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11 September, 2018

Micro Target Your Canvassers

Uber does it. Lyft does it. Send drivers to where there's known demand - rather than going to the same old locations as many cabs do. It's a smarter use of resources. Similar technology can improve canvasser productivity so they meet more people, in less time, with less effort. Where are the best spots and times to micro-target canvassers? Local volunteers know their communities best. Have them collect this information for you. A campaign manager defines what information to collect in Survey 123 and shares a link (via email, SMS, social media) with local volunteers. They collect the details needed using this link - without having to install an app. The tagged locations are mapped automatically and used to micro target canvassers. Just like Uber and Lyft, it's simple and efficient. "Where Do We Canvass?" Organize For Action advises "the goal of any canvass is to talk to as many people as possible." Therefore, we want to target areas that are dense with people and allow us to easily talk to them all. We recommend canvassing both door to door and public locations where people pass by regularly. Good canvass spots include grocery stores, sporting events, public transport stops, fast food restaurants, parks, college campuses. Try it for yourself by pretending to tag a canvassing location at this link from a mobile phone. (You can do this anonymously with a random address). This is the console that the campaign manager sees. Information from volunteers is immediately mapped as they submit it. Individual records can be queried and data can be exported as a spreadsheet for use in other applications. DemLabs didn't develop this solution. We applied Survey 123, an existing ESRI software package in response to a request from a campaign in Virginia that wanted to use their canvassers most effectively. Using applications that have already been proven in business is faster and cheaper and involves less risk than developing new software. Drop us a line if you'd like to learn more - or have some other challenge that might be solved using existing technology. 
Co-Founder, DemLabs
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30 Jan’ 2024

Help America Vote: POWER THE POLLS

January 30 is Help America Vote Day! Sign up to be a poll worker to help ensure that elections this November are safe, secure, and accessible....

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18 Jan’ 2024

Demographic Geotargeting: Your Shortcut to Finding Voters

Find likely voters with the the same tools that businesses use to find their customers. Improve your odds of finding likely voters by factoring in those...

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26 Dec’ 2023

Learn to tell your ‘Story Of Self’ with this free video tutorial

A STORY OF SELF tells why we have been called to serve. It expresses the values or experiences that call each person to take leadership on...

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13 Nov’ 2023

BIDEN 18: Mapping the Democrats’ route to recapturing the House

"The route to recapturing the House runs through the “Biden 18” - the 18 Republicans sitting in districts won by Joe Biden in 2020." - Washington...

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8 Nov’ 2023

How to frame an issue and amplify your message through supporters

How do you get your message heard when there's a lot of noise? Copy choir directors. Choose a song and have all your choir members sing...

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6 Nov’ 2023

Build contact lists faster with helpful info for the people you’re trying to reach

Savvy organizers build goodwill by serving the needs of their community. Helplines use the same approach to build contact lists. Choose "PULL" over "PUSH" marketing. Push...

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8 Oct’ 2023

How To Use DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS To Run Smarter Campaigns

Savvy marketers use Demographic Analysis to find and persuade customers to buy their products. Demographics is a fast, affordable technique works just as well in political...

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6 Sep’ 2023

Dialing for Democracy: Phonebank to Defend Reproductive Rights in Virginia

Reproductive rights are on the ballot in Virginia in November 2023. Virginia Republican Governor Youngkin is pushing for 15 week abortion ban. Other Virginia Republicans are...

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19 Aug’ 2023

Campaign Better With SMART Maps

Running a campaign with a slate of candidates? Tiny budget? Small non-tech team? Tight deadlines? Use a SMART MAP. The National Women's Political Caucus of Virginia...

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7 Aug’ 2023

Organizing Unleashed – Free Audio Book Condenses Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’

Saul Alinsky is the father of community organizing. He wrote Rules for Radicals in 1972 which explains his organizing philosophy for organizers and community activists. Both President...

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3 Aug’ 2023

Volunteer to Protect Democracy

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting...

