savage attack on Paul Pelosi. Test your skills with this quiz to spot their tricks. This quiz is...

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28 Oct’ 2022

Gig workers deserve better

Why do gig workers struggle while their billionaire bosses get richer? Follow the money and political donations behind the exploitation. Keith Ellison and DC sue Target-owned...

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27 Oct’ 2022

Nine ballot measures that could change your life

Ballot measures are direct democracy. You vote on key issues that could change your life like these ballot measures. Voter will decide on 140 certified statewide ballot measures from...

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24 Oct’ 2022

Map of where you can vote to STOP PRISON LABOR SLAVERY

Did you know that slavery is still legal in America? Some states can imprison you, force you to work for slave wages and take away your...

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22 Oct’ 2022

Fox News character assassination playbook

How do the Murdochs manipulate public opinion with FOX to push their political agenda and get richer? Understand how billionaires manipulate the public through their media...

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14 Oct’ 2022

Democracy is on the ballot North Carolina

STOP the North Carolina Republican’s brazen power grab. A fringe legal ploy being pushed by extreme politicians, the so-called “independent state legislature theory”. It has never been accepted by...

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8 Oct’ 2022

Who’s blocking marijuana legalization? Follow the money.

President Biden issues pardons and takes first steps to decriminalize marijuana. Biden pardoned thousands of people with federal convictions of marijuana possession and encouraged governors to take...

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7 Oct’ 2022

Facebook’s algorithm monetizes misery

"British Ruling Pins Blame on Social Media for Teenager’s Suicide" - NYT An inquest ruled that harmful online content contributed to the 14-year-old’s death. Ian Russell...

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6 Oct’ 2022

American Dream Killers – Asesinos del Sueño Americano

Republican appointed Fifth Circuit judges side with Republican AGs lawsuit that threatens to deport millions of DACA - Dreamers. - Americas Voice Supreme Justices Silently Back...

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5 Oct’ 2022

How Alabama Republicans rig voting maps to cling to office

Want to make sure can't get voted out of office? Rig voting district maps to make your critics' votes powerless. See how Alabama Republicans gerrymander so...

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3 Oct’ 2022

Supreme Court Conflicts Of Interest: Follow the Money

Six unelected officials with hidden conflicts of interest and beholden to billionaires should not be able to strip Americans of their freedoms. Who funded the campaigns...

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30 Sep’ 2022

Halloween scares politicians use to trick voters

Don't fall for political scare tactics. Get the facts to make an informed decision. How do you share the facts so people can get them easily...

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25 Sep’ 2022

How to demolish extremist MAGA Republican arguments

Fight back with this three step tactic straight from their playbook: Connect. Pivot. Counterattack. How do you respond to this gem from Ted Cruz for instance?...

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24 Sep’ 2022

Arizona Republicans pass strict ABORTION BAN taking state back to 1864

Arizona judge upholds century-old abortion ban that could sentence abortion providers to prison. - ABC Republican appointed Arizona judge approves return to 19th century near-total ban...

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23 Sep’ 2022

Follow the money and operatives behind DeSantis’ MIGRANT RELOCATION SCANDAL

The scandal around DeSantis scheme to relocate migrants widens. Follow the money and operatives. More interesting characters, donors and political operatives emerge with connections to the...

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21 Sep’ 2022

Merrick Garland on protecting THE RULE OF LAW

The Rule of Law applies to all Americans: Former presidents demanding special treatment and politicians illegally exploiting migrants. "The Rule of Law means that the law...

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11 Sep’ 2022

Trump lawsuit tracker

So Many Trump Scandals, So Little Time - New Yorker With so many lawsuits against Trump underway, it's hard to keep track of them all. Use...

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2 Sep’ 2022


Don't fall for it! Learn to recognize the verbal tricks MAGA Republicans use to manipulate you. See if you can spot the tricks used in these...

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25 Aug’ 2022

Answer questions automatically with a Twitter bot

Help people get the facts with Twitter bots that respond automatically when tweeted a question. Bots interact with people in different ways - voice call, text...

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24 Aug’ 2022

Pack the Supreme Court and get a tax deduction!

How do tax dodging billionaires get to write the laws for tax paying Americans? Follow the dark money. Barre Seid, an electronics mogul, made a $...

