2 July, 2020

Mapping the protests across America

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Protests sweep the nation, but it's hard to fully appreciate the hunger for change. Where are protests occurring? What are their demands? How many people protested? How can the protestors be followed up with? This blog features a map of over 6,700 protests that took place in 2020 and different ways to collect information to engage with protestors afterwards.

Count Love provides a database of over 20,000 protests and 12 millions protestors. Tommy Leung and Nathan Perkins, engineers with a keen interest in civic responsibility and public policy started the project in January, 2017. "Protests and demonstrations represent one way to communicate to our elected leaders. Yet, it’s easy to lose track of exactly where and when protests took place and how many people participated. Additionally, searching through and visualizing individual records can be quite a daunting task. We hope that keeping a factual record of ongoing demonstrations and making this data more accessible helps citizens, journalists, and politicians make more compelling cases for a diverse, empathetic, and kind country."

How to use the map

This map has ten layers representing different types of protests. You can select one or more types to show on the map and zoom in for more details. Each event includes the date, location the number of protestors along with a link to the news article describing it. Many locations such as Denver (shown above) have had many protests at the same location. Clicking forward to see them individually.

Map design

This map was created in a day with mostly free software. Here's how we did it and the mostly free apps we used.
1. Count Love provides a database of protests along with the date, location, nature of the protest and the number of attendees. We found the precise location (latitude/longitude) of each protest with the free app.
2. We used ArcGIS Dashboard to create the map. A special thanks to Jennifer Bell and Julia Bayer at esri for their help with the map.
3. The cover image by Cooper Baumgartner is from Unsplash, a wonderful resource for high quality, royalty-free images.
4. We created the image of the map overlaid with the photo protestors using Canva, a free photo editing app.
5. The GIF of the map in use was created with ezGIF, a free app.

Collecting details from protestors to follow-up with them

DemLabs partners with progressive groups collecting details on protestors to mobilize them to vote. Three approaches being used for this:
1. GeoFencing: Identifying phone IDs of protestors in a chosen area at a given time. Mobile ads are then targeted to these Mobile Advertising Ad IDs (MAIDs). You can even find out who attended a protest that has already taken place. Details.
2. Chatbots: Encouraging protestors to scan QR Codes on signs at the protests. This directs protestors to a chatbot that automatically collects details including opt-in cell phone numbers from them. Details.
3. Petitions: Promote a petition related to the protest on social media and through QR Codes at the protest. This lets protestors sign a petition with two links and lets organizers collect their email addresses. Details.

Take aways
Make it easy for people to make sense of piles of data with simple, interactive visualizations.
Collect details from protestors in order to follow-up with them. It's a good bet that they are ready for change, if they're out there protesting.


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9 Feb’ 2024

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2 Feb’ 2024

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18 Jan’ 2024

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12 Jan’ 2024


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16 Dec’ 2023

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7 Dec’ 2023

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3 Dec’ 2023

Republican Muslim Ban حظر المسلمين الجمهوريين

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2 Dec’ 2023

Protect kids from lead poisoning: Storytelling with a purpose

11 million Americans suffer from lead poisoning. Millions of people consume drinking water from lead pipes and the agency said tighter standards would improve IQ scores...

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28 Nov’ 2023

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Of Women’s Rights

Texas denied abortions to these women when their lives were in danger. Now they’re suing the state. - 19th News Zurawski v. State of Texas is the...

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13 Nov’ 2023

BIDEN 18: Mapping the Democrats’ route to recapturing the House

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8 Nov’ 2023

How to frame an issue and amplify your message through supporters

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6 Nov’ 2023

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24 Oct’ 2023

Mapping How The UAW Strike Has Expanded Over Time

6,800 United Auto Workers members joined the picket line at Stellantis' Sterling Heights Assembly Plant, the fourth expansion of the UAW strike. - Detroit Free Press "The...

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21 Oct’ 2023

How DEMOCRACY dies when violence kills the RULE OF LAW

A judge is killed in his own driveway. Judges, politicians, poll workers threatened with violence... Welcome to the MAGA style of politics. Take a look at...

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8 Oct’ 2023

How To Use DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS To Run Smarter Campaigns

Savvy marketers use Demographic Analysis to find and persuade customers to buy their products. Demographics is a fast, affordable technique works just as well in political...

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24 Aug’ 2023

Student Loan Relief: Dive into President Biden’s SAVE Plan with Our Infographic and Audio Guide

President Biden’s SAVE plan brings relief to millions of struggling student loan borrowers. "The SAVE plan is an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan that calculates payments based...

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19 Aug’ 2023

Campaign Better With SMART Maps

Running a campaign with a slate of candidates? Tiny budget? Small non-tech team? Tight deadlines? Use a SMART MAP. The National Women's Political Caucus of Virginia...

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23 Jul’ 2023

Turn Words Into Voices – Amplify Your Message With AI

Make it easier for people to get your message by converting it into audio. It's easy with the Audyo AI App. 73% or an estimated 209...

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23 Jun’ 2023

American Manufacturing Is Back! (Infographic)

U.S. reports blowout job growth. Unemployment lowest since 1969. - Reuters How can this amazing news be shared in a form that's easy to understand at...

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11 Jun’ 2023

Use AI to improve your outreach to minority communities

Use AI to customize messages and images to better reach minority groups in their own languages. ChatGPT and other AI apps make it easy to translate...

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7 Jun’ 2023

Child Labor For Sale!

"Child Labor Is on the Rise" - The New Yorker "State legislatures across the country are making it easier to hire minors in low-paid and dangerous...

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21 May’ 2023

PODCAST to reach more people

How do you get your message to more people so it's convenient for them? For the least cost? With the least effort to produce? In different...

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10 Apr’ 2023

Republican racism trumps gun violence concerns

Tennessee Republicans Accused of Racism After Expelling Two Black Lawmakers - Newsweek How are Republicans so concerned about the unborn but fine with born children being...

