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2 April, 2019

Let Voters Tell You Directly What They Care About With Real-Time Crowdsourcing.

Sean Frame is running for Congress in CA-4 against a well funded incumbent. He's trying a new way to engage voters and raise funds. He is asking voters to share their concerns directly with him so that he can factor them into his campaign strategy. What a novel idea! Sean is managing this on a tiny budget using Survey 123Story Maps and a little help from Democracy Labs. How this crowdsourcing works Process
1. A form is designed which prompts local residents for details of issues that they feel need attention. This form is shared as a link (URL) so users do not have to first install an app in order to report an issue. See how easy it is do with this link. 2. Voters share details on local issues from their phones. This includes a photo of the issue, the location and their contact details. 3. Issues are screened before being displayed on a map. This is visible to both the campaign and the public.
A GIF of how Survey 123 can help
Survey 123 mobile 2
How to use StoryMaps
Holding elected leaders accountable for their actions is key to a healthy democracy. A public dashboard of local concerns shows a candidate cares and understands the issues to focus on.Learn how to apply crowdsourcing to understand your voters' concerns.
Deepak Co-Founder, DemLabs
Share this article. Democracy Labs is based in San Francisco. It is a hub for ongoing technology and creative innovation to support progressives. Donate here to support our work.
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9 Mar’ 2024

Team Unity Uses Geo-Targeting to Mobilize Black Voters In Georgia

Fight fire with fire. Republicans use mapping to gerrymander with scientific precision so they can cling to power. Grassroots groups should use the same mapping tools...

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7 Mar’ 2024

Find Your Savings: Mapping President Biden’s Credit Card Late Fee Caps

Credit card late fees capped at $8 under Biden crackdown on 'junk fees' "Most credit card late fees will be capped at $8 under the Biden administration's latest...

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6 Mar’ 2024

Disinformation Detours: Fast Fixes for Election Interference And Robocalls

Think of election interference as traffic accidents that interrupt voting. Election interference can happen anywhere at any time, just like traffic accidents. Election interference take different...

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4 Mar’ 2024

Meet your MAGA rep gunning to ban birth control

145 GOP Members of Congress Ask Supreme Court to Slash Access to the Abortion Pill "Republican lawmakers urged the court to declare that the 19th-century Comstock...

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2 Mar’ 2024

MAGA Republicans block access to IVF: Map of devastated women and IVF clinics

"Republican Senator blocks bill that would protect access to IVF nationwide" Religious extremists on the Alabama Supreme Court  ruled  that frozen embryos could be considered children...

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29 Feb’ 2024

Dumb & Dumber: Republican gun laws endanger school children

Republicans care more about the life of unborn embryos, but do little to protect school children from gun violence. "After Mass Shootings, Republicans Expand Access to...

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27 Feb’ 2024

Project 2025: Follow Leonard Leo’s unholy war to overthrow American democracy

"Highly organized people who successfully overthrew the oldest democracy in the world." - HandMaid's Tale Leo is funding Project 2025, a scheme to overthrow American democracy...

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25 Feb’ 2024

Who criminalized IVF? Check this map.

125 House Republicans including Speaker Mike Johnson back a ‘life at conception’ bill without any IVF exception. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are "unborn children."...

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23 Feb’ 2024

From Debt to Delight: Mapping Biden’s Student Loan Relief

President Biden Cancels Student Debt for more than 150,000 Student Loan Borrowers The Biden-Harris Administration has now approved nearly $138 billion in student debt cancellation for almost...

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19 Feb’ 2024

Mission Possible: Improve Voter Turnout

Why rob banks? Because that's where the money is! Notorious American bank robber Willie Sutton explained that he stole from banks: “Because that's where the money...

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17 Feb’ 2024

Key 2024 Races Map

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead DemCast...

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16 Feb’ 2024

Republicans ban abortions and misuse tax dollars to fund Anti-Abortion Centers

Texas ranks last in providing prenatal care and misuses millions of women's tax dollars to fund anti-abortion centers. What gives? 16 states have agreed to funnel...

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15 Feb’ 2024

Super Bowl Celebration Mass Shooting: Mapping Who Killed Missouri’s Gun Safety Laws

Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade shooting claims more than 20 victims Missouri has some of the loosest gun laws in the nation, and it has preemption laws...

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14 Feb’ 2024

Denied healthcare? Thank these guys.

MAGA Republicans claim to be Christians while denying healthcare to the poor, seniors and the disabled. MAGA Republicans packed the Supreme Court with extremists who allowed...

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12 Feb’ 2024

Democracy Isn’t A Trump Protection Racket: Mapping NATO Member Country Contributions

Putin: ‘Do whatever the hell you want’ to our NATO allies - Trump “Trump bragged that he’d encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’...

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11 Feb’ 2024

School mass shooting victims do not celebrate Valentine’s Day

West Point admits Parkland student Peter Wang who died saving classmates "Fifteen-year-old Peter Wang, who was killed while trying to help classmates escape from a gunman...

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7 Feb’ 2024

Mapping MAGA Republicans Scheme To Sellout America To Putin

Tucker Carlson is in Russia to interview Putin. He’s already doing the bidding of the Kremlin. - CNN MAGA Republicans block aid to Ukraine, an American...

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6 Feb’ 2024

Culinary Workers Union Scores Touchdown Before Super Bowl LVIII!

"Strike averted as culinary union settles with Las Vegas hotel-casinos before Super Bowl" "A union representing hospitality workers says it has reached a tentative agreement with...

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4 Feb’ 2024

Toxic Trains Explode. MAGA Congress Dithers. Are You Safe?

Congress has done “absolutely nothing” to prevent future train derailments like the East Palestine disaster. "Congress has done “absolutely nothing” to make railroads safer, and keeps...

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3 Feb’ 2024

Promises made, promises kept: Mapping President Biden’s 26,000 projects improving America

Florida GOP Rep Maria Elvira Salazar is facing criticism after claiming credit for projects made possible by bipartisan legislation that she didn’t support. - Independent How do you help...

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31 Jan’ 2024

Catholic Hospitals Criminalize Women’s Reproductive Healthcare

"Black woman charged with a felony after miscarrying" - NBC Brittany Watts was arrested for having a miscarriage in Ohio. The ‘abuse of a corpse’ charges...

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29 Jan’ 2024

Follow the DEATH & DESTRUCTION Dictators cause to stay in power

Democracy depends on a strong deterrence against dictators creating death and destruction to distract their people so they can stay in power. Use this StoryMap to...

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28 Jan’ 2024

MAGA Cruelty Map: Where Abortions Are Banned And Mothers Denied Food To Feed Their Babies

Changes to WIC Benefits Would Cut Food Access for Millions of Parents - Civil Eats MAGA Republicans ban abortions, deny food aid to mothers to feed their...

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25 Jan’ 2024

Mapping 65,000 Rape Related Pregnancies in States that ban abortions

"65,000 Rape-Related Pregnancies in Anti-Choice States" - Jessica Valenti "Sexual assault is incredibly common — I knew that in a general sense. But to be confronted...

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24 Jan’ 2024

Extreme Weather Kills Americans: Who sabotaged the EPA’s fight against GLOBAL WARMING?

At Least 72 Deaths in U.S. Are Connected to Severe Winter Weather" - NYT "U.S. supreme court rules against EPA and hobbles government power to limit...

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24 Jan’ 2024

Mass demonstrations send clear message to far-right ‘tyranny of the minority’

Mass demonstrations send clear message to far-right 'tyranny of the minority' Recent protests in Israel, Germany and Poland show the power of people to stand up...

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22 Jan’ 2024

What’s behind the farm worker shortage that’s driving up food prices?

Who pays for political stunts? You do. Think about that the next time you buy groceries! Blocking immigration reform to score political points has a price....

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18 Jan’ 2024

Uvalde School Massacre Report Mapped

Victims experienced 'unimaginable horror': Scathing DOJ report The gunman used an  AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle  in the shooting, which left 19 children and two teachers dead. -  Time  "The...

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18 Jan’ 2024

Demographic Geotargeting: Your Shortcut to Finding Voters

Find likely voters with the the same tools that businesses use to find their customers. Improve your odds of finding likely voters by factoring in those...

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16 Jan’ 2024

Snowed in? Thank The MAGA Packed Supreme Court That Crippled The EPA In Its Fight Against Climate Change

"150 million Americans under weather alerts, 9 dead as 'dangerous cold' has U.S. in its clutches" "A massive wave of arctic air sweeping down on the...

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15 Jan’ 2024

ENROLL in ACA by Jan 16, 2024 & Vote To Protect Your Affordable Healthcare

Americans Are Signing Up for Obamacare (ACA) in Record Numbers More than 15 million people have signed up for health insurance plans offered on the Affordable...

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14 Jan’ 2024

Drowning victims: Human cost of MAGA political stunts to politicize the border

"3 migrants drown after Texas blocks feds from part of Rio Grande" - WaPo Where is Shelby Park? Eagle Pass? Who were the drowning victims? Why...

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14 Jan’ 2024

Fat Governors let poor kids go hungry. We mapped the cruelty.

"Republican governors chose to let some kids go hungry this summer..." "15 Republican governors chose not to sign up for the program, which would provide up to...

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11 Jan’ 2024

Who got the billions in Student Loan Debt Relief?

President Biden has provided billions in student loan debt relief to struggling students, the disabled and vets, despite the GOP packed Supreme Court's opposition. "The Biden...

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11 Jan’ 2024

Don’t tell a school shooting victim’s mom to ‘Get Over It’

Trump on Iowa School Shooting: ‘Get Over It’ How do you tell a mom whose child and has been shot and killed at school to 'Get...

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10 Jan’ 2024

Mapping GOP’s Scheme To Fire 224,000 Public School Teachers

Republicans are kicking more than 224,000 teachers from classrooms "The Republican cut of $64 billion, portends their intent to end public education in America and eliminate...

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9 Jan’ 2024

Map Of Election Deniers Running For Office

"Heads, I won... Tails, the election was rigged. I'll deny the election results and stage an insurrection to overturn the results..." "These politicians denied democracy on...

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8 Jan’ 2024

Insurrection? Run. Hide. Deny it happened!

Republican cowards who ran from insurrectionist mob to save their lives, now claim insurrection never took place to please Trump. "Trump demands Republicans forget their near-misses...

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8 Jan’ 2024

Mapping President Biden’s Three-Pronged Attack To Curb Big Pharma Drug Price Gouging

How does President Biden's plan curb Big Pharma price gouging? Cap the price of insulin at $35/monthAllow Medicare to negotiate drug prices with Big PharmaStop Big...

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5 Jan’ 2024

Republican HYPOCRISY, THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS Follows Iowa Mass Shooting On School Opening Day

Mass shooter kills 1, and injures 5 others on the first day after winter break at Iowa High School - NBC "Our prayers are with the...

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4 Jan’ 2024

Mapping The Impact of Biden’s $35 Insulin Price Caps

"Jan 1, 2024: Insulin $35 cap price now in effect, lowering costs for many Americans with diabetes" - USA Today How many Americans will President Biden's...

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3 Jan’ 2024

Trump’s DACA Deportation Camps

Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans - NY Times Where have we hear of forced deportations and massive camps, outside...

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30 Dec’ 2023

Judicial Activism Fuels Gun Violence

Do we really need more guns in public parks, playgrounds and zoos? Meet District Judge Cormac Carney who blocked a law signed by California Governor Gavin...

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28 Dec’ 2023

Follow the money and politics empowering Israel’s right wing extremists

Israel gets the most U.S. foreign aid but Netanyahu snubs American Presidents. What gives? "The fundamental problem for American presidents who have attempted to work with Benjamin...

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25 Dec’ 2023

Mapping women’s desperate journeys across state lines for abortion care

Republican abortion bans are forcing thousands of women to flee across state lines for abortion care. These are not stats, nor political talking points. These are...

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22 Dec’ 2023

Trump’s ‘Tricky Dick’ stall tactic to delay justice at Supreme Court

Richard Nixon's nick name was 'Tricky Dick'. Richard Nixon ('Tricky Dick') was charged for the Watergate Scandal in which Republican operatives broke into the Democratic Office...

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18 Dec’ 2023

Abortion Ban Casualty Map From The REPUBLICAN WAR ON WOMEN

Trying to make sense of the news about women suffering from Republican abortion bans? Struggling to keep track of the flood of news about women being...

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17 Dec’ 2023

Local Journalists Are Democracy Superheroes: Nationwide Map

Clark Kent is a mild mannered reporter until there's a crisis. Then he becomes SUPERMAN! It's the same in real life. Local journalists are the real...

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14 Dec’ 2023

Abortion Rights Are On The Ballot – Map

"Republicans Want to Ban All Abortions, Even if It Kills Mothers" - Prospect Groups are organizing and putting abortion rights measures on the ballot. Use this...

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13 Dec’ 2023

How Real Men And Con Men Deal With Dictators

Ronald Reagan told Russia to "Tear down the Berlin wall". MAGA Republicans are ready to abandon Ukraine, an American ally to appease Russia. History is clear:...

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11 Dec’ 2023

What’s up with the economy? Get the *real* story.

More jobs are being created than ever before. Salaries are up. Stock market is up. Why is there a big disconnect between public perception and reality?...

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10 Dec’ 2023

Mapping The Horror Of Rape As A Weapon Of War

"Israel has accused Hamas terrorists of committing widespread sexual violence" Israeli authorities have released little information about specific crimes and victims but in mid-November, police officials shared...

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8 Dec’ 2023

Riding the Rails of Progress: Mapping Biden’s Billion-Dollar Boost for High-Speed Trains

President Biden Announces Billions to Deliver World-Class High-Speed Rail President Biden is delivering on his vision to rebuild America and win the global competition with $66 billion...

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8 Dec’ 2023

Rural Healthcare in Peril: Mapping The Republican Attack on ACA and Rural Hospitals

What if you were sick and there were no physicians or hospital beds in your community? Millions of Americans in rural communities that don’t have essential...

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7 Dec’ 2023

Follow the BLOOD MONEY behind Republicans blocking gun safety bills

Senate Republicans block assault weapons ban, background checks bill - The Hill Why do Republicans block block gun safety measures that 92% of Americans support? How...