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16 Aug’ 2022

The party of Law and Order is LAWLESS and DISORDERLY

Defund the FBI! Attack law enforcement officials. What happened to the party claiming to be for Law and Order? Republicans used to be the party of...

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15 Aug’ 2022

Ask politicians hardball questions

Your tax dollars pay politicians' salaries. Ask hardball questions so they can't dodge giving you a straight answer. Republicans would rather not talk about their abortion...

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13 Aug’ 2022

Test your BULLSHIT METER with this Mar-a-Lago quiz

How good is your bullshit meter? Find out with this quiz. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to...

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12 Aug’ 2022

Facebook gets teen prosecuted for abortion

Facebook Turned Over Messages in Disturbing Abortion Case Against Teen and Mom. - Daily Beast How does Facebook make billions from selling information on its users...

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6 Aug’ 2022

Track political Facebook ad campaigns for free with Ad Observatory

What ads are campaigns being run on Facebook? When? Where? By whom? Explore political advertising across Facebook and Instagram with the free Ad Observatory app from...

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23 Jul’ 2022

How to deal with deceptive political arguments

Push back against deceptive arguments that use false flags, strawmen and whataboutism to manipulate you. Learn how to spot bogus arguments being used to manipulate you...

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17 Jul’ 2022

Republicans deregulate nursing homes to pay back their donors. Sorry grandma.

"Florida’s Republican politicians are shielding their campaign donors from liability while chipping away at safety standards for elderly residents." - Read Sludge Where are these nursing...

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13 Jul’ 2022

Whistleblowers needed

"Former Twitter Employee's Testimony Is an Urgent Call for Social-Media Platforms to 'Fix the Feed'" - Common Dreams Whistleblowers expose illegal and unethical activity from the...

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8 Jul’ 2022

Supreme Political Payback

Trying to make sense of events? Trace the history of the decision makers and see how they got their positions. Jan 6th attack 2021 attack on...

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28 Jun’ 2022

How Google Exploits Women Searching for Abortion Info

Google makes billions collecting info on people and selling that data to advertisers. With Roe v Wade being overturned and abortions being criminalized in many states,...

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23 Jun’ 2022

Mapping Trump’s Fake Elector Probe

84 people signed bogus documents claiming that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Who are they? How do you put a face to a name and...

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14 Jun’ 2022

Learn to spot and counter these seven right wing trolling tricks

Don't let trolls hijack conversations. "Refuse to play their game, and insist on a different one entirely—an approach that also helped counter subcultural trolling. George Lakoff suggests reframe the discussion...

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12 Jun’ 2022

Do you want Murdoch to pick the next President?

Rupert Murdoch's papers and TV channels have a record of political character assassinations and scandals across the globe. Murdoch's NEWS CORP has been called a cancer...

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7 Jun’ 2022

Follow the dark money behind the Jan 6th criminal conspiracy

Who organized the rally on Jan 6th, 2021? Who funded them and the robocalls to boost attendance? How does dark money flow from billionaires to groups...

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4 Jun’ 2022

Counterprogramming: Distract public attention to hide your role in the Jan 6th insurrection

'Flood the zone with shit' - Steve Bannon Counterprogramming tries to distract public attention (with BS) so people don't learn about the people behind the Jan...

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30 May’ 2022

Facebook sued. Why? Follow the money.

Facebook sued for selling its users' personal data for political manipulation. Facebook is accused of stalling news about how it mis-used data while four Facebook directors...

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28 May’ 2022

Fight WhatsApp disinfo with volunteer fact checking

WhatsApp messages are encrypted, spread instantly through closed groups making it the ideal platform for spreading disinfo. People trust messages posted on their WhatsApp closed groups....

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22 May’ 2022

Fight FOX propaganda. Strengthen the FCC

FOX News spreads conspiracy theories to sell ads while attacking the FCC - the federal agency that regulates media outlets like FOX. "The FCC is currently...

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20 May’ 2022

Restaurant workers deserve ONE FAIR WAGE – not slave era exploitation

Many restaurant workers earn just $2.13/hour! Is it any surprise that thousands are quitting? How does this legacy of slavery survive? How do restaurant owners lobby...

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18 May’ 2022

Insider’s guide to the Supreme Court in pictures

The Supreme Court was an honorable institution, till Republicans politicized it into a joke. Cartoons are now the best way to explain how it works. How...