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5 Apr’ 2023

Use AUDIO INFOGRAPHICS to reach more people in both English and Spanish

How do you reach more people with an important message like how to protect their Medicaid coverage? "Millions of Americans May Soon Lose Medicaid Coverage. Here’s...

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7 Mar’ 2023

#BoycottWalgreens rapid response app

"Calls to boycott Walgreens grow as pharmacy confirms it will not sell abortion pills in 20 states, including some where it is legal." - Business Insider...

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9 Feb’ 2023

Republican (WEL)FAIR TAX Guide

What's the new Republican "FAIR" TAX? Or is it really the Billionaire (WEL)FAIR TAX? Follow the money! "The Fair Tax Act would institute a massive 30...

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29 Jan’ 2023

Use geo-targeting to organize food-stamp users who’d be denied meat under Republican proposal

"Iowa Republicans want to ban food-stamp users from buying meat" - CBS News Iowa last year had a state budget surplus of $2 billion, and the...

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22 Jan’ 2023

Dr. Evil’s Guide To Conducting SHAM INVESTIGATIONS

Dr. Evil's explains how to conduct sham investigations. Get your free copy here. The FBI investigation of Kavanaugh was doomed from the start. The investigation was...

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4 Jan’ 2023

The 7 Habits Of Authoritarians

Authoritarians use a playbook to overturn democracy and steal power. Learn to recognize and counter their seven habits. Dictators used to overthrow democracies by a military coup....

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29 Dec’ 2022

George Santos shows how to Lie Like A Pro with ten cons from Republican Playbook

Held back by the truth? George Santos demonstrates how to LIE LIKE A PRO with ten cons from the Republican Playbook. It takes a special talent...

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12 Dec’ 2022

Keystone pipeline leak: Oil lobby donations trump environmental concerns

Keystone pipeline leaks 14,000 barrels of oil into creek in biggest spill yet - The Guardian The Keystone Pipeline ruptured near a creek in northern Kansas,...

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8 Dec’ 2022

MISSING: Supreme Court Code of Ethics

Supreme Court Faces Increasing Scrutiny From Congress - NY Times Congressional Democrats are intensifying their critical focus on the Supreme Court in the wake of accusations...

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6 Dec’ 2022

Republicans criminalize women’s freedom of speech

A mother prosecuted for talking to her daughter about abortion... Republicans talk a lot about the constitution and the Freedom of Speech. But they'll prosecute a...

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20 Nov’ 2022

How to project a message on a building

"Musk trolled as a lawless oligarch by a projection activist." - Daily Mail What is 'projection bombing"? What technology is needed to project a sign? Is...

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19 Oct’ 2022

Use their own words against them

Use their own words to expose lies with an ACTION BUTTON that combines their video with your call to action. Some politicians will say anything to...

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1 Oct’ 2022

Republican ABORTION FLIP FLOP awards

Republican Flip Flop awards recognize hypocrisy in banning abortions and then flipping to fool voters. This level of acting is rarely seen outside movies, so it...

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22 Sep’ 2022

School children need freedom from hunger and freedom to learn

Democrats fight for public schools and free school meals. Republicans cut funding but spend millions to block kids from learning about hunger. "Congress made school meals...

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21 Sep’ 2022

Merrick Garland on protecting THE RULE OF LAW

The Rule of Law applies to all Americans: Former presidents demanding special treatment and politicians illegally exploiting migrants. "The Rule of Law means that the law...

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16 Aug’ 2022

The party of Law and Order is LAWLESS and DISORDERLY

Defund the FBI! Attack law enforcement officials. What happened to the party claiming to be for Law and Order? Republicans used to be the party of...

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1 Aug’ 2022

The American Freedom Agenda Can Save the Democratic Party

 "An overarching agenda with a name that ties it all together and simplifies what's happening for voters and is easy to share." - Dan Pfeiffer, MessageBox...

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22 Jul’ 2022

Scorched by the heatwave? Thank these Senators.

"Unrelenting, coast-to-coast heat wave scorches America" - USA Today Republicans deny climate change while Americans bake in heatwaves. A GOP-packed Supreme Court cripples the Environmental Protection...

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18 Jul’ 2022

Assign canvassers to areas where they have more in common with residents with geotargeting

Assign canvassers with geotargeting to areas where they'll be most effective. People respond better to those they can relate to. Choose canvassers that best match that...

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19 Jun’ 2022

Insurrection planning guide

The fictional Dr. Evil shows how to plan an insurrection with real examples from the Jan 6th insurrection. Understand the planning behind the Jan 6th insurrection...

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10 Jun’ 2022

Teleprompters help you present even better

“Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor...

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12 May’ 2022

Ukraine’s fight for democracy has a lesson for Democrats

The entire world said the Ukrainians were just gonna lose. They were told to surrender. "That it was inevitable that Russia was just too strong. Well...

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21 Apr’ 2022

Stand up against hate

“Hate will only win if people like me stand by and let it happen" "In response to a colleague who had called her a “groomer” in...

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20 Apr’ 2022

Student loan relief: Mapping benefits of President Biden’s plan

"Biden To Cancel Student Loans For Thousands" - Newsweek How do you let more people know the benefits of a plan that will help thousands of...

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18 Apr’ 2022

Create your own Rapid Response GIF

South Carolina Rocked by Back-to-Back Mass Shootings That Wounded 18 - TIME Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) blocks common sense gun safety measures and takes NRA contributions....

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1 Apr’ 2022

7 tips to take better advocacy photos

Photos express our common humanity without words and help counter hate. Images incite an emotional response in audiences. Research shows online content performs stronger with images....

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29 Mar’ 2022

Republicans cut free school meals for hungry kids but support tax cuts for wealthy donors.

