20 February, 2021

Bickering. Conspiracy theories. Beach time. This week’s top ten political cartoons.

icon Abbott,Cornyn,Cruz,Mitch McConnell,Republicans,texas,Trump
Ted Cruz closely monitoring Texas freeze from Cancun. CRUZ, CANCUN, TEXAS, WINTERS TORM, VACATION, SENATOR

The top ten Political Cartoons this week showcase Republican bickering, conspiracy theories and beach time.

Check out these cartoons in two new formats: as a GIF on GIPHY or as a video with music on YouTube.



Share this GIF with this link

Video (with music)

Republicans embrace Q-Anon conspiracy theories.

Republican bickering

GOP AND QANON - Dave Whamond

Republican conspiracy theories


Texas Republicans


Road ahead

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14 Feb’ 2024

How To Create A Rapid Response TikTok Video: STOP THE COUP 2025

Get your message to more people by leveraging events using rapid response TikTok videos. Project 2025 is the Republican scheme to install a Day One Dictator...

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28 Jan’ 2024

MAGA Cruelty Map: Where Abortions Are Banned And Mothers Denied Food To Feed Their Babies

Changes to WIC Benefits Would Cut Food Access for Millions of Parents - Civil Eats MAGA Republicans ban abortions, deny food aid to mothers to feed their...

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26 Jan’ 2024

Trump creates border chaos to help Putin invade Ukraine: AI analysis

"Trump has indicated to senators that he does not want us to solve the problem at the border. He wants to lay the blame for the border...

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25 Jan’ 2024

How to create a RAPID RESPONSE website for free: ‘Hungarian Strongman Orban Crowned MAGA IDOL’

You have an important message to share, but have no money, no tech skills and are in a rush. Use the free Wakelet app to create...

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10 Jan’ 2024

Student activists make great TikToks

More Americans are getting news on TikTok - Pew Research Are you getting seen on TikTok? How do you even create compelling TikToks? Students For Justice...

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8 Jan’ 2024

Insurrection? Run. Hide. Deny it happened!

Republican cowards who ran from insurrectionist mob to save their lives, now claim insurrection never took place to please Trump. "Trump demands Republicans forget their near-misses...

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23 Dec’ 2023

How to build a website for free in minutes without programming

You have an important message to share, but have no money, tech skills or time. How can you build a website to spread your message quickly?...

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21 Dec’ 2023

Where are the lawyers and political operatives who handed George W. Bush the presidency?

Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It - George Santayana Remember the last time political operatives, clever lawyers, a conservative lawyers Supreme...

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16 Dec’ 2023

Housing Hijacked: Follow the money behind billionaire made housing crisis

Hedge funds buy up homes making buying or renting a home unaffordable for hard working Americans. Disabled vets forced to live on the streets. Supreme Court...

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8 Dec’ 2023

Putin Republicans Block Aid For Ukraine: How to create a rapid response meme

Republicans are playing chicken with our national security to score political points. "If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there. Putin will attack a NATO ally,...

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23 Nov’ 2023

Don’t fund Musk’s Anti-Semitism

What's behind the advertiser exodus from X (Twitter)? Calls for boycotting Tesla? "Musk re-tweeted a post that promoted the antisemitic “Great Replacement Theory”—an act that caused...

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3 Nov’ 2023

Slash your taxes with these billionaire secret tricks!

Why do you have to pay more in taxes than many billionaires do? Learn their secrets! This is especially timely as Mike Johnson and MAGA Republicans...

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3 Nov’ 2023

Republican Guide To Hostage Taking

"GOP wants to hold Israel aid hostage to reward its rich donors" - MSNBC There is a method to the madness. Understand the Republican playbook for...

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1 Nov’ 2023

How ‘Christian’ Are White Christian Nationalists?

Mike Johnson claims to be ordained by God to be Speaker of the House, and to look in the Bible for his values. I followed Mike...

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26 Oct’ 2023

Follow the money behind Justice Clarence Thomas’ luxury motorhome

"...a sweetheart deal” that made no logical sense from a business perspective..." - NY Times "Justice Clarence Thomas’s R.V. Loan Was Forgiven... He failed to repay...

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20 Oct’ 2023

New restrictions on Viagra announced

What would happen if pale, male, stale Republicans had to follow the same laws they impose on women? What would abortion restrictions applied to Viagra for...

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15 Oct’ 2023

Supreme Court enables MAGA extremists to topple democracy

How do a handful of right wing extremists topple democracy? Follow the money to see how billionaires have the stacked the Supreme Court with right wing...

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14 Oct’ 2023

MAGA Republicans create MEGA Chaos to help Putin

Israel attacked. Ukraine fights Russian invasion. MAGA Republicans shutdown Congress blocking any aid bill... What gives? Trump say Hamas is smart. Putin praises Trump. Tuberville blocks...

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10 Oct’ 2023

Playing Politics with Security: MAGA Republicans Block Military Nominees

Hamas' attack on Israel highlights highlight how badly MAGA blocking military promotions and diplomatic assignments hurt American security. "America’s adversaries who seize on apparent U.S. weakness...

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3 Sep’ 2023

KENTUCKY GREED DERBY: Which Corporate CEO will run away with the most money this Labor Day?

Place your bets! Which Fortune 500 CEO will run away with the most money? Check this app to get the inside scoop before you place your...

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3 Aug’ 2023

Follow Trump Indictment: Interactive Multimedia Guide

Trying to keep track of the indictment charges, conspirators and fake electors? Keeping track of a plot of the coup to overthrow American democracy is hard....

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28 Jul’ 2023

MAGA Republicans Whitewash Black History

"DeSantis doubles down on claim that some Blacks benefited from slavery" Check this infographic to understand how the MAGA Republican attempt to Black History resembles what...

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25 Jul’ 2023

Free Visual Storytelling App Helps Activists Amplify Their Message

Visual stories are engaging, persuasive and dominate social media. Smart activists use visual storytelling with images, GIFs and videos to engage viewers and drive engagement. Wakelet...

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25 Jul’ 2023

Fatal Greed: Teen Workers Die as Child Labor Safety Laws Cut

Who pays the price for out-of-control corporate greed and Republicans ready to sacrifice childrens' safety for political donations? Death of 16-Year-Old at Mississippi Poultry Plant Prompts...

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18 Jul’ 2023

President Biden forgives $39 billion of student loan debt: Mapping where it will help the most

The Biden administration wipes out $39 billion of student loan debt for 804,000 borrowers. This follows President Biden's promise to continue pursuing student debt relief following the Republican packed Supreme Court's...