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10 Apr’ 2023

Republican racism trumps gun violence concerns

Tennessee Republicans Accused of Racism After Expelling Two Black Lawmakers - Newsweek How are Republicans so concerned about the unborn but fine with born children being...

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2 Apr’ 2023

Heather Booth podcast on organizing for women’s rights & the critical Wisconsin Supreme Court election

Image: Wikipedia Heather Booth podcasts the need to organize to bring about change based on a lifetime of activism for women's rights and social justice. Heather...

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28 Mar’ 2023

Phonebank for abortion rights at stake in Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Image credit: Roy Lichtenstein The Wisconsin Supreme Court race could decide abortion rights and 2024 rules in key battleground. Susan Pfeiffer, veteran phone phonebank organizer explains...

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25 Mar’ 2023


Dog whistles are coded messages that are understood by a particular group of people but not heard by most people. Learn to recognize dog whistles to understand...

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29 Jan’ 2023

Use geo-targeting to organize food-stamp users who’d be denied meat under Republican proposal

"Iowa Republicans want to ban food-stamp users from buying meat" - CBS News Iowa last year had a state budget surplus of $2 billion, and the...

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23 Dec’ 2022

Where do women have the most rights? Iran, America, Cuba or Afghanistan?

The Taliban ban women in Afghanistan from attending university. - AP Women in Iran can be jailed for watching a men's football game. Ten year old...

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18 Nov’ 2022

Winning 2022 midterms messages

What was the winning midterm message? Freedom. Democrats described freedom differently: from women's freedom to decide for themselves (AOC), freedom to learn (Josh Shapiro) to economic...

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13 Aug’ 2022

Test your BULLSHIT METER with this Mar-a-Lago quiz

How good is your bullshit meter? Find out with this quiz. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to...

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18 Jul’ 2022

Assign canvassers to areas where they have more in common with residents with geotargeting

Assign canvassers with geotargeting to areas where they'll be most effective. People respond better to those they can relate to. Choose canvassers that best match that...

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28 May’ 2022

Fight WhatsApp disinfo with volunteer fact checking

WhatsApp messages are encrypted, spread instantly through closed groups making it the ideal platform for spreading disinfo. People trust messages posted on their WhatsApp closed groups....

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21 Apr’ 2022

Stand up against hate

“Hate will only win if people like me stand by and let it happen" "In response to a colleague who had called her a “groomer” in...

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14 Mar’ 2022

Geotarget better with maps and data. Stop guessing.

Smart maps combine maps and data. They take the guesswork out of choosing the best areas to target. Businesses pick the best locations for their stores...

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11 Mar’ 2022

Canvass smarter with door hangers

Door hangers are cost-effective for campaigns and they are a must during COVID. How does a grassroots campaign deliver its door hangers to thousands of houses...

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10 Mar’ 2022

Geotarget areas with more likely voters using cluster analysis to canvass smarter – not harder

Birds of a feather, flock together. So do voters. Find areas with high densities of likely voters with cluster analysis to canvass smarter - not harder....

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8 Mar’ 2022

Reach more Hispanics with online services to meet their needs. Echar una mano.

Design your outreach campaign around your audience's concerns. More engagement with less expense. This outreach applies proven community organizing principles. It engages people where they are....

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14 Feb’ 2022

Fight voter suppression: Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase turnout.

Canvass smarter to register more voters and increase voter turnout to counter Republican voter suppression. How can organizers: Canvass people from the voter file or any...

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26 Jan’ 2022

Ten design tips for persuasive storytelling. BECOME A POLL WORKER case study.

Our democracy depends on ordinary people who make sure elections run smoothly and everyone's vote is counted. Make sure we have safe, fair, and efficient elections...

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15 Jan’ 2022

Political extremism spreads like cancer. Watch for these symptoms warns Lincoln Project advisor.

Political extremism spreads like cancer on democracy. A few malignant cells infect others till the body dies. Watch for these symptoms. Trygve Olson has trained thousands...