Republicans claim to care about education but deny money for school meals. Surprise! You can't learn on an empty stomach. How do Republicans push for tax...

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21 Mar’ 2022

Mapping 2,000 shooting incidents as Republicans cut gun safety laws

Follow the money to see why Republicans cut common sense gun safety laws as more Americans die in shootings. Ohio's Republican governor approves concealed guns without...

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14 Mar’ 2022

Geotarget better with maps and data. Stop guessing.

Smart maps combine maps and data. They take the guesswork out of choosing the best areas to target. Businesses pick the best locations for their stores...

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12 Mar’ 2022

Republican tax plan robs the poor and gives to the rich. Robin Hood gone bad!

Many Americans will pay over $1,000 more every year in the new Republican tax plan. Rick Scott is Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC)...

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11 Mar’ 2022

Canvass smarter with door hangers

Door hangers are cost-effective for campaigns and they are a must during COVID. How does a grassroots campaign deliver its door hangers to thousands of houses...

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10 Mar’ 2022

Geotarget areas with more likely voters using cluster analysis to canvass smarter – not harder

Birds of a feather, flock together. So do voters. Find areas with high densities of likely voters with cluster analysis to canvass smarter - not harder....

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8 Mar’ 2022

Reach more Hispanics with online services to meet their needs. Echar una mano.

Design your outreach campaign around your audience's concerns. More engagement with less expense. This outreach applies proven community organizing principles. It engages people where they are....

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7 Mar’ 2022

Artists For The Equal Rights Amendment (Artists4ERA)

March is women's history month. Did you know the U.S. Constitution doesn't treat men and women as equals? 168 countries include gender equality in the constitution. America...

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14 Feb’ 2022

Fight voter suppression: Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase turnout.

Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase voter turnout to counter Republican voter suppression. How can organizers: Canvass people from the voter file or any...

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13 Jan’ 2022

Geotarget voters, direct their outrage, and build contact lists the easy way.

New apps make it easier for voters to get the facts and hold their politicians accountable. Voters struggle to quickly find their political rep and complain...

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9 Jan’ 2022

Fight rural voter suppression with better canvassing technology

Republicans make it harder for rural communities and tribal lands to vote. Canvass smarter with innovative apps to increase voter participation. Republicans exploit rural communities' remoteness,...

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1 Jan’ 2022

Geotarget with free Redistricting Data Hubs maps

Geotarget canvassing campaigns with data rich maps for better results. Redistricting Data Hub is a wonderful, free resource for non-partisan maps and data that can be...

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22 Dec’ 2021

Grassroots canvassing innovations increase voter participation

Democracy works best when everyone's voice is heard - not just a loud minority. How can grassroots groups locate unregistered voters to increase voter participation? How...

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21 Dec’ 2021

Black Lung Disease Trust funding jeopardized as Build Back Better stalls

Senators jeopardize funding for coal miners sick with Black Lung Disease. Why? Follow the dark money political donations. "The coal industry is leaving a scarring legacy...

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10 Dec’ 2021

Protest Photography Tips: How to Stay Safe while Capturing the Moment

A good photo tells a story that people get at a glance. These tips from professionals explain how to take great pictures while staying safe. Share...

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5 Dec’ 2021

How to geo-target women denied control over their bodies to vote

Women denied control over their own bodies and forced by Republicans to have babies even if they are raped, have a strong reason to vote. How...

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28 Nov’ 2021

Organizing? First build trust by sharing your story.

Cesar Chavez organizes farm workers Good organizers build trust before asking others for their support. How? Personal storytelling. Organizers share their own personal stories to quickly...

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20 Nov’ 2021

What’s in the Build Back Better bill? Check this map.

The Build Back Better rebuilds America's social safety net, expands health care and fights climate change. See how the bill does this with the help of...

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16 Nov’ 2021

Freedom to vote

Words matter. Pick them carefully. Deliver with conviction. Amplify your message through supporters. This guide from ASO Communications and We Make The Future explains how to...

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11 Nov’ 2021

Veterans deserve better

Why do Republicans who claim to care for veterans, block $5 billion allocated for the VA and veterans' care? Deny veterans their right to vote? This...

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3 Nov’ 2021

Canvas better with smarter software

Canvas better with business software that does more and costs less. Canvassing is vital to register more voters and mobilize supporters. Think beyond the voter file...

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1 Nov’ 2021

Make data easier to understand and share

The truth will set you free. John 8.32 So will the facts. But first you have to make them understandable. Organize and present data so it's...

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31 Oct’ 2021

Stand Your Ground bill has deadly consequences

Adil Dghoughi was killed in his car outside a house in Martindale, Texas. The case against the killer could be hindered by Texas' "Stand Your Ground"...

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23 Oct’ 2021

Target groups with QR-coded messages to improve response rates

Target different groups with tailored messages and QR Codes shared across social media, emails and flyers to improve response rates. How can this be done quickly...

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8 Oct’ 2021

Frame and deliver your message to be persuasive

Frame your message to be persuasive. Practice presenting it so you can deliver it naturally. Share your script so others can amplify your message. Anat Shenker-Osorio,...

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7 Oct’ 2021

Create infographics like ‘Six Supreme Court Injustices’ with the free Infogram app

Pictures convey information better than words. This blog is intentionally short to demonstrate the power of visual communication. Now you can create your infographics in minutes...

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30 Sep’ 2021

Don’t mess with Texas women

Image: Handmaid's Tale - Hulu Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he'll “eliminate” rape rather than let victims get abortions. That's after his bill that bans abortions...

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11 Sep’ 2021

Billionaire moochers dodge taxes and rig the system

Why do Republicans block any efforts to have billionaires pay their fair share of taxes? What do billionaires do with the money they make from dodging...

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25 Aug’ 2021

What’s in the new budget for you?

The new Democratic budget strengthens the public safety net, invests in working Americans and the environment. Universal preschool, paid family leave, federal support for child care...