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10 May’ 2022

FOX uses Russian propaganda tricks to spread disinformation

The Russians are grandmasters at propaganda. FOX has adapted Russian tricks to make money by spreading disinformation that divides Americans. How does a cable channel that...

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16 Apr’ 2022

Billionaire Tax Dodger Awards

Billionaires dodge taxes through loopholes, political donations and a supporting cast of politicians and judges. The Billionaire Tax Dodger Awards recognize unchecked greed. Exploit workers -...

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15 Apr’ 2022

Facebook – Meta shareholders to vote on reducing misinformation

Facebook / Meta shareholders can vote until May 25, 10AM PDT to support Proposal 7, which compels the corporation to confront the cost of the harm...

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9 Apr’ 2022

Stop FOX streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

"As Ukrainians fight for their lives, it's time to permanently remove pro-Putin propaganda from US military bases. Stop brainwashing our troops. As the GOP has embraced...

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2 Apr’ 2022

Five practical ways to fight FOX spreading propaganda

Fox News opinion programs are the biggest source of disinformation. DDAD Defenders of Democracy Against Disinfo is a grassroots, nonprofit group. They have analyzed how Fox...

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31 Mar’ 2022

Supreme Couple Isn’t Above The Law

What did Clarence Thomas know about his wife’s Jan. 6 plotting when he ruled to block the release of White House documents? HuffPost Thomas has defended...

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28 Mar’ 2022

SHADOW DOCKET: Republican packed Supreme Court quietly steals your rights.

Important decisions about Americans' right to vote and control over their own bodies demands discussion and transparency. Not the Shadow Docket. "The conservative justices are scrapping...

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25 Mar’ 2022

Mapping Ginni Thomas’ attempt to overturn election results

"Ginni Thomas Pressed Trump’s Chief of Staff to Overturn 2020 Vote, Texts Show" - NY Times “The consequences of what she’s done is that I don’t...

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23 Mar’ 2022

Stop paying FOX to spread Russian propaganda #UNFOXmycablebox

How do cable companies force you to pay for FOX even if you don't watch? How does FOX use your money to spread Russian propaganda? What...

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6 Mar’ 2022

DeSantistan : Crowdsourced news fights the Supreme Leader’s propaganda

How do you fight a propaganda machine? Have volunteers crowdsource the facts and make it easy for the public to see what's really going on. A...

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5 Mar’ 2022

Russian oligarchs manipulate American politics, media and elections

How do Russian oligarchs manipulate American politics and media to threaten democracy? Follow the money. What would inspire a former president to praise a Russian invasion...

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26 Feb’ 2022

Facebook spreads right wing disinfo ignoring its own policies

Why does Facebook spread right wing disinformation ignoring its own policies? Follow the connections. Popular Info exposed how the DC Enquirer gets so much exposure on...

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23 Feb’ 2022

Google’s lucrative hypocrisy explained

How does Google profit from advertising phony offers targeting seniors without facing any consequence? Google's code of conduct used to be 'Do no evil'. Google has...

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9 Feb’ 2022

Supreme Court approves Alabama Republican racially gerrymandered maps. See how such crooked maps are drawn.

No taxation without representation. Republicans propose to tax all Alabamians, but deny Black voters fair representation. How did that work out for the British? The U.S....

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8 Feb’ 2022

Trump – McConnell judges cut voting rights

Trump - McConnell judges push voter suppression and laws that benefit the rich. Follow the money stacking the courts with conservative, activist judges. The U.S. Supreme...

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7 Feb’ 2022

Legitimate Political Discourse isn’t mob violence

G.O.P. Declares Jan. 6 Attack ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’ "The Republican National Committee voted to censure Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for participating in the inquiry...

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6 Feb’ 2022

Spotify boycott grows as more artists protest their music being used to fund racism. Follow the money.

Follow the money to see how Spotify exploits musicians by paying them $0.0033 per song streamed while paying Rogan $100 million for a podcast with racism...

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4 Feb’ 2022

Fight disinformation. Demand AdTech platforms stop funding sites that spread racism and hate.

Amazon, Google and Facebook report billions in ad revenues. Right wing websites spread hate, racism and COVID conspiracy theories. What's the connection? Right wing groups use...

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3 Feb’ 2022

Mapping the Trump-Endorsed 2022 Candidates

Trump endorses Republican candidates in 2022 ready to overturn election results to prove their loyalty to him. "Kari Lake, Trump's pick for Arizona governor, said the...