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13 Jan’ 2022

Geotarget voters, direct their outrage, and build contact lists the easy way.

New apps make it easier for voters to get the facts and hold their politicians accountable. Voters struggle to quickly find their political rep and complain...

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9 Jan’ 2022

Fight rural voter suppression with better canvassing technology

Republicans make it harder for rural communities and tribal lands to vote. Canvass smarter with innovative apps to increase voter participation. Republicans exploit rural communities' remoteness,...

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1 Jan’ 2022

Geotarget with free Redistricting Data Hubs maps

Geotarget canvassing campaigns with data rich maps for better results. Redistricting Data Hub is a wonderful, free resource for non-partisan maps and data that can be...

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22 Dec’ 2021

Grassroots canvassing innovations increase voter participation

Democracy works best when everyone's voice is heard - not just a loud minority. How can grassroots groups locate unregistered voters to increase voter participation? How...

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5 Dec’ 2021

How to geo-target women denied control over their bodies to vote

Women denied control over their own bodies and forced by Republicans to have babies even if they are raped, have a strong reason to vote. How...

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28 Nov’ 2021

Organizing? First build trust by sharing your story.

Cesar Chavez organizes farm workers Good organizers build trust before asking others for their support. How? Personal storytelling. Organizers share their own personal stories to quickly...

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3 Nov’ 2021

Canvas better with smarter software

Canvas better with business software that does more and costs less. Canvassing is vital to register more voters and mobilize supporters. Think beyond the voter file...

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9 Sep’ 2021

Improvise solutions with design thinking

Floods and power blackouts in the middle of a pandemic. That's Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Every disaster is unique and demands its own...

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1 Aug’ 2021

Wanted: Unregistered Voters

Use data analytics and behavioral targeting to find unregistered voters. It's easier and cheaper than you think. VoterPAC aims to register, rally, and empower the rising...

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23 Jul’ 2021

A better way to find and canvas unregistered voters

Find potentially unregistered voters - faster, easier and with less money using better technology and new data sources. Registering every eligible voter is critical with the...

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19 Jul’ 2021

Reaching the politically invisible voter

Millions of Americans entitled to vote aren't in the Voter File. They're invisible to most campaigns. Voter files collect voter registration information (which is a matter...

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16 Jul’ 2021

Indivisible Michigan fights Republican voter suppression with relational organizing

'Michigan GOP plans “shocking” scheme to ram through voting restrictions' - Salon "Republicans state legislators in Michigan have already introduced 39 bills that restrict citizens’ voting...

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14 Jul’ 2021

How the Florida Key Dems located eight thousand unregistered voters

"Seek and ye shall find" - Mathew 7:7 Philip Dodderidge is the Vice-Chair Florida Keys Democrats and searching for unregistered voters in the Florida Keys. He...

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23 Jun’ 2021

Speak truth to power, but first practice your lines.

There are few chances to speak truth to power. Make the most of them. Help your supporters make the most of their turn in the spotlight...

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13 Jun’ 2021

Build opt-in contact lists & conduct surveys with free mobile coupon offers

Image credit: Jack In The Box mobile coupon offering Businesses use mobile coupons to attract customers and build opt-in contact lists. The same technique works for...

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30 Apr’ 2021

Find unregistered voters with precision mapping

Fight voter suppression by leaving no eligible voter behind with easy-to-use precision mapping apps. Find areas likely to have unregistered voters with the same precision mapping...

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22 Apr’ 2021

Make a bigger impact on Zoom with a good background and free on-screen teleprompter

Make a bigger impact on Zoom with a background to reinforce your message and a free teleprompter to stay on script. Have an important message to...

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31 Mar’ 2021

Canvassing for H.R. 1 over Facetime

How do you bring the personal appeal of in-person canvassing online? How can volunteers be more persuasive with a good script? Use FaceTime with an onscreen...