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1 Aug’ 2021

Wanted: Unregistered Voters

Use data analytics and behavioral targeting to find unregistered voters. It's easier and cheaper than you think. VoterPAC aims to register, rally, and empower the rising...

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23 Jul’ 2021

A better way to find and canvas unregistered voters

Find potentially unregistered voters - faster, easier and with less money using better technology and new data sources. Registering every eligible voter is critical with the...

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19 Jul’ 2021

Reaching the politically invisible voter

Millions of Americans entitled to vote aren't in the Voter File. They're invisible to most campaigns. Voter files collect voter registration information (which is a matter...

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14 Jul’ 2021

How the Florida Key Dems located eight thousand unregistered voters

"Seek and ye shall find" - Mathew 7:7 Philip Dodderidge is the Vice-Chair Florida Keys Democrats and searching for unregistered voters in the Florida Keys. He...

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13 Jun’ 2021

Build opt-in contact lists & conduct surveys with free mobile coupon offers

Image credit: Jack In The Box mobile coupon offering Businesses use mobile coupons to attract customers and build opt-in contact lists. The same technique works for...

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31 May’ 2021

Public infrastructure or tax cuts? Check these maps for answers.

Republicans block investments in public infrastructure but give huge tax cuts to their rich donors. Working Americans struggle with poor infrastructure. Invest tax payers' money in...

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18 May’ 2021

Cruel & unusual punishment: South Carolina’s racist executions

"New death penalty law makes inmates pick electric chair or firing squad in South Carolina." - CBS Nineteen of the 37 inmates currently on the state's...

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30 Apr’ 2021

Find unregistered voters with precision mapping

Fight voter suppression by leaving no eligible voter behind with easy-to-use precision mapping apps. Find areas likely to have unregistered voters with the same precision mapping...

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20 Apr’ 2021

Volunteer driven social media campaign generates a billion impressions For The People Act

Campaigns shape public narratives by having volunteers share GIFs through peer-to-peer messages and social media posts. Why are GIFs so popular? How does a campaign use...

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24 Mar’ 2021

The ultimate voter registration machine

How can remote, under-served communities get reliable information? How can advocacy groups promote voter registration and COVID vaccinations? And build opt-in contact lists at the same...

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3 Mar’ 2021

When they go low with more voting restrictions, we expand free internet access so no voter is left behind

As Republicans introduce new Jim Crow style voting restrictions, it's vital to empower more eligible citizens to vote. Free internet access enables more people to learn...

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19 Feb’ 2021

Make videos the easy way. Free app includes hundreds of royalty-free video clips and soundtracks.

Videos get six times more traction on Facebook! Learn how to quickly and easily create videos for free with Lumen5. We created a 25 second video...

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11 Feb’ 2021

Reach more people. Caption and translate videos.

Reach the one in five Americans who do not speak English and others who prefer to watch videos on mute. Add captions and translations to your...

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6 Feb’ 2021

Double-talk. Denial. Stupidity. This week’s best political cartoons.

This week's top ten political cartoons lampoon Republican double-talk, denial and stupidity. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" - Saul Alinsky “It is almost impossible to...

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31 Jan’ 2021

The Greene Dossier

Some people are especially 'interesting'. Keep info on them handy with a dossier. Wakelet is a free app that makes it easy to create and share...

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30 Jan’ 2021

Memory loss, impeachment & hope. This week’s best political cartoons.

Political cartoons explain things as they are - with humor. This week's top ten cover impeachment, political excuse making, Q-Anon and Game Stop. Here are top...

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23 Jan’ 2021

Riots. Pardons. Change. The week in political cartoons.

This momentous week as captured in Political Cartoons. These ten cartoons best cover the siege of the Capitol and political aftermath. DeepakDemLabs Thin Blue Line -...

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18 Jan’ 2021

Trying to reach more people? Use non-political headlines.

What gets read? What gets skipped? It all starts with the headline. How do you get your message read by more people across the political spectrum?...

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16 Jan’ 2021

Political Cartoons Say It Best

No description necessary... Feeding The Fringe - Adam Zyglis Les Deplorables - R.J. Matson Butthurt Base - David Fitzsimmons Trump or the nation? - Bruce Plante...

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30 Nov’ 2020

Mitch’s scheme to tax without representation

McConnell aims to cling to power by creating an American underclass that pays taxes but cannot vote and gets no benefits. His scheme overturns the American...

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1 Oct’ 2020

Souls to the polls. Chatbots connect voters with volunteer drivers by SMS and voice calls.

RIDE TO VOTE : a chatbot powered service for organizer to match voters who need a ride to the polls with volunteer drivers. Voters are suppressed...

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30 Sep’ 2020

Inform eligible felons about their right to vote

Image: "Just Mercy" (Warner Bros.) People are prevented from voting in many ways. Not informing eligible felons about their right to vote is an especially cruel one. Many states...

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9 Sep’ 2020

Trying to connect with ethnic minority voters? Find the right influencer with this free app.

Work with influencers trusted by a community in your outreach to minority groups. Ethnic Media Services promotes cross cultural communications through their network hundreds of journalists,...

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4 Sep’ 2020

Thank you for your service

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’. The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be...

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3 Sep’ 2020

COVID-19 Death Counter app tracks what really matters

Ignore the distractions. Focus on COVID-19, which is killing a thousand Americans every day. Some politicians would talk about anything other than the Americans that die...

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31 Aug’ 2020

Expert tips on writing text messages that get attention

Peer-to-peer texting offers a personalized way to connect with voters. Texting campaigns costs much less than other forms of outreach. They get a higher read and response...

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23 Aug’ 2020

Which rural communities will be ruined by the U.S. Postal Service being crippled?

The U.S. Postal Service is the lifeblood of many rural communities. Seniors, veterans and farmers will all suffer from cutbacks. Where will the cuts hurt the...