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28 Nov’ 2023

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Of Women’s Rights

Texas denied abortions to these women when their lives were in danger. Now they’re suing the state. - 19th News Zurawski v. State of Texas is the...

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27 Nov’ 2023

UAW Boosts Paychecks Beyond Union Lines: Follow The Money

Automakers with non-union workforce race to bump pay after UAW's record deals - Reuters The UAW labor deals with General Motors, Ford Motor and Stellantis through 2028, include...

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27 Nov’ 2023

Trump’s Fascist Detention Camps Visualized

Trump Threatens Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations - NYT What could these detention camps and forced round ups look like? Remember the last time...

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21 Nov’ 2023

Putin’s puppets create chaos to overthrow democracies

"The U.S. won’t back down from the challenge of Putin and Hamas" - President Biden "Putin is helping Hamas to hurt the West. Russia is on...

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19 Nov’ 2023

Te has vendido nosotros UNIVISION

Latino backlash grows over Trump’s friendly Univision interview - WaPo Why would a major Hispanic television station pander to Trump who called Mexicans 'rapists and criminals'?...

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17 Nov’ 2023

Mississippi Voter Suppression Playbook

A football 'set play' is plan of action to score. See how the Mississippi Voter Suppression playbook robs the poor to pay the rich. "Reeves misspent...

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16 Nov’ 2023

Balancing the Bench: Biden’s 150 Judges Reshape the Face of Justice

Jury trials involve being judged by a group of your peers. People who can relate to your situation. Why is it that many of the courts...

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13 Nov’ 2023

On the Right Track: Biden’s Boost for Amtrak and Commuters

Do you know about the billions invested last week to improve public transport in the North East for millions of Americans? "President Biden today announced $16.4...

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13 Nov’ 2023

BIDEN 18: Mapping the Democrats’ route to recapturing the House

"The route to recapturing the House runs through the “Biden 18” - the 18 Republicans sitting in districts won by Joe Biden in 2020." - Washington...

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12 Nov’ 2023

Veterans Day Victory: Biden-Harris Program Erases Student Debt for Thousands of Veterans

"Millions of Borrowers Got $127 Billion in Student Loans Canceled" The Biden administration has wiped out loans totaling $127 billion for 3.6 million borrowers — the...

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10 Nov’ 2023

Follow The Dirty Tricks Behind Republican Abortion Ban In North Carolina

Turncoat behind North Carolina abortion ban that denies 10 million women their freedom to choose. "Tricia Cotham, a Democrat who supported abortion rights, was encouraged to...

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7 Nov’ 2023

Tour Trump’s Inflated New York Properties

"Trump Committed Fraud By Inflating His Assets" "Trump and his company committed fraud by overstating the value of their assets, a New York judge ruled Tuesday,...

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6 Nov’ 2023

Build contact lists faster with helpful info for the people you’re trying to reach

Savvy organizers build goodwill by serving the needs of their community. Helplines use the same approach to build contact lists. Choose "PULL" over "PUSH" marketing. Push...

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5 Nov’ 2023

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MAP: Connects Republican Abortion Bans And Giving Guns To Domestic Abusers

Republican abortion bans. Gun violence. Domestic abuse. Supreme Court. Voting. They are all connected. The GOP packed Supreme Court will also start considering whether to give...

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4 Nov’ 2023

Where has President Biden created the most new jobs? Check this map.

The economy has added 13.2 million jobs under President Biden. The unemployment rate is the lowest in nearly 54 years. Why isn't he getting the credit...

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2 Nov’ 2023

What are your chances of being arrested for an abortion? Check this map.

What's the connection being poor, arrested for an abortion and living in a Republican led state? This StoryMap summarizes a few of the main points of...

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1 Nov’ 2023


The Michigan Supreme Court dismissed charges against former Republican Governor Rick Snyder. - NPR "Republican officials in Flint, Michigan failed to properly treat its municipal water...

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30 Oct’ 2023

Mapping how Texas Republicans use abortion travel bans to prevent rape victims from getting abortions

Local Laws In Texas Prevent Travel for Abortions - NY Times How are Texas Republicans preventing women, even if they have been raped from going to...

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30 Oct’ 2023

Mike Johnson demands women produce more babies: Straight from Handmaid’s Tale

"Mike Johnson insists that if only women were compelled to bring more "able-bodied workers" into the world, Republicans wouldn’t need to slash Social Security and Medicare."...

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25 Oct’ 2023

Don’t Mess With Texas Public Schools

Texas Republicans want to take $500 million from public school funds to give it to private schools. Stop defunding education. Texas ranks 38th in spending per...

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23 Oct’ 2023

10-year Old Girl’s Trauma: Where Republican Extremism Meets Rape and Abortion Rights

Republican hypocrisy: Concern for what children can read but forcing a raped girl to travel out of state for care. 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped...

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20 Oct’ 2023

Political incompetence can be deadly: Check your risk level

Elections have consequences that can impact your health. "Red State Politicians Are Killing Their Own Constituents". The Covid-19 pandemic exposed a clear divide in health outcomes...

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18 Oct’ 2023

Looking for legal help? Find local legal resources with this map.

Finding legal help is urgent as Republicans continue to deny Americans of their essential services. But finding local legal help isn't easy. Why? Google and other...

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16 Oct’ 2023

A Lesson in Compassion: Jewish Refugee Ship’s Legacy

A boat load of refugees off Miami seeking safety in America turned away by fearmongering politicians... Except it was Jewish refugees and this was 1931. Now...

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15 Oct’ 2023

Supreme Court enables MAGA extremists to topple democracy

How do a handful of right wing extremists topple democracy? Follow the money to see how billionaires have the stacked the Supreme Court with right wing...

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12 Oct’ 2023

No Place for Hate: Fight Antisemitism Everywhere

MAGA Republicans who condemn antisemitism abroad should also stop inciting it in America. Hate comes in different forms - antisemitism, racism and anti-LGBTQ. Hate does not...

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11 Oct’ 2023

How billionaires pack the courts

'My job is to call balls and strikes and not to pitch or bat' - John Roberts That's what Roberts said at his confirmation hearing. Then...

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8 Oct’ 2023

How To Use DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS To Run Smarter Campaigns

Savvy marketers use Demographic Analysis to find and persuade customers to buy their products. Demographics is a fast, affordable technique works just as well in political...

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7 Oct’ 2023

Rising Above Politics: Ensure A Strong US Military for Israel’s defense

American defense is not a political football. Pun intended. Former football coach Tuberville is holding hundreds of military promotions hostage in a MAGA Republican culture war....

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7 Oct’ 2023

Virginia Gun Violence Tracker: A Call To Action

Virginia has had ten mass shootings in the last 12 months! Where have the shootings been? How many people were killed? Injured? How can Virginia voters...

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5 Oct’ 2023

Virginia Handmaid’s Tale

Men takeover control of women's bodies in the HandMaid's Tale How close are Republican led states to the Handmaid's Tale? What could happen in Virginia? Compare...

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4 Oct’ 2023

Scandal Ridden Supreme Court Justices To Determine Women’s Rights

Ban abortion pills? Abortions for rape victims? Let domestic abusers get guns? Ban no-fault divorces? Who decides what freedoms American girls and women keep and which...

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3 Oct’ 2023

Mapping the Republican War On Public Libraries

Libraries bolster democracy. Republicans want to get rid of libraries. "Virginia library at risk after rightwing push to defund it...Samuels Library in Front Royal’s Warren county...

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1 Oct’ 2023

Mapping 90 GOP Hostage Takers and their Scheme To Shut Down America

Ninety MAGA Republicans tried to take American hostage and force a shutdown unless their ransom demands were met. Who are the hostage takers? Which districts do...

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1 Oct’ 2023

Spot the Fake: Clues To Recognize A Staged Political Rally

How do you spot the difference between a REAL political rally and one Made-For-TV? “Folks, Stick With It”: Biden Becomes the First US President to Visit...

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30 Sep’ 2023

Putin Republicans Attack American Military

Putin Republicans root for Vladimir. Trump, the Republican Party’s presidential front-runner suggested that America’s top general  deserves to die.Tuberville blocks hundreds of military promotions.From denying healthcare to...

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29 Sep’ 2023

Mapping how fascists stoke violence to steal power

Trump cultivation of political violence is straight from the fascist playbook. What is the fascist playbook? Exploit public frustrations. Stoke violence to provoke unrest. Use militant...

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27 Sep’ 2023

MAGA Republican Ransom Demands Mapped: Are you one of the hostages?

MAGA Republicans take America hostage and threaten to shut down the government unless their ransom demands are met. What are their ransom demands? Who are the...

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24 Sep’ 2023

UAW Strike Map and Demands

The UAW Strike expands to more GM and Stellantis locations. Where are the new strike locations? What are UAW members demanding? How do you share protest...

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22 Sep’ 2023

Academy Award Nominees For Hypocrisy

Republicans have made a clean sweep of the new Academy Award for hypocrisy. Can you match the hypocrisy with the nominee? Use this StoryMap to read...

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21 Sep’ 2023

Sisters Lead Sisters Vote: Mapping The Black Women Who Ran For Office in 2022

Meet the inspiring Black women who stepped up to lead, empowering their communities and driving change. Sisters Lead Sisters Vote (SLSV) interactive map showcases the incredible...

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17 Sep’ 2023

Where Do Automaker Profits Go?

Corporate greed is out of control! CEO's income jumps from $8.4 to $22.8 million in three years while workers struggle to survive on $18/hour. Where do...

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16 Sep’ 2023

How to find and mobilize rural voters with yard signs

How do you find and mobilize your rural supporters? Start with a yard sign. Many organizers struggle with building support in rural communities because it's hard...

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16 Sep’ 2023

Business lobbyists complain exploited autoworkers are on strike: Follow the money.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a lobbying group complains that exploited autoworkers are on strike. What is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce? Who funds the Chmaber? Who...

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15 Sep’ 2023

U.A.W. Stand Up Strike Map

U.A.W. Goes on Strike Against Detroit’s Big 3 Automakers "American workers are fed up of living paycheck to paycheck while the corporate elite and billionaire class...

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13 Sep’ 2023

Driving Change: AI enables RIDES TO THE POLLS for low income voters

Why is it hardest for Americans in need to vote? Voter suppression. MAGA Republicans make it harder for low income families, the rural, seniors, the disabled...

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12 Sep’ 2023

Another MAGA Coup Against Democracy

On the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack, American democracy is again in danger. This threat is domestic and is an even bigger threat to American...

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11 Sep’ 2023

When Politics Trumps Science: Mapping The Deadly Cost of Ignoring COVID Experts

There have been 108 million cases of COVID in America. 1,174,850 Americans have died from it (as of 9/11/2023). Why do Republicans ignore the health experts...

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9 Sep’ 2023

Virginia Election Info: Your Way, Your Say!

There's a LOT at stake in the upcoming Virginia election. Virginians deserve to know how the election will make their lives better or worse, and make...

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9 Sep’ 2023

Exploiting Nursing Homes and Medicare: The Shocking Path to Wealth

Nursing homes are called 'the wild, wild west' without industry standards. Who profits? Who suffers? President Biden has fulfilled his promise to "protect seniors' lives" with...

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7 Sep’ 2023

Corporate Empire Strikes Back At #StopCopCity Resistance

“A Political Prosecution: 61 Cop City Opponents Hit with RICO Charges by Georgia’s Republican AG" Georgia is intensifying its crackdown against opponents of Cop City, with the state’s...

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4 Sep’ 2023

What’s Your Risk From A Natural Disaster As Republicans Push To Defund FEMA?

FEMA helps Americans prepare for and respond to disasters. Why push to defund FEMA as there are more natural disasters with Global Warming? Check your level...

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2 Sep’ 2023

Virginia Handmaid’s Tale: Christian Nationalists Defund Public Schools

Abortions outlawed. Women banned from reading. Trans community attacked... Nope. Not Gilead from the Handmaid's Tale. This is Virginia today where Republican Christian Nationalists push their...

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2 Sep’ 2023

Virginia Votes: The App That Puts Democracy in Your Hands

Improve voter turnout by making it easier for voters to get the information they need. Voters face many hurdles to voting in Virginia: fewer polling locations,...

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24 Aug’ 2023

Democracy Denied: The Dark Side Of Signature Matching For Voter Suppression

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller The same goes for voter suppression. If you don't...

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23 Aug’ 2023

From Protests to the Polls: Tennessee’s Rising Gun Violence Demands Political Change

The truth will set you free. John 8:32 The truth also helps understand Tennessee's gun violence epidemic. Where and when did the shootings take place? How...

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21 Aug’ 2023

Lead Cable Hazards: Telco Greed Puts Children at Risk

How did corporate greed overtake concern for children's health? Consider five recent headlines about lead poisoning, dark money lobbying, the EPA and Supreme Court. And then...

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20 Aug’ 2023

Real-Time Weather Maps Serve the Greater Good

Real time data matters, especially in weather emergencies. But information is only as useful as how up to date it is? How local is the information...

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19 Aug’ 2023

Campaign Better With SMART Maps

Running a campaign with a slate of candidates? Tiny budget? Small non-tech team? Tight deadlines? Use a SMART MAP. The National Women's Political Caucus of Virginia...

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17 Aug’ 2023

Unmasking the likely Georgia Unindicted Co-Conspirators

More details emerge about the likely unindicted co-conspirators in Trump's Georgia indictment trial. Good thing that the Kumu software DemLabs is using for this relationship map...

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16 Aug’ 2023


Texas Republicans attack Planned Parenthood with a $1.8 billion lawsuit to close Planned Parenthood clinics. Texas ranks last in the America for women's prenatal healthcare. Where...

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15 Aug’ 2023

Follow Fossil Fuel Billionaires Role In Supreme Court Gutting The EPA To Fires in Hawaii

Why gut the EPA as it fights global warming that is making disasters like Hawaii's fires become more frequent and deadly? When in doubt follow the...

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13 Aug’ 2023

Lost in Kansas – Freedom of Speech

Kansas police raid office of the Marion County Record newspaper and seize its computers... Wait! Doesn't such press intimidation normally happen in dictatorships? Sorry, Dorothy. This is the...