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24 Mar’ 2021

The ultimate voter registration machine

How can remote, under-served communities get reliable information? How can advocacy groups promote voter registration and COVID vaccinations? And build opt-in contact lists at the same...

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16 Mar’ 2021

Paid fellowships bring innovation to grassroots groups

How can grassroots groups learn about new ways to have a bigger impact with less money? How can college students find paid internships, learn new skills...

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3 Mar’ 2021

When they go low with more voting restrictions, we expand free internet access so no voter is left behind

As Republicans introduce new Jim Crow style voting restrictions, it's vital to empower more eligible citizens to vote. Free internet access enables more people to learn...

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15 Feb’ 2021

Listen to the experts. Subscribe to the Digital Politics Podcast.

Listen to weekly Digital Politics podcasts to stay abreast of innovations in political technology. Karen Jagoda has hosted the weekly Digital Politics Podcast since 2007. The podcast features...

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7 Feb’ 2021

Want to make your vote count? Learn how to draw redistricting maps.

All votes are equal. Some are just more equal than others. It all depends on how voting districts are drawn. And that's how some politicians get...

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18 Jan’ 2021

Trying to reach more people? Use non-political headlines.

What gets read? What gets skipped? It all starts with the headline. How do you get your message read by more people across the political spectrum?...

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7 Dec’ 2020

Zoom performance anxiety? Follow these expert tips.

Perform better on Zoom with these expert tips. - How to prepare your script- Body Language- Using a teleprompter- Directing your attendees to take an action-...

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2 Dec’ 2020

How to spot BS being used to manipulate public opinion

Disinformation often comes as Bullshit (BS) packaged to trick readers with impressive language, graphics and bogus logic. Spot and push back with tips from Calling Bullshit. How...

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25 Nov’ 2020

Create online training with free, easy-to-use apps

Remote learning is urgently needed but creating training courses the traditional way is slow and expensive. How does a group with little money and few technical...

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14 Nov’ 2020

Hit the road to mobilize rural Black voters in Georgia

Rural voters decide many elections. Organizers have to deal with remote communities, poor roads and sparse internet coverage to organize and mobilize them to vote. Reclaim...

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28 Oct’ 2020

Keep ’em honest. Photograph publicly displayed poll tapes of the vote count.

"Photograph poll tapes at the polling place on election night and check the vote totals against the official vote totals to catch erroneous election results." - Scrutineers...

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26 Oct’ 2020

Don’t even think about intimidating voters. State laws and penalties.

Federal law prohibits voter intimidation. The right of each voter to cast his or her ballot free from intimidation or coercion is the foundation of a...

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3 Oct’ 2020

Take a bite out of vote counting crime: Track the poll tapes!

Image credit: DFS "POLL TAPES are printed vote results from voting machines that are transferred to a central tabulator. This process can be used to manipulate...

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9 Sep’ 2020

Trying to connect with ethnic minority voters? Find the right influencer with this free app.

Work with influencers trusted by a community in your outreach to minority groups. Ethnic Media Services promotes cross cultural communications through their network hundreds of journalists,...

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1 Sep’ 2020

Train protesters to better ‘frame’ issues to cut through the lies and control the narrative.

"While this literal battle rages—with tear gassing militias on one side and kneeling protestors on the other—the rhetorical one does as well." - Race Class Narrative...

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31 Aug’ 2020

Expert tips on writing text messages that get attention

Peer-to-peer texting offers a personalized way to connect with voters. Texting campaigns costs much less than other forms of outreach. They get a higher read and response...

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19 Aug’ 2020

Save money. Do good. Crowdsource texting campaigns to low income American workers.

Campaigns save money with crowdsourced texting and help low-income American workers at the same time. A win-win solution. What is crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing matches online workers with...

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6 Aug’ 2020

Do voters even care about that issue? There’s a way to find out.

More than 60 Green Berets pay their respects to the first U.S. soldier killed by hostile fire in Afghanistan. What issues do veterans prioritize? "Russia Secretly...