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8 Aug’ 2020

Lost your unemployment benefits? Petition your senator to #SaveThe600.

Unemployment benefits cut? Petition your senator. "The Federal $600-per-week unemployment supplement expired and millions of Americans out of work due to the pandemic are wondering how...

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6 Aug’ 2020

Do voters even care about that issue? There’s a way to find out.

More than 60 Green Berets pay their respects to the first U.S. soldier killed by hostile fire in Afghanistan. What issues do veterans prioritize? "Russia Secretly...

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2 Aug’ 2020

President Obama’s eulogy used to get out the vote

Former President Barack Obama eulogized the late Rep. John Lewis as "a founding father of that fuller, fairer, better America" that lies in the nation's future. John devoted...

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31 Jul’ 2020

Five lessons in fundraising from infomercials

Listen closely and you can practically hear this photo. If you have ever found yourself dialing the phone number thats practically bursting out of your television...

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30 Jul’ 2020

Infographic contrasts coronavirus relief proposals

Infographic: Differing Coronavirus Relief Bills How will the latest Coronavirus relief proposals impact you? The different Coronavirus relief bills can be confusing. Most people don't have...

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25 Jul’ 2020

Republicans just don’t care. How to map the millions of families they’re about to make homeless during a pandemic.

Republican senators are blocking unemployment benefits for millions of Americans devastated by the Coronavirus. This will make millions of Americans homeless and cause more deaths. How...

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18 Jul’ 2020

Social media analysis of reaction to masked Federal agents abducting Portland protestors

"Federal agents dressed in camouflage and tactical gear have taken to the streets of Portland, unleashing tear gas, bloodying protesters and pulling some people into unmarked...

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12 Jul’ 2020

Start a chain reaction

Savvy organizers extend their reach by having supporters text their friends. VoteForce makes relational organizing fast, easy and affordable. Here's how a slate of candidates in...

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4 Jul’ 2020

¡Yo hablo español, 中文 and हिन्दी too!

One in five American speaks a language other than English at home. CIS 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. DigiDayThe message is clear: caption...

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25 Jun’ 2020

Don’t mess with Texas voters

Texas has an election on July 14th with early voting starting on Monday, June 29th and ending on Friday, July 10th. For more details, voters may...

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21 Jun’ 2020

Scan this to recruit volunteers

How to recruit supporters during a pandemic: Recruiting supporters at an event is hard. Lot's of people, activity and little time. How can it be done...

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20 Jun’ 2020

Four innovations to get out the vote in Virginia

Reclaim Our Vote (ROV), a grassroots group in Virginia is innovating to get-out-the-vote (GOTV) in Virginia's primary election. Its volunteers will text 32,000 voters in three...

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18 Jun’ 2020

Voting. Georgia Style.

Georgia is truly special. Hours long lines to vote. Missing vote by mail ballots. $110 million spent on new voting machines. What gives? When in doubt,...

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17 Jun’ 2020

Let The People Speak

How do you bridge the divide between how elected officials vote and what their constituents want? Let people speak directly to power. Kalamazoo Commissioner Stephanie Moore mobilized...

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15 Jun’ 2020

Use Petitions To Harness Outrage And Build Contact Lists With Free New App

Harness the outrage through targeted petitions and also build lists of supporters. Petition drives work, but the pandemic has forced organizing online which demands innovation. Existing...

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12 Jun’ 2020

Nationwide Map Of Police Brutality Created From Tweets

Source: Twitter Police officers trample peaceful protestors in Houston. Police push 75 year old man to the ground and leave him bleeding in Buffalo. How can these...

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9 Jun’ 2020

Three Free Safety Apps For Protestors

Police violence and digital surveillance shouldn't be used to intimidate peaceful protestors. These free apps protect protestors exercising their First Amendment right to "assemble peaceably and...

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8 Jun’ 2020

More Police, Doctors Or Teachers?

Police budgets explode and prisons fill up. Coronavirus care and schools suffers. Voter suppression in black communities increases. How are the three connected? Tax payer dollars...

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7 Jun’ 2020

Convert Protestors Into Voters With Geofenced Ad Campaigns

[caption id="attachment_2449" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Protesters teargassed as police disperse them near the White House. ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP[/caption] Protesting is good, but voting is even better. How do...

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5 Jun’ 2020

Record, Save And Share Videos Of Police Action With A Single Phone Command

Videos raise public awareness and hold public servants accountable for their actions. How do you record and share a video quickly in the middle of a...

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3 Jun’ 2020

NAACP Volunteers Use ‘Smart’ Texts To Reduce Lines At Georgia Voting Centers

Voters braving a pandemic, shouldn't have to struggle to find their closest polling location. It's easy for Georgia voters to get confused, and many end up not...

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31 May’ 2020

How To Track Twitter Trolls Promoting Racial Discord

How do trolls promote racial strife and violence on social media?  "Outsiders, extremists are among those fomenting violence in Twin Cities" - MPR. "The goal is to attack...

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27 May’ 2020

How To Find Ballot Drop Boxes And Early Voting Locations In Georgia

Voters in Georgia's June 9th election can return their absentee ballots at drop box without a stamp or any human contact. How do they find the...

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14 May’ 2020

Speak To Voters In Their Language

Asian American voters are the margin of victory in many key races. Make sure you message reaches the. Translate & caption your videos. In this blog you'll...

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11 May’ 2020

Geotargeted Campaigns Mobilize Voters Struggling With The Coronavirus

Use geotargeting to reach those struggling with the Coronavirus. Geotargeting uses data collected from mobile apps to precisely target messages based on people's activities and movements. For instance, patients visiting a hospital...

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6 May’ 2020

Who Lives? Who Dies?

Why do some black counties in Georgia have 20 times as many deaths as nearby white counties? What impact does voter suppression have on the healthcare provide to African...