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13 Aug’ 2023

Vote To Stop Cop City: Atlanta’s Fight Against Corporate Control

Cop City is a $90 million dollar, 381 acre police militarization center. The Stop Cop City Referendum Campaign has launched a ballot referendum to let the...

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10 Aug’ 2023

How to improve User Interface Design to empower more voters

User interface makes interacting with technology easy and friendly. The iPhone is the ultimate in user interface design. It's easy to learn and fun to engage...

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9 Aug’ 2023

Truth Matters: Challenging Fox Affilliate’s FCC Renewal After Election Lies

‘Landmark’ Bid Filed to Take Fox Station Off the Air for Election Lies. Media and Democracy Group (MAD) asks the FCC to deny license to WTXF...

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8 Aug’ 2023

Tiny Hands, Big Guns – Mapping the American tragedy of children shooting children

"six-year-old shoots teacher  at a Virginia elementary school..." "A gun manufacturer has launched a new marketing campaign for an AR-15 designed for children weeks after a  six-year-old shot...

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6 Aug’ 2023

Mapping Student Fury Against Republicans Blocking Debt Relief

Tax cuts for billionaires, but no student debt relief? "More than 45 million Americans are crushed under the weight of the $1.7 trillion student debt crisis....

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2 Aug’ 2023

Racist Voter Suppression: Virginia Republican Scheme Explainer

Politicians choose their voters and suppress voters who don't support them. That's voter suppression. That's not how it's supposed to be. Voters in a democracy choose...

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25 Jul’ 2023

Fatal Greed: Teen Workers Die as Child Labor Safety Laws Cut

Who pays the price for out-of-control corporate greed and Republicans ready to sacrifice childrens' safety for political donations? Death of 16-Year-Old at Mississippi Poultry Plant Prompts...

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19 Jul’ 2023

Bidenomics Works For America: Check The Headlines

Bidenomics grows the economy from the middle out and the bottom up – not the top down. 13 million jobs have been created since President Biden...

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15 Jul’ 2023

Climate Collusion: How Fossil Fuel Donations Manipulate Republican Stance on Global Warming

Record heat alerts. Floods. Hurricanes. Wildfires surge, but Republicans still deny global warming. Why? "Coast-to-coast heat dome sends temperatures soaring, threatens all-time records. Heat alerts affect...

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14 Jul’ 2023

MAGA Republicans Launch Culture War on G.I. Jane

MAGA Republicans want women to fight and die for America, but deny them access to basic healthcare. Republicans loaded up the annual defense policy bill with...

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6 Jul’ 2023

Play hardball to confirm qualified judicial nominees over racist Republican obstruction

Republicans bend the rules to stack the courts with unqualified judges. It's time for Democrats to play hardball and confirm highly qualified nominees. Mitch McConnell denied...

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6 Jul’ 2023

Taking Credit Where It’s Not Due: Republicans flip flop on Infrastructure Bill

Republicans claim credit for 418 infrastructure projects they voted against. Flip flop! President Biden's Infrastructure Bill includes $1.2 trillion for transportation, utilities and pollution cleanup. Over 400 projects are underway...

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4 Jul’ 2023

Respect America’s finest who defend our freedom

Those who fight and die to protect American independence deserve better. “We’re good enough to get into institutions where we might have to die for this...

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4 Jul’ 2023

Protect your Medicaid. Update your info.

"More than 1 million people are dropped from Medicaid as states start purging their rolls" "Most got dropped for not filling out paperwork... Florida has dropped...

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29 Jun’ 2023

How politicians make heatwaves deadlier

Abbott signed a bill that eliminates local rules mandating water breaks for construction workers. - USA Today Abbott Signs “Death Star” Act That Limits Municipalities’ Ability...

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24 Jun’ 2023

Abortion ban tragedy

The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade causes personal tragedies across America every day. Doctor Who Gave 10-Year-Old Rape Victim a Legal Abortion Faces Punishment.Teenager...

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17 Jun’ 2023

How Republicans gerrymander Alabama

Alabama Republicans uses racial gerrymandering to suppress Black voters. The state also has one of the highest rates of poverty in the country. What's the connection?...

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15 Jun’ 2023

How much do DREAMERS contribute to America?

Dreamers are Americans. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program allows young people to live and work in the only country they’ve called home. Since...

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15 Jun’ 2023

What happens to mass shooting survivors?

Mass shootings take lives: Both of the killed and the survivors. Survivors are often overlooked. They're injured both physically and mentally. Many unable to work. Suffer...

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14 Jun’ 2023

Better purpose-driven storytelling: Podcast

What makes for a compelling purpose-driven story? Learn how in this podcast with Allen Carroll. Allen is a master storyteller. He worked at National Geographic for...

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12 Jun’ 2023

Who pays to repair collapsed bridges? Who mooches?

Pennsylvania bridge collapses creating massive traffic jams. There are hundreds of bridges in America that need upgrades. Republicans oppose President Biden's plan to invest in infrastructure,...

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12 Jun’ 2023

FLORIDA FARMWORKER EXODUS: Mapping the MAGA Republican created crisis

Empty fields. Rotting crops. Higher food prices. What's behind the farmworker exodus from Florida? DeSantis' MAGA Republican politicizes immigration. SB 1718 impacts over 800,000 undocumented immigrants...

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2 Jun’ 2023

Mapping The Brutal Crackdown On Dissent Against Cop City

"ATLANTA POLICE ARREST ORGANIZERS OF BAIL FUND FOR COP CITY PROTESTERS" - The Intercept "Heavily armed Atlanta Police Department SWAT team raided a house in Atlanta...

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1 Jun’ 2023

How many people got or died from COVID in your county? Check this map.

Over a million Americans have died from COVID. Hundreds more still die weekly. Which states did better? "DeSantis fired back at Trump after he argued former...

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30 May’ 2023

Another mass shooting! Who pays the price for no gun safety regulations?

Who ends up paying the price of gun lobby political donations? "6 Adults, 3 Children Injured In Shooting Near Beach In Hollywood, Florida" - HuffPo"Florida lawmakers...

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30 May’ 2023

Everglades opened to real estate developers: Follow the political donations.

"DeSantis just signed 'Sprawl Bill' 540 into law" - Everglades "Senate Bill 540 is a death knell for smart growth in Florida. It will effectively end...

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28 May’ 2023

HEALTH HAZARD: Hypocrites who ban books but not guns in schools

What kills more students? Guns or books? Why is it then that dark money groups want to ban books but not guns? Are they really concerned...

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27 May’ 2023

How Harlan Crow profits from Clarence Thomas’ vote to gut the Clean Water Act

"The Supreme Court just gutted the Clean Water Act" - Washington Post "Under the court’s new view, pollution requires a permit only if it is discharged...

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25 May’ 2023

How will the Supreme Court gutting the CLEAN WATER ACT hurt you? Check this map.

"The Supreme Court Just Gutted the Clean Water Act" - Yahoo "The Supreme Court has ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency in a decision that significantly...

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24 May’ 2023

The consequences of voting for a third party candidate

"Jill Stein spoiled the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton" "Jill Stein's voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin helped Donald Trump win the White House. Trump's margin...

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22 May’ 2023

Will you be a casualty in the MAGA HOSTAGE TAKING CRISIS? Check this map.

"MAGA Republicans are engaged in reckless hostage-taking by threatening to force America into default. It’s dangerous and wrong." - President Biden "Let me be clear. I...

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22 May’ 2023

Plan and publicize multi-stop campaign trips better with smart maps

How can technology help improve turnout at campaign events, rallies, protests? Planning and publicizing campaign events is challenging. Especially when the campaign has events with different...

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17 May’ 2023

National Women’s Political Caucus Virginia: Endorsed Candidates

How do you mobilize broad support for a slate of candidates? Showcase dozens of candidates for both State House and Senate? Let voters find details on...

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12 May’ 2023

MAGA Republicans take veterans’ benefits hostage

MAGA Republicans take veteran's benefits hostage to fund tax cuts for wealthy GOP donors. "So many House Republicans that claim to look out for veterans lined...

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11 May’ 2023

What’s the crime rate where you live? Check this map based on FBI data.

"In wake of Texas shooting, Greg Abbott points finger at Chicago, using tired GOP cliche" - USA Today After the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas that left...

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8 May’ 2023

Real Life American HUNGER GAMES

"Conservative campaign to strip child workplace protections." - WaPo Billionaires get richer by lobbying Republicans to relax labor laws that protect children. Desperate families forced to...

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4 May’ 2023

MAGA Republicans force student loan borrowers to fund tax cuts for billionaires

"Student loan relief would be torpedoed by GOP debt ceiling bill" - MSN House Republicans' debt ceiling proposal would slash President Biden's student loan relief plan and undercut potential future student...

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30 Apr’ 2023

Death is a direct result of Republican policies

Women sue Texas over abortion ban: Law endangers ‘lives of my future babies’ - The Hill Abortion pill order latest contentious ruling by Trump appointed Texas...

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28 Apr’ 2023

MAGA Republicans threaten default. Who are their hostages?

MAGA Republicans take America hostage. MAGA Republicans are threatening to blow up our economy by making America default on its bills because they know they can't pass...

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24 Apr’ 2023

Where will the Republican scheme to cut veterans benefits hurt the most? Check this map.

Republicans want to cut Veteran benefits by 22%. This is how Republicans say thank you to those who served our country. - Reddit President’s Biden's Budget plan to...

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20 Apr’ 2023

Campaign planning after redistricting in Virginia goes better with Smart Maps

Political districts shuffled by redistricting? Plan your campaign better with a Smart Map. Andrea Miller is the founder of Center of Common Ground, a Coke drinker...

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15 Apr’ 2023

Clarence Thomas: Follow the money, gifts, trips and house sales

Apps make it easier to follow Clarence Thomas' growing list of ethics violations. Luxury trips with billionaires. Private planes. Yacht trips. Dark money payments. Dubious real...

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13 Apr’ 2023

How far must women go for an abortion after Republicans ban Mifepristone? Check this map.

Trump appointed "Federal judge bans abortion pill: What the ruling means for women across the country." - ABC Kacsmaryk's issuing of a nationwide injunction on mifepristone...

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11 Apr’ 2023

Mapping the deadly cost of playing politics with COVID health advice

"Ron DeSantis issued reckless advice to young men to avoid taking the mRNA vaccine because of an alleged heightened risk of a heart infection (myocarditis)." -...

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10 Apr’ 2023

Republican racism trumps gun violence concerns

Tennessee Republicans Accused of Racism After Expelling Two Black Lawmakers - Newsweek How are Republicans so concerned about the unborn but fine with born children being...

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9 Apr’ 2023

Mapping JUDICIAL OVERREACH behind abortion pill ban

"One Texas Judge Is Not the Final Decision-Maker on Medication Abortion" - The Slate "An  amicus brief from FDA law scholars  makes clear,  Congress crafted procedures by statute  for the...

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4 Apr’ 2023


"Mississippi Legislature Passes Bill Creating Unelected Court in Jackson" - Democracy Docket "MS House Bill 1020  would allow court personnel, including judges and prosecuting attorneys, to be...

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3 Apr’ 2023

Republicans DEFUND PUBLIC LIBRARIES in their culture war. Check this map to see if you’ll be hurt.

"Missouri Reps Just Voted to Completely Defund the State’s Public Libraries" - VICE "The new budget sets funds for libraries to $0. Library groups say the...

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30 Mar’ 2023

Republicans take healthcare for servicewomen hostage: Map of military installations affected

Republicans threaten to deny healthcare for American servicewomen they would have die to protect the country. Tommy Tuberville Won't Promote Hundreds of Military Members Because He's...

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29 Mar’ 2023

Disabled vets disenfranchised

How do Republicans ask Americans to die for the country, but deny veterans their freedom to vote? "Wisconsin Supreme Court outlaws ballot drop boxes for elections....

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26 Mar’ 2023

Fox News Hate-for-Profit Racket

Fox News is a ‘Hate-for-Profit Racket’ - Elizabeth Warren "Fox News is a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists—it’s designed to turn...

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21 Mar’ 2023

Walmart privatizes profits and socializes losses to exploit its workers

Walmart workers struggle to survive on food stamps and Medicaid while Republicans give more tax cuts to their billionaire Walmart donors. "Walmart relying on corporate welfare...

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18 Mar’ 2023

DeSantis follows Putin’s script

DeSantis accepted the Russian line that Putin’s occupation of Ukraine is a mere “territorial dispute.” - The Atlantic What does history teach us about appeasing dictators?...

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17 Mar’ 2023

Who’d suffer from Republican scheme to raise Social Security and Medicare eligibility age? Check this map.

"Republicans Are Working on Making 70 the New Social Security Retirement Age" - Truth Out Republicans claim that raising the eligibility age is not a big...

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16 Mar’ 2023

Republicans kidnap justice

Trump appointee in single-judge federal district in Texas could bar nationwide access to the abortifacient mifepristone. - AP How did we get here where an ultra-right...

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16 Mar’ 2023

Where will lower prescription drug prices help the most?

Seniors are saving millions in health care costs because of President Biden’s Prescription Drug Law. "Americans pay two to three times more for prescription drugs than other countries. President Biden...

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13 Mar’ 2023

Ban Fox News streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

Veterans Group To Pentagon: Ban Fox News On Military Bases - HuffPo "Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity have “open access to spread conspiracy theories...

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9 Mar’ 2023

Remembering Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause Leader and lifelong democracy advocate

Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause President, passed away in March 2023. Karen was a fearless, persistent advocate for a better democracy. She spent her entire life...

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4 Mar’ 2023

Murdoch’s News Corp is a ‘Cancer on Democracy’

Rupert Murdoch's media empire is a "cancer on democracy," said Kevin Rudd, former Australian prime minister. - CNN Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox News for...

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1 Mar’ 2023

Who’ll be hurt by the GOP packed Supreme Court blocking student debt relief? Check this map.

"Over half of the House GOP and nearly all Senate Republicans signed briefs urging the Supreme Court to block Biden's student-loan forgiveness." - BusinessInsider Republicans are...