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25 Jul’ 2020

Republicans just don’t care. How to map the millions of families they’re about to make homeless during a pandemic.

Republican senators are blocking unemployment benefits for millions of Americans devastated by the Coronavirus. This will make millions of Americans homeless and cause more deaths. How...

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18 Jul’ 2020

Social media analysis of reaction to masked Federal agents abducting Portland protestors

"Federal agents dressed in camouflage and tactical gear have taken to the streets of Portland, unleashing tear gas, bloodying protesters and pulling some people into unmarked...

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4 Jul’ 2020

¡Yo hablo español, 中文 and हिन्दी too!

One in five American speaks a language other than English at home. CIS 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. DigiDayThe message is clear: caption...

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2 Jul’ 2020

Mapping the protests across America

Preview(opens in a new tab) Protests sweep the nation, but it's hard to fully appreciate the hunger for change. Where are protests occurring? What are their...

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1 Jul’ 2020

David vs Goliath in Kalamazoo

Necessity is the mother of invention. A team of Kalamazoo candidates innovate to overcome their lack of resources. BackgroundThe candidates have little funding and few technical...

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21 Jun’ 2020

Scan this to recruit volunteers

How to recruit supporters during a pandemic: Recruiting supporters at an event is hard. Lot's of people, activity and little time. How can it be done...

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20 Jun’ 2020

Four innovations to get out the vote in Virginia

Reclaim Our Vote (ROV), a grassroots group in Virginia is innovating to get-out-the-vote (GOTV) in Virginia's primary election. Its volunteers will text 32,000 voters in three...

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18 Jun’ 2020

Voting. Georgia Style.

Georgia is truly special. Hours long lines to vote. Missing vote by mail ballots. $110 million spent on new voting machines. What gives? When in doubt,...

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15 Jun’ 2020

Use Petitions To Harness Outrage And Build Contact Lists With Free New App

Harness the outrage through targeted petitions and also build lists of supporters. Petition drives work, but the pandemic has forced organizing online which demands innovation. Existing...

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12 Jun’ 2020

Nationwide Map Of Police Brutality Created From Tweets

Source: Twitter Police officers trample peaceful protestors in Houston. Police push 75 year old man to the ground and leave him bleeding in Buffalo. How can these...

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9 Jun’ 2020

Three Free Safety Apps For Protestors

Police violence and digital surveillance shouldn't be used to intimidate peaceful protestors. These free apps protect protestors exercising their First Amendment right to "assemble peaceably and...

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8 Jun’ 2020

More Police, Doctors Or Teachers?

Police budgets explode and prisons fill up. Coronavirus care and schools suffers. Voter suppression in black communities increases. How are the three connected? Tax payer dollars...

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7 Jun’ 2020

Convert Protestors Into Voters With Geofenced Ad Campaigns

[caption id="attachment_2449" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Protesters teargassed as police disperse them near the White House. ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP[/caption] Protesting is good, but voting is even better. How do...

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3 Jun’ 2020

NAACP Volunteers Use ‘Smart’ Texts To Reduce Lines At Georgia Voting Centers

Voters braving a pandemic, shouldn't have to struggle to find their closest polling location. It's easy for Georgia voters to get confused, and many end up not...

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31 May’ 2020

How To Track Twitter Trolls Promoting Racial Discord

How do trolls promote racial strife and violence on social media?  "Outsiders, extremists are among those fomenting violence in Twin Cities" - MPR. "The goal is to attack...

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21 May’ 2020

Organize Workers Forced To Re-Enter COVID-19 Infected Facilities

Workers pressured back to work in dangerous conditions have a tough choice: their paycheck or their lives? How can they organize for safe working conditions and fair wages in such a...

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14 May’ 2020

Speak To Voters In Their Language

Asian American voters are the margin of victory in many key races. Make sure you message reaches the. Translate & caption your videos. In this blog you'll...