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7 Jul’ 2023

Ohio August Special Election Determines Abortion Rights. VOTE!

Ohio Moves Closer to Ballot Issue That Would Protect Abortion Rights - NYT But Republicans are trying to change their own rules in order to enforce...

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20 Jun’ 2023

Ohio Abortion Ban Ballot Measure Timeline

Republican legislators are trying to change the state’s ballot initiative rules to require a supermajority for an abortion rights ballot to pass. "Ohio voters can currently...

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10 May’ 2023

Watch for these sneaky tricks Republicans use to deny America’s GUN EPIDEMIC they’ve created

"Elon Musk Flirts With Conspiracy Theories About Texas Mall Shooting" - Rolling Stone Whataboutism: Abbott pointed to Chicago as proof that stringent gun laws are not...

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9 May’ 2023

MAGA DEBT CRISIS: How we created a video for free using AI and text prompts

AI-powered apps make it fast, simple and affordable to make videos from text. How does AI make videos from text? We took the free version of...

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29 Apr’ 2023

How to create political memes with AI image generators

Innovation wins. Learn how to create memes with AI image generators. It's fast, free and fun. "AI image generators convert a text input to produce striking visuals....

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23 Apr’ 2023

Republican 10 step program to take America backwards

Child marriages. Child labor. Lynchings. Republicans have a plan to take America backwards. The Republican plan borrows from the fascist playbook that steal resources and freedoms...

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13 Apr’ 2023

Putin’s Puppet Pushes Propaganda

Trump indicated his support for Vladimir Putin in an interview with Tucker Carlson - Letters From An American Tucker Carlson, downplaying Russia-Ukraine conflict, urges Americans to...

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10 Apr’ 2023

Supremely corrupt Clarence Thomas

For over 20 years Clarence Thomas has been treated to (unrevealed) luxury vacations by billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow. - ProPublica Details are emerging of Clarence's...

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7 Apr’ 2023

Follow the money behind Clarence Thomas international luxury trips

Clarence Thomas accepted several luxury trips paid for by GOP megadonor - ProPublica Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, conservative activist Ginni Thomas, have gone on several luxury...

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24 Mar’ 2023


18 Republicans won districts in the midterms that Joe Biden won in 2020. "They don’t represent the voters of their district. And for the next two...

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21 Mar’ 2023

Walmart privatizes profits and socializes losses to exploit its workers

Walmart workers struggle to survive on food stamps and Medicaid while Republicans give more tax cuts to their billionaire Walmart donors. "Walmart relying on corporate welfare...

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10 Mar’ 2023

Top ten reasons why billionaires shouldn’t have to pay their fair share of taxes

President Biden proposes billionaires pay their "fair share". - MSNBC The howls of protest from Republicans to protect their wealthy donors have started. Use this infographic...

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5 Mar’ 2023

Can’t get an abortion pill at Walgreens? Thank your Republican AG.

"Walgreens won’t distribute abortion pills in states where GOP AGs object." - Politico Republicans use the threat of litigation to force companies to comply with their...

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2 Mar’ 2023

Political Cartoons say it with a smile

Cartoons are a powerful but often overlooked communication tool. Cartoons are easy to understand regardless of your age, education or language. They work well for people...

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18 Feb’ 2023

Two-faced FOX News sued for defamation by Dominion Voting Systems

"Dominion is suing Fox for defamation seeking $1.6 billion in damages ... alleging the network knowingly aired false information about its software based on competitive and...

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15 Feb’ 2023

What is an Incel?

'Incel' Violence, Misogynistic Extremism on the Rise, Secret Service Warns - NewsWeek “Incel” is often used to describe men who feel unable to obtain romantic or...

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15 Feb’ 2023

Mapping the GOP love of gun lobby: 313 people killed or injured in 72 hours before Valentine’s Day

313 people have died or been injured by gun violence in the 72 hours before Valentine's Day. "Today is Valentine’s Day but too many of us...

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26 Jan’ 2023

ABORTION RIGHTS are on the ballot in WISCONSIN SUPREME COURT ELECTION : Visual storytelling

"2023’s Biggest, Most Unusual Race Centers on Abortion and Democracy" - NY Times How do you explain an issue at a glance? How can readers be...

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20 Jan’ 2023

How to find and call your GOP rep to STOP THE #GOPTAXSCAM

GOP plans to abolish IRS ... and replace it with 30% national sales tax. So they don't have to tax corporations. At all. And we can...

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14 Jan’ 2023

CHAOS CAUCUS pushes America to debt default: What does this mean for you?

The CHAOS CAUCUS gets to work... creating chaos. They've taken America hostage and threaten to force a debt default unless their demands are met. What would...

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11 Jan’ 2023

GOP Agenda – Illustrated Edition

Republicans unveil their extremist agenda to ban abortions, cut taxes for billionaires and ignore the truth. Follow the agenda with this free pictorial guide! The just...

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7 Jan’ 2023

Pro-Putin Freedom Caucus Brings Chaos To America

A few extremists took our government hostage to get their way, just as extremists did on January 6, 2021. The Pro-Putin Freedom Caucus got what it...

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31 Dec’ 2022

Software to shovel George Santos’ bullshit

The way to deal with the media is to flood the zone with shit - Steve Bannon George Santos (R-NY) has adopted Bannon's advice and lies...

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26 Dec’ 2022

Republicans weaponize hate speech

Hate is a deadly political strategy. Henry Berg-Brousseau, who had supported transgender rights since he was in high school, died by suicide at 24. “This hate...

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21 Dec’ 2022

Republican book burnings create fire hazard

Republicans claim to be for the constitution, but deny Americans the freedom of speech it guarantees? “You cannot destroy truth by burning pages.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi...

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18 Dec’ 2022

Republicans push to ban teenage sex

What's the difference between extreme Christian conservatives and the Taliban when forcing their values on everyone else? A notorious Trump judge just fired the first shot...

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4 Dec’ 2022

Republican BS Detector

Do you understand what Republicans really mean? Test yourself with this quiz. Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak disguises the nature...

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4 Dec’ 2022

Stop environmental racism

"Advocates urge Detroit to turn down proposed concrete crushing facility" - Detroit Free Press Environmental racism causes communities of color to face higher levels of exposure...

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2 Dec’ 2022

Reverend Warnock fights to cap insulin costs. Which Georgia counties have the most diabetics?

A Resonant Topic in Georgia’s Senate Runoff: Insulin Prices - New York Times How big is the problem? How many people in Georgia have diabetes? How...