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1 Mar’ 2023

How will the GOP plan to repeal ACA and slash Medicare affect you? Check this map.

Republicans are pushing to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and slash Medicare. - Briefing Room Remember that members of Congress are paid $174,000 with your tax payer...

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25 Feb’ 2023

How is LAW & ORDER in your state?

Dealing with a big talker? Check their hype against the facts. "Florida governor Ron DeSantis traveled this week to New York City, Philadelphia, and Chicago to...

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21 Feb’ 2023

How many Norfolk Southern accidents have involved brakes? Check this map.

Looking for the real cause behind a major accident? Follow the facts, not conspiracy theories. We decided to see how many railroad accidents have there been?...

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15 Feb’ 2023

Will your be affected by toxic fumes from the Ohio train derailment? Check wind patterns with this real-time map.

Toxic chemicals spread from the Norfolk Southern train derailment in Ohio. Which way are the winds blowing the toxic fumes? Who is likely to be impacted?...

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12 Feb’ 2023

Republicans explain their plan to phase out Social Security

“All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years" - 11 Point Plan President Biden said in his State of the Union address that “some Republicans want Medicare...

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11 Feb’ 2023

DeSantis pushes for concealed firearms without permits or training. Check Florida gun violence map.

"DeSantis pushes Florida lawmakers to pass permitless carry law in 2023" - WFLA St. Petersburg police Chief Anthony Holloway, opposes permitless carry and worry that more...

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1 Feb’ 2023

What would prematurely ending the COVID PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY mean for you?

Should the COVID Public Health Emergency be ended prematurely? How many Americans would be hurt? You make the call. We mapped the number of COVID cases...

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29 Jan’ 2023

Use geo-targeting to organize food-stamp users who’d be denied meat under Republican proposal

"Iowa Republicans want to ban food-stamp users from buying meat" - CBS News Iowa last year had a state budget surplus of $2 billion, and the...

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28 Jan’ 2023

Police killings of 2,700 Black Americans mapped

"Tyre Nichols Cried in Anguish. Memphis Officers Kept Hitting." - NY Times Was this a random event? How does it fit into the larger pattern of...

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27 Jan’ 2023


Diverse Coalition Unites Against Atlanta’s Plan to Build “Cop City” - Filter "On Jan. 18th,  Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, a 26-year-old forest defender who used the...

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25 Jan’ 2023

Billionaires beautify DeSantis

Billionaires dump Trump to peddle DeSantis. What's their angle? FOX News, Wall Street Journal and the NY Post (all owned by Rupert Murdoch) praise DeSantis. Musk...

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23 Jan’ 2023

Mapping the mass shootings till Jan 23, 2023 and the Senators blocking a ban on assault weapons

Ten people were killed and another ten injured in a mass shooting in Monterey Park CA. - NBC It’s the 37th mass shooting this year. We’re 23 days...

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22 Jan’ 2023

How to keep 6,969 politicians in your pocket

Hold the politicians your tax dollars pay for accountable for their votes. Call them when you disagree. They work for you. This map has details on...

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20 Jan’ 2023

How to find and call your GOP rep to STOP THE #GOPTAXSCAM

GOP plans to abolish IRS ... and replace it with 30% national sales tax. So they don't have to tax corporations. At all. And we can...

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18 Jan’ 2023

Warriors for gun safety

Golden State Warriors Visit Biden White House. - HuffPo Steve Kerr, Head Coach of the Warriors said he participated in a roundtable on gun violence with...

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17 Jan’ 2023

Follow the Russian money behind George Santos and Kevin McCarthy

Stop if you've heard this story before: Russian money interfering with American elections? But, wait! This story has a new character. A gay/straight, Christian/Jew-ish, broke/millionaire Republican...

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17 Jan’ 2023

Who’s your political rep?

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall (R) said he may prosecute women for ending their own pregnancies. - Law & Crime Who is your political rep? Congressperson? Senator? Governor? State...

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11 Jan’ 2023

How strong are your state’s gun safety laws?

"Wounded Virginia teacher walked her students to safety after she was shot by 6 year old." - NBC How did a six year old get a...

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9 Jan’ 2023

Bolsonaro stages coup like Trump after losing election: Compare the similarities

Trump inspired Bolsonaro stages coup in Brazil to overthrow election results. Compare the similarities. Supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro attacked the presidential palace, congress, and...

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8 Jan’ 2023

Police killings from 2022 mapped: Spot the pattern?

Killings by US police reach record high in 2022 - The Guardian 1,123 people died in police killings in 2022. That's about three people every day!...

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6 Jan’ 2023

Follow the Koch money funding the Freedom Caucus that’s taken America hostage

A few extremist Republicans in the Freedom Caucus block the government and hold America hostage. Who is in the caucus? Where do they get their funding?...

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5 Jan’ 2023

Mapping how gerrymandering lets Republican chaos agents hold America hostage

19 Republicans from gerrymandered districts hold America hostage. "The “Never Kevin” crew represent solidly Republican districts. Nearly all of them were endorsed by former President Donald...

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4 Jan’ 2023

How safe are the bridges you cross? Check this map.

$1.6 billion federal grant announced for long-awaited Brent Spence companion bridge The Brent Spence Bridge Corridor spans 8 miles from the Western Hills Viaduct in Ohio...

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2 Jan’ 2023

Voter suppression through racist prison policies

Republican's racist prison policies prevent even those not convicted of a crime from voting. Illinois conservatives are fighting to keep CASH BAIL, a policy that frees...

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26 Dec’ 2022

Republicans weaponize hate speech

Hate is a deadly political strategy. Henry Berg-Brousseau, who had supported transgender rights since he was in high school, died by suicide at 24. “This hate...

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24 Dec’ 2022

Millions without power in freezing cold. Who voted against improving the power grid?

Deadly winter storm knocks out power leaving millions of Americans freezing without power. Nature reminds us that elections really do have consequences. Did you Congressperson really...

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21 Dec’ 2022

Republican book burnings create fire hazard

Republicans claim to be for the constitution, but deny Americans the freedom of speech it guarantees? “You cannot destroy truth by burning pages.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi...

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19 Dec’ 2022

Tesla fatalities map

"Tesla is under US criminal investigation over self-driving claims... Reuters learns US DoJ launched investigation last year after more than a dozen crashes, some fatal, involving...

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17 Dec’ 2022

Respect the will of the people when they vote for Ballot Measures to curb mass shootings

Oregon voters pass a Ballot Measure 114 to reduce mass shootings. The gun lobby loses, but gets Measure 114 blocked by judge in a small rural...

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15 Dec’ 2022

Party like Kavanaugh!

A tax payer funded job that pays $268,300. You can't get fired. No code of ethics. Party on! US Supreme Court justices don’t often seem too...

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14 Dec’ 2022

Leave no American voter behind

Millions of Americans can't vote because of a prior conviction despite having served their sentence! Did you know that 5.2 million Americans are disenfranchised? 2.3% of...

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12 Dec’ 2022

Keystone pipeline leak: Oil lobby donations trump environmental concerns

Keystone pipeline leaks 14,000 barrels of oil into creek in biggest spill yet - The Guardian The Keystone Pipeline ruptured near a creek in northern Kansas,...

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10 Dec’ 2022

Stop Fentanyl ads on Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube and TikTok

Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram face pressure to stop illegal drug sales as overdose deaths soar. - WaPo How big is the crisis of illegal drugs being marketed...

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7 Dec’ 2022

Georgia election result mapped by turnout, race, poverty, healthcare and more

The people have spoken... Senator Warnock "... a vote is a kind of prayer for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children. It is...

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6 Dec’ 2022

Republicans criminalize women’s freedom of speech

A mother prosecuted for talking to her daughter about abortion... Republicans talk a lot about the constitution and the Freedom of Speech. But they'll prosecute a...

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2 Dec’ 2022

Reverend Warnock fights to cap insulin costs. Which Georgia counties have the most diabetics?

A Resonant Topic in Georgia’s Senate Runoff: Insulin Prices - New York Times How big is the problem? How many people in Georgia have diabetes? How...

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26 Nov’ 2022

Where will lame-duck action to protect Dreamers help the most?

Do right by dreamers "Democrats call protections for ‘Dreamers’ a lame-duck priority. Senate and House leaders seek Republican help to permanently protect undocumented immigrants who came...

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24 Nov’ 2022

Republicans send thoughts and prayers with blood on their hands

What's behind the surge in gun violence? University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA, at Club Q in Colorado Springs, CO, and at a Walmart store in Chesapeake, VA....

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17 Nov’ 2022

Responsible local journalism counters billionaire owned mainstream media propaganda

Responsible local journalism delivers useful information from the community - not what billionaires are pitching through their media outlets. Fox News stokes a constant sense of...

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16 Nov’ 2022

GOP packed Supreme Court delivers Congress to Republicans

THE SUPREME COURT'S HANDS ARE ALL OVER THE ELECTION RESULTS  Republicans will owe their slim majority to the Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court who authorized...

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12 Nov’ 2022

How do election recount rules apply to close races?

A few close midterm races will determine which party will control Congress. What rules apply? When does a recount take place? Who requests it? Who pays...

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9 Nov’ 2022

Midterm message: Codify Roe

THE MIDTERMS HANDED DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS A MANDATE TO CODIFY ABORTION RIGHTS. USE IT. Voters in several states where abortion was on the ballot were generally favorable to...

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31 Oct’ 2022

Mapping crimes and casualties from Republican obstruction of gun safety measures

Republicans fear monger about crime but flood the streets with guns and make it easier for criminals.  Republican led states have the highest crime rates. Republicans...

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31 Oct’ 2022

Mapping the victims of GOP plan to kill Social Security

“Republicans want to gut Social Security and Medicare to give more tax breaks to the wealthy.” - President Obama “Some of your parents are on Social...

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29 Oct’ 2022

Political demonizing spawns bloodshed

It will be hard not to hit her with the speaker's gavel joked Kevin McCarthy. - CNN Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband follows years of GOP...

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27 Oct’ 2022

Which ‘local political leader’ might be in the doctor’s office with you? Check this map.

"Local political leaders" should decide on abortion says Mehmet Oz. OZ SAYS ABORTION DECISION SHOULD INCLUDE “LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS”: In the only debate of Pennsylvania’s election for...

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25 Oct’ 2022

Homer’s Voting Guide

How do you describe Democratic accomplishments? Duh! Ask Homer. Democrats have delivered for working Americans despite Republican roadblocks for their rich donors. How do you describe...

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24 Oct’ 2022

Map of where you can vote to STOP PRISON LABOR SLAVERY

Did you know that slavery is still legal in America? Some states can imprison you, force you to work for slave wages and take away your...

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23 Oct’ 2022

How can voting for a senator change your life? Check this map.

Court blocks President Biden's Student Debt Relief program. Supreme Court overturns Roe. Who are the eight judges that decided to hold up relief for relief to...

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21 Oct’ 2022

Judicial races will determine abortion rights

Judicial elections in five states will determine access to abortion, voting rights and gerrymandering. Hotly contested supreme court elections in Illinois, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina and...

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20 Oct’ 2022

Alabama rising

Election turnout improves when candidates reflect their voters. Democratic Alabama candidates reflect their electorate. How do you make it easy for voters to learn about the...

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18 Oct’ 2022

DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA endorsed candidates map

Democracy for America's people powered campaign fights for social justice at all levels of elected office. DFA endorsed candidates are running for Senate, Congress, State Senate,...

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15 Oct’ 2022

North Carolina mass shooting: Follow the money blocking gun safety reform.

A 15-year-old fatally shot five people and wounded others in Raleigh, N.C. - WaPo. Vote to end gun violence. The Raleigh shooting was the latest in...

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12 Oct’ 2022

Secretary of State key races

Secretary of state are statewide officials in charge of making sure elections are free, fair, and secure. It's vital that they believe in free and fair...

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8 Oct’ 2022

Who’s blocking marijuana legalization? Follow the money.

President Biden issues pardons and takes first steps to decriminalize marijuana. Biden pardoned thousands of people with federal convictions of marijuana possession and encouraged governors to take...

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6 Oct’ 2022

American Dream Killers – Asesinos del Sueño Americano

Republican appointed Fifth Circuit judges side with Republican AGs lawsuit that threatens to deport millions of DACA - Dreamers. - Americas Voice Supreme Justices Silently Back...

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4 Oct’ 2022

Hurricane Ian exposes PROPERTY INSURANCE MESS Florida Republicans have created

Rubio and Scott vote against storm aid. DeSantis fundraises from insurance firms while Florida residents struggle to get affordable property insurance. Follow the money, flooding and...

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1 Oct’ 2022

Republican ABORTION FLIP FLOP awards

Republican Flip Flop awards recognize hypocrisy in banning abortions and then flipping to fool voters. This level of acting is rarely seen outside movies, so it...

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28 Sep’ 2022

Government for the people – not just billionaires

Who's fighting for you? And who looks after their billionaire donors? Actions speak louder than words. Check these ten maps that highlight what President Biden and...

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22 Sep’ 2022

School children need freedom from hunger and freedom to learn

Democrats fight for public schools and free school meals. Republicans cut funding but spend millions to block kids from learning about hunger. "Congress made school meals...

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19 Sep’ 2022

Voter Suppression Academy Award nominations

The Academy Awards recognizes creativity in films. The Voter Suppression Academy* awards recognizes Republican dirty tricks to prevent Americans voting. "It's high time our voter suppression...

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17 Sep’ 2022

Dark Brandon fights for railroad workers

Rail carriers and union leaders reach an agreement to avoid a national rail strike. President Biden (aka Dark Brandon) does it again! "The deal highlights Biden...

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13 Sep’ 2022

Mapping the key races for Democrats to Hold the House

Democracy is on the ballot. Which races will determine if Democrats will Hold The House? Who are the candidates? How can you support them? How can...

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12 Sep’ 2022

Casualty map from Republican scheme to kill Social Security

The Republican 11 Point Plan calls for ending Social Security. How many seniors would suffer in their scheme? How many are disabled? Widowed? Where do they...

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9 Sep’ 2022

How to choose the right storytelling app

Choose the right app to tell your story by considering your audience, the message and your desired outcome. There is no one size fits all in...