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11 May’ 2020

Geotargeted Campaigns Mobilize Voters Struggling With The Coronavirus

Use geotargeting to reach those struggling with the Coronavirus. Geotargeting uses data collected from mobile apps to precisely target messages based on people's activities and movements. For instance, patients visiting a hospital...

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6 May’ 2020

Who Lives? Who Dies?

Why do some black counties in Georgia have 20 times as many deaths as nearby white counties? What impact does voter suppression have on the healthcare provide to African...

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27 Apr’ 2020

Conduct Polls In A Pandemic? Use Chatbots.

Collecting accurate, timely information in a pandemic needs innovation. Mothers Of Hope uses chatbots to collect information from Kalamazoo residents about their Coronavirus care and census participation. The group encourages community members...

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12 Apr’ 2020

Organize Gig Workers Digitally In A Pandemic

The pandemic has devastated gig workers. No unemployment insurance. No health insurance. Unsafe working conditions. How can gig workers organize to demand their rights when they...

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6 Apr’ 2020

Statewide Michigan Indivisible Rapid Response To GOP Demand That Jeopardizes Lawmaker’s Lives

Michigan Republicans insist legislators vote in-person in the middle of a pandemic! "The vote will come a day after it was announced that State Rep. Karen...

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17 Mar’ 2020

Coronavirus Guide. Mobile Training Delivered By Voice And Text.

Coronavirus safety training now available freely by phone. How can safety recommendations be shared with hard-to-contact groups in the middle of a pandemic? Technology designed to...

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10 Mar’ 2020

Bots Push To Overturn Roe V Wade Decision

Image adapted from Handmaid's Tale & Terminator Protests rage as the Supreme Court reviews  a case that could could 'render protections by Roe v Wade meaningless'. How are...

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5 Jan’ 2020

Podcast Training Retreat For Women Changemakers

[caption id="" align="aligncenter"] Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash[/caption]   Millions listen to podcasts but not enough are hosted and produced by women. How can we fix this?...

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30 Nov’ 2019

Five Free Online Training Platforms To Training Volunteers And Organizers.

How do you train volunteers and staff the skills to be better activists and organizers? Especially when a range of skills have to be taught from...

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10 Nov’ 2019

The Beginner’s Guide To Running A Low-Budget, Geo-Targeted Political Ad Campaign.

Reach voters on their phones even if you don't have their phone numbers with geo-targeting. Tips on running a smart, frugal campaign. Background "Bhuwan Pyakurel is running...

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6 Nov’ 2019

Online Training For Activists On How To Frame Issues To Build Support.

How do you get someone with very different beliefs to support your cause? Frame the discussion to align with their existing beliefs. Framing is an effective...

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25 Oct’ 2019

The Iowa Caucuses: Analyzing What, Where And When The Candidates Doing?

Campaigns have to make the most of limited time, money and staff. What events should be held? Where? When? What are the other campaigns doing? Software...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Persuasion To Go. Voting Rights Group Uses Billboards To Get Out The Vote In North Carolina.

Billboards work. They're persuasive and cost effective. Here's how Center For Common Ground used billboards in North Carolina-3 to increase voter turnout in the recent special election. Results Cost of billboard...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Lessons From Black Voters Matter Geofenced Get-Out-The-Vote Mobile Ad Campaign In NC.

Geofenced mobile ads reach more people with better precision for less. Black Voters Matter campaign in North Carolina's special election put the approach to good use. African American voters are important voting...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Grassroots Group Harnesses Consumer Spending To Local Businesses Supporting The Community.

Money talks. And it walks. Every purchase is a vote of support for that business. A consumer boycott is a vote against firms that live off the community but give back little in...

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24 Sep’ 2019

Multimedia App Explains Money At Play In Blocking Gun Control Reform.

Short TV segments don't explain complex issues well. How can sustained public support for gun control be built, when mass shootings are soon forgotten and politicians obfuscate? It's not...

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16 Sep’ 2019

New Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered App, Coaches You To Become A Better Public Speaker.