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28 Nov’ 2022

Help identify the real killer behind mass shootings

51 dead and 173 injured in gun violence in Nov 2022. Can you spot the real killer? Start with the crime scene, as any good detective...

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28 Nov’ 2022

Why Homer thinks the Supreme Court has become a joke

Homer explains why the Supreme Court has become a joke. How does a prestigious institute like the Supreme Court become a sad, partisan joke? We asked...

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24 Nov’ 2022

Republicans send thoughts and prayers with blood on their hands

What's behind the surge in gun violence? University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA, at Club Q in Colorado Springs, CO, and at a Walmart store in Chesapeake, VA....

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24 Nov’ 2022

Corporate Tax Dodgers Celebrate Thanksgiving

CEOs of companies that pay no taxes celebrate while millions of Americans cannot afford a turkey for Thanksgiving. "We give thanks for our multi-million dollar salaries,...

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10 Nov’ 2022

Seven ways polling is manipulated to produce bogus results

Political pollsters predicted a red wave (NYT). How did so many pollsters get it so wrong? "Polls have a number of limiting factors. Pollsters can't know...

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6 Nov’ 2022

Follow the Saudi money controlling Twitter

First the Saudis infiltrated Twitter. Now they're the second largest owner after funding Musk's Twitter purchase. Racist and anti-semitic tweets surge... What's behind the Saudi investment...

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5 Nov’ 2022

Blue Wave Advisory

"Women are already showing up in large numbers, and they’re going to show up in masse to vote driving a blue Democratic tsunami.” - Michael Moore...

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3 Nov’ 2022

Mapping Republican plan to choke Medicare and Social Security by raising age limits

Republican scheme chokes the programs and deny older adults benefits they have counted on for retirement. We mapped the pain. How does the GOP scheme work?...

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1 Nov’ 2022

Oil war profiteers: Follow the money

Stop oil company war profiteering with a windfall tax. England has done it. It's time for America too. Should oil war profiteers be rewarded with more...

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27 Oct’ 2022

Which ‘local political leader’ might be in the doctor’s office with you? Check this map.

"Local political leaders" should decide on abortion says Mehmet Oz. OZ SAYS ABORTION DECISION SHOULD INCLUDE “LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS”: In the only debate of Pennsylvania’s election for...

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25 Oct’ 2022

Homer’s Voting Guide

How do you describe Democratic accomplishments? Duh! Ask Homer. Democrats have delivered for working Americans despite Republican roadblocks for their rich donors. How do you describe...

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23 Oct’ 2022

How can voting for a senator change your life? Check this map.

Court blocks President Biden's Student Debt Relief program. Supreme Court overturns Roe. Who are the eight judges that decided to hold up relief for relief to...

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14 Sep’ 2022

ABORTION BAN Tops Roberts’ Supreme Court Hit Parade

"Chief Justice John Roberts defends the legitimacy of the Supreme Court" - MSN Really? Decide for yourself based on these extreme rulings by Roberts' Supreme Court....

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12 Sep’ 2022

Casualty map from Republican scheme to kill Social Security

The Republican 11 Point Plan calls for ending Social Security. How many seniors would suffer in their scheme? How many are disabled? Widowed? Where do they...

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9 Sep’ 2022

How to choose the right storytelling app

Choose the right app to tell your story by considering your audience, the message and your desired outcome. There is no one size fits all in...

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7 Sep’ 2022

Newtown Action Alliance maps assault weapon carnage at mass shootings

More Americans have died from gun violence than in military combat, but Republicans still block gun safety measures. Gun violence threatens our freedom more than any...

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6 Sep’ 2022

Republican court packing pays off

Republicans haven't won the popular vote since 2004, so they pack the courts with partisan judges to cling to power and rule from the bench. Follow...

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5 Sep’ 2022

Rape map where Republicans have made abortions illegal

Texas Governor Abbott makes abortions illegal and tells rape victims take Plan B Texas is estimated to have over 40,000 rapes every year. Many of the...

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2 Sep’ 2022


Don't fall for it! Learn to recognize the verbal tricks MAGA Republicans use to manipulate you. See if you can spot the tricks used in these...

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24 Aug’ 2022

Pack the Supreme Court and get a tax deduction!

How do tax dodging billionaires get to write the laws for tax paying Americans? Follow the dark money. Barre Seid, an electronics mogul, made a $...

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14 Aug’ 2022

Drug prices coming down for landing

Drug prices come down for landing with the Infrastructure Reduction Act. Drug prices out of reach. Big Pharma share prices soaring and execs making millions. Big...

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4 Aug’ 2022

Where will the Republican plan to kill Medicare hurt the most?

Ron Johnson (R-WI) suggests putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block every year. Sen. Ron. Johnson (R-WI) argues for eliminating entitlements: "Social Security and...

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3 Aug’ 2022

FOX promotes GOP use of Orban’s PLAYBOOK FOR DICTATORS at CPAC

Follow the money behind Putin-Orban's influence operation to understand GOP's use of the Dictators Playbook. “Anybody serious about commenting on the state of US democracy should...

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12 Jul’ 2022

Follow the GOP – Facebook – Supreme Court connections behind the ban on abortions and pill info

Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade. Facebook bans posts about abortion pills. Mastermind behind two election recount riots is pardoned... Follow relationships to make sense of...

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9 Jul’ 2022

GOP-packed Supreme Court cripples EPA putting your life in danger

GOP-packed Supreme Court cripples the EPA to stop it regulating oil polluting tycoons funding Republicans. Follow the money. Oil tycoons fund the GOP to pack the...

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5 Jul’ 2022

Independence Day mass shooting: Mapping the Republicans blocking gun safety reform

Six dead, dozens injured in mass shooting at July Fourth parade outside Chicago. The shooting comes weeks after a racist mass shootings at a Buffalo grocery store...

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4 Jul’ 2022

GOP Congresswomen: Soldiers in the REPUBLICAN WAR ON WOMEN

Republican congresswomen deny other women their freedom to choose when to have a family. Republicans have stacked the Supreme Court with right wing zealots who have...

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3 Jul’ 2022

Top ten storytelling apps

Use the right storytelling app to inform and persuade more people to take action. How do you choose which app to choose? Does your message involve...

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1 Jul’ 2022

Koch Rigged Supreme Court Rules For Oil Companies

Follow the money to see how oil tycoons rig the courts to get the laws they want. Millions in dark money to get ultra-right wing lawyers...