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7 Sep’ 2022

Newtown Action Alliance maps assault weapon carnage at mass shootings

More Americans have died from gun violence than in military combat, but Republicans still block gun safety measures. Gun violence threatens our freedom more than any...

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6 Sep’ 2022

Republican court packing pays off

Republicans haven't won the popular vote since 2004, so they pack the courts with partisan judges to cling to power and rule from the bench. Follow...

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3 Sep’ 2022

Grassroots innovation finds unregistered voters

"Arkansas was the worst state for voter registration and election participation in 2020". Get Loud Arkansas innovates to change that. Get Loud Arkansas (GLA) uses data...

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1 Sep’ 2022

Jackson Mississippi: Mapping the racism in contaminated water

Republican racism contaminates the water supply in Jackson, Mississippi. "About 150,000 residents in Jackson were without safe water. Problems at one of the town’s two water-treatment...

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30 Aug’ 2022

Teachers deserve better

The GOP war on education has created a teacher shortage. Republicans slash teachers' wages and public school funding. Issue educational gag orders that politicize education. Block...

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27 Aug’ 2022

Mapping GOP handouts for the rich vs President Biden’s Student loan relief plan

Republicans who got PPP handouts and lobbied for tax cuts for their billionaire donors, now criticize relief for the needy with student loans. We mapped the...

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21 Aug’ 2022

Republican war on women death map: Where abortions are banned and AND poor mothers denied Medicaid

Did you know that black women are three times as likely as white women to die of pregnancy-related complications? (NYT) Why do states led by Trump...

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16 Aug’ 2022

The party of Law and Order is LAWLESS and DISORDERLY

Defund the FBI! Attack law enforcement officials. What happened to the party claiming to be for Law and Order? Republicans used to be the party of...

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10 Aug’ 2022

Republicans block insulin price caps. Why? Follow the money.

Republicans block insulin price caps in the Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act. Why? Follow the money. Republican senators voted down a cap on the price of insulin in the...

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8 Aug’ 2022

Republicans block insulin price caps. Why? Follow the money.

Republicans block insulin price caps in the Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act. Why? Follow the money. Republican senators voted down a cap on the price of insulin...

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4 Aug’ 2022

Where will the Republican plan to kill Medicare hurt the most?

Ron Johnson (R-WI) suggests putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block every year. Sen. Ron. Johnson (R-WI) argues for eliminating entitlements: "Social Security and...

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29 Jul’ 2022

Republicans ambush veterans’ benefits: Mapping the casualties

"Stab vets in the back Senators...there are real people who face tragic consequences for their fuckery” - Jon Stewart "In an eleventh-hour act of cowardice, Republicans...

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27 Jul’ 2022

Fossil fuel profiteers deny climate change

Floods. Droughts. Wildfires while Republican Senators deny climate change and pack the Supreme Court to cripple the EPA. What gives? Follow the money. How does the...

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26 Jul’ 2022

Check your state’s RAPE INDEX as GOP bans abortions for rape victims

Republicans wage war on women and deny abortions to rape victims. What's the risk level where you live? The Rape Index is statistic calculated by esri...

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24 Jul’ 2022

Starbucks denies workers abortion benefits to bust unions

Starbucks denies abortion benefits to workers forming unions. "In June, the company said it would reimburse abortion travel expenses for employees enrolled in its healthcare plan if there...

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22 Jul’ 2022

Scorched by the heatwave? Thank these Senators.

"Unrelenting, coast-to-coast heat wave scorches America" - USA Today Republicans deny climate change while Americans bake in heatwaves. A GOP-packed Supreme Court cripples the Environmental Protection...

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19 Jul’ 2022

Where the GOP robs the poor to give to the rich

Republicans rig the system by robbing the poor of funds needed to improve their lives and using that money to give tax cuts to their rich...

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18 Jul’ 2022

Assign canvassers to areas where they have more in common with residents with geotargeting

Assign canvassers with geotargeting to areas where they'll be most effective. People respond better to those they can relate to. Choose canvassers that best match that...

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17 Jul’ 2022

Republicans deregulate nursing homes to pay back their donors. Sorry grandma.

"Florida’s Republican politicians are shielding their campaign donors from liability while chipping away at safety standards for elderly residents." - Read Sludge Where are these nursing...

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15 Jul’ 2022

Check your flood risk from global warming with this free app

Sea levels rise with global warming. A Republican-packed Supreme Court just crippled the EPA increasing your risk from flooding. See if you'll stay dry. "With the...

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11 Jul’ 2022

Dreamers deserve better

DACA protects thousands of people brought into the U.S. as children from deportation. Why do Republicans block immigration reform? Follow the money. 'Dreamers' and their families...

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9 Jul’ 2022

GOP-packed Supreme Court cripples EPA putting your life in danger

GOP-packed Supreme Court cripples the EPA to stop it regulating oil polluting tycoons funding Republicans. Follow the money. Oil tycoons fund the GOP to pack the...

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5 Jul’ 2022

Independence Day mass shooting: Mapping the Republicans blocking gun safety reform

Six dead, dozens injured in mass shooting at July Fourth parade outside Chicago. The shooting comes weeks after a racist mass shootings at a Buffalo grocery store...

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3 Jul’ 2022

Top ten storytelling apps

Use the right storytelling app to inform and persuade more people to take action. How do you choose which app to choose? Does your message involve...

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2 Jul’ 2022

HIGH INSULIN PRICES devastate communities

Why does insulin cost eight times more in America than Canada? Follow the money from Big Pharma to Republican Senators keeping drug prices high with their...

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29 Jun’ 2022

Provide abortion services from Federal Lands

A Republican packed Supreme Court stripped women of their freedom to decide for themselves whether and when to have children. ... with no exceptions for rape...

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27 Jun’ 2022

Mapping Key 2022 Midterm Races

A small group of pale, male and stale Republicans have stolen our freedom to decide whether, when, and with whom to have a family. These midterms...

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21 Jun’ 2022

First they came for the Jews

Republican Ultra-MAGA political violence has terrifying parallels. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. - George Santayanya Perhaps that's why the GOP pushes...

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20 Jun’ 2022

Putin Republicans block aid for Ukraine as it fights to survive

Why are Republicans helping Putin by blocking aid to Ukraine? How do Ukrainian voters feel about the GOP betrayal of Ukraine and democratic values to support...

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16 Jun’ 2022

Casualties mount in the Republican WAR ON WOMEN

Elections have consequences. You get politicians who deny women healthcare and drive families into bankruptcy. Follow the struggles of a Texas family as it tries to...

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11 Jun’ 2022

Tax windfall profits to stop gas profiteering

Gas firms are gouging customers. The British government is taxing windfall gas profits to provide relief to consumers. "It's outrageous that oil and gas companies are...

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4 Jun’ 2022

Counterprogramming: Distract public attention to hide your role in the Jan 6th insurrection

'Flood the zone with shit' - Steve Bannon Counterprogramming tries to distract public attention (with BS) so people don't learn about the people behind the Jan...

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29 May’ 2022

Mass shootings mapped against NRA donations to Republicans

What's the connection between mass shootings and NRA donations to Republicans who weaken gun safety? Follow the money with this map that shows mass shooting details...

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25 May’ 2022

GOP filibuster kills gun safety bills as children die in mass shootings

In 2022, there have been 206 mass shootings as of May 25th, killing 236 Americans and injuring 888. Mass shootings seem to occur so frequently that...

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17 May’ 2022

Racism runs for office

A mass shooter kills ten people in Buffalo inspired by a racist 'replacement' conspiracy theory pushed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News and embraced by Republican...

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13 May’ 2022

Fix Medicaid. Don’t kill it.

Nothing hurts like a toothache - except lack of healthcare. You'd think that politicians would focus on the welfare of their constituents before waging culture wars....

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7 May’ 2022

Classifying Abortion as Murder: Taker vs Giver States

Louisiana is about to Charge Women Who Get Abortions With Murder. Minority Rule: How TAKER states exploit GIVER State generosity to persecute women Louisiana also ranks...

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5 May’ 2022

Extremist Candidate Tracker by Renew America Foundation

"MAGA CROWD 'MOST EXTREMIST POLITICAL ORGANIZATION' IN MODERN U.S. HISTORY" - President Biden How do you track political extremist candidates? In real time? Make their past...

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3 May’ 2022

The Future of Roe V. Wade: Women’s Choice Election 2022

The Republican-stacked Supreme Court poised to trash Roe v. Wade. EVERY non-voting woman and man who supports Reproductive Choice MUST know that we are: "JUST. 2....

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2 May’ 2022

National Parks for sale in GOP Plan

The GOP plan proposes to sell Government assets - which includes National Parks. 'Americans deserve to know what we will do when given the chance to...

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1 May’ 2022

Republicans wage war on women. #VoteProChoice

Republicans wage war on women. Ban abortions. Close clinics. Reward abortion vigilantes. Claim rape is an 'opportunity'. Other Republicans claim 'Legitimate rape doesn't cause pregnancy. A...

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30 Apr’ 2022

How to find your new voting district after redistricting

Voters often struggle to find their new voting districts after redistricting. A new map makes it free and easy. What's your new district after Republicans have...

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27 Apr’ 2022

Long COVID patients at risk from GOP scheme to kill ACA and coverage for pre-existing conditions

Almost a million Americans have died from COVID. Millions more suffer from Long COVID. The GOP 11 Point Plan kills ACA with its insurance for pre-existing...

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24 Apr’ 2022

Florida crime scene: DeSantis murders Black voters’ rights

‘Democracy in Florida isn't functioning.’ Governor’s rigged maps rob Black voters of power. - The Guardian Check the crime scene for yourself with this map to...

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22 Apr’ 2022

Inflation profiteer dodges taxes: Follow the money

How do billionaires exploit workers, cause inflation and dodge paying taxes? Follow the money. Bezos is worth over $200 billion and paid no Federal Income Tax...

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20 Apr’ 2022

Student loan relief: Mapping benefits of President Biden’s plan

"Biden To Cancel Student Loans For Thousands" - Newsweek How do you let more people know the benefits of a plan that will help thousands of...

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19 Apr’ 2022

Republican group smears reputations of women nominees of color: Follow the dark money.

"The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees" - Jane Mayer, New Yorker "The American Accountability Foundation (A.A.F.), which is run by conservative white men, has...

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17 Apr’ 2022

Fight the hate mongering dividing America

Fight hate mongering and the politics of dividing Americans to get elected. How does a community organize to fight a Klan rally? Respond to a shooting...

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13 Apr’ 2022

Where will gas prices fall from President Biden’s plan to expand ethanol usage?

How can a plan be shared so it's easy for people to see how they'll benefit from it? Maps are a great communication tool. They make...

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10 Apr’ 2022

Geotarget campaigns by zip code

Focus your campaign on the areas with the most potential supporters. Make the most of your campaign time, money and volunteers with geo-targeting. Use information on...

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9 Apr’ 2022

Stop FOX streaming Russian propaganda to American military bases

"As Ukrainians fight for their lives, it's time to permanently remove pro-Putin propaganda from US military bases. Stop brainwashing our troops. As the GOP has embraced...

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6 Apr’ 2022

Republicans block funds to fight COVID. Mapping where more Americans are likely to die.

Almost a million Americans have died from COVID. Republicans are now blocking funds to fight COVID. When did politics become so lethal? This map shows the...

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5 Apr’ 2022

Basketball legend, Steve Kerr calls for common sense gun safety measures after another mass shooting

The first four days of April have had an average of 95 shootings per day as Republicans block common sense gun safety measures. We need political...

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4 Apr’ 2022

Why does insulin cost so much? Follow the blood money Republicans get to block price cuts.

30 million American diabetics struggle to pay for the skyrocketing price of insulin. Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi make a killing from raising insulin prices....

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2 Apr’ 2022

Five practical ways to fight FOX spreading propaganda

Fox News opinion programs are the biggest source of disinformation. DDAD Defenders of Democracy Against Disinfo is a grassroots, nonprofit group. They have analyzed how Fox...

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30 Mar’ 2022

Mobilize supporters with free apps like BOWL PAC for PASS THE MORE ACT to decriminalize marijuana

70% of voters believe marijuana should be legal - Quinnipiac University Poll The House is expected to vote on the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act. (MORE...

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29 Mar’ 2022

Republicans cut free school meals for hungry kids but support tax cuts for wealthy donors.

Republicans claim to care about education but deny money for school meals. Surprise! You can't learn on an empty stomach. How do Republicans push for tax...

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27 Mar’ 2022

Putin Republicans: Follow The Rubles

Why are Republicans so fond of Putin? Follow the money to see how Putin and Russian oligarchs bought Republicans with donations and sexpionage. This PowerMap was...

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26 Mar’ 2022

Fight the Republican scheme to block seniors, disabled and struggling families without internet access from voting

Voting shouldn't be a privilege only for those with internet connectivity. How do Republicans make it hard for people without internet access to vote? Deny voting...

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23 Mar’ 2022

Stop paying FOX to spread Russian propaganda #UNFOXmycablebox

How do cable companies force you to pay for FOX even if you don't watch? How does FOX use your money to spread Russian propaganda? What...

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20 Mar’ 2022

Ginni Thomas’ Republican and Supreme Court connections: Mapping the ethics concerns

Ginni Thomas, right wing activist and wife of Justice Clarence Thomas has clients with cases before the Supreme Court. Should he recuse himself? Ginni's was at...

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18 Mar’ 2022

Democracy is on the Ballot. Mapping where Election Deniers are Running For Office.

Why do people who don't believe in fair elections run for office? They'll get to control how (and if) future elections will be run and votes...

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16 Mar’ 2022

America has oligarchs too. They’re called billionaires.

Oligarchs are very wealthy businessmen with a lot of political influence. American oligarchs (billionaires) dodge paying their fair share of taxes. This reduces funding for Child...

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14 Mar’ 2022

Geotarget better with maps and data. Stop guessing.

Smart maps combine maps and data. They take the guesswork out of choosing the best areas to target. Businesses pick the best locations for their stores...