A very few of us are naturally, gifted public speakers. The rest of us need to practice. Technology can now coach activists, organizers and candidates to become better...

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28 Aug’ 2019

How To Enrich The Voter File With Other Data Sources For Better Results.

Use the best tool(s) available. It's no different in campaigns. Enrich the Voter File with other data sources for better results. Smarter targeting and  canvassing. Better results in fund raising and finding unregistered voters....

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12 Aug’ 2019

Group Mounts Social Media Video Campaign To Block Redevelopment Of African-American Community.

Make the Road Nevada is fighting in solidarity with Windsor Park residents as the City of North Las Vegas is proposing to sell 80% of the land of...

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12 Aug’ 2019

Mobilizing Citizens To Prevent Cuts To The Food Stamp Program. Technology For A Rapid Response.

The Trump administration is planning to cut the Food Stamp program. This would eliminate SNAP benefits for 3.1 million individuals and take free school meals away from the children in...

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17 Jul’ 2019

Western Native Voice Uses Free App To Organize Native American Communities.

Organizing Native American communities is challenging. Tribal lands span hundreds of square miles often without internet or cell coverage. Community members often use mailboxes instead of a street address which...

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17 Jul’ 2019

Think Outside The (Mail)Box. Virginia Candidate Uses Voter File For Targeted Mobile Ad Campaign.

People respond more to their phones than letters. It's time for campaigns to think outside the (mail)box. An insurgent campaign in Virginia is innovating to try to unseat the incumbent...

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15 Jul’ 2019

New Map Highlights ‘Hard To Count’ Communities That May Be Left Out Of The Census.

The 2020 census will be different. It's counting on more people to complete census questionnaires online to reduce the need for field workers. This hurts communities without dependable internet access,...

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9 Jul’ 2019

Free canvassing app for voter registration & census turnout – works without internet access.

Many rural communities suffer from a lack of connectivity. It's harder to stay informed, benefit from online services, locate polling locations, vote and take part in the census. Organizers struggle to reach...

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29 May’ 2019

Recording a video to shine a light on injustice? Do it right for maximum impact with these expert tips.

[caption id="attachment_1345" align="aligncenter" width="760"] Photo of Leisha Evans taken by Jonathan Bachman for Reuters from Wikipedia[/caption] A powerful image can tell a full story without a single word. Organizers, however, often...

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10 May’ 2019

Virginia Candidates Create Issue-Specific Campaign Videos With Free, Innovative App.

"There is an 80% increase in the time spent on watching videos ... 45% of the people surveyed in North America said they expect to watch even more videos on...

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6 May’ 2019

Target ads with geographic info on people’s movements and the places they’ve visited.

Farmers use digital tags to monitor their livestock. Advertisers have it easier. People voluntarily carry tags that constantly report their position and activity: mobile phones. Geomarketing Personal...

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3 May’ 2019

Up your game with this library of free campaigning and organizing ‘how to’ guides.

Grassroots organizing changes constantly with new tactics and apps. How can the lessons learned on one campaign be quickly shared with other progressive groups? Blueprints for Change converts know-how from campaign organiziners into free...

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29 Apr’ 2019

They only listen to their own voters. Use geocoding to mobilize better and focus supporters’ energy.

Elected officials only listen to their own voters. So it's essential for campaigns need to direct their supporters to lobby the right official. How can this be done with shifting...

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2 Apr’ 2019

Let Voters Tell You Directly What They Care About With Real-Time Crowdsourcing.

Sean Frame is running for Congress in CA-4 against a well funded incumbent. He's trying a new way to engage voters and raise funds. He is asking...

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1 Apr’ 2019

Midwest Academy Online strategic campaign training for Organizers.

The Midwest Academy has trained over 25,000 grassroots activists. Heather Booth founded the Academy in 1973 to train leaders fighting for social, economic and racial justice. It has played a...