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15 Jun’ 2022

Asian Americans organize to vote against hate crimes and mass shootings

Asian Americans have had enough of hate crimes and mass shootings. They're organizing to vote in the midterms to fight Republicans inciting racism and blocking guns...

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12 Jun’ 2022

Do you want Murdoch to pick the next President?

Rupert Murdoch's papers and TV channels have a record of political character assassinations and scandals across the globe. Murdoch's NEWS CORP has been called a cancer...

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14 May’ 2022

Authoritarian socialist DeSantis attacks Disney

Authoritarian socialists attack business for politics. Putin took over Yukos Oil, the largest Russian oil firm at the time and jailed Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the CEO. Hugo...

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7 May’ 2022

Classifying Abortion as Murder: Taker vs Giver States

Louisiana is about to Charge Women Who Get Abortions With Murder. Minority Rule: How TAKER states exploit GIVER State generosity to persecute women Louisiana also ranks...

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3 May’ 2022

The Future of Roe V. Wade: Women’s Choice Election 2022

The Republican-stacked Supreme Court poised to trash Roe v. Wade. EVERY non-voting woman and man who supports Reproductive Choice MUST know that we are: "JUST. 2....

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2 Apr’ 2022

Five practical ways to fight FOX spreading propaganda

Fox News opinion programs are the biggest source of disinformation. DDAD Defenders of Democracy Against Disinfo is a grassroots, nonprofit group. They have analyzed how Fox...

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23 Mar’ 2022

Stop paying FOX to spread Russian propaganda #UNFOXmycablebox

How do cable companies force you to pay for FOX even if you don't watch? How does FOX use your money to spread Russian propaganda? What...

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18 Mar’ 2022

Democracy is on the Ballot. Mapping where Election Deniers are Running For Office.

Why do people who don't believe in fair elections run for office? They'll get to control how (and if) future elections will be run and votes...

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15 Mar’ 2022

Putin Republicans : Follow The Money

What makes Putin Republicans adore the Russian dictator? Follow the money. Putin has infiltrated and corrupted the Republican Party. Follow the money to see how this...

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3 Mar’ 2022

Play DRUG MONOPOLY. Raise drug prices. Make millions!

34 million Americans suffer from diabetes. How do drug monopolies keep raising prices? Follow the blood money. President Biden and Bernie Sanders have proposed cutting prescription...

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2 Mar’ 2022

Are your purchases funding White Nationalism and Anti-Semitism? Follow the money.

Republicans embrace White Nationalism and Anti-Semitism with the help of corporate donations. All talk, no action. Republicans expelled Liz Cheney for supporting an inquiry into the...

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28 Feb’ 2022

Republican dogwhistle politics explained

Republicans use dogwhistles to send racist messages that many can't hear. How are dogwhistles used to persuade people to vote against their own self-interest? What are...

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25 Feb’ 2022

Putin’s Republican cheerleaders

Ronald Reagan condemned Russian communism. Many Republican leaders now praise Putin. What gives? Follow the money to see how Republican leaders became Putin cheerleaders. How Russia...

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19 Feb’ 2022

Issue needing attention? Try mischief!

Need media exposure for your cause? Listen to The Yes Men. How do grassroots groups move public opinion with few resources and little time? Protest creatively...

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17 Feb’ 2022

Corporations fund Florida politicians pushing ‘Don’t say gay’ bill

Corporations claim to support LGBTQ rights, but donate to politicians who would punish teachers who discuss it. Corporate hypocrisy at its finest. But don't say greed....

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15 Feb’ 2022

How to destroy evidence*

Republican hypocrisy lampooned. How do you highlight Republican hypocrisy in ignoring Trump's destruction of confidential documents, while complaining about Hillary's email server. Use ridicule Saul Alinsky...

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8 Feb’ 2022

Trump – McConnell judges cut voting rights

Trump - McConnell judges push voter suppression and laws that benefit the rich. Follow the money stacking the courts with conservative, activist judges. The U.S. Supreme...

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6 Feb’ 2022

Spotify boycott grows as more artists protest their music being used to fund racism. Follow the money.

Follow the money to see how Spotify exploits musicians by paying them $0.0033 per song streamed while paying Rogan $100 million for a podcast with racism...

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2 Feb’ 2022

Twelve trusted resources on disinformation and other threats to democracy

Fighting the dark side? Trusted guide you will use. Take a trusted guide whether you're fighting Darth Vader destroying galaxies or the dark forces attacking American...

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1 Feb’ 2022

Biden builds bridges, not walls.

Better roads and bridges help all Americans. Make it easy for people to see how they gain from President Biden's investment in infrastructure. How are your...

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31 Jan’ 2022

Supreme hypocrisy: Republicans pack the courts for billionaires to control our lives

Republicans pack the courts with the help of dark money groups for billionaires to control our lives. Elections have consequences. They determine the politicians who appoint...

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21 Jan’ 2022

Jan 6 Insurrection Map expands with new information

The Jan 6 Committee has issued more indictments and is questioning more people as the investigation expands. The relationship map has been expanded to include this...

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20 Jan’ 2022

Describe the Jan 6th insurrection and election sabotage clearly with the right messaging frame

Use the right messaging to explain the Jan 6th insurrection and how the people behind it are now passing bills to steal our freedom to vote....

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7 Jan’ 2022

Domestic political terrorism

Democracies depend on the freedom to vote. Political violence to steal power is a clear and present danger. This StoryMap is based on Clinton Watts recent article in Selected...

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5 Jan’ 2022

Leaked GOP Voter Suppression Playbook (Satire)

Don't have enough votes to get elected? Don't worry. A new satirical guide shows how to win by cheating: Suppress your opponent's voters. The guide illustrates...

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3 Jan’ 2022

Disinformation 101

How to Spot Fake News: A Disinformation Check List Vaccination is a good defense against COVID. Inoculation works similarly and builds your resistance against being infected...

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27 Dec’ 2021

“How to make gazillions spreading misinformation with algorithms like Facebook” – Dr. Evil

Spreading misinformation is a money making scheme. Just ask Dr. Evil* His secret guide explains (along with real examples) how to make gazillions spreading spreading misinformation...

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12 Dec’ 2021

Florida COVID death count dashboard: Politicians playing doctor is deadly.

"Beware of false prophets. By their fruit you will recognize them." - Matthew 7:16 Judge politicians on how they perform, not their gaslighting. "About 54,000 more...

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6 Dec’ 2021

McConnell: The Democracy Eating Turtle

A turtle destroying American democracy? Only cartoons can describe the beast. This collection of cartoons show how Mitch McConnell: Stacks the Supreme Court with his conservative...