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11 Mar’ 2022

Canvass smarter with door hangers

Door hangers are cost-effective for campaigns and they are a must during COVID. How does a grassroots campaign deliver its door hangers to thousands of houses...

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10 Mar’ 2022

Geotarget areas with more likely voters using cluster analysis to canvass smarter – not harder

Birds of a feather, flock together. So do voters. Find areas with high densities of likely voters with cluster analysis to canvass smarter - not harder....

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9 Mar’ 2022

What happens if Republicans overturn Roe v Wade?

Senate Republicans and Joe Manchin blocked  a bill aimed at preserving access to abortion if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade. "The Women's Health Protection...

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8 Mar’ 2022

Reach more Hispanics with online services to meet their needs. Echar una mano.

Design your outreach campaign around your audience's concerns. More engagement with less expense. This outreach applies proven community organizing principles. It engages people where they are....

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6 Mar’ 2022

DeSantistan : Crowdsourced news fights the Supreme Leader’s propaganda

How do you fight a propaganda machine? Have volunteers crowdsource the facts and make it easy for the public to see what's really going on. A...

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27 Feb’ 2022

State and Federal supreme courts should reflect­ the diversity of America

State and Federal supreme court justices should reflect­ the diversity of America for fair justice. Rich, white, male judges sentence men of color to prison, deny...

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25 Feb’ 2022

Putin’s Republican cheerleaders

Ronald Reagan condemned Russian communism. Many Republican leaders now praise Putin. What gives? Follow the money to see how Republican leaders became Putin cheerleaders. How Russia...

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22 Feb’ 2022

Radical Trump candidates put democracy on the ballot in 2022

Democracy is on the ballot in 2022 with extremist Trump candidates running for office. Many deny election results, spread conspiracy theories, associate with extremists, and push...

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19 Feb’ 2022

Don’t let electoral violence turn America into a banana republic

America taught other countries how to conduct safe and fair elections. Review those lessons before election violence turns America into a banana republic. Armed groups in...

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17 Feb’ 2022

Corporations fund Florida politicians pushing ‘Don’t say gay’ bill

Corporations claim to support LGBTQ rights, but donate to politicians who would punish teachers who discuss it. Corporate hypocrisy at its finest. But don't say greed....

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16 Feb’ 2022

Don’t let Gun Lobby Republicans hide behind Sandy Hook settlement. Demand gun safety reform now!

Sandy Hook families settle with Remington over school massacre. Gun lobby political donations buys Republican obstruction to common sense gun safety measures while mass shootings surge....

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14 Feb’ 2022

Fight voter suppression: Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase turnout.

Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase voter turnout to counter Republican voter suppression. How can organizers: Canvass people from the voter file or any...

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8 Feb’ 2022

Trump – McConnell judges cut voting rights

Trump - McConnell judges push voter suppression and laws that benefit the rich. Follow the money stacking the courts with conservative, activist judges. The U.S. Supreme...

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7 Feb’ 2022

Legitimate Political Discourse isn’t mob violence

G.O.P. Declares Jan. 6 Attack ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’ "The Republican National Committee voted to censure Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for participating in the inquiry...

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1 Feb’ 2022

Biden builds bridges, not walls.

Better roads and bridges help all Americans. Make it easy for people to see how they gain from President Biden's investment in infrastructure. How are your...

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30 Jan’ 2022

Spotify removes Neil Young over COVID misinfo protest. Follow the money to see why.

"Spotify removes Neil Young following rocker’s protest over COVID-19 misinformation" - PBS “I realized I could not continue to support Spotify’s life-threatening misinformation to the music...

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13 Jan’ 2022

Geotarget voters, direct their outrage, and build contact lists the easy way.

New apps make it easier for voters to get the facts and hold their politicians accountable. Voters struggle to quickly find their political rep and complain...

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9 Jan’ 2022

Fight rural voter suppression with better canvassing technology

Republicans make it harder for rural communities and tribal lands to vote. Canvass smarter with innovative apps to increase voter participation. Republicans exploit rural communities' remoteness,...

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1 Jan’ 2022

Geotarget with free Redistricting Data Hubs maps

Geotarget canvassing campaigns with data rich maps for better results. Redistricting Data Hub is a wonderful, free resource for non-partisan maps and data that can be...

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28 Dec’ 2021

Scarce free hospital beds reveal the high cost of politicians ignoring COVID experts

"Who Ya Gonna Believe Me or Your Own Eyes?" - Chico Marx There are no alternate facts when it comes to COVID. Deaths are real, no...

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26 Dec’ 2021

Cancel Student Debt

Why do Republicans ignore the deficit when they give tax cuts to wealthy donors, but use it as an excuse to deny relief from crushing student...

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22 Dec’ 2021

Grassroots canvassing innovations increase voter participation

Democracy works best when everyone's voice is heard - not just a loud minority. How can grassroots groups locate unregistered voters to increase voter participation? How...

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21 Dec’ 2021

Black Lung Disease Trust funding jeopardized as Build Back Better stalls

Senators jeopardize funding for coal miners sick with Black Lung Disease. Why? Follow the dark money political donations. "The coal industry is leaving a scarring legacy...

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20 Dec’ 2021

Republicans can’t handle the truth so they whitewash history.

Republican legislators push bills to whitewash history. "DeSantis proposes legislation to let parents sue teachers who tell the truth about U.S. history." - Popular Info "54...

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17 Dec’ 2021

Hunger games: Senators play politics with children’s lives

Child Tax Credit blocked by senators playing politics with children's lives. One in five West Virginia children lives in poverty. 93% of children in the state...

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13 Dec’ 2021

Follow the dirty money funding Republican climate change deniers

“There’s none so blind as those who will not listen.” - Neil Gaman Tornadoes devastate thousands of lives. Republicans deny climate change and block investments that...

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12 Dec’ 2021

Florida COVID death count dashboard: Politicians playing doctor is deadly.

"Beware of false prophets. By their fruit you will recognize them." - Matthew 7:16 Judge politicians on how they perform, not their gaslighting. "About 54,000 more...

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10 Dec’ 2021

Protest Photography Tips: How to Stay Safe while Capturing the Moment

A good photo tells a story that people get at a glance. These tips from professionals explain how to take great pictures while staying safe. Share...

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8 Dec’ 2021

Canvas smarter: Enhance voter files with targeting data and maps

Canvass smarter by enhancing voter files with demographic data and interactive maps. It's fast, simple and affordable. Business marketers use demographic data and visual analysis apps...

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5 Dec’ 2021

How to geo-target women denied control over their bodies to vote

Women denied control over their own bodies and forced by Republicans to have babies even if they are raped, have a strong reason to vote. How...

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1 Dec’ 2021

Republican hypocrisy: banning abortions but not assault weapons

Republicans preach sanctity of life for the unborn while ignoring the deaths caused by assault weapons. "Republicans talk about the sanctity of life, the very moment...

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30 Nov’ 2021

Billionaire owned media outlets distort news to favor the rich

Image: Succession on HBO Unemployment is at all time lows. Working families get more healthcare and money for childcare. Vaccinations save lives. But you'd never know....

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23 Nov’ 2021

Use ethnic media outlets to reach minority communities

Ethnic news outlets offer relevant and accurate news coverage to their communities. They counter-balance the negative messages and racist story selection from some large corporate news...

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21 Nov’ 2021

How Mitch McConnell politicized the American justice system

Mitch McConnell has stacked the courts with conservative judges. See how his scheme affects every American on things ranging from their health, voting rights and control...

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12 Nov’ 2021

Plan campaigns for redistricted seats better with data rich maps

Campaigns have to adapt their plans after redistricting. Good technology makes it fast, simple and affordable. What are the demographics of the new district? Age, income,...

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10 Nov’ 2021

Want better roads, safer bridges or faster internet? Invest in infrastructure.

Invest in the things that improve the lives of all Americans. Infrastructure. Republicans spend billions on bombs, but refuse to investing in fixing roads and bridges....

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8 Nov’ 2021

Republicans push taxation without representation

Republicans push taxation without representation but still want to collect taxes. That didn't work well for British royalty. The British enriched themselves off American colonies without...

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7 Nov’ 2021

Who is blocking the path to citizenship?

Republicans oppose DACA, Dreamers and a path to citizenship so their billionaire donors can get cheap labor. Corporations make money in two ways. Charge more for...

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6 Nov’ 2021

COVID death count in states opposing OSHA mandates

Politics is temporary, but death is permanent. This map shows states where politics trumps COVID safety measures. Who pays the price? Share this StoryMap freely with...

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5 Nov’ 2021

Fundraising? Tell your story well.

Good fundraisers are great storytellers. Make your story vivid and help supporters fundraise better for you. PEPY teaches technical skills to rural Cambodian youth so they...

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3 Nov’ 2021

Canvas better with smarter software

Canvas better with business software that does more and costs less. Canvassing is vital to register more voters and mobilize supporters. Think beyond the voter file...

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2 Nov’ 2021

Joel Kaplan: Zuck’s fixer and GOP operative

Facebook spreads Republican disinformation and promotes right-wing conspiracy theories. Meet Joel Kaplan, Republican operative and Zuckerberg fixer. "Kaplan is Facebook's vice president of global public policy. He...

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29 Oct’ 2021

Billionaires vs. America

Billionaires dodge paying taxes but impose their values on other Americans. Corporate politicians cover for them. How is the system rigged? Follow the money. This StoryMaps...

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24 Oct’ 2021

COVID collateral damage map of politicians ready to sacrifice your life to get re-elected

45 million confirmed COVID cases. Over 735,000 deaths as of 10/24/21. Yet Republican Governors and 24 Attorney Generals oppose vaccinations? Check the facts and decide whose...

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22 Oct’ 2021

Striketober. Mapping workers on strike for a living wage.

Billion dollar corporations that pay CEOs over $ 5 million annually but deny workers a living wage. Corporate politicians block the Build Back Better bill that...

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19 Oct’ 2021

Manchin’s objections to clean energy program costs US billions in climate funds

Climate change disasters cost tax payers billions every year while corporate politicians deny climate change and block reforms. Follow the money to see how oil, gas...

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15 Oct’ 2021

Republicans drag America into the Dark Ages on Women’s Reproductive Health

Republicans deny women reproductive healthcare, putting America behind China, Cuba and Iran. How have other countries moved ahead on women's healthcare while America moves backwards? How...

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12 Oct’ 2021

Facebook Enablers: Divest.

BlackRock has invested $54 billion in Facebook. That's hard to reconcile with BlackRock's claim of 'helping people build a better tomorrow'. Is it ethical to invest...

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11 Oct’ 2021

What’s in the Build Back Better bill for you? Freedom to thrive.

No matter what we look like or where we come from, we value our freedom. Why are some Senators denying us the freedom to thrive? The freedom...

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9 Oct’ 2021

The Pandora Papers expose shadow economy that benefits the wealthy at the expense of everyone else

Tax-free offshore money funds attacks against raising taxes on billionaires. Billionaires use offshore, tax-free money to fund opposition to President Biden's plan to have everyone pay...

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4 Oct’ 2021

Billionaire tax dodgers use political influence to rig the system

The richest 1% Americans dodge $175 billion in taxes every year. How do they get away with it? Follow the money... Where do the uber-rich live?...

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30 Sep’ 2021

Don’t mess with Texas women

Image: Handmaid's Tale - Hulu Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he'll “eliminate” rape rather than let victims get abortions. That's after his bill that bans abortions...

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29 Sep’ 2021

Billionaire welfare. Corporate tycoons oppose Build Back Better that helps regular Americans.

Multi-millionaire CEOs fund lobbyists to deny basic benefits for the rest of us. Politicians beholden to corporate donors. Follow the money to see how billionaires get...

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20 Sep’ 2021

Will there be a hospital bed available if you need it?

Ambulances wait for hours to get patients into overcrowded hospitals. Even the vaccinated are denied medical treatment because hospitals are filled with COVID patients - many...

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16 Sep’ 2021

Hold Facebook Accountable

Facebook spreads COVID disinformation, promotes violence; causes depression and meddles with elections. How does it get away with such disgusting corporate behavior ? Follow the money...

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3 Sep’ 2021

CEOs funding the hostile takeover of women’s bodies

Who are the CEOs funding the Republicans stacking the courts? Denying women control over their own bodies? Encouraging vigilantism? Follow the money to see how corporate...

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31 Aug’ 2021

Mapping the American sacrifice in Afghanistan

A tribute to the over 2,300 brave American service members who died in Afghanistan and the thousands more injured since President Bush first declared war in...

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29 Aug’ 2021

Voter suppression by eviction

A Supreme Court stacked with McConnell nominees overruled the CDC allowing landlords to evict thousands of families during a pandemic. Judicial activism now defines health policy....

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22 Aug’ 2021

Gerrymandering. Georgia style.

Georgia voter suppression includes gerrymandering and hostile takeovers of county election boards. NAACP Atlanta mobilizes resistance against racist voter suppression. NAACP makes it easier for people...

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19 Aug’ 2021

NAACP Atlanta organizes against Georgia Republicans’ hostile State takeover of County election boards

NAACP Atlanta mobilizes Georgians to contact their Republican senators to demand they stop their hostile take over of Fulton county elections. Georgia Republican lawmakers are mounting...

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17 Aug’ 2021

The Real Hunger Games

The poor fight each other to entertain the rich in the Hunger Games. Poor Americans struggle to survive while the rich thrive on tax cuts in...

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14 Aug’ 2021

Fair Districts Ohio fights gerrymandering

Public officials crush democracy by drawing legislative district maps to benefit their political party. Fair Districts Ohio organizes citizens to fight this gerrymandering.  Ohio voters passed...

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3 Aug’ 2021

Evicted? Thank these guys.

15 million people at the risk of eviction! Who's pushing for evictions during a pandemic? How do they make money from it? Get political patronage? How...

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1 Aug’ 2021

Wanted: Unregistered Voters

Use data analytics and behavioral targeting to find unregistered voters. It's easier and cheaper than you think. VoterPAC aims to register, rally, and empower the rising...

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23 Jul’ 2021

A better way to find and canvas unregistered voters

Find potentially unregistered voters - faster, easier and with less money using better technology and new data sources. Registering every eligible voter is critical with the...