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27 Apr’ 2020

Conduct Polls In A Pandemic? Use Chatbots.

Collecting accurate, timely information in a pandemic needs innovation. Mothers Of Hope uses chatbots to collect information from Kalamazoo residents about their Coronavirus care and census participation. The group encourages community members...

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20 Apr’ 2020

Visualizing 40,000 Deaths

Big numbers make it hard to fully grasp the size of a tragedy - such as the number of American deaths from the Coronavirus.  The facts are...

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13 Apr’ 2020

Make Sure Everyone Hears Your Message – Regardless Of Their Language.

Make sure every one get to hear your message regardless of their language. One out of five American speaks a language other than English at home. Many...

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30 Mar’ 2020

Vote by Mail. Leave No Voter Behind.

Voting by mail has worked well for years, but will be especially important in this pandemic. But how do voters without a computer or internet access...

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17 Mar’ 2020

Coronavirus Guide. Mobile Training Delivered By Voice And Text.

Coronavirus safety training now available freely by phone. How can safety recommendations be shared with hard-to-contact groups in the middle of a pandemic? Technology designed to...

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10 Mar’ 2020

Bots Push To Overturn Roe V Wade Decision

Image adapted from Handmaid's Tale & Terminator Protests rage as the Supreme Court reviews  a case that could could 'render protections by Roe v Wade meaningless'. How are...

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28 Feb’ 2020

Activists Use GIFs To Demand Funding For CDC To Fight Coronavirus

  Reach more people, faster and for less money with a GIF. GIFs are just seconds long but get your message heard. They play automatically and engage viewers immediately....

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16 Feb’ 2020

Don’t Zuck Up Democracy

Image adapted from the Economist Grassroots activists struggle to get heard against billionaires and corporations with their armies of lobbyists and PR experts. A free app...

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14 Feb’ 2020

Talk To Me

The disabled, poor, uneducated and senior citizens suffer from not knowing of healthcare cuts and new voting restrictions until it is too late to protest. Flyers,...

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11 Feb’ 2020

Community Oriented Political Outreach

How does a candidate with a small budget standout in a crowded field? Innovation. Seeyew Mo is running to represent S.F. Assembly District 19 at the...

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8 Feb’ 2020

Leave No Voter Behind

People in remote areas are often overlooked by the census and find it hard to vote. Many Americans in remote areas suffer because poor roads and...

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5 Feb’ 2020

Build Or Buy Campaign Software?

Elections have consequences. So do budget cuts. Mobilize voters on the issues that matter to them. People care when public safety is jeopardized by CDC funding cuts that limit...

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18 Jan’ 2020

Pledge To Vote Cards Go Digital

Canvassers improve voter turnout with pledge to vote cards. Digital pledge cards work even better than printed ones. DemLabs and Deliver My Vote are testing digital Pledge to...

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7 Jan’ 2020

Free New App Streamlines Information Flow Against The Rush To War

  Streamlines  the flow of information against the rush to war with the free Wakelet app. Quickly collect, curate and share information for anti-war supporters with Wakelet. The app consolidates information...

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1 Jan’ 2020

Moscow Mitch Explains Impeachment In Russian

Spoof videos are weapons of mass persuasion.  They convert popular movie clips into political messages disguised as satire. The videos are inexpensive to make, but get millions of views as they're...

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29 Dec’ 2019

We’re Not Lovin’ It

Image: Banksy Issues can be complicated. Relationship maps strip away the BS to show what's really going on. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) overturned a prior ruling making it...

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16 Dec’ 2019

Young Activists Make The Best Storytellers

If you're not at the table, you're on the menu.Get to the table by engaging others to your side with story-telling. Young activists excel at crafting...

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7 Dec’ 2019

Three Free Apps To Create Campaign Videos With Just A Laptop

Fast news cycles demand a rapid response. Short videos work best, but how does a campaign with little money, time and video skills create a rapid...

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13 Nov’ 2019

App Immediately Translates Impeachment Testimony Into Videos In Different Languages.

Language should not be a barrier to knowing the facts. New software quickly and affordably translates and captions video clips for mass distribution. Background Most major...

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10 Nov’ 2019

The Beginner’s Guide To Running A Low-Budget, Geo-Targeted Political Ad Campaign.

Reach voters on their phones even if you don't have their phone numbers with geo-targeting. Tips on running a smart, frugal campaign. Background "Bhuwan Pyakurel is running...

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29 Oct’ 2019

Does Your Congressperson Support The Impeachment Inquiry? Ask The Common Cause Chatbot On Facebook.

Politicians can run, but they cannot hide from where they stand on the impeachment inquiry. Common Cause's new Facebook chatbot tells voters where their congressperson stands...

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25 Oct’ 2019

The Iowa Caucuses: Analyzing What, Where And When The Candidates Doing?

Campaigns have to make the most of limited time, money and staff. What events should be held? Where? When? What are the other campaigns doing? Software...

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19 Oct’ 2019

Grassroots Group Uses Radio Ads, Chatbots & Mobile Apps To Arrange Rides To The Polls For The Needy.

Why do those with the most to gain from change, face the most hurdles in voting? Living in remote rural areas, a lack of transport, cell...

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11 Oct’ 2019

New App Lets Progressive Volunteers Find Free Lodging With Local Supporters.

  Volunteers donate their time and energy to canvas and get-out-the-vote. But often they're cash-strapped and need a place to stay. Supporters have lodging to share....

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7 Oct’ 2019

Impeachment Inquiry Timeline. ‘Cut To The Chase’ With An Infographic.

Some issues are intentionally made confusing to distract people from the truth. Infographics cut to the chase. They combine facts, events, and videos into simple visuals that...

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25 Sep’ 2019

Black Voters Matter Uses Clips Of Policing In Video Campaign To Encourage People To Vote.