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26 Nov’ 2021

Want colorblind justice? Vote for fair Local Prosecutors.

Jackie Johnson, the former prosecutor charged with misconduct in handling the Ahmaud Arbery case. "Johnson was Brunswick District Attorney when three white men chased and fatally...

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21 Nov’ 2021

How Mitch McConnell politicized the American justice system

Mitch McConnell has stacked the courts with conservative judges. See how his scheme affects every American on things ranging from their health, voting rights and control...

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8 Nov’ 2021

Republicans push taxation without representation

Republicans push taxation without representation but still want to collect taxes. That didn't work well for British royalty. The British enriched themselves off American colonies without...

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6 Nov’ 2021

COVID death count in states opposing OSHA mandates

Politics is temporary, but death is permanent. This map shows states where politics trumps COVID safety measures. Who pays the price? Share this StoryMap freely with...

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26 Oct’ 2021

Zuckerberg sings ‘Oops… I did it again’ in spoof of Brittany classic

Funny videos go far on social media. Spread your message with videos created with the free iMovie app. "For Zuckerberg, profit trumps free speech. Zuckerberg frequently deflects...

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22 Oct’ 2021

Striketober. Mapping workers on strike for a living wage.

Billion dollar corporations that pay CEOs over $ 5 million annually but deny workers a living wage. Corporate politicians block the Build Back Better bill that...

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18 Oct’ 2021

Virginia Election: Youngkin morphs into Trump

Virginia GOP candidate Youngkin tries to distance himself from Trump. Activists create GIFs to highlight their similarities. "Trump has endorsed Youngkin. "A great gentleman. We've got...

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21 Sep’ 2021

How does big pharma keep drug prices so high? Follow the money.

Big pharma claims to serve public health, but spends billions on political lobbying and multimillion dollar executive salaries. Is corporate greed and political donations the real...

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17 Sep’ 2021

Humor gets your point across

How do you simplify complex issues? Increase the chances of your message being shared? Use a political cartoon. Cartoons are powerful. They get people's attention and...

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8 Sep’ 2021

Provide Eviction Protection and other forms while building contact lists automatically with MailBots

Millions of Americans could be left homeless after the Supreme Court's decision to lift the eviction moratorium. How can tenants find the forms that might protect...

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7 Sep’ 2021

Who do they work for? Follow the money with a ‘mind map’.

Follow the money and a person's connections to find their real motivation. "... Tax hikes will cause your life savings to collapse... plan could cause a record-setting depression”...

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5 Sep’ 2021

Will a wildfire, hurricane or flood caused by climate change ruin your home?

A natural disaster reveals a politician's priorities. Are they looking out for your interests or just their donors? It's also a reminder on the importance of...

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1 Sep’ 2021

Mapping the increased COVID risk to Florida school children from politics and where to get vaccinated

DeSantis Is Blocking Money From Two School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A Judge's Ruling "Despite a judge's ruling on Friday declaring that the Florida governor's...

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30 Aug’ 2021

COVID conspiracy playbook revealed

Conspiracies like COVID are contagious and can be fatal. Learn to spot conspiracy symptoms and how they're spread. Conspiracies manipulate people based on their desire to...

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22 Aug’ 2021

Gerrymandering. Georgia style.

Georgia voter suppression includes gerrymandering and hostile takeovers of county election boards. NAACP Atlanta mobilizes resistance against racist voter suppression. NAACP makes it easier for people...

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19 Aug’ 2021

NAACP Atlanta organizes against Georgia Republicans’ hostile State takeover of County election boards

NAACP Atlanta mobilizes Georgians to contact their Republican senators to demand they stop their hostile take over of Fulton county elections. Georgia Republican lawmakers are mounting...

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14 Aug’ 2021

Fair Districts Ohio fights gerrymandering

Public officials crush democracy by drawing legislative district maps to benefit their political party. Fair Districts Ohio organizes citizens to fight this gerrymandering.  Ohio voters passed...

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11 Aug’ 2021

Love your kids? Check their school’s COVID situation.

Parents have to protect their children against both COVID and reckless politicians. New maps highlight areas where COVID cases are accelerating. Large amounts of data that's...

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31 Jul’ 2021

COVID incompetence unmasked

"Florida has 6.5% of the U.S. population, but accounts for 20% of America’s new COVID infections. Its daily average is four times the national." - L.A....

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28 Jul’ 2021

Precision canvassing

Companies increase sales by picking store locations with demographic analysis. Use the same approach to decide where to canvas. Center for Common Ground (CCG) is a...

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24 Jul’ 2021

Olympic Gold Medal for voter suppression goes to …

If there were an Olympic contest for voter suppression, who would win? We have three contenders. The Republican Party creating new laws to deny Americans their...

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28 Jun’ 2021

Capitol insurrectionists top FBI’s Most Wanted List, while Republicans deny it happened

As rioters from the Capitol Insurrection top the FBI's most wanted list, Republican's deny that the attack even took place. "On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the U.S....

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14 Jun’ 2021

Find & remind recent movers to re-register to vote

Americans move regularly. Use tech innovation to find and remind those who've moved, to re-register to vote. "Around one-in-five U.S. adults say they either changed their...

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12 Jun’ 2021

Maps are an activist’s best friend

Maps help activists and campaigns engage, inform and mobilize supporters. New apps make it easy. Maps are easy to understand and navigate. They're intuitive and wonderful...

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11 Jun’ 2021

Republicans slash unemployment benefits. Where will the suffering be worst?

Republican cruelty to the poor to please their corporate donors has no limits. Republican Governors play politics and slash unemployment benefits to sabotage the recovery brought...

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10 Jun’ 2021

Lawyers, cartoonists and musicians fight for democracy with their special superpowers

From each according to his ability... In the fight to protect American democracy, different groups give as only they can. Here are three wonderful groups to...

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8 Jun’ 2021

Opioid epidemic: Map the profits, political donations and deaths.

The opioid epidemic involves over 500,000 deaths and a $13 billion fortune. How much do you know about Purdue Pharma? The Sackler Family and their political...

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26 May’ 2021

Republican voter suppression targets disabled vets for Memorial Day

Republicans are making it harder for disabled vets to vote - just in time for Memorial Day! Millions of veterans live in Texas, Florida, Georgia and...

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21 May’ 2021

Fight gerrymandering. Draw your own community of interest map for redistricting.

All votes are equal, but some are more equal than others. Especially if they are from rich, white Republicans. Gerrymandering is dark art of drawing districting...