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2 Feb’ 2022

Twelve trusted resources on disinformation and other threats to democracy

Fighting the dark side? Trusted guide you will use. Take a trusted guide whether you're fighting Darth Vader destroying galaxies or the dark forces attacking American...

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31 Jan’ 2022

Supreme hypocrisy: Republicans pack the courts for billionaires to control our lives

Republicans pack the courts with the help of dark money groups for billionaires to control our lives. Elections have consequences. They determine the politicians who appoint...

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30 Jan’ 2022

Spotify removes Neil Young over COVID misinfo protest. Follow the money to see why.

"Spotify removes Neil Young following rocker’s protest over COVID-19 misinformation" - PBS “I realized I could not continue to support Spotify’s life-threatening misinformation to the music...

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29 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Committee subpoenas fake Trump electors: Mapping the conspirators.

As the Jan 6 committee uncovers more details on the conspirators and fake electors, a network map helps keep track of the investigation. This map has...

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23 Jan’ 2022

Follow the dark money behind judges endangering public safety

How can some judges be so concerned about the lives of the unborn, but care so little about the thousands of Americans dying every day from...

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21 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Insurrection Map expands with new information

The Jan 6 Committee has issued more indictments and is questioning more people as the investigation expands. The relationship map has been expanded to include this...

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20 Jan’ 2022

Describe the Jan 6th insurrection and election sabotage clearly with the right messaging frame

Use the right messaging to explain the Jan 6th insurrection and how the people behind it are now passing bills to steal our freedom to vote....

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18 Jan’ 2022

Follow the money Spotify makes streaming COVID misinfo

Over 2,000 Americans die from COVID every day. Yet, Spotify continues to stream COVID misinformation. Why? Follow the money. "Hundreds of scientists, professors and public health...

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16 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Insurrection map of the people and money behind the plot to overthrow an election

Follow the money to trace who did what in the Jan 6th insurrection and how they were funded. Get the big picture as the evidence and...

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11 Jan’ 2022

Whistleblowers expose wrongdoing

The Signals Network helps whistleblowers who speak out against corporate and government wrongdoing. A whistleblower exposes activity that is illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe, fraud, or abuse of taxpayer funds....

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10 Jan’ 2022

Defund the Jan 6th insurrection profiteers

How do you make money promoting a violent insurrection? Advertising. Conspiracies and disinformation thrive online. Who are the worst culprits? Who funds them? What can be...

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8 Jan’ 2022

Hate has consequences

Hate mongers pay a price when exposed. How do you find out about racists and white supremacists who would rather stay anonymous? One People's Project (OPP) monitors...

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3 Jan’ 2022

Disinformation 101

How to Spot Fake News: A Disinformation Check List Vaccination is a good defense against COVID. Inoculation works similarly and builds your resistance against being infected...

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27 Dec’ 2021

“How to make gazillions spreading misinformation with algorithms like Facebook” – Dr. Evil

Spreading misinformation is a money making scheme. Just ask Dr. Evil* His secret guide explains (along with real examples) how to make gazillions spreading spreading misinformation...

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25 Dec’ 2021

Jan 6 Investigation Roadmap

Confused by the large number of people involved in the Jan 6th insurrection? Who has been charged by the Jan 6 Commission? Who's cooperating with the...

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23 Dec’ 2021

The FCC should hold Facebook accountable for spreading COVID misinfo

The media influences people's decision on whether to get vaccinated. Some media companies make money from COVID misinformation by selling more ads. The FCC regulates TV...

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18 Dec’ 2021

Republican obstruction prevents FCC regulation of COVID misinformation platforms

800,000 Americans dead from COVID. Republicans serve their billionaire media donors and block the FCC from enforcing its mandate to serve the 'public interest'. When do...

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11 Dec’ 2021

Follow the dark money funding ELECTION SABOTAGE

Election sabotage isn't cheap. Follow the dark money funding media outlets spreading disinformation and corporate politicians willing to sabotage elections for their billionaire donors. The scheme...

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30 Nov’ 2021

Billionaire owned media outlets distort news to favor the rich

Image: Succession on HBO Unemployment is at all time lows. Working families get more healthcare and money for childcare. Vaccinations save lives. But you'd never know....

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29 Nov’ 2021

Record police encounters automatically with your iPhone and Siri Shortcuts

Videos of Philando Castille, Daunte Wright and George Floyd's deaths raised public awareness of police encounters and demands for justice. Imagine you're suddenly pulled over and...