The outrage from incidents shared on social media soon disappears. People are jaded and don't vote because the outcome doesn't improve their lives. How can social media...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Persuasion To Go. Voting Rights Group Uses Billboards To Get Out The Vote In North Carolina.

Billboards work. They're persuasive and cost effective. Here's how Center For Common Ground used billboards in North Carolina-3 to increase voter turnout in the recent special election. Results Cost of billboard...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Lessons From Black Voters Matter Geofenced Get-Out-The-Vote Mobile Ad Campaign In NC.

Geofenced mobile ads reach more people with better precision for less. Black Voters Matter campaign in North Carolina's special election put the approach to good use. African American voters are important voting...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Grassroots Group Harnesses Consumer Spending To Local Businesses Supporting The Community.

Money talks. And it walks. Every purchase is a vote of support for that business. A consumer boycott is a vote against firms that live off the community but give back little in...

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24 Sep’ 2019

How Indivisible Michigan Uses Advanced Software To Coordinate Activities To Flip Swing Districts.

Planning makes all the difference - especially when you're underfunded. Grassroots groups make a bigger impact with better software. StateWide Indivisible of Michigan (SWIM) is a...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Multimedia App Explains Money At Play In Blocking Gun Control Reform.

Short TV segments don't explain complex issues well. How can sustained public support for gun control be built, when mass shootings are soon forgotten and politicians obfuscate? It's not...

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31 Aug’ 2019

App Helps Florida Residents Track Hurricane Dorian And Explains How Cuts To FEMA Will Hurt.

App tracks storm in real-time to help Florida residents prepare for Hurricane Dorian. How will the $155 million cut to FEMA disaster-relief funds hurt? What is behind the cuts? Timely,...

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28 Aug’ 2019

How To Enrich The Voter File With Other Data Sources For Better Results.

Use the best tool(s) available. It's no different in campaigns. Enrich the Voter File with other data sources for better results. Smarter targeting and  canvassing. Better results in fund raising and finding unregistered voters....

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28 Aug’ 2019

American Soybean Farmers Suffer From Tariffs On China. StoryMap Explains The Issue.

Why would the Chief of the US Department of Agriculture mock farmers hurt by trade wars as 'Whiners'? A volunteer research team found that farmers' suffering was both real and widespread. "Net farm...

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27 Aug’ 2019

Disinformation Primer: Using The Overton Window To Change What’s Acceptable.

Banning muslims? Putting kids in cages? A president for life? How is the public manipulated to tolerate such extreme steps? How can the range of ideas...

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26 Jul’ 2019

As State Close Down Clinics, ACN Uses New Apps To Help Women Find The Nearest One Still Open.

It's becoming increasingly difficult for patients to get care as more and more reproductive healthcare clinics are forced to shut down. Families are being forced to travel further, spend more, and take more time...

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24 Jul’ 2019

Who Profits From The Private ICE Detention Center Boom? Mapping This Swamp To Expose Money’s Role.

Dangerous creatures hide and thrive in swamps. It isn't easy to understand what goes on in swamps - real or political. Details are concealed. Motivations are masked. People have...

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22 Jul’ 2019

Rapid Response To ICE Raids In Las Vegas With Community Sourced Video Campaign.

A rapid community response is needed for imminent threats. Make The Road Nevada (MTRN) a grassroots group, decided to ask community members for video comments about a single mother...

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17 Jul’ 2019

Western Native Voice Uses Free App To Organize Native American Communities.

Organizing Native American communities is challenging. Tribal lands span hundreds of square miles often without internet or cell coverage. Community members often use mailboxes instead of a street address which...

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17 Jul’ 2019

Think Outside The (Mail)Box. Virginia Candidate Uses Voter File For Targeted Mobile Ad Campaign.

People respond more to their phones than letters. It's time for campaigns to think outside the (mail)box. An insurgent campaign in Virginia is innovating to try to unseat the incumbent...

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15 Jul’ 2019

New Map Highlights ‘Hard To Count’ Communities That May Be Left Out Of The Census.

The 2020 census will be different. It's counting on more people to complete census questionnaires online to reduce the need for field workers. This hurts communities without dependable internet access,...

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9 Jul’ 2019

Free canvassing app for voter registration & census turnout – works without internet access.

Many rural communities suffer from a lack of connectivity. It's harder to stay informed, benefit from online services, locate polling locations, vote and take part in the census. Organizers struggle to reach...

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18 Jun’ 2019

How does your audience feel? Find out with an instant poll using the free DirectPoll app.

How does your audience feel about an issue or candidate? A quick poll is best way to find out but hard to manage in a noisy, densely packed room. A count of hands is easy but error-prone. Paper questionnaires are...

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13 Jun’ 2019

The Florida League Of Women Voters Mobilizes To Help ‘Returning Citizens’ Regain Their Right To Vote.

"In November, a supermajority of Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment restoring voting rights to former felons who’ve completed their sentences. Florida legislature advanced a bill that will strip hundreds...

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4 Jun’ 2019

Advocates install a ‘breathing billboard’ to rally public support for curbing air pollution.

How do you draw public attention to a deadly, but invisible killer? Jhatkaa works on social justice issues including how to build public support to curb air pollution. Their recent campaign generated...

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31 May’ 2019

As Alabama Legislators Close Abortion Clinics, Chatbot Jane Sees Surge In Searches Out-Of-State.

Lawmakers Vote to Effectively Ban Abortion in Alabama "These bills essentially ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected, usually about six weeks into pregnancy, a time...

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25 May’ 2019

Get Your Message Heard Without Breaking The Bank. A Workshop For Underfunded Campaigns.

Necessity is the mother of invention. So is lack of funding. Underfunded campaigns need new ways to compete against better funded opponents. Technology can level the playing field, but awareness and...

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21 May’ 2019

Lessons From How The NRA Quickly Mobilizes Its Members For Maximum Political Power.