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20 May’ 2021

Capitol riot coverup: cartoon edition

"Trump demanded that Republicans in Congress oppose the creation of a bipartisan Commission to investigate the events of January 6." - Popular Info 175 Republicans in Congress led by...

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17 May’ 2021

133 reasons to invest in American infrastructure

How much is an American life worth? How do politicians gladly pay for trillions in tax cuts for the rich, but won't pay for safe roads...

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15 May’ 2021

Stick to your message. Use a teleprompter.

Chris Sosa is running for NY Democratic District 5 City Council. He has a vision to share and uses an on-screen teleprompter to stay on point....

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14 May’ 2021

Will COVID become a pre-existing condition used to deny health insurance?

Republicans have vowed to kill the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Insurance companies could deny health insurance to over 32 million Americans by treating COVID as a...

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12 May’ 2021

Liz Cheney’s speech on protecting democracy – in five languages

"We’re witnessing a daylight mugging of our democracy. Thank you, Liz Cheney, for doing something vitally important and clarifying — something that only a conservative Republican...

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5 May’ 2021

Talking to bridge the political divide

America Talks provides a weekend of connection across the political divide during a time of deep division in America. America Talks is organized by a coalition of nonpartisan,...

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30 Apr’ 2021

Find unregistered voters with precision mapping

Fight voter suppression by leaving no eligible voter behind with easy-to-use precision mapping apps. Find areas likely to have unregistered voters with the same precision mapping...

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29 Apr’ 2021

Advocacy by Instagram. The First 100 Days.

Memes and GIFs shared on social media shape public opinion more than paid ads. They get more attention, have more credibility and cost a fraction of...

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27 Apr’ 2021

Corporations profiting by spreading hate with public subsidies

"Carlson has the right to say whatever loathsome things he wishes. And Fox News can choose to broadcast those views on television. But Carlson and the...

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26 Apr’ 2021

Looking for unregistered voters? Use SMART MAPPING.

Businesses pick the best location for stores with Smart Mapping. The same technology also works to find unregistered voters. Most maps just show locations on a...

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24 Apr’ 2021

For The People and George Floyd Act featured in Editorial Cartoons

For The People Act protects voting rights needed for common sense gun safety measures and police reform. These editorial cartoons highlight the importance of passing the George Floyd...

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19 Apr’ 2021

The return of poll taxes

Poll taxes prevented African Americans from voting till the 24th Amendment made the taxes illegal. New Republican bills bring back poll taxes disguised as new costs...

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17 Apr’ 2021

Mass shootings, NRA influence & Republican obstruction: editorial cartoons

"The country grappled with yet another bloody rampage in Indianapolis, only weeks after back-to-back mass shootings last month in Atlanta and Boulder, Colorado" - NYT These...

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14 Apr’ 2021

Yes! You too can make a polished fundraising video for free, in hours with just a laptop.

Fundraising videos work. But it shouldn't cost more to make a video, than the amount you are fundraising. Use the free Lumen5 app to create compelling...

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13 Apr’ 2021

Fatal police encounters

“He said they pulled him over because he had air fresheners hanging from his rearview mirror,” said Ms. Wright whose son, Daunte Wright was killed by...

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12 Apr’ 2021

Map supports case for D.C. Statehood

D.C. Statehood would give 712,000 tax-paying Americans full equality and taxation with representation. DC has more residents, more than Vermont and Wyoming and comparable with other...

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11 Apr’ 2021

Corporate political donations, voter suppression and gun control: Top political cartoons

This week's top Political Cartoons cover corporate political donations, gun violence legislation, and Jim Crow voter suppression bills. Enjoy the cartoons individually, as a GIF or as a video. Takeaway: Political...

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9 Apr’ 2021

Lessons from how corporate boycotts led to fair elections in South Africa

A white minority clung to power by denying Blacks their right to vote till corporate boycotts led to fair elections. A white minority supported by corporate...

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8 Apr’ 2021

Advocating for infrastructure investment? Show the local benefits with an interactive map.

Political decisions have real consequences. Investing in infrastructure that improves public safety should not be a political issue. How do you let the public know how...

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7 Apr’ 2021

Explaining voter suppression? Use an infographic.

Visual storytelling is fast, friendly and powerful. Use infographics to help more people understand vital issues - such as new schemes to make it harder to...

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6 Apr’ 2021

Fundraising on Zoom? Add a Give Button.

Make it easy for people on Zoom to follow your directions with Give Buttons. Keep it simple when requesting donations, asking for volunteers or have people...

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4 Apr’ 2021

Georgia Voter Suppression – Illustrated Edition

We interrupt the regular blog for this special Illustrated Edition of Voter Suppression in Georgia. Enjoy as a GIF or Video. Now back to our regular...

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3 Apr’ 2021

Cash cows block rural internet

Corporations love cash cows: businesses that generate them a steady stream of cash for no money. AT&T, Verizon and Comcast treat internet services as cash cows....

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2 Apr’ 2021

Mobilizing Latinx voters? Use relational organizing with WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is the favorite Latinx messaging app. It's free and messages come from a known sender. WhatsApp campaigns cost less than SMS and is ideal for...

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31 Mar’ 2021

Canvassing for H.R. 1 over Facetime

How do you bring the personal appeal of in-person canvassing online? How can volunteers be more persuasive with a good script? Use FaceTime with an onscreen...

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30 Mar’ 2021

Friends don’t let anti-vaxxer friends stay at risk. Conversation guide shows how to engage.

Friends don't let friends stay at risk. How do you engage with an anti-vaxxer with so much COVID disinformation? Arguing with the facts against disinformation doesn't...

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29 Mar’ 2021

Are you being tricked into funding the spread of disinformation? Check the GDI Index.

Groups spreading disinformation siphon funds meant for legitimate advertising. Ad networks like Google and Facebook are complicit and make money when they direct ads and revenue...

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28 Mar’ 2021

Mass shooters, Jim Crow and racist Republicans: This week’s top political cartoons.

This week's top Political Cartoons cover racist mass shooting, Republican voter suppression and obstruction with the filibuster. Enjoy the cartoons individually, as a GIF or as a video. DeepakDemLabs Voter suppression...

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25 Mar’ 2021

Zoom fundraising goes better with a teleprompter

Don't take chances with important presentations. Use a teleprompter. Fundraising online is stressful. It helps to maintain eye contact with potential donors while making your appeal....

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24 Mar’ 2021

The ultimate voter registration machine

How can remote, under-served communities get reliable information? How can advocacy groups promote voter registration and COVID vaccinations? And build opt-in contact lists at the same...