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22 Jul’ 2021

American prison labor camps

The $80 billion prison industry enriches the powerful while exploiting and disenfranchising the poor. Prisons can force inmates to work for little or no wage per...

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19 Jul’ 2021

Reaching the politically invisible voter

Millions of Americans entitled to vote aren't in the Voter File. They're invisible to most campaigns. Voter files collect voter registration information (which is a matter...

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18 Jul’ 2021

Blood on their hands

COVID is an equal opportunity killer. It doesn't care who you voted for, or even if you voted at all. Death isn't a political issue. Should...

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14 Jul’ 2021

How the Florida Key Dems located eight thousand unregistered voters

"Seek and ye shall find" - Mathew 7:7 Philip Dodderidge is the Vice-Chair Florida Keys Democrats and searching for unregistered voters in the Florida Keys. He...

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9 Jul’ 2021

Fight rural hospital closures with Medicaid expansion

Republican led states reject Federal healthcare funding. Rural hospitals are closed denying poor, rural and communities or color the medical care they so desperately need. Where...

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4 Jul’ 2021

OxyContin: Follow the blood money

"Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, under scrutiny for role in opioid crisis, are big political spenders. As the opioid crisis continues to ravage the country...

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28 Jun’ 2021

Capitol insurrectionists top FBI’s Most Wanted List, while Republicans deny it happened

As rioters from the Capitol Insurrection top the FBI's most wanted list, Republican's deny that the attack even took place. "On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the U.S....

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16 Jun’ 2021

How billionaires strangle democracy to get richer

There is something very wrong when billionaires do not pay taxes, deny their workers a living wage and use political donations to prevent people from voting....

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13 Jun’ 2021

Build opt-in contact lists & conduct surveys with free mobile coupon offers

Image credit: Jack In The Box mobile coupon offering Businesses use mobile coupons to attract customers and build opt-in contact lists. The same technique works for...

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12 Jun’ 2021

Maps are an activist’s best friend

Maps help activists and campaigns engage, inform and mobilize supporters. New apps make it easy. Maps are easy to understand and navigate. They're intuitive and wonderful...

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11 Jun’ 2021

Republicans slash unemployment benefits. Where will the suffering be worst?

Republican cruelty to the poor to please their corporate donors has no limits. Republican Governors play politics and slash unemployment benefits to sabotage the recovery brought...

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8 Jun’ 2021

Opioid epidemic: Map the profits, political donations and deaths.

The opioid epidemic involves over 500,000 deaths and a $13 billion fortune. How much do you know about Purdue Pharma? The Sackler Family and their political...

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31 May’ 2021

Public infrastructure or tax cuts? Check these maps for answers.

Republicans block investments in public infrastructure but give huge tax cuts to their rich donors. Working Americans struggle with poor infrastructure. Invest tax payers' money in...

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17 May’ 2021

133 reasons to invest in American infrastructure

How much is an American life worth? How do politicians gladly pay for trillions in tax cuts for the rich, but won't pay for safe roads...

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30 Apr’ 2021

Find unregistered voters with precision mapping

Fight voter suppression by leaving no eligible voter behind with easy-to-use precision mapping apps. Find areas likely to have unregistered voters with the same precision mapping...

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26 Apr’ 2021

Looking for unregistered voters? Use SMART MAPPING.

Businesses pick the best location for stores with Smart Mapping. The same technology also works to find unregistered voters. Most maps just show locations on a...

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21 Apr’ 2021

Protect your voting power during redistricting. Draw Community Of Interest maps.

How redistricting draws boundaries often determines who gets elected. Redistricting can split a community leaving people without a representative who feels responsible for their concerns. How...

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27 Mar’ 2021

Mass shootings surge while Republicans block common sense gun safety measures

Seven deadly mass shootings in a week! What will it take to pass common sense gun safety measures? Who is behind the obstruction that gets more...

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26 Mar’ 2021

Black voters in Georgia recognize that voting has its rewards. Don’t let anyone snatch that away.

Sometimes the benefits of voting aren't obvious. For Black voters in Georgia they are, courtesy a NAACP Atlanta StoryMap that shows how they gain from the...

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24 Mar’ 2021

The ultimate voter registration machine

How can remote, under-served communities get reliable information? How can advocacy groups promote voter registration and COVID vaccinations? And build opt-in contact lists at the same...

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3 Mar’ 2021

When they go low with more voting restrictions, we expand free internet access so no voter is left behind

As Republicans introduce new Jim Crow style voting restrictions, it's vital to empower more eligible citizens to vote. Free internet access enables more people to learn...

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3 Feb’ 2021

Activists Take On Prison Industrial Complex

"Regions Bank Of Alabama Turns Its Back On CoreCivic" Morgan Simon's article in Forbes.com inspired us to explore how strategic activism works. How did community organizers...

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26 Jan’ 2021

Who’s getting rich dividing Americans?

"Give a capitalist enough rope and he'll hang himself." - Karl Marx Marx would smile if he could see how American billionaires make money inciting attacks...

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18 Jan’ 2021

Trying to reach more people? Use non-political headlines.

What gets read? What gets skipped? It all starts with the headline. How do you get your message read by more people across the political spectrum?...

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4 Jan’ 2021

Pardon or execute? How wealth trumps justice.

When money buys freedom, it is the poor who die. The Republican Trump administration has pardoned dozens of wealthy supporters while rushing to execute poor people...

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30 Nov’ 2020

Mitch’s scheme to tax without representation

McConnell aims to cling to power by creating an American underclass that pays taxes but cannot vote and gets no benefits. His scheme overturns the American...

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18 Nov’ 2020

Map 2020 voter turnout and votes cast by Georgia county to hone your get-out-the-vote efforts

How many registered Georgia voters didn't vote? Who many votes were cast in the Presidential, Senatorial and other races per county? How can these insights help...

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16 Nov’ 2020

Little Sis tracks the political connections and lobbying of the ultra-rich and corporations

Who do the wealthiest Americans donate their money to? Where did White House officials work before they were appointed? Which lobbyists are married to politicians? Who...

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15 Nov’ 2020

A map is worth 5,000 words to find unregistered Georgia voters

Which counties have the most unregistered voters? How does a county's racial composition impact how many residents get to vote? Where should organizers focus to increase...

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14 Nov’ 2020

Hit the road to mobilize rural Black voters in Georgia

Rural voters decide many elections. Organizers have to deal with remote communities, poor roads and sparse internet coverage to organize and mobilize them to vote. Reclaim...

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11 Nov’ 2020

What kind of voting machine processed your ballot?

"Democracy relies on citizens’ trust that each vote is counted as cast" - Verified Voting Who makes the machines that count the votes? How are votes...

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27 Oct’ 2020

How The Lincoln Project converts voters into citizen reporters

Voters become citizen reporters with SeeSay2020 to spotlight incidents of voter suppression making it easier for voting right advocates and the media to react quickly. Superman...

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26 Oct’ 2020

Don’t even think about intimidating voters. State laws and penalties.

Federal law prohibits voter intimidation. The right of each voter to cast his or her ballot free from intimidation or coercion is the foundation of a...

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25 Oct’ 2020

Trust but verify. Take photos of poll tapes to make sure vote counts add up correctly.

"Photograph poll tapes at the polling place on election night and check the vote totals against the official vote totals to catch erroneous election results." -...

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22 Oct’ 2020

Inside Edition, billboards & The Lincoln Project show voters how to report voter suppression.

How do you tackle rampant voter suppression? Thousands of citizen reporters exposing voting issues and getting them quickly to the press, officials and voting rights advocates....

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20 Oct’ 2020

Dirty tricks abound, what voter suppression looks like in 2020

See Something, Say Something converts citizen reports of voter suppression and election irregularities into real time maps and alerts. This year, voter suppression is taking many...

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10 Oct’ 2020

SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING about voter intimidation.

Federal law prohibits voter intimidation. How can voters report issues preventing them from voting or other election related irregularities in time to do something about it?...

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24 Sep’ 2020

Florida early voting locations map. How to crowdsource information to help more people vote.

Information on when and where to vote improves voter turnout, but often hard to find. Organizers crowdsource early voting and dropbox locations and freely share them...

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9 Sep’ 2020

Trying to connect with ethnic minority voters? Find the right influencer with this free app.

Work with influencers trusted by a community in your outreach to minority groups. Ethnic Media Services promotes cross cultural communications through their network hundreds of journalists,...

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31 Aug’ 2020

Expert tips on writing text messages that get attention

Peer-to-peer texting offers a personalized way to connect with voters. Texting campaigns costs much less than other forms of outreach. They get a higher read and response...

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6 Aug’ 2020

Do voters even care about that issue? There’s a way to find out.

More than 60 Green Berets pay their respects to the first U.S. soldier killed by hostile fire in Afghanistan. What issues do veterans prioritize? "Russia Secretly...

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25 Jul’ 2020

Republicans just don’t care. How to map the millions of families they’re about to make homeless during a pandemic.

Republican senators are blocking unemployment benefits for millions of Americans devastated by the Coronavirus. This will make millions of Americans homeless and cause more deaths. How...

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18 Jul’ 2020

Social media analysis of reaction to masked Federal agents abducting Portland protestors

"Federal agents dressed in camouflage and tactical gear have taken to the streets of Portland, unleashing tear gas, bloodying protesters and pulling some people into unmarked...

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4 Jul’ 2020

¡Yo hablo español, 中文 and हिन्दी too!

One in five American speaks a language other than English at home. CIS 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. DigiDayThe message is clear: caption...

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2 Jul’ 2020

Mapping the protests across America

Preview(opens in a new tab) Protests sweep the nation, but it's hard to fully appreciate the hunger for change. Where are protests occurring? What are their...

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20 Jun’ 2020

Four innovations to get out the vote in Virginia

Reclaim Our Vote (ROV), a grassroots group in Virginia is innovating to get-out-the-vote (GOTV) in Virginia's primary election. Its volunteers will text 32,000 voters in three...

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18 Jun’ 2020

Voting. Georgia Style.

Georgia is truly special. Hours long lines to vote. Missing vote by mail ballots. $110 million spent on new voting machines. What gives? When in doubt,...

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15 Jun’ 2020

Use Petitions To Harness Outrage And Build Contact Lists With Free New App

Harness the outrage through targeted petitions and also build lists of supporters. Petition drives work, but the pandemic has forced organizing online which demands innovation. Existing...

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12 Jun’ 2020

Nationwide Map Of Police Brutality Created From Tweets

Source: Twitter Police officers trample peaceful protestors in Houston. Police push 75 year old man to the ground and leave him bleeding in Buffalo. How can these...

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9 Jun’ 2020

Three Free Safety Apps For Protestors

Police violence and digital surveillance shouldn't be used to intimidate peaceful protestors. These free apps protect protestors exercising their First Amendment right to "assemble peaceably and...

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8 Jun’ 2020

More Police, Doctors Or Teachers?

Police budgets explode and prisons fill up. Coronavirus care and schools suffers. Voter suppression in black communities increases. How are the three connected? Tax payer dollars...

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7 Jun’ 2020

Convert Protestors Into Voters With Geofenced Ad Campaigns

[caption id="attachment_2449" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Protesters teargassed as police disperse them near the White House. ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP[/caption] Protesting is good, but voting is even better. How do...

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6 Jun’ 2020

Follow The Money To Understand Zuckerberg’s Actions

Why would Mark let Facebook be used for racist messages? Follow the money ... Cut through lies and deception to find the truth by "following the money"....

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1 Jun’ 2020

Hold Police Officers Accountable For Their Misconduct

How do police officers get away with terrible deeds? Police union contracts. Check The Police analyzes police union contracts that make it more difficult to hold...

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31 May’ 2020

How To Track Twitter Trolls Promoting Racial Discord

How do trolls promote racial strife and violence on social media?  "Outsiders, extremists are among those fomenting violence in Twin Cities" - MPR. "The goal is to attack...

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27 May’ 2020

How To Find Ballot Drop Boxes And Early Voting Locations In Georgia

Voters in Georgia's June 9th election can return their absentee ballots at drop box without a stamp or any human contact. How do they find the...

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14 May’ 2020

Speak To Voters In Their Language

Asian American voters are the margin of victory in many key races. Make sure you message reaches the. Translate & caption your videos. In this blog you'll...

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11 May’ 2020

Geotargeted Campaigns Mobilize Voters Struggling With The Coronavirus

Use geotargeting to reach those struggling with the Coronavirus. Geotargeting uses data collected from mobile apps to precisely target messages based on people's activities and movements. For instance, patients visiting a hospital...

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6 May’ 2020

Who Lives? Who Dies?

Why do some black counties in Georgia have 20 times as many deaths as nearby white counties? What impact does voter suppression have on the healthcare provide to African...

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2 May’ 2020

Human Sacrifice To Corporate Greed

What's behind the rush to re-open and force workers back to Coronavirus infested meatpacking plants? Who is pushing to shield corporations from their COVID19 liability? "McConnell is demanding...

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27 Apr’ 2020

Conduct Polls In A Pandemic? Use Chatbots.

Collecting accurate, timely information in a pandemic needs innovation. Mothers Of Hope uses chatbots to collect information from Kalamazoo residents about their Coronavirus care and census participation. The group encourages community members...

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25 Apr’ 2020

Givers & Takers

A pandemic is no time to play political games when people are dying. Mitch McConnell refused Federal aid to states that were Democrat, calling it a 'Blue State Bailout'. "Mr....

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17 Apr’ 2020

Your Money. Your Life.

Elections have consequences. So do tax cuts.  Make it easy for people to understand cause and effect with interactive visuals. We used StoryMaps (a free app) to illustrate...

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30 Mar’ 2020

Pandemic Land Grab

Why would the Trump Administration strip one of the oldest Native American tribes of its land during the Coronavirus pandemic? Activists decided to 'follow the money'...

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23 Mar’ 2020

Crowdsourced Infomap Helps Idaho Communities Prepare For Coronavirus

Accurate, timely information is valuable - especially while you're preparing for a pandemic. Which stores have supplies you need? Which facilities open? Which offices are open at different times?...

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12 Mar’ 2020

How Many Coronavirus Tests Has Your State Conducted?