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26 Nov’ 2021

Project Veritas agent? Check their identity with free Google facial recognition.

'Project Veritas sting operations employ people who mask their real identities to infiltrate target organizations.' (NYT). Check to see if you're being targeted with free Google...

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26 Nov’ 2021

Want colorblind justice? Vote for fair Local Prosecutors.

Jackie Johnson, the former prosecutor charged with misconduct in handling the Ahmaud Arbery case. "Johnson was Brunswick District Attorney when three white men chased and fatally...

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23 Nov’ 2021

Use ethnic media outlets to reach minority communities

Ethnic news outlets offer relevant and accurate news coverage to their communities. They counter-balance the negative messages and racist story selection from some large corporate news...

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14 Nov’ 2021

Cause of death? Killed by police.

"Black people are three time more likely to be killed by police. Most police killings begin with traffic stops and non-violent offenses and where no crime...

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9 Nov’ 2021

How Google helps spread right wing disinformation

Billionaires get a tax deduction for funding sites spreading disinfo! Google promotes the sites in search rankings getting them more exposure. What gives? Follow the money....

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2 Nov’ 2021

Joel Kaplan: Zuck’s fixer and GOP operative

Facebook spreads Republican disinformation and promotes right-wing conspiracy theories. Meet Joel Kaplan, Republican operative and Zuckerberg fixer. "Kaplan is Facebook's vice president of global public policy. He...

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26 Oct’ 2021

Zuckerberg sings ‘Oops… I did it again’ in spoof of Brittany classic

Funny videos go far on social media. Spread your message with videos created with the free iMovie app. "For Zuckerberg, profit trumps free speech. Zuckerberg frequently deflects...

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25 Oct’ 2021

Jan 6th Capitol riot ring leaders conspire at Willard hotel

Follow the connections between the ringleaders meeting at the Willard hotel ahead of Jan 6 in an effort to overturn election results and the current Republican...

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24 Oct’ 2021

COVID collateral damage map of politicians ready to sacrifice your life to get re-elected

45 million confirmed COVID cases. Over 735,000 deaths as of 10/24/21. Yet Republican Governors and 24 Attorney Generals oppose vaccinations? Check the facts and decide whose...

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3 Oct’ 2021

FOX News advertisers fund Tucker Carlson spreading racism and COVID disinfo

Who are FOX's biggest advertisers supporting Tucker Carlson spreading racism? Which FOX directors are connected with Stanford, Georgetown and The Nature Conservancy? How do people and...

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2 Oct’ 2021

Ten Supreme Court SHADOW DOCKET decisions made in the dark of the night that changed America

"The Supreme Court increasingly relies on the shadow docket to make decisions often in a dramatically accelerated fashion, without providing signed opinions or detailed explanations. Decisions...

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28 Sep’ 2021

TARJIMLY connects volunteer translators with nonprofits

The free Tarjimly app connects nonprofits with bi-lingual volunteers to overcome language barriers. Tarjimly was founded in 2017 to improve the lives of refugees and the...

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27 Sep’ 2021

Facebook buys Zuckerberg a $5 billion GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card

"A lawsuit accuses Facebook’s board of overpaying the Federal Trade Commission billions of dollars in exchange for not personally suing CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the 2018 Cambridge...

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22 Sep’ 2021

WE THE ACTION connects volunteer lawyers with nonprofits

Lawyers have a unique ability to defend our nation’s values, protect our institutions, and help people facing some of their darkest moments. How do lawyers find...

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20 Sep’ 2021

Will there be a hospital bed available if you need it?

Ambulances wait for hours to get patients into overcrowded hospitals. Even the vaccinated are denied medical treatment because hospitals are filled with COVID patients - many...

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14 Sep’ 2021

Amazon’s lethal COVID hypocrisy

Amazon Leadership Principles declare "Leaders leave things better than how they found them." At the same time Amazon sells books that cast doubt on COVID vaccinations,...

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30 Aug’ 2021

COVID conspiracy playbook revealed

Conspiracies like COVID are contagious and can be fatal. Learn to spot conspiracy symptoms and how they're spread. Conspiracies manipulate people based on their desire to...

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23 Aug’ 2021

Fight gaslighting. Replay what they said before.