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19 Mar’ 2019

Two Free Mapping Apps To Better Target Campaigns

Winning campaigns want to focus their resources and efforts to maximize impact. The challenge is where to focus for the most votes and what issues to emphasize?...

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5 Mar’ 2019

How To Find And Mobilize Voters With Geo-Fenced Mobile Ads

Where and when someone goes reveals a lot about them. Savvy marketers use these clues to target their ads. Mobile apps report their user's location so they can get a...

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18 Feb’ 2019

Enough of old, male and pale. Let’s train more campaign staff of color.

[caption id="attachment_1113" align="aligncenter" width="394"] Genny Castillo & Ashley Robinson - Co-founders, The BLUE Institute.[/caption] “Lack of minority staffers threatens to hobble 2020 Democrats. If you don't...

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31 Jan’ 2019

8 Highly Effective Training Resources for Organizers

[caption id="attachment_1086" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash[/caption] "Change requires more than righteous anger. It requires a program and organizing, which is the only way to...

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10 Jan’ 2019

2020 Census: Let’s count everyone.

Who do you trust for advice? Probably someone you already know who shares your values and concerns. How can such trust encourage more people to take part...

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8 Jan’ 2019

A smart way to find addresses of people to persuade.

Ready. Aim. Fire. Accurate targeting matters. That's why businesses spend billions for the best data to target their outreach. It's the same with campaigns: data quality will determine...

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21 Dec’ 2018

Free resource to locate potential swing voters (and more)

Finding swing voters is hard. Locating people with specific traits, has typically required money, time and technical skills - putting it out of the reach of...

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17 Dec’ 2018

Speaking truth to power – Through digital storytelling.

Powerful corporations hire marketing experts and lobbyists to push their agenda. How does a small community group get the truth heard in such an uneven fight? Here is an...

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16 Oct’ 2018

See something. Say something. Especially at polling centers.

"See something - Say something". We see this at airports and on public transportation. So why not do the same while we are trying to vote?...

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5 Sep’ 2018

Micro-targeting made simple

"GoFundMe raises thousands to place billboard of Trump's anti-Cruz tweet in Texas". Where exactly should you place a billboard to reach the people you want to target? Companies...

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30 Jul’ 2018

Where’s my prescription?

"An Arizona women was suffering a miscarriage and her pharmacist refused to fill her prescription because he decided that his beliefs were more important than what she and...

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5 Jul’ 2018

Join The Search Party For Fifty Million Unregistered Voters

There are FIFTY million unregistered voters in America! The number of voters is being threatened with voter roll purges and restrictive voter ID policies. Every single...

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1 Jun’ 2018

Is your Voter ID acceptable?

11% of voting-age U.S. citizens don't have a current government-issued photo ID. That's roughly 25 million voters in 34 states who don't have an acceptable Voter...

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23 May’ 2018

It All Starts With Training

Training new campaign volunteers is hard. They're often remote, pressed for time and difficult to schedule. Online learning platforms are affordable and offer training on demand. Campaigns struggle to train volunteers as in-person training can't...

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17 May’ 2018

Knock. Knock. Who’s there?

FedEx does it. Uber does it - optimize delivery routes with better software.How can campaigns up their game so canvassers spend less time walking and more time talking with people? The...

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13 Oct’ 2017

Is Open Source the Transformative Solution for Activism?

Organizing public rallies really is rocket science. A successful launch needs careful planning and good software. Especially when highly vocal users are involved! How well does...

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5 Oct’ 2017

Resisting? Running for office? Get trained online, you will.

Darkness is in the air. The Rebel Alliance is hopelessly outmatched. The Empire terrorizes the galaxy. The rebels train to fight back. The ‘force’ is with...

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4 Oct’ 2017

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised – It’ll be Computerized

Imagine that you have millions of supporters eager to help your cause. You only have a few weeks to get organized and hardly any existing systems...

Zoom Teleprompter for all professions, from performers to prayer leaders

All events have one thing in common these days, they take place online. Virtual meetings are the new normal, no matter the profession, and our free...