"Testing is a key tool in limiting the spread of coronavirus. You need to know who has contracted the virus so those people can be isolated, and...

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10 Mar’ 2020

Bots Push To Overturn Roe V Wade Decision

Image adapted from Handmaid's Tale & Terminator Protests rage as the Supreme Court reviews  a case that could could 'render protections by Roe v Wade meaningless'. How are...

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9 Mar’ 2020

Coronavirus Atlas Map US Cases, Safety Tips And Official Response.

There are facts - and 'alternative facts'.  A means to find the truth is needed when alternate facts put lives at risks.   Coronavirus Atlas is a free app created...

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16 Dec’ 2019

Young Activists Make The Best Storytellers

If you're not at the table, you're on the menu.Get to the table by engaging others to your side with story-telling. Young activists excel at crafting...

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21 Nov’ 2019

Impeachment Web: Data Analytics Applied To Trace The People, Connections, Favors And Money.

Too much information is worse than too little. Facts get lost. Connections get overlooked. Data analysis converts information into meaningful insights. Background The impeachment hearings have...

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16 Nov’ 2019

Supreme Court To Decide Future Of DACA. StoryMap Explains What’s At Stake.

Ending DACA and deporting 700,000 Dreamers will devastate families and cripple communities. People should understand what's at stake as the Supreme Court reviews President Trump's plan...

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10 Nov’ 2019

The Beginner’s Guide To Running A Low-Budget, Geo-Targeted Political Ad Campaign.

Reach voters on their phones even if you don't have their phone numbers with geo-targeting. Tips on running a smart, frugal campaign. Background "Bhuwan Pyakurel is running...

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7 Nov’ 2019

Map The Battlefield, Before You Launch Your Campaign.

Activists fight with limited resources against well funded political incumbents. They have to pick their targets strategically. Good mapping software can be the equalizer. Which incumbents...

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25 Oct’ 2019

The Iowa Caucuses: Analyzing What, Where And When The Candidates Doing?

Campaigns have to make the most of limited time, money and staff. What events should be held? Where? When? What are the other campaigns doing? Software...

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23 Oct’ 2019

And The Award For The Most Creative Voter Suppression Scheme Goes To …

  Creativity should be recognized. Even if it is evil and killing democracy by suppressing votes. DemLabs is partnering with voting rights groups on 'Voter Suppression...

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18 Oct’ 2019

Wrong Polling Location Info Can Devastate Voter Turnout.

Mapping apps easily guide people to their destinations. Why then do voters often get sent to the wrong polling location?   Bad data on polling centers....

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15 Oct’ 2019

Trying To Understand The Impeachment Inquiry? Use A Relationship Map Follows The Money.

Tracking a complex case of corruption? Use a relationship map to follow the money.   How to map a swamp It's easy to get lost in...

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10 Oct’ 2019

Betrayal Map: Why Are The Kurds Being Abandoned?

One day you're a loyal American ally. The next you're cannon fodder. What explains the sudden change in American policy towards the Kurds? Democracy Partners wanted...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Persuasion To Go. Voting Rights Group Uses Billboards To Get Out The Vote In North Carolina.

Billboards work. They're persuasive and cost effective. Here's how Center For Common Ground used billboards in North Carolina-3 to increase voter turnout in the recent special election. Results Cost of billboard...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Lessons From Black Voters Matter Geofenced Get-Out-The-Vote Mobile Ad Campaign In NC.

Geofenced mobile ads reach more people with better precision for less. Black Voters Matter campaign in North Carolina's special election put the approach to good use. African American voters are important voting...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Grassroots Group Harnesses Consumer Spending To Local Businesses Supporting The Community.

Money talks. And it walks. Every purchase is a vote of support for that business. A consumer boycott is a vote against firms that live off the community but give back little in...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Multimedia App Explains Money At Play In Blocking Gun Control Reform.

Short TV segments don't explain complex issues well. How can sustained public support for gun control be built, when mass shootings are soon forgotten and politicians obfuscate? It's not...

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31 Aug’ 2019

App Helps Florida Residents Track Hurricane Dorian And Explains How Cuts To FEMA Will Hurt.

App tracks storm in real-time to help Florida residents prepare for Hurricane Dorian. How will the $155 million cut to FEMA disaster-relief funds hurt? What is behind the cuts? Timely,...

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28 Aug’ 2019

How To Enrich The Voter File With Other Data Sources For Better Results.

Use the best tool(s) available. It's no different in campaigns. Enrich the Voter File with other data sources for better results. Smarter targeting and  canvassing. Better results in fund raising and finding unregistered voters....

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28 Aug’ 2019

What’s In Common Between The Contaminated Water Crisis In Flint, Newark And Baltimore?

What do Flint, Newark and Baltimore all suffering from lead-contaminated water have in common? Their disasters are distinct, but share a common thread. How can the cause be explained vividly in order to build...

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28 Aug’ 2019

American Soybean Farmers Suffer From Tariffs On China. StoryMap Explains The Issue.

Why would the Chief of the US Department of Agriculture mock farmers hurt by trade wars as 'Whiners'? A volunteer research team found that farmers' suffering was both real and widespread. "Net farm...

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19 Aug’ 2019

Companies Profit By Hiring Prison Labor & Undocumented Workers.

"Hundreds of Their Workers Were Arrested in Mississippi ICE Raids, But No Employers Have Been Charged Yet." - TIME reported. Important issues are skimmed and soon forgotten. Most are too...

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12 Aug’ 2019

Time Lapse Map Shows The Growing Epidemic Of Mass Shootings And Domestic Terrorism.

The true horror of mass shootings is lost as the media moves to the next tragedy and politicians stall with platitudes. The outrage dissipates. How can the danger from gun violence...

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12 Aug’ 2019

Volunteers Crowdsource Research On Moscow Mitch’s Connections, Contributors And Foreign Friends.

Why would the Senate Majority Leader block a measure to strengthen US election security? A small team of volunteers researched possible forces behind Moscow Mitch's decision. They researched publicly available information to uncover the...

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12 Aug’ 2019

Mobilizing Citizens To Prevent Cuts To The Food Stamp Program. Technology For A Rapid Response.

The Trump administration is planning to cut the Food Stamp program. This would eliminate SNAP benefits for 3.1 million individuals and take free school meals away from the children in...

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31 Jul’ 2019

Moscow Mitch blocks bills to strengthen election security. How to use technology to follow the money and connections behind his decision.

A single image often captures the truth better than dozens of reports. Technology now makes it easy to design network maps that reveal the motives and connections behind an action. We used this...

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26 Jul’ 2019

As State Close Down Clinics, ACN Uses New Apps To Help Women Find The Nearest One Still Open.

It's becoming increasingly difficult for patients to get care as more and more reproductive healthcare clinics are forced to shut down. Families are being forced to travel further, spend more, and take more time...

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24 Jul’ 2019

Who Profits From The Private ICE Detention Center Boom? Mapping This Swamp To Expose Money’s Role.

Dangerous creatures hide and thrive in swamps. It isn't easy to understand what goes on in swamps - real or political. Details are concealed. Motivations are masked. People have...

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22 Jul’ 2019

Who Profits From The Opioid Epidemic? Free App Maps Connections & Contributions To Follow The Money.

"Follow the money", Deep Throat advised reporters investigating the Nixon Watergate scandal. The advice is still apt and applies to many issues including the opioid crisis. But it's harder than...

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17 Jul’ 2019

Western Native Voice Uses Free App To Organize Native American Communities.

Organizing Native American communities is challenging. Tribal lands span hundreds of square miles often without internet or cell coverage. Community members often use mailboxes instead of a street address which...

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17 Jul’ 2019

Think Outside The (Mail)Box. Virginia Candidate Uses Voter File For Targeted Mobile Ad Campaign.

People respond more to their phones than letters. It's time for campaigns to think outside the (mail)box. An insurgent campaign in Virginia is innovating to try to unseat the incumbent...

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15 Jul’ 2019

New Map Highlights ‘Hard To Count’ Communities That May Be Left Out Of The Census.

The 2020 census will be different. It's counting on more people to complete census questionnaires online to reduce the need for field workers. This hurts communities without dependable internet access,...

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11 Jul’ 2019

Ten Security Tips From Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protestors For Activists In The ‘Land Of The Free’.

Protestors in Hong Kong have shown that it is possible to organize in a tightly monitored and censored environment. They offer ten practical security tips a free online handbook. Taking...

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9 Jul’ 2019

Free canvassing app for voter registration & census turnout – works without internet access.

Many rural communities suffer from a lack of connectivity. It's harder to stay informed, benefit from online services, locate polling locations, vote and take part in the census. Organizers struggle to reach...

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28 Jun’ 2019

Skill For Good: Matches digital storyteller volunteers with non-profits using an ‘Uber-like’ model.

Ride-sharing services like Uber make it convenient to get a ride by quickly matching passengers with nearby drivers. Why is it so hard to match volunteers...

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31 May’ 2019

As Alabama Legislators Close Abortion Clinics, Chatbot Jane Sees Surge In Searches Out-Of-State.

Lawmakers Vote to Effectively Ban Abortion in Alabama "These bills essentially ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected, usually about six weeks into pregnancy, a time...

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25 May’ 2019

Get Your Message Heard Without Breaking The Bank. A Workshop For Underfunded Campaigns.

Necessity is the mother of invention. So is lack of funding. Underfunded campaigns need new ways to compete against better funded opponents. Technology can level the playing field, but awareness and...

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10 May’ 2019

Virginia Candidates Create Issue-Specific Campaign Videos With Free, Innovative App.

"There is an 80% increase in the time spent on watching videos ... 45% of the people surveyed in North America said they expect to watch even more videos on...

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6 May’ 2019

Target ads with geographic info on people’s movements and the places they’ve visited.

Farmers use digital tags to monitor their livestock. Advertisers have it easier. People voluntarily carry tags that constantly report their position and activity: mobile phones. Geomarketing Personal...

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3 May’ 2019

Up your game with this library of free campaigning and organizing ‘how to’ guides.

Grassroots organizing changes constantly with new tactics and apps. How can the lessons learned on one campaign be quickly shared with other progressive groups? Blueprints for Change converts know-how from campaign organiziners into free...

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29 Apr’ 2019

They only listen to their own voters. Use geocoding to mobilize better and focus supporters’ energy.

Elected officials only listen to their own voters. So it's essential for campaigns need to direct their supporters to lobby the right official. How can this be done with shifting...

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19 Mar’ 2019

Two Free Mapping Apps To Better Target Campaigns

Winning campaigns want to focus their resources and efforts to maximize impact. The challenge is where to focus for the most votes and what issues to emphasize?...

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5 Mar’ 2019

How To Find And Mobilize Voters With Geo-Fenced Mobile Ads

Where and when someone goes reveals a lot about them. Savvy marketers use these clues to target their ads. Mobile apps report their user's location so they can get a...

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6 Feb’ 2019

Innovations For Persuasive Digital Storytelling.

No one gets it right the first time. It’s how fast we learn and adapt that matters. DemLabs partners with campaigns to innovate better ways of digital persuasion. Following is the process we use,...

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10 Jan’ 2019

2020 Census: Let’s count everyone.

Who do you trust for advice? Probably someone you already know who shares your values and concerns. How can such trust encourage more people to take part...

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8 Jan’ 2019

A smart way to find addresses of people to persuade.

Ready. Aim. Fire. Accurate targeting matters. That's why businesses spend billions for the best data to target their outreach. It's the same with campaigns: data quality will determine...

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21 Dec’ 2018

Free resource to locate potential swing voters (and more)

Finding swing voters is hard. Locating people with specific traits, has typically required money, time and technical skills - putting it out of the reach of...

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17 Dec’ 2018

Speaking truth to power – Through digital storytelling.

Powerful corporations hire marketing experts and lobbyists to push their agenda. How does a small community group get the truth heard in such an uneven fight? Here is an...

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8 Oct’ 2018

Where’s the rally?

Uber can immediately match passengers with drivers nearby. Their technology works. So why is it so hard to easily find out about rallies and events nearby?...

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8 Oct’ 2018

Use the news cycle to amplify your marketing

Winning marketing campaigns successfully surf the wave.  The message goes further with less effort. Marketing campaigns aligned with the news, increase the odds of getting picked up by...

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13 Sep’ 2018

What’s your story?

Attention spans are shorter. Complex issues have to be simplified and told persuasively to get people to act. Videos are engaging and informative, but they aren't interactive. Infographics and...

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11 Sep’ 2018

Micro Target Your Canvassers

Uber does it. Lyft does it. Send drivers to where there's known demand - rather than going to the same old locations as many cabs do. It's...

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5 Sep’ 2018

Micro-targeting made simple

"GoFundMe raises thousands to place billboard of Trump's anti-Cruz tweet in Texas". Where exactly should you place a billboard to reach the people you want to target? Companies...

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30 Jul’ 2018

Where’s my prescription?

"An Arizona women was suffering a miscarriage and her pharmacist refused to fill her prescription because he decided that his beliefs were more important than what she and...

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9 Jul’ 2018

They don’t want you to vote

The Supreme Court just ruled aggressive purging of voter rolls. "States can now kick people off the rolls if they skip a few elections and fail...

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6 Jul’ 2018

Jon’s Getting It Done.

When you have a solid track record of results, let the facts speak for themselves. The Tester campaign just launched an interactive StoryMap to highlight how...

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5 Jul’ 2018

Join The Search Party For Fifty Million Unregistered Voters

There are FIFTY million unregistered voters in America! The number of voters is being threatened with voter roll purges and restrictive voter ID policies. Every single...

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5 Jul’ 2018

All Votes Count. Some Just Count More Than Others.

The right to vote is under attack. Confusing requirements and other hurdles are designed to discourage specific groups from voting. And turnout drops with voter suppression, as the 2016 election shows....

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23 Apr’ 2018

Show AND Tell

Attention spans are short. Your call to action has to be clear and compelling. You should both show & tell. Story Maps can help. They combine facts, figures and timelines into a compelling...

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13 Feb’ 2018

What Your Campaign Can Learn From Starbucks

The success or failure of a new store depends on how close it is to its best customers. In the "old days", the placement of a...