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23 Mar’ 2021

Conducting a survey? Use this free solution to collect more responses in less time.

Conducting a survey doesn't have to be complicated, expensive, nor time-consuming. "How can we quickly survey a community of 1,000 families in 10 city blocks to...

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21 Mar’ 2021

Racist killings and voter suppression bills: The week’s top political cartoons.

This week's top Political Cartoons cover racial killings and Republican voter suppression bills. You can view the cartoons individually or as a GIF or a one minute video....

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20 Mar’ 2021

Racism has consequences

Eight people including six Asian women killed in racist shooting spree with a gun bought hours earlier. This isn't a random event. Hate crimes against Asian...

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18 Mar’ 2021

How much will you get from the American Rescue Plan? Check this map.

Americans are feeling the benefits of public investment as they receive direct survival checks and tax credit expansions to keep food on the table and a...

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17 Mar’ 2021

Jim Crow lives here

Republican racists bills to suppress voting have been called "Jim Crow in a Suit". We mapped where Jim Crow breeds, groups like ALEC supporting, companies supporting...

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16 Mar’ 2021

Paid fellowships bring innovation to grassroots groups

How can grassroots groups learn about new ways to have a bigger impact with less money? How can college students find paid internships, learn new skills...

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15 Mar’ 2021

Fact or fiction? Find out with Checkology.

Learn to separate fact from fiction. Use the free Checkology app to determine the credibility of what you're reading. "Lack of news literacy is a threat...

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13 Mar’ 2021

Jim Crow. Cat-In-The-Hat. COVID Stimulus Bill. The week’s top political cartoons.

‘Jim Crow in a suit and tie’: Outrage over Georgia’s new bills to restrict voting access. Bills would reduce weekend voting , end automatic registration, and...

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12 Mar’ 2021

Black Owned Media Matters

Media outlets serving immigrant and communities of color are under threat and deprived of resources needed to sustain their vital role. "Communities of color and immigrants...

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11 Mar’ 2021

Think different to persuade more people

Polarized voters. People trapped in information bubbles. Corporations making billions spreading disinformation in order to sell more ads. How do you get heard when calling and...

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9 Mar’ 2021

Zoom event production made easy

Presenters run over their allotted time, others drift off script, struggle with audience questions... How can virtual events be kept on track and presenters on script?...

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7 Mar’ 2021

How Senator Joe Manchin’s cuts to unemployment benefits will hurt his state of West Virginia

West Virginia is already the poorest state in the country. It'll be even poorer because of Senator Manchin's cuts to benefits in the American Rescue Plan....

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6 Mar’ 2021

Unemployment insurance. Domestic terrorism. Texas. The week’s top political cartoons.

Republicans gave billions in tax cuts to the wealthy but now vote against a living wage for workers. This week's top Political Cartoons capture the hypocrisy,...

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3 Mar’ 2021

When they go low with more voting restrictions, we expand free internet access so no voter is left behind

As Republicans introduce new Jim Crow style voting restrictions, it's vital to empower more eligible citizens to vote. Free internet access enables more people to learn...

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2 Mar’ 2021

Why do poor Americans get bad water? What’s race got to do with it?

Contaminated water is a health hazard for many Black, Hispanic and Native American communities. It is even more fatal with disasters such as the recent Texas...

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27 Feb’ 2021

Minimum wage. Filibuster. Cult followers. This week’s top cartoons.

Republicans give billions in tax cuts to wealthy donors but use the filibuster to deny working Americans a living wage. They gerrymander and deny the poor...

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22 Feb’ 2021

How to FOLLOW THE MONEY driving politicians

Money is the root of all evil. Especially in politics. Learn how to trace the money behind a political decisions. Who is donating? What do they...

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21 Feb’ 2021

For The People. Mapping how H.R. 1 fights voter suppression.

"We the People deserve a responsive, accountable government that gives us all a stronger voice and puts our needs ahead of special interests. Congress must pass...

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19 Feb’ 2021

Make videos the easy way. Free app includes hundreds of royalty-free video clips and soundtracks.

Videos get six times more traction on Facebook! Learn how to quickly and easily create videos for free with Lumen5. We created a 25 second video...

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18 Feb’ 2021

Fighting disinfo? Coordinate a rapid response with shared talking points.

Disinfo requires a rapid, broad spread response. Get talking points to supporters for them to spread the truth and have their messages reinforce each other. A...

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15 Feb’ 2021

Listen to the experts. Subscribe to the Digital Politics Podcast.

Listen to weekly Digital Politics podcasts to stay abreast of innovations in political technology. Karen Jagoda has hosted the weekly Digital Politics Podcast since 2007. The podcast features...

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14 Feb’ 2021

Impeachment Illustrated – McConnell Edition

"He's guilty... but I'll acquit him". These Political Cartoons help understand Mitch.DeepakDemLabs Mitch McConnell acquits Trump (GIF) McConnell Acquits Trump (90 second Video) ACQUITTAL ON 5TH...

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13 Feb’ 2021

How well do you understand redistricting? Take this quiz.

Many states allow public input to make sure district maps are drawn fairly. Check your understanding with this online quiz? "Redistricting affects whether the nation’s diverse...

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12 Feb’ 2021

NO PROFILES IN COURAGE. This week’s top political cartoons.

The top ten Political Cartoons this week best capture the Republican hypocrisy and cowardice on display. John F. Kennedy described political bravery in his Pulitzer Prize...

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11 Feb’ 2021

Reach more people. Caption and translate videos.

Reach the one in five Americans who do not speak English and others who prefer to watch videos on mute. Add captions and translations to your...

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10 Feb’ 2021

Guard against hackers. Reduce your digital footprint.

Reduce the amount of public information that hackers can find about you online to disrupt your work, harass you and steal confidential information. What can you...

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8 Feb’ 2021

Organizing resistance against Republican State Senators’ scheme to suppress Georgia voters

"Georgia Republicans have proposed a fresh round of measures to increase voter suppression and limit participation. Hiding under the guise of making sure “legal” votes count, Republican lawmakers want to eliminate...

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6 Feb’ 2021

Double-talk. Denial. Stupidity. This week’s best political cartoons.

This week's top ten political cartoons lampoon Republican double-talk, denial and stupidity. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" - Saul Alinsky “It is almost impossible to...

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2 Feb’ 2021

Fight negative media stereotypes

Media stereotypes perpetuate racism. Let’s tackle diversity and representation one photo at a time. Images influence our perception of people and issues, which over time solidify...