Some people try to rewrite history by denying what they said. Keep them honest by replaying their own words. There's an app for that. The best...

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7 Aug’ 2021

Disinfo kills

Why do people believe fatal lies? How is disinformation cooked up? Who profits from it? What can be done? How are people still falling for disinfo...

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18 Jul’ 2021

Blood on their hands

COVID is an equal opportunity killer. It doesn't care who you voted for, or even if you voted at all. Death isn't a political issue. Should...

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13 Jul’ 2021

Why isn’t cannabis legalized?

You can be arrested for possessing even a small amount of marijuana in many states. Imprisoned. Forced to work for slave labor and denied your right...

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28 Jun’ 2021

Capitol insurrectionists top FBI’s Most Wanted List, while Republicans deny it happened

As rioters from the Capitol Insurrection top the FBI's most wanted list, Republican's deny that the attack even took place. "On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the U.S....

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22 Jun’ 2021

Not In Our Town helps communities reduce hate crimes and racism

Hate crimes and racism are inflamed by political polarization and social media. Strong communities with traditional American values of inclusion and civil discourse counteract these dark...

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10 Jun’ 2021

Lawyers, cartoonists and musicians fight for democracy with their special superpowers

From each according to his ability... In the fight to protect American democracy, different groups give as only they can. Here are three wonderful groups to...

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30 Mar’ 2021

Friends don’t let anti-vaxxer friends stay at risk. Conversation guide shows how to engage.

Friends don't let friends stay at risk. How do you engage with an anti-vaxxer with so much COVID disinformation? Arguing with the facts against disinformation doesn't...

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29 Mar’ 2021

Are you being tricked into funding the spread of disinformation? Check the GDI Index.

Groups spreading disinformation siphon funds meant for legitimate advertising. Ad networks like Google and Facebook are complicit and make money when they direct ads and revenue...

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20 Mar’ 2021

Racism has consequences

Eight people including six Asian women killed in racist shooting spree with a gun bought hours earlier. This isn't a random event. Hate crimes against Asian...

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11 Mar’ 2021

Think different to persuade more people

Polarized voters. People trapped in information bubbles. Corporations making billions spreading disinformation in order to sell more ads. How do you get heard when calling and...

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18 Feb’ 2021

Fighting disinfo? Coordinate a rapid response with shared talking points.

Disinfo requires a rapid, broad spread response. Get talking points to supporters for them to spread the truth and have their messages reinforce each other. A...

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16 Feb’ 2021

From Russian With Love: Disinformation Playbook

The Russians are disinformation grandmasters. Learn how to guard against them by studying how they're being used in American politics. Learn how these moves are used...

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4 Feb’ 2021

How to win friends and influence people – with free internet service

Disinformation kills. It poisons minds with COVID conspiracy theories and distrust of health experts. It is worst in poor, rural communities where people do not have...

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28 Jan’ 2021

Fighting disinformation? Eighteen free weapons for your arsenal.

Fighting disinformation? Use all the tools in your arsenal. Here are eighteen of the best. Disinformation basics Disinformation attacks involve these tactics according to Harmony Square:-...

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17 Jan’ 2021

Stories poisoned to spread disinformation

People love stories and sharing them with others. That's what makes stories poisoned with disinformation so dangerous. Tackle disinformation by training people to spot when they're...

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6 Jan’ 2021

Trumpland? Meet the Republicans and their corporate donors trying to overturn election results.

"Eleven Republican senators and senators-elect said that they would vote to reject President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory ... to defy the unambiguous results of the...

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14 Dec’ 2020

How YouTube spreads COVID Disinformation

290,000 Americans have already died from COVID-19, yet people protest wearing masks and are skeptical of vaccinations. How does disinformation manipulate people into risky behavior? Who...

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6 Dec’ 2020

Vaccinate against disinformation

Foreign interference and domestic politics use disinformation to divide, incite and manipulate. It's cheap, effective and hard to counter. Learn how to spot it and inoculate...

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2 Dec’ 2020

How to spot BS being used to manipulate public opinion

Disinformation often comes as Bullshit (BS) packaged to trick readers with impressive language, graphics and bogus logic. Spot and push back with tips from Calling Bullshit. How...

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28 Nov’ 2020

How to spot a disinformation zombie

Brad Pitt races to save virus infected zombies in World War Z. Back in the real world, disinformation is used to turn people into zombies immune...