"The NRA activates its membership when elected officials are facing gun-related legislation, resulting in phone calls and emails and letters to Congress", reports NBC: "How the...

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10 May’ 2019

Virginia Candidates Create Issue-Specific Campaign Videos With Free, Innovative App.

"There is an 80% increase in the time spent on watching videos ... 45% of the people surveyed in North America said they expect to watch even more videos on...

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6 May’ 2019

Target ads with geographic info on people’s movements and the places they’ve visited.

Farmers use digital tags to monitor their livestock. Advertisers have it easier. People voluntarily carry tags that constantly report their position and activity: mobile phones. Geomarketing Personal...

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3 May’ 2019

Up your game with this library of free campaigning and organizing ‘how to’ guides.

Grassroots organizing changes constantly with new tactics and apps. How can the lessons learned on one campaign be quickly shared with other progressive groups? Blueprints for Change converts know-how from campaign organiziners into free...

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1 May’ 2019

Make Your Point Clear. Create Infographics Easily With This Free App.

It's hard to quickly explain the scope of corporate welfare and how to bring it under control. How can the case for reform be presented in a simple, engaging manner? Infographics convert complex issues...

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29 Apr’ 2019

They only listen to their own voters. Use geocoding to mobilize better and focus supporters’ energy.

Elected officials only listen to their own voters. So it's essential for campaigns need to direct their supporters to lobby the right official. How can this be done with shifting...

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2 Apr’ 2019

Let Voters Tell You Directly What They Care About With Real-Time Crowdsourcing.

Sean Frame is running for Congress in CA-4 against a well funded incumbent. He's trying a new way to engage voters and raise funds. He is asking...

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20 Mar’ 2019

David vs Goliath. Rookie Virginia candidate uses free apps in challenge to powerful incumbent.

In a modern day version of David vs Goliath, a rookie candidate uses high tech stones to challenge a powerful incumbent. The ending has yet to be written... Herb Jones a retired...

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19 Mar’ 2019

Two Free Mapping Apps To Better Target Campaigns

Winning campaigns want to focus their resources and efforts to maximize impact. The challenge is where to focus for the most votes and what issues to emphasize?...

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5 Mar’ 2019

How To Find And Mobilize Voters With Geo-Fenced Mobile Ads

Where and when someone goes reveals a lot about them. Savvy marketers use these clues to target their ads. Mobile apps report their user's location so they can get a...

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27 Feb’ 2019

Build opt-in text lists by helping people with their issues.

There is no red poverty. Nor blue poverty. Campaigns can engage more people by addressing the issues that really matter to them, and collect information about them in the process. Campaigns find...

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10 Jan’ 2019

2020 Census: Let’s count everyone.

Who do you trust for advice? Probably someone you already know who shares your values and concerns. How can such trust encourage more people to take part...

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8 Jan’ 2019

A smart way to find addresses of people to persuade.

Ready. Aim. Fire. Accurate targeting matters. That's why businesses spend billions for the best data to target their outreach. It's the same with campaigns: data quality will determine...

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21 Dec’ 2018

Free resource to locate potential swing voters (and more)

Finding swing voters is hard. Locating people with specific traits, has typically required money, time and technical skills - putting it out of the reach of...

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17 Dec’ 2018

Speaking truth to power – Through digital storytelling.

Powerful corporations hire marketing experts and lobbyists to push their agenda. How does a small community group get the truth heard in such an uneven fight? Here is an...

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22 Oct’ 2018

‘Sí, Se Puede’. Spanish-Speaking Chatbots Offer Voter ID Advice.

Voter ID regulations can be confusing - especially when English isn't your first language. They vary by state and often change at short notice. How can the...

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8 Oct’ 2018

Use the news cycle to amplify your marketing

Winning marketing campaigns successfully surf the wave.  The message goes further with less effort. Marketing campaigns aligned with the news, increase the odds of getting picked up by...

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8 Oct’ 2018

Leave no voter behind

Many people don't vote because they can't get to their polling center. Several groups offer rides, but requesting a ride is often the bottleneck. Many rural voters have neither internet access nor a cell...

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21 Sep’ 2018

Fight fire, with fire.

It's ironic: the same technology companies use to slash their workforce is also being used to organize workers demanding fair treatment. Automation is eliminating jobs for...

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11 Sep’ 2018

Micro Target Your Canvassers

Uber does it. Lyft does it. Send drivers to where there's known demand - rather than going to the same old locations as many cabs do. It's...

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5 Sep’ 2018

Micro-targeting made simple

"GoFundMe raises thousands to place billboard of Trump's anti-Cruz tweet in Texas". Where exactly should you place a billboard to reach the people you want to target? Companies...

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30 Aug’ 2018

Reach more people

Just as with any interaction, people respond better when you speak their language and reply personally to their questions. How's this done online with thousands of...

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7 Aug’ 2018

We’re on the warpath

Five million Native Americans live in battleground states such as Arizona, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada and North/South Dakota. They could have a big impact in the midterms - if they voted. But voting...

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30 Jul’ 2018

Where’s my prescription?

"An Arizona women was suffering a miscarriage and her pharmacist refused to fill her prescription because he decided that his beliefs were more important than what she and...

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16 Jul’ 2018

Alexa, what ID do I need to vote?

Over 25 million eligible voters lacking the right Voter ID may be prevented from voting. And getting an acceptable ID in thirty four states with Voter ID laws is both confusing and difficult....

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5 Jul’ 2018

Join The Search Party For Fifty Million Unregistered Voters

There are FIFTY million unregistered voters in America! The number of voters is being threatened with voter roll purges and restrictive voter ID policies. Every single...

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1 Jun’ 2018

Let’s talk about values

When Super Bowl ads are more compelling than campaign messages, we have a problem. How can we appeal to people's values across the political spectrum? We...