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16 Jan’ 2021

Political Cartoons Say It Best

No description necessary... Feeding The Fringe - Adam Zyglis Les Deplorables - R.J. Matson Butthurt Base - David Fitzsimmons Trump or the nation? - Bruce Plante...

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13 Jan’ 2021

Follow the corporate funding behind sedition and violence

"Millions of people had to be whipped into a frenzy over bogus charges of voter fraud and a critical mass of them had to be directed...

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11 Jan’ 2021

Fighting dark forces online? Focus on the tech vendors they need to spread hate.

Parler is being forced to change tech platforms after being ejected from Amazon AWS, Google Play Store and Apple App Store. How can tech firms be...

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10 Jan’ 2021

How YouTube makes money selling ads next to videos of the U.S. Capitol being attacked

A violent mob attacks the U.S. Capitol building and threatens elected officials. Who profits from video streaming the attack? Is it ethical to make money off...

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8 Jan’ 2021

Fed up of politicians inciting mob violence and sedition? Hold the companies funding their campaigns accountable.

“Armed violent protestors who support the baseless claim by outgoing president Trump that he somehow won an election that he overwhelmingly lost have stormed the U.S....

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6 Jan’ 2021

Trumpland? Meet the Republicans and their corporate donors trying to overturn election results.

"Eleven Republican senators and senators-elect said that they would vote to reject President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory ... to defy the unambiguous results of the...

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30 Dec’ 2020

Horse racing over COVID relief? Thank Mitch and Citizens United.

Horse racing is important to some. American lives matter to even more people. Why would a politician prioritize horses over people? Money, judges and voter suppression....

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28 Dec’ 2020

Redistricting: What to know now

Redistricting has been hijacked. Partisanship has increased. Political districts are supposed to be revised to to reflect population changes but instead they're being manipulated. Politicians in...

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27 Dec’ 2020

Relational organizing in action

"Relational organizing focuses on the most important tools at our disposal: our relationships and our ability to talk with one another about things that matter." -...

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22 Dec’ 2020

Voting early or using a drop box to vote in Georgia? Find your closest location with just two clicks.

You're about to vote early. Where's the closest location in your county? When is it open? How do you get there? Vote Georgia makes it easy...

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19 Dec’ 2020

See Something, Say Something. Georgia.

Voter suppression has evolved. The systems used to track and respond to it need to keep pace. How can voters be empowered to report incidents of...

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17 Dec’ 2020

GOTV Concerts organizes virtual concerts featuring Georgia musicians to get out the vote

Music can move people to action, but with COVID raging, online performances have replaced large concerts. Virtual events are tailored to local audiences. Turnout increases as...

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14 Dec’ 2020

How YouTube spreads COVID Disinformation

290,000 Americans have already died from COVID-19, yet people protest wearing masks and are skeptical of vaccinations. How does disinformation manipulate people into risky behavior? Who...

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9 Dec’ 2020

How BLUE FUTURE uses textbots to mobilize young voters in Georgia

Young voters are a key Georgia voting group with many voting for the first time! They prefer texting over calling. This demands frugal innovation so organizing...

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24 Nov’ 2020

How to design smart route plans for canvassing, campaigns and non-profits.

How do you stretch limited time, money and workers to reach the most people? The problem comes in different forms: canvassing, delivering campaign supplies or giving...

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21 Nov’ 2020

How relational organizing helps Georgia voters learn about acceptable forms of voter ID

Voter ID laws prevent or intimidate millions of eligible Americans from casting their ballot. Obtaining an ID that fulfills voting requirements is costly and confusing. It...

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20 Nov’ 2020

Fundraising through ZOOM events made easy

ZOOM makes it easy to connect, but how do you get supporters to take the next step and donate? How can they do this while still...

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18 Oct’ 2020

Combat voter suppression. Data by the people, for the people to react quickly.

Spot and combat voter suppression. Get the facts quickly to the public, journalists, influencers, lawyers and voting rights groups. Information that has been screened, provided with...

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16 Oct’ 2020

Lincoln Project: See Something, Say Something!

With just under three weeks left until the November 3rd election and early voting well underway in many states, The Lincoln Project is today beginning to...

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4 Oct’ 2020

Searching for voter suppression incidents as they happen? Use these Twitter expert tips.

Analyzing tweets it is like drinking from a fire hydrant. New apps make it easier to analyze tweets to spot instances of voter suppression as they...

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29 Aug’ 2019

Personal Data: Political Persuasion. How Consumer Data Is Sold To Campaigns To Better Target Voters.

Collecting and selling personal data to businesses is a big industry. Political campaigns are increasingly using the same data.  Campaigns rely heavily on voter files for targeting. Many are...

Don’t talk to strangers

Don't talk to strangers. Especially if they're sending you phishing emails.  Hackers trick you into opening phishing emails by pretending to be from a trusted source. This often starts with them...

What are examples of voter intimidation? The U.S. Department of Justice has explained that voter intimidation is conduct that is intended to compel prospective voters to vote against...

Where is it hardest to vote? Check these maps for answers.

Every American has an equal right to vote. Some are just more equal than others to paraphrase George Orwell. What's in common between communities where it...

Lawyers volunteer to do good

We The Action matches volunteer lawyers with nonprofit groups that need their skills. Lawyers have a unique ability to defend our nation’s values, protect our democracy,...

How Republicans persecute women

Recent headlines highlight Republican policies persecuting women Denying women control over their own bodies. The Republican packed Supreme Court will hear a case that threatens Roe v. Wade....

Who is streaming Russian propaganda into American military bases ask vets?

SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING about voting problems

Why is it easier and faster to report a traffic jam while driving than to report harassment while trying to vote? Groups making it harder for...

GOP-packed Supreme Court attacks native citizens’ rights on tribal lands

As part of its recent precedent-breaking spree, the U.S. Supreme Court turned federal Indian law on its head this week on Wednesday, June 29. In the...

Republican use Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda

Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans.They must be utilized again and again, but only in appropriate situations. falsehoods were repeated often...

Gen-Z fights for change with creative online tactics

"Abortion rights activists are too fat and ugly to get pregnant", said Matt Gaetz (R-FL). Gen-Z activist have used his comments to raise thousands of dollars...

Cash Bail jails the poor but frees the rich.

Illinois Supreme Court puts end of cash bail on hold until further notice SAFE-T Act ends cash bail The Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act, or...

Guide to digital politics: Podcast

"How to Use the Internet to Change the World - and Win Elections" is a book by Colin Delany, a veteran political consultant. Colin has worked...