22 April, 2021

Make a bigger impact on Zoom with a good background and free on-screen teleprompter

icon Teleprompter,Zoom backdrop
Make a bigger impact on Zoom with a background that reinforces your message and an onscreen teleprompter

Make a bigger impact on Zoom with a background to reinforce your message and a free teleprompter to stay on script.

Have an important message to share on Zoom? Don't squander the opportunity on a background picture of a beach or a bookshelf. Make the most of your screen time with a background that highlights your organization and its social media hashtag.

Be more persuasive by keeping eye contact with your audience. Use an on-screen teleprompter with scrolling talking points while you present.

Both solutions are free. This blog describes how Make The Road Nevada (MRNV), a community organizing group uses these solutions in their mission to build the power of Latinx and working-class communities of color. the blog explains
- How to design a good background
- How to use backgrounds in Zoom
- How to use the free BigStage Teleprompter with Zoom
Credit to Jen Fleischmann Willoughby and Janettte Mata with MRNV for sharing their wonderful Zoom backgrounds.

Designing a Zoom background

A Zoom Virtual Background image should be at least 1920 x 960 pixels in size. Use a solid color to minimize distractions on the screen. Add your group's logo so that it is offset and not hidden behind the presenter. Make your organization's URL and hashtag prominent on the background.

Design a background to maximize the impact of your Zoom presentation

How to activate your Zoom background

Zoom provides detailed instructions on how to enable Virtual Backgrounds.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator with permission to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Account Settings.
- Go to the Meeting tab
- Navigate to the Virtual Background option In Meeting (Advanced) section
- Enabled Virtual Backgrounds

Background design tips

Zoom supports multiple background images. Design background that are:
- Specific to your presentation
- Have versions in different languages
- Incorporate relevant hashtags

Design digital backgrounds for your Zoom presentations to match your message
Campaign specific backgrounds
Translate your backgrounds into different languages for your Zoom presentations
Make The Road Nevada backgrounds in both English and Spanish
Design digital backgrounds for your Zoom presentation to reinforce your message
Add Facebook and Twitter hashtags to your background

Make The Road Nevada

Make the Road Nevada (MRNV) builds the power of Latinx and working-class communities of color to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, and transformative education.

Immigrant Rights: Works with local experts and residents to educate ourselves, the community, and elected officials on community needs. This includes DACA clinics, funds to financially help Immigrant families and community meetings with Immigration attorneys.
Social Justice: MRNV as part of the Time to Care Nevada coalition is urging legislatures to take allow families to receive Earned Sick Days so hard working Nevadans do not have to choose between missing a day of work and pay to take care of themselves or a loved one.
Housing Justice: Works with other community groups to push for equitable housing and fights for the rights of tenants in the legal system.

BigStage Teleprompter

Make The Road Nevada uses the free BigStage Teleprompter app to keep their talking points in front of them while presenting. Presenters adjust the speed and font size of the scrolling script. It can also be paused to answer a question from the audience.

Scripts can be saved and freely shared with others packaged in a free teleprompter. This lets others also use the script in their own presentations and town hall calls. The BigStage teleprompter can be used on a laptop or phone with just a browser or downloaded as a free app from the Apple or Google stores (for use when you do not have internet access). The BigStage Teleprompter app can also be used for canvassing and in panel discussions with several presenters.

Make The Road Nevada uses the free BigStage Teleprompter app with their Zoom presentations to be more persuasive.

TakeAway: Make the most of your Zoom presentations with a good background and the free BigStage Teleprompter app.


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12 Aug’ 2019

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29 May’ 2019

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[caption id="attachment_1345" align="aligncenter" width="760"] Photo of Leisha Evans taken by Jonathan Bachman for Reuters from Wikipedia[/caption] A powerful image can tell a full story without a single word. Organizers, however, often...

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10 May’ 2019

Virginia Candidates Create Issue-Specific Campaign Videos With Free, Innovative App.

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3 May’ 2019

Up your game with this library of free campaigning and organizing ‘how to’ guides.

Grassroots organizing changes constantly with new tactics and apps. How can the lessons learned on one campaign be quickly shared with other progressive groups? Blueprints for Change converts know-how from campaign organiziners into free...

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1 Apr’ 2019

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18 Feb’ 2019

Enough of old, male and pale. Let’s train more campaign staff of color.

[caption id="attachment_1113" align="aligncenter" width="394"] Genny Castillo & Ashley Robinson - Co-founders, The BLUE Institute.[/caption] “Lack of minority staffers threatens to hobble 2020 Democrats. If you don't...

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31 Jan’ 2019

8 Highly Effective Training Resources for Organizers

[caption id="attachment_1086" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash[/caption] "Change requires more than righteous anger. It requires a program and organizing, which is the only way to...

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16 Oct’ 2018

See something. Say something. Especially at polling centers.

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11 Sep’ 2018

Micro Target Your Canvassers

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1 Jun’ 2018

Is your Voter ID acceptable?

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23 May’ 2018

It All Starts With Training

Training new campaign volunteers is hard. They're often remote, pressed for time and difficult to schedule. Online learning platforms are affordable and offer training on demand. Campaigns struggle to train volunteers as in-person training can't...

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17 May’ 2018

Knock. Knock. Who’s there?

FedEx does it. Uber does it - optimize delivery routes with better software.How can campaigns up their game so canvassers spend less time walking and more time talking with people? The...

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13 Oct’ 2017

Is Open Source the Transformative Solution for Activism?

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5 Oct’ 2017

Resisting? Running for office? Get trained online, you will.

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4 Oct’ 2017

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised – It’ll be Computerized

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Zoom Teleprompter for all professions, from performers to prayer leaders

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